First Demonic Dragon Chapter 543 The Perfect Saturday Morning

Chapter 543 The Perfect Saturday Morning

Abaddon woke up in the early hours of seven in the morning and immediately shook off any lethargy.

Upon sitting up in his parents bed, he was revealed to be significantly bigger.

Instead of being an infant, now he was around the size of a five year old.

His hair was already beginning to show signs of growing very long in the future, as it now crested just on the tops of his shoulders.

He looked down and suddenly felt too big for diapers, so he practiced snapping his fingers a couple of times before he finally got it right.

As he rubbed his eyes, a red pajama set covered in multiple different kinds of ’Pokémon’ appeared on his small body.

Looking around, he saw that all three of his parents were still unconscious and didn’t show any signs of getting up anytime soon.

Dragons sleep famously long after all…

Abaddon crawled out of bed with the stealth of a ninja and tiptoed over to the bedroom door.

Ever so quietly, he opened it and squeezed his small body through the crack before running into the hall.


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"Kanami… Kanami..!"


The red headed young woman’s eyes fluttered open and she found a small and familiar child standing in her room.

It took her a moment to realize that this was her brother and he was growing at an accelerated rate just like Gabbrielle and the creators predicted.

"Morning, little guy… What are you doing up so early?"


"No you aren’t, you don’t require food anymore, remember?"

"Still hungry!"

"You just want to eat because you’re bored."

"Same thing!"

’It really is no wonder that you ended up with someone like Bekka…’ Kanami tried not to laugh as she pulled herself out of bed.

"Alright, alright, what do you want?"

"Choco crunchies and pop pastries!"

"Gotta be one or the other, little guy."

"ANARCHY!" Abaddon fell to the floor dramatically and stared up at the ceiling.

’This will absolutely never get old…’ Like everyone else in the house, Kanami was really enjoying this a lot more than she should have been.

She easily lifted up her brother and tossed him over her shoulder like a garbage bag.

"Our moms wouldn’t want you to have all of that sugar so early."

"Papa would!"

"Yes, well that’s the reason why moms double check all of his decisions."

Kanami opened the door and was surprised when she nearly ran face first into their other sister, Malenia.

And another copy of Abaddon, who was coincidentally also being carried the same way.

"He woke you up too, huh?"

"He did indeed." Malenia’s silver hair was still strewn messily across her face and she was clearly sleep deprived.

"He bug you for sugar also?"

"Choco crunchies and pop pastries… I feel like I am back at work already."

"I hope you told him no."

"Of course I did."

""Anarchy!"" Abaddon one and two yelled in unison.

The sisters simply smashed them together like pieces of dough until they came back into one body.

With one sister each holding onto one leg, the two of them carried their brother toward the kitchen and ignored his protests for more sugar.


"…We’re weak."

"He’s quiet and happy, let’s just take our wins where we can get them, yea?"

In the living room, all three siblings were lying on their stomachs in front of the tv.

A bowl of cereal was seated in front of each of them, though a moment’s inspection would reveal a concerning outlier.

Abaddon was currently eating out of a metal mixing bowl instead of a normal one.

As for the reason why… he didn’t appear to be the sin of gluttony for nothing.

*Spider-Man 1994 TV Series starts playing*

"What is this we are watching?" Malenia asked in veiled disinterest.


"I see… and what exactly is the premise of this show?"

"Hit bad guys, make fall down."

"Oh… fascinating?"


The three of them sat and watched what felt like hours of the cartoon, with only Malenia having trouble staying awake.

After the sixth time she nearly dropped her head into her cereal bowl, Kanami finally asked her if she’d rather go back to bed.

Just before Malenia answered, she found her brother giving her the biggest set of pleading eyes she had ever witnessed.

"Brother, I don’t think I can share a child’s attention span for cartoons…"

Kanami considered telling her sister that she and her brother just came in here and did this last week when he was still fully grown.

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They got through three seasons of a monster card game show before Erica came to steal him away to have sex.

