Florida Man’s General Store in Cultivation World Chapter 338 Florida Man Accused of Cheating His Wife with Her Sisters and Mother, Claims He Only ‘Touched’ Them.

Chapter 338 Florida Man Accused of Cheating His Wife with Her Sisters and Mother, Claims He Only ‘Touched’ Them.

Chapter 338 – Florida Man Accused of Cheating His Wife with Her Sisters and Mother, Claims He Only ’Touched’ Them.

Mu-Nyang’s Star, Cathulhu Galaxy

A lone cabin was situated in the middle of a plain sandwiched by a lake and a thick forest. Inside the resident hid a Cathulhu child by the name Mu-Nyang.

Inside the cabin was a bed, a workbench, and a wooden board full of photos. The Cathulhu child, who transformed into a white cat, sat on the workbench and admired the pictures of his foster father Xiaomao.

Missing his dead father, he shed a tear. Although he knew that Xiaomao’s soul was inside his dantian universe, he couldn’t bear the pain of losing him.

"Master, when will you come out? I’m lonely…"

While Mu-Nyang was drowning in sorrow, someone knocked on the front door.

Mu-Nyang wiped his tears and transformed his tail into a long tentacle. Twisting the doorknob, he opened the door to welcome his frequent guest.

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In front of the cabin was a handsome middle-aged man, whose face looked similar to Mao Miaomiao, a vile soul who called himself Devil. Mu-Nyang had seen him many times in the past year.

"Senior Leonardo, munya?" Mu-Nyang recognized him. He faked his smile and asked, "Are you here to evict me again, munya?"

Leo who had been monitoring Mu-Nyang bitterly smiled. He offered the cat even though he knew that it would be rejected.

"Would you come to live with me? I’ll prepare a better resident for you and your master. Living here alone is not safe."

Mu-Nyang didn’t remember Leo in this life. He scoffed, "Please leave, munya! Also, I won’t sell this house, ever, munya!"

"I see. Then, I’ll leave today’s supply here. Make sure to eat a lot since you’re still growing, okay?"

"You’re not my father, munya! Don’t tell me what to eat!"

"Okay, okay." Leo laughed and left in silence. He glanced at the supply crate that he brought for Mu-Nyang.

Inside the crate were 1,000 Floridian Dantian pills, catnip powder, dried fish, and cultivation manuals. Next to the crate was a small package of Prismatic Void Pill.


Low-Grade Prismatic Void Pill

This pill has been concocted by the Time Emperor Florida Man. It has a similar effect as an entity fate crystal – Whoever consumes this pill will always be protected by the Prismatic Void Tree’s blessing, which guarantees a fortuitous encounter or lucky streaks.

This pill is popular in the Florida Galaxy. The locals melt these pills on a spoon to inhale its unique smoke. This consumption method is banned in the Florida Galaxy, but many cultivators are addicted to it due to its hallucination side effect.

Pill Effects

- Increase Luck

- Increase Lifespan by 1,000 Years

- Expand Dantian Size

- Cleanse Physique and Bone Marrow

- Relieve Stress and Sore Muscles

- May Induce Hallucination if Consumed Incorrectly.

The pill effects are hidden from all systems users except for Singularities and Time Lords.

After leaving Mu-Nyang alone, Leo scanned the cat’s dantian universe to check how Meowmeow and Lucky were doing.

Lucky’s soul seemed to have undergone a mutation and his gender changed. He became a SHE, but her new soul was still queuing in Mu-Nyang’s karma river. It would take a while for her to come back to life.

As for Meowmeow, his soul and Mao Miaomiao’s soul got stuck together. As Dr. Mao Miaomiao forgot about his past and deeds, he lived according to the predetermined fate and got into conflict with Kishin Douji.

Everything went according to his plan. Within a thousand years, they would come out as entities. Leo looked forward to their next reunion.



The next day, Simba carried a leather bag with him and visited the Cathulhu World. He ignored Mu-Nyang’s cabin and went to the capital city of this planet.

The capital city was another branch of Leo’s domain. A giant dome covered 600,000 square kilometers, which was occupied by the massive town. White skyscrapers, medium-sized buildings, sky roads, and plants were visible from outside.

Cathulhus in this city all wore a collar, which automatically transformed their bodies into a regular cat. In the city, adult cats walked on two feet. They wore modern clothes wandered around, and minded their businesses.

In the middle of the national park, Leo and Esen sat side-by-side while a cat curled into a ball and slept on Esen’s lap. Esen giggled while stroking the Siamese cat while Leo scratched its chin.

Simba entered the city through the checkpoint and visited Leo in the park. He stood in front of them and put the leather bag on the ground.

Leo glanced at the bag and frowned. He forgot what he had ordered Simba to do since the life of this planet was peaceful.

"What’s that?" Asked Leo.

Simba sighed and reported, "Our troops have found the rebel’s hideout. We attacked them and managed to capture the ringleader. Some are still scattering in this universe though, but they are fated to die within 10 years according to the karma."


Leo rolled his eyes upward while he tried to recall his previous order. It sounded important. However, to him, it seemed so insignificant. Fortunately, his wife was nearby.

