First Demonic Dragon Chapter 354 The Dragon Sins

Chapter 354 The Dragon Sins


Abaddon was currently alone within the colosseum/stadium in Sheol.

In the middle of the sandy area floor, he sat cross legged on the ground with his eyes closed and his mind focused.

In the near future, he would have to travel to one of the underworlds and conquer it, so he was doing everything he could to prepare before that time.

Earlier today while he was working with the children, he had an epiphany.

As of right now, spirit magic was his greatest power.

The ability to create incredible phenomena just by making a simple request to an aspect of nature was too great to overlook.

And most of the time, he did not even have to ask them to do anything as most elements protected him of their own volition.

However, he wanted to see if he could bring another of his abilities to a greater level for assistance in the war against the gods.

And he could think of no better ability to improve than his sins.

The seven of them were his most powerful abilities before he gained spirit magic, and one could say that he was more than a bit attached to them.

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He wanted to see if he could evolve and alter them further somehow… and after around 40 minutes of meditation, he believed that he may have found a way.

In essence, the seven deadly sins were demonic in origin and came from a place of darkness.

But what if he made them draconic?

The sins were created so that they might pull humans into depravity, but Abaddon held no interest in humans other than his lovely daughter.

So instead of focusing on the pulling down of others, he wanted to imbue them with a dragon’s natural ability to force them down.

Making them more oppressive, powerful, and unconquerable than any power he’d ever held before.

While it sounded simple, it was really an insane idea to harbor.

What Abaddon wanted to do was change the fundamentals of a power that was thousands of years old.

To make matters worse, he was not it’s initial creator.

There was a high chance that the powers would reject this alteration and have some very explosive results.

…But he figured that he would probably be fine, right??

"Close me in."


At his request, a dome of earth rose up to cover him from the outside world, followed by an additional layer of ice and shadow.

In the darkness of this enclosed space, a dull glow encased his figure and seven whispy balls with different symbols started to appear.

They encircled their owner like horses in a merry go round, and he cracked his knuckles as he finally started to get to work.

Holding out his hands, he focused on the sins and started to exhude a bit of his essence as the first dragon into them.

Once the whisps of dark purple energy left his pores and entered into the floating spheres, they immediately started to vibrate.

A small amount of resistance could be felt as the sins unanimously objected to this attempted alteration.

Abaddon could feel that if he pushed back too hard against their resistance, he would shatter them and destroy the power instead of altering it.

He needed to get it to submit to him willingly.

He was the first dragon.

The eater of the multiverse.

The source of all monsters and he who is indomitable by all.

He would make these abilities submit to him, just as the rest of the realms would follow suit.

Afterall, he was created to be the apex.

How could a few glowing spheres hope to stand up to him?

How could anyone?


Seven pillars of multicolored energies shot up; striking hard against the dome above.

Even Abaddon’s spirit magic was struggling to hold up the damage, and it caused him to smile madly when he saw just how great and terrible his new party trick had become.

Drawing his hands in to his chest, the newly rechristened dragon sins floated into his body.

As soon as they entered, the dome returned to nothingness and left him behind, smiling like a crazy person.

"These… will be so fun to play with..!"

Since these powers were of his own creation, he understood all of their inner workings and complexities without having to learn their effects in battle.

Some effects were undoubtedly better than others, but this was a monumental gain all around.

Down the list of least powerful to most, they were as follows:

The Dragon’s Sin of Gluttony.

Not changing much from before, the only difference was that this ability now allowed Abaddon to eat literally ANYTHING and gain it’s properties, powers, and knowledge.

He could also imbue those around him with an incessant hunger, making them so hungry that they would eat rocks, shit, or even themselves.

The Dragon’s Sin of Greed.

This sin not only gave Abaddon new power, but it altered the properties of his own body.

He now had bones that looked just like the most precious of diamonds and blood that was literally liquid gold.

This ability gave him power over anything considered ’precious’ in a monetary sense or otherwise.

The more things he took and collected for himself, the greater his power would become.

He could also imbue the minds of beings with unbearable greed, but more specifically he could focus your attention on a specific object.

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Basically, he could strip you of all of your rationality and turn you into the world’s most avid port-a-potty collector.

The Dragon’s Sin of Lust.

In addition to making slaves of lust and making any thinking creature fall hopelessly in love with him, this sin now allowed him to steal the life force of others through coitus or acts of tenderness.

