First Demonic Dragon Chapter 537 Empty Nester

Chapter 537 Empty Nester

After an eventful spar and first meeting, the group tried their best to repair the planet they had obliterated before returning back to the house for a... more proper introduction.

Currently, Nyx was sitting in the common area living room, staring at a neatly dressed Belloc, Apophis, and Thea.

"So... All three of you are interested in someone from my alternate’s world..?"


Feeling partially confused, Nyx glanced at Abaddon who was sitting on the other side of the couch and playing with Nubia’s little toes.

"Don’t look at me, I have no say in this whatsoever. My children’s relationships are their own business and I trust their judgement."

"...I see."

Nyx turned her gaze back to Abaddon’s children and found that their faces were even closer than before and their eyes were sparkling with a strange luster.

Apophis: "What is the name of the cute girl with pink hair?"

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Belloc: "Whenever I see the girl with black hair on the observatory she looks sad. I will feast on the bones of whoever has harmed my beloved."

Thea: "Does your daughter like women by chance?! Do you think I might be her type??"

Nyx found Abaddon’s children to be quite cute, so she answered with a smile on her face.

"The one you’re interested in is named Serana. She’s quite the energetic and mischievous little thing, so you might have your hands full."

Apophis’ eyes seemed to gloss over as he savored the memory of the young human girl in his brain.

"I see... I look forward to the challenge..!"

Next, she turned to Belloc and showed him a smile that was not a smile.

"If you must know, Melanie and my son had a bit of history in the past and things did not end well... but you will not be killing him."

"...I will consider sparing him if she should ask."

"You will not be killing him under any circumstances."

"I will challenge him to open combat at the very least, take it or leave it."

Nyx couldn’t believe that this cheeky and unscrupulous young man used to be the Nord’s feared beast of malice.

Now, she just found him to be a young man in need of some kind of spanking. (Ironic, since Nyx has never raised a hand to any of her children unless she was trying to... you know.)

"...You’re lucky you’re handsome, brat."

"I know."

Finally, Nyx turned her head towards Thea and stared at her much warmer than the rest.

"It just so happens that my Aubrey does share an attraction to women. And you are exactly her type... and mine if I’m being-"

"No." Abaddon flung a pillow at Nyx like she was a dog who was trying to rub her butt on the carpet. 𝚏𝗿𝗲ew𝐞b𝐧o𝚟𝚎𝗹.com

"Eh!? Why!? You just said you would not interfere!"

"This is different. You’re much too old for her and it’s not appropriate."

"You and I are very nearly the same age, and three of your wives are in their twenties!"

"I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m twenty-nine."

"The hell you are!"

"Tell her, Nubby." Abaddon lifted up Nubia like she was the main character in an old Disney movie about animals and treachery.

"...Father is barely a day over 28."

"That’s my girl!"

Abaddon went back to nuzzling his face against Nubia’s happily and she tried to hide how much she enjoyed it.

Exhausted and feeling like there was no way to change his mind, Nyx finally just sighed and decided to move along for the sake of time.

"Well... I wouldn’t say that I am averse to giving you passage to my alternate’s corner of reality, but if you all are planning to hang around on earth... there are a few rules you’ll have to keep in mind since this will be your first trip to an alternate reality."

All three children nodded their heads in unison.

"For starters, since monsters aren’t technically supposed to be on that earth, you will have to keep a low profile and not draw too much attention to yourselves. Using the full extent of your powers or making the change is a sure no-no."

"""Mhm, mhm.""" The trio nodded.

"And though it may be tempting, you shouldn’t go around trying to solve all of that world’s problems on your own. You are observers there first and foremost, so try to keep that in mind, dearies."

"""Got it!"""

"Anything else??" Thea asked excitedly.

Nyx suddenly pointed to the three of them.

"Your faces. Fix them."




"""...EXCUSE US!?"""

Nyx waived her hand dismissively.

"It’s nothing like what you’re thinking, but you are your father’s children and that means that your appearances are a bit too much for this batch of humans, since they won’t have seen anything like you before. You look.. like fantasy given flesh.

If you want to exist in your normal appearances, then start out slow and then discreetly change one feature a day until you’re back to normal, otherwise you’ll break a lot of hearts and genitals...I mean, even I am currently thinking about-"

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"Nyx!" Abaddon interrupted.