Esen reminded him, "You asked Simba to exterminate the remaining werewolves in this universe, did you not?"

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"Oh, right." Leo finally remembered. "I forgot that werewolves are still around. Well, are they all dead yet?"

Simba deeply sighed, "Except for Milo, most of the werewolves are dead. By the way, you’re a time lord. Can’t you calculate the future yourself?"

"Meh, peeking at other timelines costs a lot of energy. If I get too close, I lose some of my lifespans, and our timeline will deviate from the right track. If possible, I’d rather avoid using this power."

Simba nodded in approval, "Agreed. Still, I’m curious. How did you cultivate your time domain that far? Also, from my experience and insight, the Singularity Realm seems to be the highest cultivation ceiling of our universe. How did you break through the bottleneck?"

Leo shrugged and revealed the universe’s secret.

"You’re right. Singularity Realm used to be the highest cultivation realm of all timelines. It’s just that I broke the record."


"How do you think a cultivator was born? By the guidance of someone else? By bloodline? Nope! None of that. It’s from the tenacity, stubbornness, and delusion of mortals who were lucky enough to discover a method to become immortal. Like them, I went ape-shit in the power of time and space because I want to snu-snu…"

Leo suddenly realized that Esen was next to him. He coughed and corrected his words before his wife could notice his ulterior motive.

"Ahem! I experimented with the power of time to expand my domain coverage. I researched so hard that I comprehended the dao of time and understood what the fourth dimension really is. Well, you can guess the rest."

Simba rubbed his chin when Leo muttered the fourth dimension. He recalled a famous scientist on Earth who mentioned this before.

"So, what is it like? I’m still living in the 3rd dimension. I can only move up, down, left, and right."

"Nah, you’re pretty much in the 3.5D mode. You can blink and appear anywhere in the universe. You can phase through objects. In fact, I have a theory that Earth’s scientists misunderstood the dimension orders…"

Both men exchanged philosophies and discussed dao for hours. Esen sat there and listened to the men while smiling. Still, she was the only one who paid attention to the leather bag.

When Leo and Simba stopped speaking, Esen pointed at the bag and asked.

"What’s in that bag?"

"Ah," Simba dryly laughed. "A souvenir."

"Souvenir?" Esen carefully carried the Siamese cat and put it on Leo’s lap. Then, she reached out to pick up the bag.

Upon opening the bag, she discovered a thousand storage rings in there. She pursed her lips, mimicking Leo’s troubled expression.

"Rings? At this age?" She complained.

"What’s wrong, sister-in-law?"

Esen sighed and opened her system menu. She navigated to the inventory system and showed it to Simba.

"Next time, use the transfer or trade menu. You can simply send these rings through the system. Don’t you have a true karmic fate crystal in you?"

Simba was taken aback. He scratched his bald head and laughed, "I forgot."

"Seriously. You and Leo share the same brain cells."

Leo and Simba looked at each other and burst into laughter.

"Wifey, look. My geniusness knows no bounds. I even turned my delusion into reality! Can’t you see that I’m the only time lord in the multiverse?"

Simba jeered at Leo, "Geniusness is not a word, you autistic coomer. You’ve gotten that far because you wanted to secretly molest clones of other women in your dantian universe!"

"Bullcrap! I never molest any woman other than my wife!"

Simba smirked, "But I read your karma a few years back. It said that you secretly summoned Eleanor, Ellen, and my wife’s clone in your dantian universe to fight with them."

"Yeah, I fought them to learn their skills, so?"

"You set their skill levels to the lowest."

"…"The inception of this chapter’s publication is linked to N0v3lb11n.

"What kind of skills did you learn when your opponents are weaker than you, Leo?"

"…Meh, you know nothing. I studied their bloodline so that I could come up with a new alchemy recipe! And…"

Leo stood up and was about to yell at Simba. However, Esen menacingly smiled at Leo and pulled his shirt.

"Hubby, care to explain? You did what?"

Both Esen and Simba knew about Leo’s dantian universe and its nature as the guy once taught them about it. They, too, were capable of altering the time flow in their dantian universe. However, they couldn’t summon clones like Leo.

Leo sweated profusely. He didn’t cheat on Esen, but he indeed summoned her sisters’ clones and her mother’s clone to extract their blood for samples. But because of the suspicious activity, he didn’t know how to explain it.

"Wife, I’m honest here. I didn’t cheat on you."

Esen smirked, "Cheating or not, I’ll see it for myself. Take me to your dantian universe! I’ll investigate your karma in there!"


Leo deeply sighed and let Esen enter his dantian universe. She turned into a streak of light and vanished into his forehead.

After Esen entered his universe, Leo stared at Simba.


Simba burst into laughter and teleported away, leaving the leather bag behind. He was satisfied after pranking Leo.

It would take Leo a while before he could reconcile with Esen and prove his innocence.

In the future, someone in Mu-Nyang’s dantian universe would abuse a similar perk and ravish countless women with his time ability. He would also have a similar system ability to summon clones of others to fight in his dantian universe.

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