First Demonic Dragon Chapter 508 A Horrid First Meeting...

Chapter 508 A Horrid First Meeting...

*Pow! Pow! Pow!*

"Abaddon, I think he gets the point now..."

*Mink! Mink! Mink!*

"Gulban may be powerful, but even he can die. Would you kindly get off of him..?" Asherah pleaded again.

Currently, Gulban was lying on the floor, flat on his back.

Abaddon was on top of him, performing a good old fashioned ground and pound like only the best of MMA fighters could pull off.

The dragon god’s fists were already slick with blood as he struck the old maker in the face repeatedly.

"You fucking deadbeat! You left your only daughter all alone in the fucking wilderness while you dicked around in other dimensions?! HAVE YOU ANY FUCKING IDEA OF HOW MUCH SHE NEEDED YOU!?!"

Gulban’s face was red, black, and blue all over, but he still parted his busted lips to offer up an excuse. "I couldn’t have-"


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Abaddon head butted the maker with enough force to destabilize a planet’s gravity.

Unsurprisingly, the maker’s eyes rolled into the back of his head immediately.

The number of Abaddon’s wives who had an easy childhood is few.

However, the one who arguably had it the worst was Valerie.

She was raised by the black market organization empyrium without a single care or comfort.

Since she showed talent in forging early, she received that much more ’attention’.

More was demanded of her than others and she went a great many nights without sleep, food, or even bathroom breaks.

If she failed in what was being asked of her, she was beaten, whipped, or even waterboarded to atone from her mistakes.

Her body still has a few of the old scars, but after ascending to godhood, she started using her glamour abilities to hide them.

Even after escaping from confinement, Valerie still never healed properly.

Her drinking habits and hyper-sexuality are a direct result of her upbringing; culminating in a need to forget and a desire to feel real connection; as well as an expression of personal autonomy.

It’s also the reason she developed her outwardly hard and crass personality.

She is Valerie Tathamet, and nothing gets to her!

She has no fears, insecurities, doubts, or regrets!

But many times, Abaddon had held her as she sobbed and broke down in the middle of the night, or on a day when one of her forged projects didn’t come out right.

In truth, she was the most damaged.

Abaddon could have only imagined how different her life would have been if she had been raised with someone, anyone to care about her.

And for Gulban to come into his domain not only uninvited, but acting as if he had some sort of parental decree over who Valerie decided to be with, was utterly infuriating.

Besides... they were already married, had eight children together, and their souls were intertwined.

They were together, the approval of anyone else be damned.

*Boom! Boom! Boom!*

Abaddon’s fist rained down on Gulban’s face like meteors.

Asherah could feel just how irritated he was, so perhaps that is the reason why she elected to let him work all this out for himself.

Besides... she did tell Gulban not to approach Abaddon rashly.

As far as she was concerned, this was basically a deserved punishment.

Abaddon’s furious assault continued for another ten minutes before he could no longer justifiably stay down here.

He finally sighed and stood up before he lifted Gulban by his collar.

His face was completely ruined, making him unrecognizable.

He looked like a stepped on cherry tomato.

"Asherah... I think I’m going to decline your invitation instead. Give the old man my regards, yea?"

The mother goddess sighed; clearly disappointed but not surprised.

Her thin and feminine body hoisted Gulban’s massive frame over her shoulder with great ease.

She gave Abaddon a somewhat sad look beneath her veil once he was secure.

"Well then... if you wish to visit us, all you need to do is call." She said kindly.

Gulban groaned and tried to spew some sort of unintelligible taunt.

He was trying to say ’I’ll be back’ but failed when he lost consciousness once again.

"Quiet, you." Asherah scolded. "You’ve caused enough trouble for me today."

Just before she left, she made one last request of him.

"Abaddon.. if you wouldn’t mind taking up your old-"

"I’ll guard the gate." He said immediately. "Once those fools bring back the ones who escaped, I’ll seal it back permanently."

Abaddon wasn’t sure if it was a trick of the light or not, but he could have sworn that he saw Asherah smiling as her veil was blown by the breeze.

"Ever so dependable. Please take care, Abaddon."

She vanished a couple of seconds later, leaving the Overlord of the abyss feeling slightly reflective.


After taking another bath to cleanse all of the blood off of himself, Abaddon finally crawled into bed with his wives.

