Extra’s Magic Chapter 225 Tense Dinner

Chapter 225 Tense Dinner

Tap... Tap...

Walking through the city, I kept glancing around to take in the previously unseen details of the hidden metropolis.

Even when playing the game, I had never been to this part of the city before.

I tried to make a mental map of this newfound part of the city, carefully placing it in my Memory Palace.

Katarina also kept quiet throughout the walk, her eyes throwing periodic glances at me.

I could tell she was scanning, observing me, however, I tried to focus on mapping out the city in my mind.

She was only observing and it didn’t bother me that much anyway.

Well, I did feel repulsion since my strange fear of women was still there.

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However, one thing I did notice was that after the meeting with the Demon residing somewhere in my body, I could tolerate being in such proximity much easier.


Musing to myself, I matched Katarina’s footsteps.

The rhythmic tap of our footsteps echoed as we navigated the labyrinthine streets. Katarina’s stride was purposeful, leading me through alleyways and hidden corners that I hadn’t noticed before. It felt like a clandestine journey into the heart of the unknown.

As we turned a corner, the neon sign of a quaint restaurant flickered into view. Katarina, without uttering a word, tugged gently at my sleeve, directing me towards the entrance. The aroma of various cuisines wafted through the air, inviting us in.

I hesitated for a moment, unsure if I should voice any objection, but found no reason to resist. My unspoken fear of women lingered, but it was overshadowed by an odd sense of acceptance, thanks to the enigmatic encounter with the inner demon.

The restaurant’s interior was dimly lit, creating an intimate ambiance that made me acutely aware of Katarina’s presence. She gracefully led us to a secluded table, surrounded by an almost tangible silence. The atmosphere hung heavy with unspoken words.

A waitress appeared, her polite smile contrasting with the subdued surroundings.

"Good evening. May I take your orders?"

She inquired, her pen poised over the notepad.

I glanced at the menu, its contents suddenly appearing foreign despite the familiar dishes. Katarina ordered with ease, her choices reflecting a refined taste. When the attention shifted to me, I stammered through a selection, hoping it made sense.

The waitress nodded and left, leaving us in a quiet bubble of awkwardness. Katarina’s eyes continued their periodic glances as if deciphering the mysteries behind my expressions.

The tension at the table was palpable, an unspoken dialogue lingering in the air.

I fidgeted with the utensils, my gaze darting around the restaurant as if seeking an escape. The newfound part of the city, now etched in my mind, seemed more comforting than the uncertainty that hung between us.

With each passing moment, the quietude deepened, creating a space where the weight of unspoken thoughts pressed upon us. I tried to break the silence, but words eluded me, lost in the maze of my own hesitations.

Katarina, seemingly unperturbed, sipped her drink, her eyes never leaving my figure.

’This is awkward...’

Clenching my fists under the table I sighed.

I enjoyed silence but in this context, it felt suffocating.

"So... how was your break?"

Luckily, Katarina finally broke the silence, defrosting the air between us.

Although relieved by her verbal initiation, the question still felt like a delicate thread hanging in the silence.

I couldn’t tell her the truth.

Even if I did, I would probably be instantly arrested for knowing too much.


Taking a sip of water, I thought for a second.

"It was good, I fought a few Orcs and explored the nearby forest..."

I spoke confidently, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.

We met just before the break and I told her I was going on a small adventure, so I had to maintain the facade.

"One of those monsters managed to catch me off guard but luckily, I had a health potion to save me."

I began to narrate a story of one of the runs I’ve had in the game.

I included as many details as possible to make it believable.

"...So overall it was great!"

Ending my story with a smile, I glanced at Katarina who was also smiling at my tale.

However, her emerald eyes betrayed a glimmer of skepticism.

She didn’t buy it.

"How was your break?"

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Pushing down the nervousness, I asked, trying to steer the conversation off me.

I also had my doubts about Katarina.

She was too strong.

Her character was different from the one in the game.

She seemed to mature.

A lot of things about her were amiss.

She was another unknown variable.

I had the right to be suspicious of her.

Even more, when she just invited me to her team. Specifically, because I didn’t believe it was because of my place in the Mid-term exams.

There were rankers above me and there was no way Katarina would choose me solely based on my exam scores.

Of course, she also said I was some kind of part of the puzzle but I don’t buy it either.

If anything, this seemed more like close proximity spying.

"Oh, my break was also good. I’ve spent most of my time with my mother, we had a small trip to a distant part of the kingdom, to spend some quality time with only mother and daughter."

Hearing her speak, I almost frowned.

She wasn’t wrong, she told the truth.

They, indeed, went to the corner of the kingdom, however, Katarina skipped a lot of small details.

Like finding a new Element.

Or her mother being a S Rank awakener and a high-rank officer.

"That does sound good!"

Forcing a smile, I replied.

I believe that at this point I’m becoming a professional liar.

The ambiance of the restaurant continued to hold us in its quiet embrace as our orders arrived. The plates were artfully arranged, a visual feast that almost made me forget the underlying tension. The aroma of the dishes filled the space, momentarily distracting us from the unspoken dynamics at play.

We both started to eat in silence, the clinking of utensils against plates punctuating the quiet conversation. The flavors danced on my tongue, a momentary respite from the intricate dance of words that lingered between us. Katarina’s occasional glances, though less probing, still hinted at an unspoken curiosity.

As the meal progressed, I couldn’t help but marvel at the complexity of the situation. The city, the dinner, Katarina - everything felt like a puzzle with missing pieces. My mind swirled with questions, but I resisted the urge to pry. The delicate balance of the evening seemed fragile enough without adding more uncertainty.

Towards the end of the dinner, as the plates were cleared away, I decided to take the initiative. I pulled out my card to settle the bill, recalling Katarina’s apparent fondness for wealth during our encounter in the Ice Dungeon.

However, as I reached for my wallet, I caught a subtle movement from Katarina. A fleeting glance towards her pocket, where I knew her wallet resided. It was an almost imperceptible gesture, a reflexive reach that spoke volumes.

In that moment, understanding washed over me like a revelation. Katarina wasn’t as driven by greed as I had initially believed. Her actions in the Ice Dungeon, selling me information for a price, seemed to be a calculated act rather than an expression of personal desire for wealth.

’She created a bait... a fake weakness.’

She had her own motives, her own game being played in the shadows.

Maintaining a poker face, I continued with the motion of paying the bill, showing no reaction to the subtle revelation. It was as if I hadn’t noticed her instinctive reach for her wallet. Perhaps it was a test, a way for her to gauge my reactions, to see if I was as perceptive as she thought.

As the transaction was completed, the waiter nodded appreciatively, and I subtly shifted the conversation to safer ground. Katarina, for her part, seemed content to let the evening unfold without delving too deeply into the intricacies of our unspoken alliance.

After some time, we found ourselves back at the Academy grounds and parted ways.

Tap... Tap...

Walking along the cobblestone path, my mind replayed the evening’s events.

"Interesting and dangerous..."

I muttered under my breath.

Katarina could become either a good ally or a formidable adversary.

I wasn’t yet sure whether she would be a chess piece who would help humanity win the war against the Demons or would become a pawn of the enemy, manipulating situations to fulfill her own hidden agenda.

She was suspicious, very suspicious.

Her emerald eyes seemed too wise for a normal 16-year-old, and her gestures held a calculated precision that belied her age.

"Is she also a reincarnation?"

Looking at the stars in the night sky I sighed.

Although I wanted to believe I wasn’t the only person in this world that reincarnated, it was unlikely that there would be more.

"I need some rest..."

Stumbling toward my room, I fell into my bed and instantly succumbed to the deep slumber that awaited me.

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