First Demonic Dragon Chapter 261 Baby Fever!

A swirling dark grey portal opened up in the Tathamet manor, and four individuals walked through it.

Asmodeus and Yara looked to be right at home, while Helios and Hajun were busy looking around like they were in a museum.

This was Hajun’s first time in Luxuria, not to mention Abaddon’s home.

It would be putting it mildly to say that he was surprised by how beautiful and modern everything looked.

’This place is quite a bit nicer than I remember.’ Helios thought.

It was very clear that his grandson had a wonderful interior designer.

"You all made it!"

At the top of the stairs, Seras was standing with a young man whom Hajun did not recognize.

After a moment, he was able to recall the fact that Abaddon had a son who was said to be the spitting image of him, but even then he was not sure how such a thing was possible.

"We did indeed, and we brought the old man." Asmodeus said as he gestured to a stunned Hajun.

Seras couldn’t tell if her father was like this because of her home or because of the information he had been told before coming.

But knowing her father, she figured it was probably the latter.

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What she didn’t realize is that this was the first time her father had seen her since she’d become a true dragon, and her drastic increase in power as well as her fearsome aura was nothing short of appalling.

Descending the staircase, Seras embraced him awkwardly and introduced him to her only son.

Apophis was neither rude, nor overly polite as he shook his grandfather’s hand, as he wasn’t exactly certain how he should feel about this man.

"Welcome to my home, my king." She said as she lowered her head in front of Helios.

"Please, be comfortable. I hear that you have just been through quite the ordeal."

"I wouldn’t say that." Seras said as she scratched her cheek in embarrassment.

"Alright, can we meet her now?" A sudden voice said.

Hajun’s pulse quickened when he heard a voice that he hadn’t heard in several years.

Turning around, he found his ’wife’ and one of the famous vampire lords sitting cross legged on a chair behind him.


"Hajun... it has been a long time."

The two of them stared at each other for a few seconds before deciding that they had nothing else to say to each other.

""Where’s the baby?""

Seras : *Sigh*

Seras led the group upstairs to the girls’ room, and frowned when she sensed that they weren’t inside.

Expanding her senses, she found the two of them in a different room further down the hall.

Just before she opened the door, she paused to look at Asmodeus, Yara, and Kirina.

"Before any of you worry about him, you should know that he is fine. But his last battle took quite a bit out of him."

Kirina was the only one confused by Seras’ words, but when the door finally opened she immediately understood.

Inside of the extremely beautiful master bedroom, there was a thin and frail looking man lying in bed unconscious.

He looked to be in some sort of deep sleep, and it wasn’t certain exactly when he would wake up.

It did not take long for Kirina to realize exactly what had caused her king to end up in this situation.

’Just how much power did he absorb to get like this...?’

Both of his parents were pained to see their son like this, but when they saw the other occupants in the bed they quickly forgot all about it.

Sitting beside the sleeping Abaddon were two little girls.

One was a slightly mischievous looking child with long black hair and an impish smile.

The other was more unfamiliar, she looked to be around four years old in size despite being a little over a week old.

She had long curly white hair and a richly tanned complexion that paired well with her red eyes.

Unlike her sister, she exuded a calm and thoughtful aura that was even beyond that of most adults.

The child wore a simple frilly black dress with a red bow on the collar, making her look like a present for the eyes.

When the guests saw her for the first time, their jaws simultaneously went slack not only from her angelic appearance, but from her heritage.

This girl was a demon, a dragon, and a vampire all rolled up into one adorable package.

"What are you girls doing in here? Shouldn’t you be playing in your own room?"

Ouroboros: "I sensed that father was going to wake up today."

Mira: "We wanted to surprise him!"

Ouroboros was beloved by all of her siblings, but she and Mira were particularly close, as the young dragon greatly enjoyed being older for once and having a sibling closer to her own age.

The two went practically everywhere together with Mira acting as the reliable leader and Ouroboros waddling along like a little duckling.

Seras gently lifted Ouroboros from the bed and brought her face to face with all of her guests.

"This is my newest daughter... Abaddon fell into his coma on the day she was born so we haven’t gotten to name her yet but-"

"I-I’m sorry, I think I need a minute." Hajun said as he rubbed his temples. "How is it that you have not only given birth, but the child has also grown to this size all within the span of a month??"

"A-And she speaks so fluently..." Kirina added.

Ouroboros and her mother glanced at each other briefly.

Ouroboros had forced her body to grow at an enhanced rate because she found her newborn body to be much too weak and difficult to maneuver.

She could have actually made herself grow to around Thea’s age, but her mothers all fell on the floor crying when she started to grow up before their eyes so she decided it was best that she stay like this for the foreseeable future.

"W-Well we can only assume that it’s due to her unique heritage. A union of three races has never been seen before so we assumed this is normal for her kind." Seras lied.

"I am special." Ouroboros added in her usual monotone voice that was devoid of vanity.

"You certainly are, you cute little thing!"

Unsurprisingly, Yara was the first to embrace her youngest grandchild, and Helios wasn’t very far behind her.

