First Demonic Dragon Chapter 285 The Army Is Not Satisfied

Three simple words was all it took for the army to lose all of their composure and rush forward.

A specialty of Abaddon’s army was that it was structured in so called ’organized chaos’.

While all of his soldiers were highly trained, they did not fight the same.

Some of them fought like proper warriors, others were more like berserkers, and the most bloodthirsty among them fought like rabid animals.

But no matter how different their styles were, the army of the demon seemed to be perfectly capable of working together, giving each other the proper space when needed, and providing aid as well.

But for this battle at least, there was no need for them to aid each other.

Needless to say, Orie’s army was unprepared not only for the volume of soldiers, but also their style of combat.

The bloodshed was instantaneous and entirely one-sided.

Limbs flew, screams filled the air, and the once calm and peaceful beach was permanently dyed a rich red color.

Commander Orie looked around at the horrible carnage befalling his people and became filled with dismay.

A few of the men had tried to surrender, but Abaddon’s army seemingly cared nothing for their attempts to lay down their weapons, and massacred them anyway.

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When he found the black demon responsible, he saw an eerie smile filled with large pointy teeth.

’This carnage... How can he find this enjoyable!?’

King Darius had spoken of the enemy like he was some kind of decent and reasonable man, but that couldn’t be true!

What kind of man watches the suffering of others like this and smiles as if it was all a big funny joke?

"You fiend!!!"

Commander Orie leapt into the sky and removed a large golden warhammer from his back.

He would cut off the head of the beast here and prevent this great evil from spreading throughout his homeland!

He and Abaddon made eye contact while airborne, and his irritation only skyrocketed when he saw that the dragon didn’t seem to care about him at all.

He made no moves to defend himself or even draw a weapon of his own.

He merely stood there in silence as if he was sure that this attack wouldn’t reach him.

’Looking down on me!? I’ll show you!!’

Orie’s hammer suddenly sparked to life, and a became encased in a destructive red flame.

Raising his weapon high above his head, he put all of his strength into his muscles for the sole purpose of smashing Abaddon’s head like a grape.


As soon as he came within a few feet of Abaddon, there was a flash across his vision and his body began to feel strange.

Suddenly he was having a harder time thinking, and his ability to maintain his hammer’s flames was dwindling.


His vision began to darken, and the two sides of his body separated from each other like the glue holding them together had finally melted.

His body dropped harmlessly to the ground on opposite sides of Abaddon, and the dragon suddenly felt a weight on top of his shoulders and a familiar face popped upside down into his vision.

"Master, did I do good?" Malenia asked with a wide smile.

Her whip had cut through Commander Orie so quickly and cleanly that there wasn’t even a drop of blood on it as she dangled it around proudly.

"I told you that you didn’t have to call me that anymore, Malenia."

"I like it though, it’s kinky."

Abaddon merely rolled his eyes and looked at the body of the man at his feet. "Yes, you’ve done well. Want to get off my shoulders now?"

"Not really! I’m counting this as a reward!"

Abaddon could feel seven intense gazes boring into his back and realized that his favorite fallen was about to cut her life very short.

"Be a bit silly for you to lose your life here, no? I think you might want to get down before you join these dwarves on the ride to the afterlife."

Malenia glanced behind her at Abaddon’s wives who were staring at her with fierce scowls.

"You girls wouldn’t kill me, right? You love me!"

Eris: "Not that much."

Lillian: "I have not yet eaten an angel, but I would not mind if you were to be the first."

Audrina: "Get off of him before you start leaking."

Bekka: "If I smell the faintest bit of arousal from you, your head is going to go rolling."

Malenia poked out her bottom lip and fearfully jumped down from Abaddon’s shoulders but she didn’t look very happy about it.

Why was everyone always treating her so unfairly?!

Abaddon chuckled and patted her head apologetically just as the last of the dwarven army was finally killed off.

From start to finish, the battle had only taken fifteen minutes.

And not a single member of Abaddon’s army was killed.

With nothing else to murder, the army became rowdier and more restless with every ticking second.

They lifted the detached heads of the defeated enemies up into the sky, while demanding a greater challenge and bloodshed.




Abaddon and his wives were like parents watching their children run around and play in a ball pit.

"They’re quite restless, hm?" Lisa giggled.

"Indeed... I suppose we shouldn’t keep them waiting."

Abaddon turned around and gave all of his wives a sad smile. "The time is here, my loves. We’ll have to go our separate ways for now."

The girls could tell that he was trying his best not to make this a tearful goodbye, and they respected his gesture by not making things difficult either.