And he just came back afterwards anyway…

"Shall I keep you company in her stead?"

Looking behind their backs, the three siblings found a woman who was familiar, but unrecognizable.

"Do primordial goddesses not use the front door? How are we supposed to keep you all out then?" Kanami muttered disparagingly.

"Perhaps spray bottles will do the trick." Malenia thought aloud.

Nyx said nothing as she was unable to fake her eyes off of baby Abaddon.

"Belloc wasn’t joking… you turned yourself into a child, but also…"

To the goddess, it was like she was looking at an entirely different person.

She couldn’t even begin to imagine what the dragon could have done to get like this.

Because she was painfully aware that one of his powers went beyond something from this aeon.

It almost made her sick.

And yet, it made her feel like she had to have him even more.

She was glad that she made certain ’preparations’ before she came.

To better seduce Abaddon, Nyx had altered her appearance to emulate the same features found on most of his wives; and the ones she thought would appeal to him the most.

Almond shaped eyes, long hair that fell past her lower back, soft, thick thighs and a butt that could put even Megan the Stallion’s to shame.

She was unable to discern whether she should have gone for a fit body, or a more cuddle oriented one, so she planted herself firmly in the middle.

And she had to admit, this was one of her best skin suits yet.

"Who are you?" Abaddon asked as he tilted his head in confusion.

Nyx smiled defenselessly. "I’m a friend of yours, dear. Don’t you remember me?"


Briefly, Abaddon opened up eye number four as he stared at Nyx.

She was surrounded by a dense, pink aura that nearly filled up every corner of the living room.

And then, he heard her inner voices.

’I will have you, sweet dragon.’

’We will create such a wonderfully powerful family together…’

’I can’t wait to see you again when you’ve become a man… no doubt you will be stupefying…!’

’Your wives are so selfish, hogging a man like you for themselves and leaving me in the cold…’

Once Abaddon’s eyes and head began to hurt, he closed his fourth eye immediately and rubbed his temples.

"I… have… wives?"

Nyx’s jaw all but fell from her skull.

"No, that’s not… how could you have possibly…?"

Kanami and Malenia were busy checking on their brother and didn’t seem interested in Nyx or her traumatized reaction.


"Are you alright??"


Kanami needed to hear little else as she stood up and lifted up her brother.

"Come on, let’s get you into bed, hm?"


"We can watch later, bud. Right now you just need to rest."

Ordinarily, baby Abaddon would have tried to fight the mere mention of getting back into bed when there were cartoons to be watched, but for whatever reason he didn’t feel like arguing at the moment.

As Kanami carried him away, Abaddon allowed all of his eyes to rest as he fell back asleep.


When Abaddon woke up, he was in Kanami’s bed and alone all over again.

He wasn’t sure where his sisters were, but he knew that they couldn’t have gone far.

He set up immediately and prepared to get out of bed when he was suddenly pushed back down.

Miraculously, an invisible woman suddenly appeared in front of him.

She was beautiful, with bright orange skin and verdant green eyes with black sclera.

Just the mere sight of her nearly sent his senses into a spiral.

She lifted a clawed finger up to her lips in a shushing gesture.

He didn’t know why, but his first instinct was to mimick it.

She smiled at him, and he felt the beginnings of a nosebleed starting to come on.

As he lay down, the woman ran her hands through his mismatched hair and hummed a soft lullaby.

He couldn’t begin to put his finger on the reason why, but for reasons he couldn’t understand he felt like he had heard this tune before.

It made him unbelievably relaxed and comfortable.

And though he did want to keep staring at this beautiful woman, his eyes were beginning to flutter closed before he knew it.

After five minutes of humming, and when she could sense that her husband was finally asleep again, Lillian planted a small kiss on his forehead and smiled.

’This’ll stay between us, okay? I just had to make sure you were alright.’


Tearing her focus away from Abaddon, Lillian pulled out her phone to answer a message in the group chat.

Lailah : Zheng is back. He has our friend Sif with him.

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