"I’m just saying, if you and your wives won’t play with me then why should I not give the younger models a taste!?"

"You are older than the planets they were born on!"


"Um.. sorry to interrupt this game of cat and mouse, but how’s this?" Apophis suddenly said.

Nyx and Abaddon looked up at the three kids who had changed minor facial features to give themselves less of an out of this world mesmerizing appearance.

Well, save for Apophis that is.

Naturally, since the goal was normalcy, the young man had to change his unnaturally long and silky hair, and opted for a simple bald fade like his father’s human disguise.

Although he had kept the purple color that he was fairly famous for.

Even with his face changed like this, since he had his hair cut it was much easier to see the uncanny resemblance he shared with Abaddon and Lailah.

Nyx stared at the children thoughtfully as she rubbed her chin.

"No, this is no good, I still want to jump on all of you. Make yourselves uglier."



Exasperated, the night goddess clenched her fist and a dark portal opened up right in the living room.

"Take this and you’ll end up right in the middle of my alternate’s realm. Have fun sightseeing dearies."

The kids stared at the portal in wonder for a moment before turning their gaze back to their father and younger sister.

They found him wearing a somewhat sad smile on his face as he waived them goodbye.

"You all don’t have to worry about me or your mothers, since it will be good for you to get out and explore.

I’ll be able to contact you whenever, and the sigils on your hands will bring you back home no matter where you are, so just go ahead."

The kids smiled, relieved that they were already prepared for this.

Their wives and girlfriends were already in Thea’s inner world and making themselves at home, and they had recently gone out to procure entirely new wardrobes of ’human’ looking outfits.

Well, except Belloc.

New world or not, he would be a hoodie and sandals dragon till the day he ate death itself.

Before they left, all three children hugged their father as tight as they could muster while being sure to give little Nubia kisses goodbye as well.

Abaddon watched the three of them walk into the portal and disappear before it inevitably closed and he allowed himself to stop forcing a smile.

He sat in silence for a moment, simply watching the spot where his children had disappeared and contemplating to himself.

"Why is father sad?" Nubia suddenly asked.

Abaddon chuckled dryly.

"I can’t keep anything from you, can I pea?"

"No, you cannot."

"Me either." Nyx interjected.

At this, Abaddon did allow himself to chuckle just a bit.

"I was just thinking that this must be what it is like for human parents who send their kids off to college... I’ve never been so far away from your siblings before, and I confess that I do feel a bit nervous for them."

Nubia used her little hand and patted Abaddon on the head thoughtfully. "Worry not, father. I am sure that big brothers and sister will be fine and return to us shortly."

"She’s right you know." Nyx said thoughtfully.

"There is nothing on earth that could trouble your children seriously, even if they aren’t Nevi’im. Besides... you have done me a service by agreeing to empower my children, so I will protect yours as well."

Abaddon glanced at the goddess out of the corner of his eye and gave her a single nod. "Any effort you make will be appreciated, and I will find a way to pay you back if need be."

"I’ve been told friends don’t count favors, so I will not be doing so either. It is only right, no?"

"How benevolent... so you can be goddess-like after all."

"I resent that, you know? There are none who embody the title of goddess more than I."

"Ha! If you say so." Chuckling to himself, Abaddon eventually fell silent as he turned his face towards the ceiling and closed his eyes.

Nyx didn’t mind, as she was perfectly content to stare at him and be mesmerized by every detail of his face for the thousandth time over.

As he enjoyed the cool air conditioning, and the comfortable soft leather of his couch, his lips suddenly parted to spit out a random question.



"Tell me something... is becoming a primordial the only way to kill another primordial?"

"I... no, it is not. Why the sudden curiosity?"

"Our spar earlier... It was eye opening. I want to know how to defend myself when the time comes for me to kill Izanagi and Lucifer."

Nyx’s eyes widened at the revelation of the items on Abaddon’s to-do list.

Both were surprises, but she would never lie and say that she didn’t believe him capable of doing it in the future.

So she gave him a little push, if only to satisfy her unending curiosity.

"Honestly... you’re closer than you think, dear Abaddon... If you want to kill entire aspects of existence, then you need to utilize the power of nonexistence running through your blood. Isn’t that obvious?"

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