Extra’s Magic Chapter 80 Hunt

Eyeing the monstrous wolf, I hissed, feeling the warm trickle of blood flowing out of my right arm. Although I could handle the pain, my hand trembled, lacking the strength required to firmly grasp my Katana.

Nevertheless, amidst the chaos, my mind remained sharp. Every nerve in my body seemed to awaken, heightening my senses to a level beyond my Rank. Though the situation looked dire, I knew that all it would take was one swift and precise strike to end the ferocious creature’s life.


With a deep breath, I, firmly, yet tenderly, grasped the hilt of my Katana with both hands, feeling the cold metal sending a soothing shiver coursing through my fingertips.

My golden eyes bore into the fierce gaze of the wolf as if attempting to delve into the depths of its very soul.


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’Come on...’

I silently whispered under my breath, waiting for the monster to make its move.


The beast let out a deafening howl that pierced through my ears like shards of glass, causing me to momentarily lose my balance and step back.

I didn’t expect the monster to have such an attack, it was probably a skill.


With an astonishing display of power, the wolf sprang forward, its immense form propelled by its muscular hinge legs. Its razor-sharp claws were also extended, ready to tear me apart.

The speed of its attack was nothing short of breathtaking, yet within the depths of my intuition, I had already anticipated its every move.

Swiftly, I evaded its trajectory, sidestepping with agile grace, seamlessly blending evasion with a fluid motion.

In one seamless motion, as I gracefully evaded the wolf’s assault, my Katana swept through the air in a low, sweeping arch. The blade cut through the space with deadly precision, aimed at intercepting the beast’s vulnerable underbelly. The clash of steel against the air resonated with a harmonious song that echoed through the purple forest.


The monster let out a guttural growl as my blade made contact with its flesh, and its body trembled ever so slightly. The blade had caused severe damage, piercing through the wolf’s abdominal muscles and causing it to bleed profusely.

However, I knew this was not over, as the creature’s eyes still burned with an unquenched hunger for blood.


Blood still oozing from its wound, the wolf snarled and lunged towards me once again, with renewed vigor.

A Crimson aura surrounded the creature, enhancing its strength and speed. It seemed that the monster entered a berserker state, making it even more dangerous than before.

The Berserk state of a monster is often the last resort for survival when it senses that it is in danger, it’s more of a property than a skill because it is an inherent ability that comes with the creature’s natural instincts. Some monsters might have it and some don’t.


I blinked, but it was too late to react as the wolf’s claws grazed my cheek, leaving a deep wound that bled profusely.

Its uncanny speed caught me off guard, and I stumbled backward, momentarily dazed by the force of its attack.

Although the claws only grazed my cheek, it felt as if my whole face had been ripped apart.


I was starting to lose my composure and my mind raced, but I forced myself to calm down. If I were to lose focus, I would die!

Regaining my footing, I swiftly assessed the situation, searching for any advantage I could exploit. The wolf’s berserker state had undoubtedly amplified its strength and speed, making it an even more formidable opponent.

However, I knew that brute force alone couldn’t ensure victory. I needed to capitalize on my skills, agility, and the precision of my strikes.

With my katana still firmly in my grasp, I took a deep breath to steady my trembling hand. The pain in my arm served as a reminder of my limited physical abilities, but my willpower burned brighter than ever.

As the wolf prepared for another attack, muscles tensed and teeth bared, I decided to alter my strategy. Instead of solely focusing on evasion, I needed to counteract the creature’s relentless onslaught with a precise and calculated offense.

Anticipating the wolf’s movements, I took a step forward, meeting the beast head-on. With a swift motion, I redirected its charge, sidestepping at the last moment to avoid its jaws while aiming a swift strike at its flank.

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The wolf’s reflexes were impressive, but I knew the key to victory was exploiting its vulnerabilities. With a series of well-timed slashes and calculated feints, I aimed for the gaps in its defenses. Each strike sought to disable, to weaken, to incapacitate.

