Femdom Island Chapter 218 Full Moon

Inside, whispers of concern and urgency spread among the warriors, servants, and maids alike. Nikol, the charismatic and enigmatic figure, who is also the father and lover figure for all of them at this point, had vanished without a trace. His absence left an air of uncertainty, and the castle’s inhabitants were determined to find him.

Lydia and Eva quickly assigned a team to search for him, and they knew even if they search everywhere without leaving any place, he could still leave because of his power.

As the search intensified, a hushed murmur caught the attention of those gathered. And suddenly the heads turned towards a woman, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and excitement. She stepped forward, her voice trembling as she addressed the group.

"I... I saw him," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. "He was heading towards the forest. I don’t know why but, he didn’t even bother to hide himself,"

With her words, everyone including Usha, Alva, Emily, Zenda, and Tisha panicked, and Tisha especially had a panicked look on her face.

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The crowd erupted in a flurry of whispered speculation. The Warriors tightened their grips on their swords, servants clutched their aprons nervously, and maids exchanged anxious glances.

"Are you certain?" asked Lydia, in her bikini-looking armour gleaming in the fading light. "Did you see him with your own eyes?"

The woman nodded, her gaze fixed on the ground. "Yes, I am certain. I was passing by the gate, when I saw him, his wide back shining behind him. He seemed... determined."

Silence settled over the castle as the gravity of the situation sank in. Nikol’s abrupt departure had been unexpected, leaving everyone questioning his motives. But now, with a possible lead, a glimmer of hope sparked within their hearts.

"Non-combatants, stay here, and all the others follow me, we are going to see what he is up to," Usha ordered to which everyone agreed.

After the maternity period was over, she returned back to her normal and prideful personality, ordering everyone and showing why she was the leader. and her blade didn’t get any rust from the break she took, which was rather surprising considering she was out of the battlefield for at least three or four months,"

Eva looked at her friend with a slight grin on her face remembering the all days, when they used to fight and the day, when Nikol forced her to make a peace treaty.

"Ahhh~ problem after problem, what is he up to this time, I hope nothing serious," Both Eva and Usha knew, the problems that Nikol attracts are not something they can deal with.

As Usha led the group through the dense forest, following the path Nikol had taken, an eerie silence enveloped the surroundings.

The air grew colder, and an unsettling feeling settled in the pit of their stomachs. The trees loomed over them like ancient guardians, their gnarled branches reaching out as if warning them to turn back.

"What happened to the monsters? This place is creepy!" Alva said almost like foreshadowing what was going to happen.

The group moved cautiously, their steps muffled by the thick undergrowth.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, the sunlight struggled to penetrate the dense canopy, casting long shadows that danced eerily on the forest floor. Usha tightened her grip on her sword, her instincts alert and senses heightened.

"Everyone be careful, something is happening,"

Eva, walking beside her, could sense the unease in the air. She glanced around nervously, her eyes darting from tree to tree.

Suddenly, a low, haunting growl reverberated through the forest, sending a shiver down their spines. They came to a halt, scanning their surroundings for the source of the sound.

"Look!" Then one of the random warrior girls pointed in the northern direction of the forest.

Then, as if materializing out of thin air, a massive creature emerged from the undergrowth.

It was unlike anything they had ever seen before. Standing on eight spindly legs, its body was a grotesque amalgamation of octopus and a bird, with razor-sharp fangs dripping with venom. Its eyes glowed with a sinister red hue, and a chilling hiss emanated from its slithering mouth.

"Isn’t that?" Tisha paused for a minute because she quickly knew what it was.

"Queen, do you know what is that? It’s ugly and creepy, we should get away from here, Nikol might or might not be here, but we can’t-" Zenda couldn’t even finish her sentence, as she saw Nikol floating in front of the monster-like abomination with his eyes looking at the monster looking thing with pity in his eyes.

Usha’s heart raced as she assessed the situation. This was no ordinary creature—it was a formidable adversary, a test of their mettle. With a swift motion, she drew her sword, her eyes locked onto the abomination before her.

