First Demonic Dragon Chapter 491 The Wedding of A Millenia

Chapter 491 The Wedding of A Millenia

Sheol is quite the cold mythical world.

Not by normalcy or grand design, but because Abaddon had spent both of his lives living in hot, humid places.

He never really got used to it.

His body can survive in the sun itself and thrive within the cold darkness of outer space, but Abaddon always prefers a little chill in the places he goes.

Something that one would never anticipate judging by the way that he dresses.

Therefore, it isn’t all that uncommon to see snow falling in the land of dragons.

Even on today, there was a nice little flurry showering down upon the streets, and it was covering the lands in a delicate blanket of snow, creating an inviting winter wonderland.

Everywhere one looked, you could see dragons and spirits young and old in attendance on this grand day.

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They were all hovering within the sky above the castle of their divine leader; dead silent as they stared in anticipation.

Their eyes were locked onto the beautiful rooftop garden that was more exemplary than even the one in Dola.

The actual garden itself had been set up with a stage and seating area for the family and closest friends of the royal family, and they were already filled.

Everyone from General Darius to the Slothful Belphegor could be seen wearing their absolute best.

In the front row, the best seats were reserved for the children of the happy couple, as well as their individual parents.

Everyone waited quietly and respectfully without bothering to say so much as a word out loud.

Their gazes were focused on the man standing on the stage with his eyes closed.

Abaddon was always the center of attention wherever he went, but today of all days he was so captivating that it was mystifying.

He looked ethereal.

Calm, serene, and the epitome of attraction and power.

As a man, it was true that he had no equal.

But even though he looked calm on the outside, inside he was a storm of raging emotions.

His heart had never beat this strongly before.

This was a level of nervousness that was quite frankly inhuman.

He didn’t get it.

It wasn’t like they weren’t already married.

This ceremony was just symbolic, their souls were already tied together and marked them as one for eternity.

So why did he feel so anxious like this?

There was a slight change in the air and his eyes flashed open.

His attention and everyone else’s in attendance were drawn to the doorway that led to the garden.

There, a vision stood at the end of the isle.

His true, feminine equal and counterpart.

Like Abaddon, she was clad in a pure white dress that screamed loudly of her perfection.

There was a large slit in her dress to reveal her tattooed right leg and nearly made her husband drool.

Her sleeveless dress revealed her toned, yet soft arms that were adorned in their own bold artwork, and provided a modest view of her impressive bust.

Her face was uninhibited by a veil or makeup, as such things would have only been an indescribable tragedy on a tapestry this divine.

The short hair that they all wore in this form was pushed out of their face subtly, providing a vision that was totally new.

The skirt of their dress was absolutely magical, with a myriad of shifting colors and glimmering stars that seemed to twinkle unending.

There were no real words to describe their beauty, and there were no words to describe just how madly in love Abaddon was.

He felt as if he had just been struck with the weight of the earth itself, and had no way to defend.

He finally understood how people felt when they looked at him.

This kind of attraction was the sort that left one defenseless, with no way to fight back and no desire to.

There was nothing he would not give these women should they ask.

Most of the girls have strained, or nonexistent relationships with their fathers, but the only one who does not is Seras.

And due to her extremely close relationship with her new ’sisters’, Hajun has made it a point to treat them like they are his own daughters as well.

So really, it was no surprise that the old dragon had taken the liberty of walking the girls own the isle.

With their ams interlocked and slow, anticipating steps, they closed the distance between themselves and the stage.

When they finally reached it, Hajun gave the girls a brief hug before guiding them towards the anxious dragon awaiting them.

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The girls stepped up towards the stage and locked eyes with their husband.

It was very clear that these two, or more accurately these eleven, had just fallen in love with each other for the second time in their lives.

And this time was no less impactful than the first.

A single tear fell from each of their eyes at the exact same moment, and they both leaned in to kiss each other on instinct.

However, a wrinkled dark hand jutted in between their lips to stop them first.

"Ep! That comes a bit later you two! We know that you are beings of passion and all, but let’s do things in order, eh?"

Both Ayaana and Abaddon looked like they contemplated biting off Papa Legba’s hand before going for it anyway.

But they felt like that would have set a bad example in front of their children, so they restrained themselves.

However difficult it may have been.

Abaddon and Ayaana sat side by side on a wooden bench and Papa Legba finally began the long awaited ceremony.

"Mighty Uruloki... Graceful Spirits... Deities from foreign lands... Today, we are all here to bear witness to a union like none other..."

Unable to resist, Abaddon and Ayaana locked hands together like a couple of innocent kids in love.

Papa Legba got to his knees and grabbed a wooden bowl filled with red liquid and a brush like the kind used for makeup.

"Inmy culture... polygamy is notseen as a symbol of social status, and nor is it measure of boasting. It is a responsibility.

To balance the needs, emotions, and personalities of multiple partners is a testament to the care and importance placed within those relationships.

And for any of you who have spent time around our divine leader, you know without a doubt that he has never shied away from his responsibilities…"

Papa Legba coated the brush in a fair amount of red paint, and Abaddon and Ayaana removed their shoes in unison.

"With this brush, I hope to symbolize your oneness in front of all of your people who love and adore you both..."

He painted the soles of both of their feet completely, and left a small dollop of paint on the top near the ankle.

"Where one of you steps, let the presence of the other always be felt by those in your surroundings…"

The couple held out their hands, and Papa Legba painted draconic symbols on their palms and fingers.

"Whatever one of you touches, let the other’s guiding hand help to strengthen your own…"

The two of them lifted their heads slightly, and Papa Legba painted the undersides of their throat.

"Let your words carry the strength and purpose of your partner multiplied a hundred fold.

So much so that those outside of your union cannot even bear the weight of your conversation…"

Next, Papa Legba moved to their foreheads, and drew small sketches of a multi-headed dragon on each of them.

"May your minds be so connected that you know each other’s fears and worries without hearing them out loud, as well as all knowledge of how best to assuage them..."

Finally, Papa Legba painted the center of their chest.

"Lastly… may this ceremony link your past, present, and future bodies and souls. Assuring that at no point in time will you ever be without each other’s valuable comfort."

At the ceremony’s end, there was a visible reaction.

Their bodies were encased in dull red glows as the paint crafted onto their bodies was dyed permanently into their skin.

But that was not the most impactful part of this display.

They could feel each other in a way that was… totally different from before.

They were intertwined with every aspect of each others lives now, from beginning to end.

It made their pasts seem not quite as dark and dreary.

When Abaddon thought back on his time being bullied or beaten, it didn’t seem nearly as bad.

Because he could feel the hands of his wives on his body like they were protecting him from harm.

And conversely, they could feel the exact same thing.

Suddenly, these elven devoted lovers were significantly less damaged from their pasts.

Such is the power of true love’s touch.

Almost immediately, the lot of them had the exact same thought at once.

’I can’t wait to see what sex will feel like now…’

"May I have the rings, please?" Papa Legba asked.

Suddenly, the cutest little ring bearer that anyone had ever seen started walking down the isle carefully.

Straga held up two satin pillows with eleven rings on each.

And these, were significantly more special than the previous models.

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