That energy could be redistributed into Sheol, to make the grass grow greener, the air cleaner, and even provide special benefits the longer one stayed.

But Abaddon did not think he would ever use this ability, since he already had eight loving wives and a fiancé who he would never cheat on.

And he most certainly would not be taking any of their life force.

The Dragon’s Sin of Sloth.

Everytime that Abaddon attacked someone, their movements would become significantly slower, and they would start to be drained of all of their power.

In the event that he still could not kill them for some reason after a prolonged battle, his opponent would simply fall over unconscious; drifting into a coma they could not awake from of their own volition.

As they slumbered, Abaddon could absorb their power and either keep it to himself or give it to one of his wives as an anniversary or birthday present.

Eventually, his opponent would be rendered to nothing but a shriveled up and lifeless husk.

He also maintained the ability to put lesser beings asleep immediately, and when standing completely still he would become imperceptible to most everyone.

The Dragon’s Sin of Wrath.

The more angry Abaddon felt in battle, the more powerful his attacks and magic would become.

However, for every enemy that he killed in this state, he would gain a portion of their power, further enhancing his devastating might.

As with the other sins, he maintained the ability to send beings into fits of wrath.

If he used this ability on those who had ingested his blood, they would also gain his perk that made them stronger for every enemy felled.

But for those who had not, they would just become mindless and erratic monsters that would go wild and attack everything in sight without letting up.

Last but not least, he could now create physical weapons out of the same black and red energy that his flames were made out of.

He liked to think of them as the instruments of his wrath.

The last two were by far the most unfair powers by far.

The Dragon’s Sin of Envy.

To sum up this ability, Abaddon can not be harmed by beings who instill in him a sense of fear or intimidation.

To make matters even more absurd, he could switch the power levels of himself and another enemy for a short time, proportional to the difference in strength between the two.

These abilities would have been the greatest, but there was just one problem.

Abaddon does not know fear of others.

As already stated, he was the source of all monstrous beings and unholy horrors.

Why would he fear that which comes from him?

Even when battling an enemy of which there is a massive difference in power, Abaddon has never been afraid of them or intimidated.

The most he would feel was the worry that he would not make it home to see the smiling faces of his wives and children.

As a result, the first two abilities of the sin of envy were rather useless, but his ability to steal magic that was cast against him wasn’t.

All he had to do was survive a magical attack one time, and then not only could he copy it at no mana cost, he could prevent his opponent from using it again.

A disruptive field would be emitted that would cause the spell to fail and backfire no matter how many times one tried.

The last sin was the one that he was most attached to, and it was the one that had made him the most infamous.

And it’s evolved state would make him even more feared.

The Dragon’s Sin of Pride.

Invulnerability to physical attacks was just the tip of the iceberg.

Since he was not yet a god, the only way to wound or kill Abaddon was through the use of attacks that damage the soul or are empowered by divinity.

So currently, that part of the ability was the same as before.


The more outnumbered Abaddon is in battle, the stronger his attacks become, and the more confident that he is in his victory, the faster he will be.

In addition, he acquired the ability to strip others of their pride.

The most heroic of gods, maniacal devils , or upright of angels could all be sapped away of everything that made them fearless; reducing them to little more than babies who blubbered on their knees as they waited for death.

Just the thought of what he could do to the gods with all of this power was almost enough to send him into a drunken state.

He could envision it now, the fields of dead gods and angels that he would leave lying in his wake as he-

’Daddy, did you forget what time it is??’

Abaddon’s golden eyes flashed open when he heard Mira’s cute and childish voice in his head.

’M-Mira? I’m sorry I’ve gotten a bit carried away my dear, what time is it?’

’6:50. I thought you were taking new mommy on a date today???’

Abaddon suddenly felt like a bomb had gone off in his mind, and he quickly floated up from the ground; embarrassed he’d gotten carried away and distracted.

’I’ll be right there, Mira. Thank you for reminding me.’

’Cookies!’ She demanded cutely.

’Yes, yes, anything for you.’ He thought with a laugh.

Abaddon smiled as he opened a portal and traveled directly to his home.

The time to think about war and conquest would no doubt come later.

As of right now, he had a date with one of the nine most beautiful women in creation, and there was nothing more important to him than that.

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