Even though they were a bit torn up on the inside as well.

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"Protect our soldiers, but most importantly protect each other. I don’t want any of you to come back with so much as a scratch."

"Naturally." Audrina stood up on her tiptoes and kissed her husband on the cheek. "You just make sure that you come back to us, alright?"

"Always, my love."

In the end, it was decided that this would turn into something of a competition between them.

Whoever was the first to reach Darius’ castle on the other side of the continent would have the honor of fighting him and receive a proper reward from the other party.

The group took a few more minutes to say their goodbyes before the wives finally departed first.

The army was still rowdy and adamantly demanding more carnage, but a single hand from Lailah made them all fall silent.

"We have heard your cries, and we will oblige you. We march to the west, and everything in our path will feel your wrath."


Lailah’s golden eyes shined with a humorous light as she and the other wives came out in front of the four million soldiers and began leading the charge.

The sound of their thunderous footsteps echoing off the ground would travel on for miles.

Abaddon smiled happily as he watched all of his beautiful women become even more transcendent right before his very eyes.

In all of the worlds in every known reality, he didn’t believe there were any women greater than his.

Not seeing them for around a month was going to be difficult.

’I thought I had gotten my fill before we left but now it seems as though that’s not the case...’


Abaddon suddenly realized that he’d been staring off into space for far too long and he quickly shook his head to free himself of dirty thoughts.

Turning around, he found the rest of the euphrates and Malenia waiting patiently, equally anxious to begin.

"Apologies, seems I’ve kept you all waiting, haven’t I?"

"Not at all, god."

"Just a little bit, master."

The two women looked at each other angrily as if they had somehow turned into bitter rivals.

Abaddon merely chuckled and unfurled his large and imposing wings from his back before taking off into the sky.

"Come along then. A great many battles await us."

Malenia and Kanami glanced at each other briefly before getting into a shoving match to see who would follow him first.

"You’ve already been rewarded, get away!" Kanami argued.

"It wasn’t enough! Now that the other girls are gone I have a chance!" Malenia said.


"Stop using big words!"

Abaddon sighed when he realized that the entirety of his journey would probably be exactly like this.

But be that as it may, atleast it would not be boring.


"So... you still have not heaard from the forces at the beach then?" Darius asked.

Standing beside his throne was a grey haired dwarven man with skin pale enough that you could tell he’d never seen a forge.

He wore dark blue robes with bronze trim, and had a pair of kind eyes that made him seem like a very well known holiday figure.

This was the steward of the king, Amon.

"Afraid not, sire. I have yet to receive any report of the enemy army showing up, much less coming for negotiations."

Darius nodded as he sat back into his throne. "Then... that probably means he’s here already... and no doubt every single one of those men are dead."

He poured a drink on the ground as a way to pay his respects, meanwhile Amon scoffed inwardly.

"You spoke of him as if he were some sort of benevolent gentlemen, and now you claim to think him an unfeeling warlord. Which one is it?"

Darius stroked his beard as if he were dep in thought as he tried to discover a proper answer to this assessment.

"You could liken him to the ocean. Dreamlike and agreeable at one moment, nightmarish and absolute in another. He is a complex man driven by motives even I can not hope to understand."

Tapping his forehead, Darius realized that reasoning with Abaddon was unfortunately very unlikely, and he had no choice but to play certain cards.

"Send word to the eight mountains and their armies. Our lands must be defended by the best."


After two days of marching, Abaddon’s wives had finally happened upon their next battlegrounds.

It appeared to be a fairly beautiful city with a large military fort occupying the city.

From atop a hill, the seven women scoped out the city with a single glance, reaching an inescapable conclusion.

"Seems like they were aware of our coming. The entire city is on lockdown, and the gates have been barricaded." Valerie muttered.

"Indeed, but then again that is hardly to be unexpected." agreed Lisa.

"Besides, it is not something that will pose any real problem to us, is it?" added Bekka.

"Fufufu~ No, I suppose it is not." Audrina laughed.

The girls suddenly formed a circle and clasped their arms around each other.

Lailah reached inside of her storage ring, and pulled out a cup with seven straws inside.

"Alright girls, you know the drill." She said cheerfully. "Those who draw the shortest three will be free to participate in the battle while the rest sit on the sidelines.

The girls began looking at the straws like they were the key to freedom.

Undergoing their strange new transformations had left them with a lot of power, and even more energy.

And with Abaddon not here to burn it up through sex, war was the next best thing.

"Shall we see who is so lucky?"

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