Extra’s Magic Chapter 207 Fourth Floor

Chapter 207 Fourth Floor



Groaning, I slowly lifted my body off the ground.

As I regained consciousness, I felt my entire being surrounded by an eerie silence.

Although I was still in the ballroom, all the guests and even the Demon was dead.

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"It actually hurts..."

Muttering under my breath, I flexed my fingers, feeling the sensation as if someone was ripping my muscles apart.

Whatever invaded my body, had left me weak and battered.

"Was that a Demon?"

Muttering to myself, I lifted my hand and touched the top of my head where the black horns sprouted previously, feeling nothing but hair.

I also reached for my back, trying to find any trace of massive bat-like wings that used to protrude from my body but all I felt was smooth skin.


Sighing heavily, I pushed aside these thoughts and went toward the Demon’s body.

Using my Authority, a longsword materialized in my hand.

However, before I could begin to butcher the Demon and retrieve his dark core, he turned into ashes, leaving behind a Dark Core.

I quickly grabbed it and pocketed it in my Spatial Ring.

After that, I also found an azure crystal within the Demon’s remains, emitting an ethereal glow.

Without hesitation, I quickly reached out toward it, touching it and feeling a surge of energy coursing through my body.


I was teleported to the fourth floor of the Spire.

As I materialized on the fourth floor of the Spire, I found myself standing within a massive Shadow Dome, a mysterious and ominous sphere of darkness that spanned over a hundred kilometers wide. The eerie silence that had enveloped me in the ballroom seemed to have followed me here, intensifying the sense of isolation in this foreboding place.

The Shadow Dome itself was a sight to behold, a suffocating shroud of darkness that twisted and undulated as if it had a life of its own. It was an unsettling spectacle, a reminder of the dark forces at play within the Spire.

I took a moment to collect my thoughts and assess my surroundings. This new level of the Spire was unlike anything I had encountered before. The air was heavy with an oppressive aura, and the very ground beneath my feet seemed to pulse with an unnatural energy.


Before I could fully process my situation, without a moment’s notice, a horde of strange dark creatures dashed toward me. Their elongated limbs ended in claws covered with ominous shadows, and their eyes glowed with an unsettling malevolence. It was clear that these creatures were not to be taken lightly.

Instinctively, I summoned my Longsword, the weapon materializing in my hand with a shimmer of ethereal energy. With a quick, practiced motion, I raised the sword to deflect the claws of the first creature that lunged at me.

The clash between my Longsword and the first creature’s claw sent sparks of ethereal energy scattering into the oppressive darkness of the Shadow Dome. The creature hissed, its inky-black skin shimmering as if it were made of liquid night. I could feel the unnatural strength behind its attack, a testament to the dark powers that dwelled within the Spire.

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With a quick, fluid motion, I countered the creature’s assault, parrying its claw and delivering a precise strike with my Longsword. The blade sliced through the creature’s shadowy form, and it let out a blood-curdling screech before dissolving into a cloud of dark mist.

But there was no time to revel in the victory. More of these eerie beings closed in on me, their glowing eyes fixated on my every move. Each clash of blades sent shockwaves through the eerie silence, and I could feel the weight of the Spire’s malevolence pressing down on me.

My movements became a dance of precision and power. I weaved through the attacks of the shadowy creatures, my Longsword cutting through their forms with deadly accuracy. The ethereal energy that emanated from the weapon seemed to resonate with the darkness of the Shadow Dome, making each strike even more potent.

As the horde of shadowy creatures closed in on me, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of determination mixed with a tinge of fear. These beings were unlike anything I had encountered before, and the oppressive aura of the Shadow Dome only added to the challenge.

With a swift, fluid motion, I lunged at the nearest creature, my Longsword leading the way. The blade sliced through the darkness, cutting a clean arc through the creature’s torso. Its body fragmented into shadowy tendrils, dissipating into the eerie mist that hung in the air.

But there was no respite, for another creature leaped at me from the side, its claws aimed for my throat. I pivoted on my heel, narrowly avoiding the attack and countering with a powerful slash. My Longsword met its target, slicing through the creature’s arm with an otherworldly resonance. It shrieked in agony, but there was no mercy to be found here.

As I fought, I couldn’t help but marvel at the precision and power of the Longsword. It was as if the weapon itself was attuned to the malevolent forces of the Spire, amplifying my every strike. Each clash sent shockwaves through the oppressive darkness, creating flashes of ethereal energy that illuminated the battlefield.

A trio of creatures advanced on me, moving with an unnatural grace. I knew I couldn’t afford to let them surround me, so I executed a graceful spin, my Longsword cutting through the air like a deadly crescent. The blade struck true, cleaving through two of the creatures in a single stroke. They disintegrated into dark mist, leaving only one remaining.

The lone creature lunged at me with renewed ferocity, its claws extended like daggers. I met its attack head-on, blocking its claws with the flat of my blade. The force of the collision sent a shockwave through my arm, but I held my ground. With a surge of strength, I pushed the creature back, creating an opening.

Seizing the opportunity, I lunged forward, my Longsword piercing through the creature’s chest. It let out a final, guttural scream before dissipating into the malevolent mist. The eerie silence returned, broken only by the sound of my heavy breaths.

But there was no time to rest. More of the shadowy creatures continued to emerge from the darkness, their glowing eyes filled with malice. I knew I had to keep moving, keep fighting, for I was now a part of this relentless battle within the heart of the Spire.

With a sense of grim determination, I pressed forward into the heart of the encroaching shadowy horde. The eerie silence was shattered by the sound of clashing steel and the unearthly cries of the creatures. My heart raced as I fought on, the adrenaline coursing through my veins, fueling my every move.

The creatures seemed relentless, their claws striking with blinding speed. I spun, ducked, and parried, each movement a dance of survival. My Longsword became an extension of myself, a beacon of light in the suffocating darkness. Its ethereal blade cleaved through the creatures with an otherworldly resonance, each strike sending dark blood spraying into the air.


One particularly large creature, its form twisted and grotesque, lunged at me with a roar that reverberated through the Shadow Dome. Its claws were like wicked scythes, dripping with dark blood. I met its attack head-on, my Longsword intercepting its deadly strike. The force of the collision sent shockwaves through my body, and for a moment, I felt the weight of the Spire’s malevolence bearing down on me.

But I couldn’t afford to falter. With a surge of strength, I pushed back against the creature, driving it back a step. It hissed in frustration, its glowing eyes filled with a malevolent fury.

I seized the opportunity and struck, my Longsword slicing through the air in a deadly arc.


The blade found its mark, cleaving through the creature’s chest with a sickening squelch. Dark blood spurted from the wound, pooling around its feet as it let out a final, agonized cry. With a final, convulsive shudder, it disintegrated into a cloud of shadowy mist.

The battle raged on, the eerie silence broken only by the sounds of combat. I moved with precision and grace, my Longsword a blur of ethereal energy. The creatures continued to fall before me, their forms disintegrating into dark mist as I struck them down.

As the battle continued, I couldn’t help but notice the way the dark blood pooled in the area. It seemed almost sentient as if it were a part of the Spire itself. The thought sent a shiver down my spine, but I pushed it aside, focusing on the task at hand.


In the end, the last creature fell and I stood amidst the remnants of the gruesome battle, my breath ragged and adrenaline still coursing through my veins.

On the fourth floor of the Spire, there was more than a single opponent.

It was a battle royale.

I had to kill all the creatures within the Dome if I wanted to proceed.

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