Femdom Island Chapter 194 Mindless Massacre

As Mother Superior stood tall, locked in an epic battle against the nefarious Supreme Deity and his legion of titan gods, she couldn’t help but see how unfair this situation was. She had to fight all these people all alone because of a single idiotic child that betrayed her trust. But neither Supreme Deity nor Mother Superior couldn’t keep thinking about these things as they heard an ear-deafening sound.

The ground beneath the heavens quaked with an unsettling tremor. The celestial warriors exchanged bewildered glances, their attention diverted from the ongoing conflict as they sensed an imminent threat drawing near. Curiosity mingled with concern, and they turned their gazes in the direction of the approaching sound.

"What sorcery is this? What perilous resonance is this we hear? Verily, such an unsettling sound had never graced the celestial abodes of our ethereal heaven realm." Most of them couldn’t help but see the abnormality of this situation.

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In the midst of the cosmic chaos, a chilling howl filled the air, echoing through the divine realm. The very heavens seemed to tremble at the might of the bellowing call, raising the hair on their ethereal forms. It was then, through the swirling mist, that a monstrous figure emerged from the shadows. With each thundering step, the earth beneath Fenrir’s paws cracked and groaned, unable to bear the weight of his colossal presence.

Mother Superior, her heart resolute even amidst the chaos, watched the gigantic wolf with a mix of awe and concern. She tightened her grip on her sacred weapon, the Divine Staff of Edona, and prepared herself for the unknown. Her voice, filled with determination, cut through the air, demanding the attention of both her allies and foes.

She knew that Fenrir she knew wasn’t a person to care about sides, so she knew from now on it is going to be a massacre from both sides.

"Supreme Deity," she declared with unwavering conviction. "We may be locked in this struggle, but a new threat looms upon us. If I may be straightforward neither you nor I stand a chance against this monster, so I think you should fall back,"

She said those hoping to minimize the damage that is about to happen but, Supreme Deity laughed hearing her words.

"We don’t need to run, because that giant wolf is on our side, he is your traitorous son’s last gift for us, our own Apocalypse being, with this, we shall rule all the dimensions, something you can’t even comprehend," With the wrong idea of Fenrir being on their side, Supreme Deity and other gods and goddesses on his side started to mock Edona, but even for them things didn’t go as expected.

They expected Fenrir to attack Edona, but instead of attacking her, he suddenly turned and looked at one of the titan gods that was close to him with a growl, and pounced on him without even waiting for him to react.

The colossal titan god stood no chance against Fenrir’s wrath. With a mighty growl, the monstrous wolf turned his attention towards the lumbering deity, his piercing eyes filled with an icy fury that froze the very air around them. With a sudden lunge, Fenrir pounced upon the hapless god, crushing him under his massive legs with a sickening crunch.

The titan’s body convulsed in agony as Fenrir’s razor-sharp claws dug deep into its flesh, tearing through bone and sinew with ease. In a frenzied frenzy, Fenrir unleashed a savage onslaught upon the titan, his powerful jaws clamping down on its neck and crushing it with a sickening snap. The once-mighty deity lay broken and lifeless, a testament to Fenrir’s fearsome might and unbridled ferocity.

"Help! Help! Supreme Deity, Help me!" The anguished cries of the god echoed through the battlefield, desperately seeking salvation from the merciless grip of Fenrir’s vengeful onslaught. Yet, a chilling realization struck the hearts of those who bore witness to the gruesome spectacle. None possessed the indomitable willpower or the audacity to venture near the savage wolf, his unforgiving jaws rending flesh with a ferocity that would strip the courage from the bravest souls. The deity’s piteous pleas fell upon deaf ears, for they dared not confront Fenrir’s savagery, which tore through the god’s skin like parchment and shattered his bones like brittle, withered branches.

The gods, who had gathered to witness the taming of the beast and the death of Edona, had now become the prey themselves. Panic spread like wildfire through their ranks as they stumbled over each other, desperately trying to escape the wrath of Fenrir. The once-proud deities ran back in fear, their divine powers useless in the face of the raging wolf.

The Supreme Deity, the ruler of the right side of the divine realm, observed the chaos unfolding before them. His usually calm countenance was now etched with concern and realization that their plan to tame Fenrir had gone horribly wrong. He had underestimated the sheer power and ferocity of the apocalypse beast.

