First Demonic Dragon Chapter 589 The Death of Asgard: Part VII

Chapter 589 The Death of Asgard: Part VII

Oblivion has two main abilities that can be used either together or separately.

The first is erasure.

By pulling people, objects, and even worlds into himself, they become forgotten about by mortals, monsters, and gods alike- and reality itself begins to re-write itself as if these things never existed to begin with.

Once Abaddon ’rests’ after erasing something, reality itself performs something like a hard save on a new game; permenantly erasing any and all traces of the lost individuals while creating new timelines without them.

Depending on the influence of the person, these changes to reality can be very little, or very big.

And only outerversal beings and primordials would be able to tell that anything had changed.

Oblivion’s second ability lies within forgetfulness.

Souls who were destroyed, even if not by his own hand, are sent to oblivion where they lament over the fate that has befallen them.

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At Abaddon’s discretion, they can be re-summoned to the mortal plane as ’The Forgotten’. Revenant soldiers who burn with anger over being left behind by all or who were denied a possible chance at reincarnation and peaceful rest.

They hold a morbid fear and absolute loyalty towards him, as he is the embodiment of everything that terrifies and torments them, and the only thing capable of returning them to that miserable black horizon.

...Or at least, that’s how it’s supposed to be.

"I hope you aren’t expecting me to start bowing or some shit like that, because that’s not gonna happen!"

"..."Truthfully, the thought had never even crossed Abaddon’s mind.

"That’s fine, because we do not have time for extensive pleasantries. Just ensure that your rest hasn’t made you lethargic."

"Rest!? You killed me, you pillock!" Satan roared before he eventually wiped away a faux tear. "...I’ve never been so proud!"

"Uncle." Abaddon reminded.

"Ah, what happened to all that hair you had before? And why do you look so much more attractive than last I saw you? You’re sluttier than your father now."


"Fine, fine, we’ll play catch-up later."

Needless to say, the gods were all staring at the strange newcomer who had shown up at Abaddon’s behest.

Unsurprisingly, no one recognized him.

But only a few of the oldest gods assembled here could recognize a very particular ’smell’ from him.

"That man... he smells like Lucifer’s blood." Longwang, one of the only dragon gods who had not come over to Abaddon’s faction, narrowed his eyes at the sight of Satan.

Zeus was inclined to agree with that assessment, as he could also feel the archangel’s blood coursing through the king of wrath’s veins.

"You asked me what I learned after clashing with him for all of this time, right...?" Odin coughed as he held his ribs.

"He’s somehow getting his strength back the more time passes... And I would strongly advice against using magic against him."

Isis / Hecate / Morrigan : "Why!?"

"He’s.. able to copy it somehow. Not only that, but he can double it’s effectiveness and power at seemingly no magical cost of his own."

The goddesses of magic made shocked expressions and began staring at Abaddon like he was even more of an abomination.

’So I wasted time in bringing them then...? Useless.’ Zeus sneered inwardly.

"So since he’s getting stronger with every second we waste, that means that we should hurry and begin this now!" Poseidon spun his trident in the air with impeccable grace.

The snowy surrounding the entire ruined mountainscape suddenly turned into water in the blink an eye.

A massive torrential tidal wave rose up on all sides and attempted to swallow the two men whole.

Abaddon started to act on his own, but before he could do anything Satan placed a hand to his chest to stop him.

"Wait a god damned minute, nephew."

A tightly condensed shield of red energy surrounded the two men as the water attempted to crush them like soda cans.

Satan’s shield held up against the sea god’s attack, but there were a number of cracks running along it that confirmed that the amount of time it was hold was short.

Dangerously so.

"What is the meaning of this, Uncle?" Abaddon asked with a growl.

"You want to tell me what that bullshit you’ve got there is?"

Satan pointed to the two axes in each of Abaddon’s hands.

"My weapons? Are you fucking serious right now!?"

"Damn right I’m serious! That shit makes you look weak, put it down right the fuck now!"

"The hell are you on about, you damned maniac!?"

"You’re going to shit all over everything I taught you like this!? Relying on toys and trinkets to kill some pussy ass gods!? We are supposed to be better!"

"I use whatever I must to suit my purposes, you old bastard."

"Not on my watch you don’t! You are my one and only student and the only man to ever have the PRIVILEGE to best me!

