Femdom Island Chapter 150 Sirens’ Request

The vast and endless expanse of the ocean stretched out before them, as a group of Sirens made their way through the swirling currents and darting schools of fish. They swam with a sense of purpose, their fins slicing through the water as they approached the imposing sea castle which looked imposing with its big structure.

They walked through the hallway, as there was no water inside the castle and just like mermaids, they managed to dry the water quickly and form two human-like legs to walk. All the decorations and colours inside this castle really irritated them, as they are not allowed to enter the castle unless it was something really important.

As they entered the majestic throne room, their eyes were drawn to the figure seated there. It was Leviathan, the new queen of the ocean, and she was surveying them with a regal and prideful look with her azure eyes travelling across their bodies.

The creatures couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe in her presence. Leviathan was a woman of immense power and majesty, with shimmering skin which looked nothing like their skin that glinted in the light filtering down from the surface.

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Her eyes, deep and fathomless, seemed to hold the secrets of the ocean itself. And as she spoke, her voice boomed out with the force of the tides.

"Greetings, my subjects," She said, her voice echoing through the throne room.

"What brings you to my court this day?"

The creatures walked forward, bowing low before her throne. They had come to seek her counsel, to ask for her wisdom and guidance in the turbulent times that lay ahead and to complain about their mistreatment but never in their dreams, they would have thought that this meeting would backfire on them.

For though the Leviathan was a fierce and powerful creature, she was also known for her compassion and wisdom in her small time of the ruling. She was a ruler who cared deeply for her subjects, and they knew that they could always rely on her to protect them and guide them through the ever-shifting currents of the ocean.

And as they looked up at her with reverence and respect, they knew that they were in the presence of greatness. For Leviathan was not just a ruler, but a symbol of all that was strong and beautiful in the vast and endless world of the sea.

"Our great ruler, we are not satisfied with our treatment," One of the sirens came forward with her eyes head bowed showing they meant no disrespect to their new queen.

Their melodic voices were laced with anger and frustration as they recounted tales of unfair treatment at the hands of the other sea races, particularly the mermaids.

The sirens spoke of how they were often blamed for attacking them and blamed for the things they didn’t do, despite not being responsible for such tragedies. They spoke of how the mermaids, who were often seen as more beautiful and alluring, received preferential treatment from the other sea races, leaving the sirens feeling like outcasts in their own homes even though both sirens and mermaids had the same origins.

The only thing that was different about sirens and mermaids was their meal, which is not something surprising in the diversity of the sea world.

Leviathan felt her anger rise at the injustice that the sirens had suffered. She had always been a fierce protector of her subjects and especially sea creatures, and she could not stand idly by while they were mistreated. She knew that it was time for action.

Even though she didn’t really care about them, as much as Nikol, she at least had sympathy for them.

"Enough is enough," Leviathan boomed, her voice echoing throughout the sea.

"No longer will the sirens be treated unfairly. From this day forward, I decree that all sea races shall be treated equally, with the respect and dignity that they deserve."

The sirens erupted into cheers, their joy and relief evident in their voices. They had not expected such a swift and decisive action from their queen, and they were grateful beyond words.

Leviathan stood up from her throne, her massive jugs towering over the gathered sea creatures.

"And to those who continue to perpetrate these injustices, know that you will be met with the full force of my wrath. I will not tolerate discrimination in this queendom, and I will do whatever it takes to ensure that all my subjects are treated fairly and justly."

With those words, Leviathan sent a powerful message to all who would seek to oppress and discriminate against others. Her reign as queen of the sea would be one of equality and justice, and no one would stand in her way.

But then she heard something, she didn’t want to hear from the group.

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"Queen, we wish to participate in the activities that mermaids are doing on that captured human, we wish to feast upon that human," They said without knowing they are trying to awaken the sleeping rage inside Leviathan’s heart.

There was a moment of silence before Leviathan’s angered voice boomed out in reply.

"What did you say, siren?" she asked, her tone laced with contempt.

"I know queen these lowly mermaids are not worthy of serving you so let us help you in their place," she said, her voice steady despite the fear that clenched at her heart but she didn’t know why Leviathan was angry.

"I once forgave you, If you had eaten that captured dark elf, I would have never gotten the required information." Leviathan’s tone became more and more intense every second.

"But now you’re ordering me things and you want me to hand over my br- my target to a man-eating race like you?, and right after I said everyone is equal, you dare to call mermaids as lowly," Sirens knew they angered the queen.

Sirens knew that they had made a grave mistake. They had dared to show their hypocrisy to the queen of the seas, the Leviathan herself. But they couldn’t back down now. They had to fight for what they believed in and if they didn’t fight they were sure Leviathan would punish them, even if it meant going up against the most powerful creature in the ocean they had to face her but there was one thing sirens did wrong.

They highly underestimated Leviathan as just someone who is slightly more powerful than Esi, the previous sea queen.

"We will not stand by and watch you take our throne from those weak mermaids," Sirens declared, their voice ringing out clear and true.

"We will fight you, Leviathan, with all our strength." It was clear that Siren’s intention for coming was not to request anything, they were planning a rebellion from the beginning as this was the best chance to attack, when things are not stable.

Leviathan’s eyes blazed with anger as she heard these words.

"You dare to rebel against me after all the kindness I showed you?" she roared.

"You will pay for your insolence."

With a flick of her tail, Leviathan sent a massive wave crashing towards the Sirens. But they were ready. They dived deep into the water and swam towards her, their voices raised in a haunting melody that echoed through the ocean.

Everyone including mermaids, whale folks and all the other races got ready to fight the sirens, but Leviathan just asked them to stay as this was her fight.

"You want to eat Nikol? Your race doesn’t need to exist after having such thoughts, I will erase every single siren from the ocean from kids to elders," Leviathan jumped out of the big hole in the throne room and looked at the place, where sirens escaped and she saw how their queendom was surrounded by them.

For a moment she hesitated, as she knew using her power would alarm some parties that she don’t want in her life, but if she hold back here she knew things would get ugly.

Her anger got the better of her. With a roar, she lunged towards the Sirens, her hands wide open. The Sirens scattered, trying to avoid her deadly embrace, but Leviathan was too fast.

One by one, the Sirens were caught in her hug and exploded leaving a bloody mess. Their screams echoed through the water, sending chills down the spine of any creature who heard them and everyone in the queendom, who witnessed this knew their former queen was right to surrender when she first appeared in their queendom.

In the end, only one siren was left. She tried to swim away and hide from this monster, but Leviathan caught up to her in an instant. With a single swipe of her massive claw, Leviathan struck Sirens down, ending their rebellion without even trying so hard.

As the last of the Sirens’ voices faded away, Leviathan let out a triumphant roar. She was the undisputed ruler of the sea, and no one would dare challenge her again.

"Hear my subjects, I won’t tolerate any behaviour like this again, stay away from Nikol, if you want to live, don’t put your dirty hands on his body unless I give you my permission," Leviathan roared like a beast and landed on the throne room again, which was filled with water but she quickly repaired it with a water bubble so that water won’t enter into the castle.

"From today onward, there is no race called sirens, kill every single one, and don’t let anyone go unharmed," Under her orders, the whole sea started hunting sirens until their whole race went extinct causing their history to get demolished by the one mistake they made.

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