Femdom Island Chapter 205 Conflicted Leviathan

Leviathan stood at the bedside of Nikol’s bed, her eyes fixed on his motionless figure. The room was hushed, the only sound being the rhythmic sounds of the wind and the trees. Her mind swirled with questions, uncertainty clouding her thoughts. Who was this man lying before her? Was he her nephew or her brother? And how was she supposed to act around him now? Can she really tell that she loves him even after all that?

Lost in her thoughts, Leviathan didn’t notice the arrival of Phoenix, her trusted ally and confidant. She stepped into the room, her presence bringing a calm aura that contrasted with the tension in the air.

Phoenix approached Leviathan and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, silently offering support. "Leviathan, how are you holding up?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

Leviathan sighed, her gaze still fixed on Nikol. "Phoenix, I don’t know what to do. Is he our nephew or our brother? I can’t remember anything, and it’s tearing me apart. How am I supposed to act around him now that he’s here?"

Phoenix’s eyes softened, understanding the weight of her confusion. "Leviathan, we may not have all the answers right now, but we will figure it out together. Remember, family, is not solely defined by blood. It is also forged by the bonds we create through shared experiences and love."

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"I know, I’m not the one to talk about family and bonds, but I think with Jormungand’s revelation, we can start things again now that we know the full story of our existence,"

Leviathan turned to face Phoenix, her eyes filled with a mix of hope and apprehension. "But what if he doesn’t remember me either? What if he doesn’t recognize us as his family? He might be our nephew, can we really accept him as one of us?"

Phoenix placed a reassuring hand on her arm. "We will cross that bridge when we come to it. For now, let us focus on Nikol’s recovery. Once he wakes up, we will be there to support him and guide him through this confusion and get ready to face our elder brother,"

Leviathan nodded, finding solace in Phoenix’s words. "Thank you, I always thought you were an insensitive bird, but you have some good words in you,"

Phoenix’s eyes twitched at her words, as Leviathan said those words. She still couldn’t understand why she is the one who get bullied every time, even when she tried to support everyone.

"Tsk! Shut up, you sticky octopus," Leviathan smiled hearing Phoenix insult and they went back to see Artemis, since they wanted to torture Apollo for everything he did.

Nikol, feigning sleep, listened intently to the conversation between Leviathan and Phoenix. But not only that, he listened to the whole story Artemis told others and he still couldn’t process everything because everything was absurd to him.

Their words echoed in his mind, stirring a whirlwind of thoughts and doubts. As he lay there, contemplating the weight of their words, a surge of curiosity overcame him, and he decided it was time to seek answers of his own.

His eyes fluttered open, and he gazed around the room, feigning confusion as if just awakening.

"Fenrir, who are you to me? What is our relationship? Answer me!" He shouted inside his mind, but he didn’t expect to hear the answers. because until now he had been silent when Nikol wanted to know something, so he didn’t expect anything from him this time.

But unlike what he expected, Nikol heard the familiar voice of Fenrir calling him.

Fenrir’s voice echoed in his mind, an uncomforting presence despite the weight of uncertainty. "Brat! You’re awake. How do you feel?"

"Worse! don’t even ask-" Nikol answered honestly, which earned a chuckle from Fenrir.

But soon Nikol’s voice trembled with hesitation as he mustered the courage to voice his deepest concerns.

"Fenrir, I’ve been listening to their conversation. Tell me, am I just a vessel for you? Am I merely a vessel carrying your essence?"

He was anxious to know the answer, so if he really is a vessel for Fenrir, he knew he would go insane because if that was the case, someone called Nikol didn’t even exist in this world.

Fenrir’s ethereal presence seemed to embrace Nikol’s thoughts, his voice haughty and reassuring. "No, Brat, you are more than a vessel. Our bond runs deeper than mere symbiosis. You and I are intertwined, connected in a way that goes beyond a simple vessel and entity relationship."

Nikol’s brows furrowed, his eyes searching for understanding. "But what does that mean? Who am I, truly? You said you impregnated my real mother? So doesn’t that mean I’m your son?"