You think I will allow you to run around here and drag my legacy through the mud like this? Tighten up, you big bastard and let’s do this the right way!"

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Water had begun to seep into the cracks within the barrier, and more was coming in at every moment.

Abaddon couldn’t do much but shake his head and scoff as he dispelled his weapons without much thought.

"Better?" He sneered.

"Yes! Now let us revel in the glory of this battle!" Satan exclaimed gleefully.


The barrier finally gave way underneath the mounting pressure and water rushed in from all sides.

Faster than the eye could perceive, Abaddon raised his hand high above his head and held it straight like a great blade.

Making a downwards slashing motion, he cut through the impromptu ocean Poseidon had created and parted it as if it were the Red Sea.

The trench created was so large and impressive that it stopped just shy of reaching the feet of the gods in attendance- spanning a whole 200 yards.


At Zeus’ behest, at least thirty of the 400+ assembled gods rushed head on to meet the two incarnations of destruction.

Some took to the sky, while others rushed forward on the ground.

Abaddon and Satan ran side-by-side, and seemingly formulated a plan in the blink of an eye with no prior teamwork experience.

Satan: "I will pluck the birds from the sky."

Abaddon: "And I’ll crush them underfoot."

""Do not get in my way.""

At the last moment, Abaddon removed a dark red sphere with a demonic symbol on it from his chest.

He threw it into Satan without giving him any option over whether to take it or not.

"I took the liberty of making some adjustments … I hope you find this copy to be satisfactory."

Similar to the energizer bunny, Satan’s body seemed to literally hum with power as the wounds and markings on his body began to glow.

"This... will.. be... GRAND!!" He yelled deliriously.

Like a frenzied maniac, Satan leapt up into the air and left Abaddon behind.

The first deity he encountered in the sky was an aztec god resembling a large feathered serpent.

With a roar, the great beast generated winds so powerful and deadly that they were even able to cut through metal and stone as if they were warm butter.

Satan, for all of his tactical smarts and combat iq, did not even attempt to avoid the attack and instead held out his arms in anticipation.

When the winds passed over his body, they all but ripped him to shreds- peeling skin, shredding muscle, scraping bone, and even severing horns.

But even as his body was cut to hell, Satan didn’t seem nearly upset, or even defeated for that matter.

As blood ran down his entire body in rivers and nearly obscured all of his features; save for the inhumanely sharp and white smile on his face.

"Yes...Yes, this was it! This is what I was missing as I toiled around in the dark! This fulfillment! This elation! This exhilaration can only come from the clashing of souls against each other...!"

The more excitable that Satan became, the more his body temperature began to soar; producing an unnaturally dangerous heat accompanied by glowing red skin.

As he looked right now, it would be easy for one to mistake him for some kind of dragon.

"Bring me more glory, serpent! Revel with me in the purity of my precious violence!!"

Two large, red spectral arms appeared over Satan’s body.

Reaching forward, Satan grabbed Quetzalcoatl by his large fanged mouth and ignored all venom being spewed his way.

Using all of his strength, Satan pulled hard in two different directions and ripped apart the winged snake with such ease that it was downright frightening.

As he did so, a euphoric smile could be seen on his face as if he’d just been on the receiving end of a massive orgasm.

Abaddon’s decision to summon Satan in particular was no mere spur of the moment decision.

It was very well thought out, and extremely calculative on his part.

Pairing one of the greatest berserkers in the multiverse with a power that makes one stronger the angrier they become was a no-brainer.

But doing it with a person who had spent time in oblivion and was chock-full of rage because of it was a perfect way to create an even bigger problem for his enemies.

If before Satan was the equivalent of a demigod, as of this moment he was as fearsome as 2-3 Olympians rolled into one.

And he felt incredible.

’Honestly, nephew.... How I thank you for this day!!’

As the innards of a giant serpent fell to the battlefield like rain, Abaddon kept running towards the army of gods with a burning wrath of his own in mind.

All that he could see was Poseidon.

All that he could think about was killing him in the worst way possible.

And as he had promised, the sea god would be the first deity whom he killed today- all to honor the friend he loved as much as his own family.

However, he was going to have to deal with some obstacles first.

Because at this very moment, seven Olympians were heading straight for him; each looking less friendly than the last.

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