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Perhaps instinctively, the girls had left an open space in the middle of the bed for him to climb right into.

Once he got into bed, he grabbed Valerie and pulled her directly into his arms.

She rested her head in the crook of his neck, and the familiar intoxicating scent caused her to stir temporarily.

Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled at her husband sleepily.


"Hi, darling. I didn’t mean to disturb you, just go back to bed."


It seemed like Valerie was going to go back to sleep, but she suddenly noticed an oddity.

Her husband had a hard body naturally, but he was even more stiff than normal.

She gave his abs and chest a few inquisitive pokes as if she was dissatisfied.

"What’s the matter with you…? Are you upset about something?"

"Ah… somewhat." He said honestly.

"Do we have to kill anybody…?"


"Can it wait until after we wake up…?"

"Yea, should be fine for now."

"That’s good… relax a bit, okay?"

Abaddon smiled softly at the most vulnerable side of his wife that only he got to see.

He finally closed his eyes and started to doze off when he felt a familiar hand slip into his boxers and grab his member.


"I just want to hold it, go to sleep…"

True to her word, Valerie fell asleep in seconds after groping her husband like some kind of creeper.

It took him understandably longer since he had to get certain… thoughts off of his mind.

He and his wives slept for a full 36 hours without interruption.

If one needed a testament to just his much the battle had exhausted them, they need not look any further than this.

It looked like they were going to continue sleeping for even longer, when one of them finally sat up.

Audrina opened her eyes groggily and stared off into space before deciding to sit up.

It took a lot for her to discreetly escape from Bekka’s death grip cuddle, but she was able to do it successfully without waking her.

After rubbing the grit out of her eyes and stretching, she surveiled the rest of her sleeping lovers.

As she expected, she was the first one to wake up.

Even Lillian, who was a notoriously light sleeper, was still unconscious and sandwiched between Seras and Tatiana.

Once she got her bearings, her mind immediately got settled on the next course of action.

She wanted to stay here and watch them sleep for a little while longer, or possibly even enjoy a little depraved unification when they woke up, but there was just something she had to deal with first.

She slipped out of bed with a level of stealthiness that was entirely befitting of a goddess of darkness.

She stepped into the bath so that she could be fully awake and make a thorough plan of what she would do and say.

…But she had to admit, there was a lot of anxiety running around in her heart.

In the middle of her bath, she heard the sound of footsteps coming towards her and a familiar approaching presence.

Lailah stepped inside of the bathroom, still rubbing her eyes and swaying side to side unevenly.

Once she saw Audrina wearing a bubble beard in the bath, she visibly perked up and let out a cute and musical giggle.

"Good morning to you too, dear. Is there any reason why you look like a busty Santa Claus?"

Embarrassed, Audrina wiped her face clear with water. "I suppose I was being silly for the sake of it.. and trying to make myself feel less nervous than I am."

Lailah’s smile changed into a small look of understanding.

She sat on the edge of the bathtub and let her feet soak in the water, and Audrina took that opportunity to rest her head against her leg.

The age dynamic between the two seemed to be in complete reverse as Lailah started to run her fingers through Audrina’s hair like she was one of their daughters.

"You don’t have to go right now, you know?" She finally said. "Wait until your loved ones are all awake and upright, and then we can all go with you for support."

Audrina looked like she really, really considered it.

She especially seemed like she wanted to wait for Abaddon, but there was still something preventing her from doing it.

" I can’t… they should get as much rest as possible while I handle this. Our husband especially needs it. Besides, if he was awake he would probably... I dunno, beat him up or something."

This time, Lailah couldn’t help but agree.

She of course stared at Abaddon before she got out of bed, and she found him absolutely exhausted as he held onto Valerie and Lisa.

She also couldn’t explain it, but she couldn’t help but wonder if he may have been a little under the weather somehow.

She decided to ignore it and tell herself that she was just being a paranoid wife.

The best ones usually are.

"But… you’re awake." Audrina suddenly said. "If you want to come with me, I would not object to that."

Truthfully, Lailah was about to crack open a dirty book and read until everyone woke up.

But since she knew how much this meant to a member of her family, how could she dare to say no?

"Alright then." she said with a smile. "Let’s see where your bastard father is hiding, shall we?"

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