Hearing Nikol’s question, Fenrir went silent for a few seconds but he decided to tell the truth because the time is close for them to solve everything.

"No, you’re not, Edona and my son didn’t survive that day, he died from the pure shock he got," Fenrir paused for a minute and quickly corrected his words.

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"No! It’s appropriate to say that I killed him because I knew he won’t survive, what Artemis gave birth to was just an empty body with no soul,"

Nikol became even more confused with his words.

"Then what am I? What am I? Damn it, why did you do this to me? I don’t even know who I am," Nikol was on the verge of losing his mind, but Fenrir didn’t show any emotions during his breakdown as he normally answered his question.

"I told you earlier, we are the same person, Nikol is Fenrir but Fenrir won’t be Nikol, I will soon disappear, and when that happens you will understand many things, I’ll just give you a warning, Jormungand, Phoenix, Leviathan, none of them are your allies, someday all three of them will try to kill you, and I won’t be there to support you on that day, so break your seal soon and if you do that only you can get rid of me,"

Nikol thought about what he heard from Fenrir.

Fenrir’s response was filled with mysteries. "The answers lie within you, Nikol. You hold the key to unlock the depths of your own identity. Remember, your journey is not one to be taken alone."

"You can say those things, but I’m the one who is suffering because of all this, at least tell me what I should do from now and what will happen to me once I break my seal," Nikol questioned but he didn’t get any answers.


"Fenrir! Answer me! Fenrir!" Nikol tried to call him, but he didn’t get any response causing him to hit the table in anger.

"Damn it! I don’t care anymore, I will break my seal and just do whatever I want, why should I even care about all these people? I am nobody until I vanish what is left of Fenrir, I will kill him and then I will be both Fenrir and Nikol, Yes! That’s better," Nikol muttered to himself while getting up from the bed, which looked like a cloud stuffed with cotton.

"Leviathan! I should have sex with her, right now! I will do it with her right now!"

Unbeknownst to him, the surge of power within him crackled and surged, echoing his inner turmoil. With each step he took, an invisible force emanated from his core, growing stronger and stronger.

As he approached the door to the room, his emotions surged, causing an unintentional release of his latent abilities. Without realizing it, he unleashed a tremendous burst of energy, shattering the door into splinters, fragments scattering across the floor.

Leviathan, startled by the sudden commotion, turned to face the doorway, her eyes widening at the sight of Nikol standing there, his presence radiating with otherworldly power. She took a step back, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and astonishment.

"N-Nikol? You are awake! What happened?" Leviathan stammered, her voice laced with trepidation.

Nikol, his expression a mix of confusion and determination, slowly approached Leviathan, his every step punctuated by the crackling energy that surrounded him. "Leviathan, I... I want-" He paused for a minute and look at all the girls in the room.

Artemis and Tisha had their eyes open wide, and Phoenix looked a little bit awkward seeing Nikol.

Nikol wondered whether it was wise to tell what he had in his mind in front of all these people, but at the same time he knew, he has no reason to hesitate to do things when his future is so dark.

He still had the fear of vanishing or Fenrir overtaking his body, so he wanted to kill him as soon as possible so he can have peace of mind.

"Leviathan! Have sex with me, right now, I want it right now,"

Leviathan, though shaken, found her voice, her concern overriding her confusion. "Nikol, what are you talking about? first, calm down and rest, you just woke up, let’s talk after a few hours when you have a clear mind,"

She tried to avoid him but Nikol clenched his fists, his resolve hardening.

"I’m telling you I want to have sex, what is hard for you to understand? just come with me!" He tried to grab Leviathan, but suddenly he got slapped by someone that he went and hit the wall rather hard causing him to cough out blood.

"Brat! What are you, a monkey? If you can’t calm down, just go back into your bed," The voice that scolded him belonged to none other than Phoenix, but Nikol didn’t look like he was going to take the blame lying down like the obedient brother he was eariler.

"I’ll turn you into a chicken stew, you cursed bird," he muttered, causing visible irritation to prick Phoenix’s feathers.

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