The rest of the group followed suit, fear mingling with determination in their eyes.

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"Stay focused! We must face this creature together! We shall help Nikol, he is probably doing this for our sake," Usha commanded, her voice steady but laced with urgency. She knew that their lives depended on their unity and quick thinking.

But Tisha quickly objected to everyone with her face looking rather pale.

"Stop! Don’t go, that is not something we can deal with-" For the first time in her life, she raised her voice against her own people and this really surprised most of them because Tisha was supposed to be calm and collected with her motherly and prideful looks oozing from her body.


"What do you mean? Why shouldn’t we help him? Even if something is impossible, we should try," Eva said to which Usha also nodded her head approvingly.

Tisha’s voice echoed through the tense silence, her words carrying a weight of conviction. "Please, listen to me! That... that creature, it’s Nikol’s sister. I can sense it. We shouldn’t interfere with their battle. It’s Leviathan, that he is fighting,"

Confusion and disbelief flickered across the faces of the group. They couldn’t even believe it, even though it came out from Tisha’s mouth and that foul-looking creature is the same Leviathan, that protected Nikol, and to see her manifested in such a monstrous form was beyond their comprehension.

Zenda, still shaken by the sight before her, spoke up, her voice quivering. "Queen, how can you be so sure? Are you saying we should just stand here and watch as Nikol fights his own family?"

Tisha took a deep breath, steeling herself before responding. "I can’t fully explain it, but I can say for sure, this is not that simple, after Nikol broke his seal, Leviathan and his other sister suddenly started to attack him, that’s why we came here, but today is the full moon day, and they managed to come here because of that,"

Everyone was flabbergasted by these new pieces of information.

Usha’s grip on her sword tightened, torn between her loyalty to her lover and her instinct to protect those she cared for. She looked at the rest of the group, seeing the uncertainty reflected in their eyes.

After a moment of contemplation, Usha made her decision.

"Even if it’s Leviathan, we can’t leave Nikol all alone, after all, he is the one and only father of our children," Her words were purely based on emotions. If this was a normal battlefield, it would have been a foolish decision to even think of interfering in an overpowered battle like this, but they had no choice.

As soon as she mentioned children, Tisha, Eva, Alva, Zenda and Emily looked sad, as today was the promised day, that he decided to impregnate them, but right now he is fighting his sister for an unknown reason.

But just the idea of him disappearing again scared them more than anything, and everyone agreed to interfere with the battle even if it meant they are going to be a liability. It was not a decision that they took by brains, instead, they decided to follow their hearts.

It was a little ironic because the person, who is most inclined to follow her heart was using her brain now, while tough women like Eva and Zenda decided to act foolishly, but sometimes foolishness is better than regretting things later.

The group, overcome with concern for their friend Nikol, made a collective decision to venture deeper into the forest, determined to offer their aid. They pressed forward, pushing through tangled foliage and unforgiving terrain, their hearts filled with hope and trepidation.

As they neared the place where Nikol faced his sister, a mysterious force enveloped them, its presence palpable yet invisible.

An impenetrable barrier emerged, blocking their path and rendering their efforts futile. It was as if the very forest conspired against their noble intentions, keeping them at bay.

"What is this? Something is blocking me,"

Usha, the fearless leader, attempted to breach the barrier with her sword, striking it with a resounding clang. But the magical obstruction held firm, unaffected by her valiant strike.

The rest of the group joined her in their futile attempts, pouring their strength and determination into breaking free, but to no avail.

Frustration mingled with desperation, their faces etched with a mixture of disbelief and resignation.

They yearned to be by Nikol’s side, to offer solace and support, yet their efforts were thwarted at every turn. It seemed that fate had dealt them a cruel hand, trapping them in this unwelcome prison of powerlessness.

And then, as if summoned by their collective longing, Nikol turned his gaze towards his lovers, his eyes meeting theirs.

A fleeting smile played upon his lips, carrying a bittersweet mixture of gratitude and determination. It was a silent message, a plea for them to accept their circumstances and find solace in the life they had fought so hard to build.

Like he was saying go back and enjoy your life and forget about him.

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