The clash of steel against fur filled the air once more, echoing through the dense forest. The beast fought back with tenacity, using its immense strength and agility to retaliate against my every move.

Yet, I refused to yield.

As the battle raged on, blood painted the forest floor, a testament to the fierce struggle between predator and prey. My movements became a blur of calculated strikes, parries, and evasions. Adrenaline coursed through my veins, heightening my senses and sharpening my focus.

With every exchange, I became more attuned to the monster’s patterns and reactions. I exploited its predictability, finding the perfect moments to strike while minimizing the risk of retaliation. The precision of my strikes became my greatest weapon.

As the battle intensified, the monstrous wolf grew more desperate, its hunger for blood fueling its ferocity. With a snarl that revealed its bloodstained fangs, the creature lunged forward, aiming to sink its jaws into my vulnerable neck.


Time seemed to slow as I narrowly evaded the wolf’s deadly assault, feeling the hot breath of the beast graze my skin. The rush of wind from its powerful jaws brushed against my ear, a chilling reminder of how close I had come to death.

Regaining my composure, I seized the opportunity to counterattack. With a swift and precise motion, I angled my blade downward, aiming for the exposed tendons on the wolf’s hind leg. The Katana sliced through flesh and sinew, eliciting a piercing howl of pain from the creature.


But the wolf was far from defeated.

Driven by a primal rage, it shook off the pain and retaliated with a vengeance. The beast lunged again, this time with a lightning-fast swipe of its massive paw. Its claws tore through the air, aiming directly for my chest, seeking to rend flesh and shatter bone. 𝐟𝐫eewe𝗯𝐧𝚘ve𝐥.c𝚘𝚖


Instinct took over as I deftly twisted my body, narrowly evading the wolf’s deadly claws. The sharp edges grazed my torso, leaving shallow gashes that stung with each labored breath.

Undeterred, I pressed on, determined to end this battle. My mind raced, searching for any weakness to exploit. The wolf’s heightened aggression had compromised its defenses, leaving openings I could exploit.

With a calculated move, I unleashed a flurry of quick strikes, aiming for the gaps between its gnashing jaws. I danced around the beast, delivering precise slashes to its legs and flank, evading its every attempt to bring me down.

However, the wolf had one final, desperate move left. With a cunning maneuver, it feigned retreat, luring me into a false sense of security.

As I moved forward to deliver a finishing blow, the wolf abruptly turned, its massive jaws snapping shut just inches from my face.


Time seemed to freeze as I felt the sharp, rancid breath of the beast against my skin. Its teeth grazed my cheek, tearing through flesh and drawing blood. Pain shot through my body, a searing reminder of the danger that lurked in every moment.

Summoning every ounce of strength, I swiftly pivoted, driving my Katana deep into the wolf’s neck. The blade sliced through muscle and sinew, severing its vital arteries with a sickening finality.


The monstrous wolf let out a guttural, gurgling growl, its eyes filled with a mixture of fury and resignation. Its strength waned as its lifeblood spilled onto the forest floor, staining the vibrant foliage with the mark of its defeat.

With a final shudder, the beast collapsed, its massive form surrendering to the earth. The once fearsome predator was now nothing more than a lifeless carcass, a testament to the struggle that had unfolded.

The forest fell silent, the only sound being the heavy panting of my breath, the adrenaline coursing through my veins gradually subsiding. I stood there, a solitary figure amidst the aftermath of the battle.


I felt the ground approaching and I plummeted to the dirt, hissing as my wounds touched the soil.

My entire body was weak, due to the serious blood loss and low Mana. I felt completely spent.

"I hate this dungeon..."

Muttering underneath my breath, I carefully picked up a Health Potion from my Spatial ring and quickly drank it.

As I felt my wounds starting to heal, I turned my face in the direction of the Spire.

I can’t, today I will fight that Demon and if I die, so be it. I was running low on health potions and without them I wouldn’t survive on this island.

This is do or die.

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