Femdom Island Chapter 148 Feralia Beast Queendom I

The Beast Queendom Feralia was a sprawling queendom that spanned across vast, untamed wildernesses and untold riches with the deep forest protecting it from other races. Queendom is always ruled by a powerful Queen and her council of advisors that were chosen after a great tournament which decided the fate of the races, as most of the beast people believed in strength rather than words and discussions.

There were few clans in this land that had the opportunity of ruling the land, but there were only seven main clans that actually had some power in this kingdom. In Feralia beast queendom, they always had the rules of the jungle, where the strong feed on the weak.

The Queendom was home to all manner of creatures, both great and small. At the heart of this kingdom lay the main hall, a grand, towering structure that served as the central hub for all things political, social, and cultural.

On this particular day, the main hall was abuzz with activity as five female beastkin races gathered together for an important meeting. Each race had its own unique appearance and characteristics, but they all shared a reverence for the Goddess just like every other race and a commitment to protecting the Queendom at all costs.

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Even though they had a lot of internal conflicts among each other races, none of them wanted to go against the current queen, because she is believed to be protected by the goddess, as she defeated her opponents fair and square in the tournament.

The first race to arrive was the wolfkin, their sleek, powerful bodies moving with a fluid grace as they entered the hall. With their keen senses and fierce loyalty, the wolfkin was valued members of the Queen’s guard with their offensive power rather than defence and often serving as scouts and trackers in times of war. The wolfkin often had wolf-like ears on their heads but, they looked a lot like humans with their only difference from the human being the tail and ears with sharp claws.

Next came the bearkin, their massive frames filling the room as they lumbered in. Known for their immense strength and endurance, the bear kin were often called upon to undertake the most challenging of physical tasks, from hauling heavy loads to engaging in hand-to-hand combat.

The foxkin arrived shortly after, their cunning minds and quick reflexes making them invaluable members of the Queen’s intelligence network. Masters of espionage and manipulation, the fox kin were often used to gather information and sway the opinions of key figures within the Queendom.

The Catkin followed, their sharp eyes and sharp claws with extra sensitive skin granting them a flashy view of the Queendom’s lands. Often employed as scouts and messengers or assassins, the Catkin were skilled navigators and had an uncanny ability to find their way even in the densest of forests or the most treacherous of mountain ranges and to avoid targets with their ability.

Finally, the main star of the council, the one who holds the current throne of the queendom and the race, which had the record of three generations holding the throne consecutively joined the meeting with a regal stride, her piercing gaze surveyed the assembled members with a mixture of pride and ferocity, her magnificent mane of golden hair framing her strikingly beautiful features. It was clear to all present that this queen was not to be trifled with, for she embodied the strength and majesty of her proud and powerful race.

As the five races gathered together in the main hall, the air was thick with tension and excitement. They had come together for an important purpose, one that would require all of their unique skills and talents to achieve. The Queen had called upon them to undertake a dangerous mission, one that would test their loyalty and their courage to the limit. But with the fate of the Queendom hanging in the balance, there was no room for hesitation or doubt. The five races stood united, ready to do whatever it takes to protect their home and their Queen.

"Where’s the representative of the tigerkin race?" Looking around with her fiery eyes, Leona questioned hoping this wasn’t something pity like refusing to support but, breaking her expectation wolfkin leader announced that her assumptions were true.

Leona, the queen of the Feralia queendom sighed with disappointment seeing one of the most important clans not participating in this meeting. Then she looked around to see other inferior races gathered and looking at the floor with submissive looks. There were races like sheepkin, rabbitkin, cowkin and many other racial resperstaives.

(A/N:- Most of these kins are from real-world animals but they might not possess animal-like behaviour like feeding on each other since they are intelligent, at the same time some behaviours can be seen that are common with the wild animal that they represent)

"What did I tell you? Didn’t I ask each and every one of you to sit down? I said under my control, I won’t treat any of the races like servants," With a stone-like expression on her face, Leona declared showing that although she was a benevolent queen, she was not a kind leader.

The atmosphere was tense as each of the races eyed each other warily, their natural instincts urging them to be cautious around potential threats and especially with their queen.

At the head of the table sat the Queen of the lionkin, Leona, her majestic form radiating a regal aura that commanded respect from all those in her presence.

"We have much to discuss," She said, her voice firm and commanding.

"First of all let me welcome each and every one of you to this rare council, We haven’t gathered like this in ears, so it makes me happy to see all of you in good health." Leona started the meeting with a greeting to which others also nodded their heads, confused about what caused them to gather like this.

The representative of the Wolfkin, Cynthia growled lowly in agreement, her sharp teeth gleaming in the dimly lit hall.

"We are happy to see you in good health Queen Leona," she said, her voice tinged with a hint of respect.

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"May I ask the reason for this gathering? Is it war?"

Hearing her words, everyone looked at Leona with interest and they felt anxious because, they have been struggling with reproduction problems and demons, so dealing with another problem felt like a big headache for them.

The representative of bearkin, Ruth nodded in agreement, her piercing gaze fixed on the others.

"Even if it’s a war what can we do?" She asked, her voice laced with concern.

"Queen Leona, if we can’t reproduce within the next year, I can definitely tell that our queendom will experience chaos."

Leona closed her eyes and listened to both of their concerns and smiled for the first time with a graceful look.

"I met her, I met one of them!" Her excited voice surprised everyone in the room, but noticing the looks, Leona quickly calmed down.

The representative of the foxking, Kitsune, who had been quiet up until this point, spoke up.

"Met who? An important person??" she asked, her voice soft but steady.

"This is the first time I saw you this excited, Queen Leona,"

The room fell silent as everyone pondered this question.

Finally, Leona spoke up. "I met a fairy yesterday," she said, her voice firm and resolute showing her words were not lies. But hearing her words, everyone gasped as this was the most absurd thing to say in a time like this when they are troubled with the goddess not giving them her blessings.

"I was startled when she first came to meet me, but now I understand why because we are the only people she can rely on as the goddess’s faithful believers,"

Leona muttered showing her faith wasn’t anything to be underestimated.

"This is unbelievable! So what did she say? For what purpose did she contact you, my queen?" It was none other than the representative of the catkin, Lucy, that brought up a question like that.

The other representatives nodded in agreement, their eyes gleaming with fierce determination and interest to know why a fairy came to meet their races. As they rose from their seats with excitement, they knew that the fate of their queendom rested in their hands and this request.

They knew would have to do whatever it took to protect their home and their people and fulfil this request, as it might be the only chance they get to survive in these hard times.

"It’s not a request! She gave us her blessings," Leona got up from her majestic throne and looked at everyone with her fiery look.

"Our goddess, Artemis had sent her own son to this land to impregnate us and give us children to increase our numbers and he possesses a rod that can send us to heaven even without us dying," Leona still remembered the images she saw when Arti met her.

"He is our saviour and our new lord, we should welcome him with open arms, but-" Leona paused for a minute and looked at everyone changing her face from an ecstatic one to an angry one.

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