The golden dragon believed that he could sense something strange from within the child, but he ultimately decided not to pry.

’But she feels oddly familiar...Though I am unsure why.’

Eventually, Kirina and Hajun came out of their stupor and introduced themselves as well.

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"Hello, little one... I am your grandmother." Kirina said with a warm smile as she reached inside of her storage ring and pulled out a stuffed toy.

"You’re growing up so fast that I’m not sure if you’ll like this for long, but I wanted to give it to you nonetheless."

Ouroboros took the toy with her small babyish fingers and analyzed it carefully.

It was a black and white panda with two little buttons for eyes and a mouth stitched with a permanent smile.

"You have my thanks, grandmother. I vow to never let this gift leave my sight."

Kirina was again caught off guard by this child’s formal and ancient way of speaking.

’Why is she so smart...?’ She wondered before dismissing the thought.

"My, my, you’re such a well-mannered girl." Kirina said with a smile. "I don’t think your mother was nearly as polite at your age."


Fits of laughter erupted from the group, while Hajun was still busily sweating bullets.

He hadn’t prepared any kind of gift at all!

And his new granddaughter was so overwhelmingly cute that she absolutely must be paid proper tribute!

When it was finally his turn to be introduced, he shakily held out his hand and allowed his granddaughter to take his clawed finger.

"What a precious thing... I am your grandfather, Hajun. I-I don’t have a gift for you at the moment but when you get a bit bigger, I’d be delighted to teach you how to wield a blade."

Ouroboros wanted to say that she found weapons to be crude and distasteful, but since she was born into a family of warriors she felt like she would have to learn to wield such things sooner or later.

"Wait a minute, old man!" Seras halted. "Her father and I will be the ones to teach her, you have to pick something else!"

"I have already called dibs on teaching sister how to torture so you can’t pick that either!" Mira added from her place on the bed.

"What? B-But pookie snookems, you know that I-"

"T-That is not my name!" Seras yelled with a red face.

"You’re all quite loud..."

All sound inside of the bedroom was suddenly erased as their eyes drifted towards the bed.

Abaddon weakly sat up and rested his back against the headboard.

As soon as everyone saw that he was alright, he received a barrage of comments ranging from sympathy to mockery.

Asmodeus: "You look like hickory smoked shit."

Yara: "My sweet boy... what have I told you about taking care of yourself?"

Kirina: "I am pleased to see that my king is recovering well." *Bows.*

Hajun: ’Damn it! Why couldn’t you have died in your sleep you damn daughter thief?!’

Helios: "You are never idle, are you? I can’t wait to hear what kind of foolishness you pulled to end up in this condition."

Abaddon chuckled despite the overwhelming weakness he felt.

"Quite the welcoming party we have here. I’m touched that you all came to see me, but I don’t exactly enjoy seeing some of your faces as soon as I wake up."

Mira suddenly threw her arms around her father’s neck and gave him her biggest pair of doe eyes.

"Does father enjoy seeing Mira’s face?"

"Of course, who wouldn’t?"


Seras helped her husband out of bed and gave him a long hug and an even longer kiss.

It had been well over a week since she’d been able to embrace him like this, and even longer since the two of them were intimate.

Were her parents and children not in the room this scene would have become much more explicit.

"Can you two get off of each other please?! You have company!" Hajun yelled angrily.

"You’re free to leave." Seras said as she continued to kiss her husband.

It was rare that she got to have him all to herself, okay?! She had to take these opportunities while they were available!

Abaddon felt something tugging on his skirt and looked down to find a young girl who he didn’t recognize.

Memories of what he was doing before he became unconscious began to flood into his mind, earning a small groan of pain as he ran his hands through his white hair.

"How long have I been asleep...?" He asked in horror.

"Almost ten days."

The child placed a hand on her father’s leg, and Ouroboros mentally caught her father up on everything that she had observed while he had been asleep.

’Seriously... none of my children are ever quite normal, are they?’ Abaddon smiled helplessly and reached down to lift his newest daughter into his arms.

"It is nice that I’m finally getting to meet you properly. Things were a bit rushed last time, huh?"

"Mm." The child said with a small nod.

"Can you name your child now, boy? She’s been walking around without one her whole life." Asmodeus said.

"Ah... right."

Abaddon glanced at Seras to see if she was truly okay with him naming their daughter, and he received no objection.

He stared at the child in his arms carefully as he tried to come up with a fitting name.

"How about Gabbrielle?"

"...I have no objections to this name."

"Does that mean you like it?"


Judging by the wagging of her little tail, Abaddon guessed that he had hit the nail on the head and she was more than happy.

But it also seemed like she had some difficulty putting her feelings into words, which wasn’t all that unexpected considering who she used to be.

"Then you’re Gabbrielle. Welcome to the family, my daughter."

The young girl opened her mouth to speak, when there was suddenly an odd knock on the door and a large greatsword came floating in.

"Ah! I did not know you had company, I’ll come back another time."

Just as the sword turned around to leave, Yara’s disbelieving voice stopped her in her tracks.


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