Fox Girl In An Apocalyptic World Chapter 33: Raiding the hotel

Chapter 33: Raiding the hotel

Entering the lobby of the hotel, it was evident people had run away in a hurry as their belongings were scattered on the floor.

"Kim, you are to stay behind me at all times and follow my orders no matter what." Lou suspected there to be mutants and she needed Kim to always be in arms reach.

Kim nodded and positioned herself behind Lou and took out her beretta that had limited ammo. Although Kim did not want to use any more essence since she had been constantly running low, she still had what was stored in the gun giving her some defence.

Walking through what looked like an average hotel, Lou and Kim listened out for any mutants. However, the outside was still a mess which made it hard to distinguish what was happening inside.

’Hopefully, once we are deep in the hotel it gets quieter.’ Lou wanted to yell at the noise outside to shut up, but for now, they had to deal with the noise.

Entering a hallway that had a few elevators, Lou went up to test if any of them worked.

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"Even if they work, shouldn’t we take the stairs to be safe?" Kim did not want to get stuck in the elevator and was still under the assumption that everything electronic was disabled.

"Don’t care, if it can get us there quicker I will take the risk." Lou did not want to waste a perfectly good opportunity to go straight to the top floor.

"I doubt it will even wo-." Before Kim could finish her sentence a ding sound went off and the elevator opened up.

However, a mutant was inside the elevator and jumped out as soon as the door opened. Lou without a second thought punched the human mutant in the face pushing it back into the elevator. Lou then proceeded to unload a bunch of bullets into the mutant until it was dead.

"We must be in a horror movie." Lou had been surprisingly scared by the sudden mutant and instinctively killed it.

"Let’s be a bit more careful." Kim held her hand to her chest as her heart dropped for a moment seeing the mutant so suddenly.

Getting into the elevator, the melted corpse of the mutant slowly turned to ash by Lou’s flame till there was nothing left. Lou pressed the button to the highest floor and the elevator began to move.

"Still have no idea how this elevator is working." Kim was still amazed that there was still power running through the place.

"If I remember correctly it was that weird green lava that caused the electronic devices to not work." Lou thought back to when Echo examined the green lava and it seemed that the effect got stronger the closer you got.

"Pull out your phone Kim." Lou figured that if there was power here, then their phones would be working again.

Kim reached into her bag, pulling out an orange phone and turned it on. To her surprise, it turned on and was fully functional, but there was no reception or internet.

"Despite it working it’s kind of useless without any service." Kim was a bit disappointed since the idea of contacting each other was crushed in mere seconds.

"We will need to find Echo, he can probably set up a way so we can use our phones, just need to find him." Lou Believed that Echo being the tech guru he was, would be able to set up his own network.

"I am worried for him since he is by himself." Kim couldn’t help but stress a little as Echo had not been much of a fighter making him rather vulnerable.

"He doesn’t like showing his face or name so if he needed to he could easily blend into a survivor group, so I wouldn’t panic until we found his dead corpse or him as a mutant." Lou chuckled a little as she fully trusted everyone in the squad and if they died, she would personally kill them again.

"If I were to be worried about someone, it would be Jayde, she is rather… emotional." Lou did not know how to put it into words, but she knew Jayde was easily overwhelmed.

"Aha, Yeah, but you know it works in her favour." Kim couldn’t agree more as there were many times that Jayde freaked out or panicked and ended up killing everyone in a room.

"If it wasn’t for essence being able to ricochet, I don’t think she would’ve been able to get through a lot of the missions." Lou let out a sigh as all though Jayde was the least experienced, when it mattered Jayde did perfectly fine on the battlefield.

"At least she is a good fighter and her talent for parkour helped a lot, but yeah it’s hard to argue when she has trouble controlling herself at times." Kim awkwardly laughed and hoped that Jayde did not get herself in trouble because of her rather erratic personality.


Suddenly the elevator had stopped near the top floor and the sound of grinding metal echoed around them.

"I knew it!" Kim’s fears of getting stuck were becoming a reality and if they were to fall it would be a long way down.

"Tch." Lou quickly went up to the elevator door and tried to force it open with her hands.

The elevator jolted like things were landing on top of it and the first thought that went through Kim’s mind was mutants were falling into the elevator shaft.

"Shit we might have mutants." Kim was beginning to panic as she had no clue on what she could do to help.

"Kim just make sure that they do not get in the elevator." Lou was slowly opening up the door which took all of Lou’s strength to do.

Kim nodded and with her beretta started looking at the roof of the elevator looking for any mutants breaking through.

More mutants had fallen onto the elevator pushing them further down. The elevator had also gotten close to max weight capacity and the stress on the wires was getting greater.