"What have we done?" the Supreme Deity whispered, their voice tinged with regret. He scanned the scene, his eyes wide with disbelief and dread.

In the midst of the chaos, Fenrir’s massive frame lunged forward, his jaws snapping at the retreating gods. With every strike, another deity fell, their divine and pure mana scattering into the air like dissipating stardust. The once-mighty gods, who had reigned over the divine realm for millennia, now found themselves helpless and vulnerable.

Edona was equally worried because her children also came to support her, but she knew this was the wrong time for them to be visiting her.

"I can’t leave him like this, if he goes berserk like this, we will also be his target," Edona thought and looked at her children and saw Artemis also missing."

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She still couldn’t believe that two of her children betrayed her that easily and it really pained her heart, but all she could do is hope that, they would accept their fault and come back to her because at the end of the day, no matter how bad or idiotic her children were, Edona was a kind mother that couldn’t even abandon her children.


Artemis, the fierce goddess of the hunt and goddess of the wild, stood tall with a random staff from in her hand. Her blue eyes gleamed with determination as she channelled the pure mana coursing through her veins.

Opposite her, Apollo, the radiant god of the wolves, music and art, exuded an aura of anger. He moved with grace and precision, his golden hair catching the sunlight of the setting down the sun, as he prepared for the battle ahead. With an angered grin, he combined his mastery of magic and martial arts, ready to face his sister head-on.

The tension crackled in the air as Artemis loosed her first thunder spell, aiming straight for Apollo’s heart. But Apollo was not so easily caught off guard. With a swift movement, he conjured a shimmering barrier, deflecting the arrow with an elegant twist of his wrist.

Artemis narrowed her eyes, her voice laced with determination. "You may have had the advantage earlier, Apollo, but right now, you’re weak, weaker than my girlfriend Tasha, she can beat you now without even sweating. Prepare yourself." Even though she said those words, hoping she can insult Apollo, she knew even now he was nothing but weak.

With a flick of her wrist, Artemis summoned a swirling vortex of primal energy. Leaves and petals whirled around her, merging into a powerful gust of wind. She sent it hurtling towards Apollo, hoping to disrupt his balance and leave him vulnerable.

Apollo responded swiftly, spinning into a dance-like motion. As the wind neared, he gathered energy from the very core of his body itself. His fists ignited with fiery radiance, and with a mighty punch, he dispersed Artemis’s tempestuous assault, dispersing the swirling vortex into nothingness.

He smirked, his voice dripping with playful arrogance. "Sister, your magic is impressive, but it takes more than elemental fury to beat me."

Artemis’s gaze hardened, her determination unwavering. She knew that brute strength alone wouldn’t be enough to defeat her brother.

"Then, I’ll do just that," As the words left Artemis’s lips, a surge of transformative magic coursed through her veins. Her body shimmered and contorted, morphing into a magnificent, swift-winged bird. She soared high into the night sky, her wings cutting through the air with unparalleled speed.

Apollo’s eyes widened in astonishment, momentarily caught off guard by his sister’s sudden transformation. But his surprise quickly transformed into a smirk of determination. He leapt into the air, his own magic amplifying his agility and strength.

With a burst of speed, Artemis dived towards Apollo, talons extended and beak aimed for his exposed form. She slashed through the air, aiming to strike with the precision of her avian instincts.

Apollo’s instincts kicked in, his body responding with lightning-fast reflexes. He twisted and spun, narrowly avoiding Artemis’s razor-sharp talons. In an instant, he summoned a shimmering sphere of energy, casting it towards Artemis in a blinding burst of light.

But Artemis was prepared. As the sphere hurtled toward her, she transformed once more, morphing into a shadowy figure that effortlessly slipped through the energy attack unscathed. She emerged on the other side, solidifying back into her divine form.

"Is that the best you’ve got, Apollo?" Artemis taunted, her voice dripping with confidence. "Your magic alone won’t save you from my agility and adaptability."

Apollo gritted his teeth, feeling insulted. He had never felt this insulted in one day.

First, his sister betrayed him and he made a clown of himself and now she is being annoyingly powerful, and Apollo struggles to kill Artemis. He was at his limit at this point, and he felt a like a volcano that is about to burst.

Neither of them showed any signs of relenting, their fight echoing through the realms of gods and mortals alike. The outcome remained uncertain, but one thing was clear—the clash between Artemis and Apollo wouldn’t last long because both of them looked like they were exhausted.

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