Lou was now able to slide her body into the door and push with her feet making it easier to open.

Due to the number of mutants that had fallen on the elevator a clear dent was made and the emergency was on the verge of breaking.

"Kim!" Lou called out her name as the gap was now big enough that Kim would be able to crawl through.

Kim quickly dived under Lou and as she did this, the emergency exit burst open with a bunch of mutants. The mutants in a frenzy went to instantly go attack Lou, but she was able to quickly slip out and the door shut in the faces of the mutants.

Lou landed on top of Kim and found themselves in a rather peculiar position.

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"Well, I like this very much." Lou had accidentally pinned Kim down to the ground and enjoyed the embarrassing face Kim had.

Despite the situation, there was a lot of tension between the two as they had not been able to do anything for a few weeks.

Kim stayed silent and turned her head trying to avoid eye contact with Lou.

Lou then grabbed Kim’s chin forcing her to look Lou in the eyes. However, the elevator behind them could no longer take the weight of the mutants and so the wire finally snapped causing it to fall back down to the bottom floor.

A loud crash echoed throughout the entire building and then was followed by the growling of mutants.

"Tsk." Lou got off Kim as mutants were going to be running rampant ruining their moment.

Kim got up from the ground completely red, a little disappointed as she was hoping on the inside things did continue.

Looking around the hallway they jumped into, many of the rooms had their doors wide open with the floor being littered with luggage.

"Careful any of the rooms could have mutants in them." Lou was unable to hear any growls on their floor, but assuming everyone left in a panic she thought it was unlikely that there were going to be mutants around every corner.

Kim shook her head to rid of the embarrassment and focused back on surviving.

Making their way through the hallway, they looked into each room checking for any mutants.

Getting near the end of the hallway, Lou was about to check one of the rooms, until suddenly from behind the door, a person came out swinging a baseball bat. Lou leaned back dodging the bat and Kim who was further back aimed her beretta at the man who had tried to attack them.

"Don’t move!" Kim was ready to fire at any moment and with the man losing his opportunity had no choice, but to let go of his bat and raise his hands.

Lou had flipped back on her hands. Getting annoyed by the fact she was attacked, Lou walked up to the man and punched him in the face.

"Batsard!" Lou then proceeded to dig her heel into the side of the man’s head.

"Arrggghhh!" The man groaned in pain, unable to speak for himself.

"This is what you get bastard, instead of being polite and revealing yourself you just had to attack us huh?" Lou put more force into her heel and the sound of cracking echoed in the hallway.

"Next time don’t fucking attack me." Stomping down on the man’s head Lou had accidentally killed him.


*Sigh* "Why am I not surprised?" Kim facepalmed as there was no real need to kill him.

"Oh well, his fault for attacking us, if he had just come out nicely I would have let him off." Lou shrugged and kicked the body to the side.

"At this rate, you’re gonna be known for anger issues rather than being a psycho."

’Aha~, well that’s what you are for, to relieve myself." Lou quickly turned to Kim and Lou brushed her hand on Kim’s cheek.

Kim felt shivers and was back to blushing as she knew exactly what Lou implied.

"Pfftthaha cute~." Lou then walked off and continued checking the rooms.

Kim was frustrated as she felt like she was being teased on purpose at this point. Kim pouted and followed Lou in hopes that she would repay for all the teasing she had done.


Making it to the fire exit stairs, they were able to climb their way to the top where the desired room was. Exiting the stairway they were greeted with a rather luxurious hallway with only one entrance at the end.

"Here we are." Lou smirked as it seemed the place was rather untouched.

"I wonder where the mutants were coming from then?" Kim knew they were coming from above, but they did not know which floor it would have been.

"That isn’t our problem, if anything they can be guard dogs." Lou saw no point in worrying about it as they were rather safe unless the building collapsed.

Walking up to the double door that led to the penthouse, Lou was ready for any dangers that may be behind the door. Opening up the doors Lou found that the place was empty.

"Oh I was expecting some special mutant, but I guess the room wasn’t booked or the person wasn’t here." Lou was disappointed that there weren’t any mutants to fight but was glad as there was something else she wanted to do.

Entering the room Lou and Kim got comfortable putting down their weapons.

Kim was by a wall making sure she had everything until suddenly Lou pushed her up against the wall.

"Hope you’re ready." Lou grabbed a hold of Kim’s chin.

"Heh, we better not get interrupted~." Kim had been eagerly waiting as the tension had not gone away.

Without saying any words Lou pulled Kim in for a kiss while lifting her up from the wall and moving her onto the bed.

"Let’s begin."

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