Fox Girl In An Apocalyptic World Chapter 51 First time

51 First time Reia had pulled Akira in for a kiss and since it was their first time they had held it for 20 seconds, not wanting to stop.

Akira was in complete shock, but he did not let himself ruin the moment and went along with it.

Reia pulled away to get air and looked directly at Akira in the eyes.

"Was that the answer you were looking for?" Reia was blushing severely, but she didn’t break eye contact and so did Akira.

"It was beyond my expectations." Akira smiled and this time he couldn’t hold back the tears as he has been waiting for years for this day. Seeing it come to reality felt surreal to him and the bottled-up emotions had come pouring out.

"O-oh, umm." Reia seeing Akira crying was unsure of what to do, as everything to do with relationships was completely foreign to her.

’AHHH, what do I do? It hasn’t even been 5 minutes and he is already crying. Do I hug him?’ Reia having an internal panic about what to do decided to do the first thing she thought of.

Reaching her arms around Akira, ignoring the pain that came with it, she pulled his head into her chest. Akira had suddenly stopped crying from the sudden hug and started to hug Reia back.

"Thank you." Akira didn’t have many words and despite the rather awkward position he was in thanks to his height, it did not bother him.

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"Aha, you have no idea how clueless I am right now, just glad that I made the right choice." Reia wanted to be honest as this was territory she hasn’t been exposed to and didn’t want Akira building any false expectations.

"I’m not surprised and it’s okay, I know this isn’t your sort of thing. I’m just incredibly happy and it seems like I just bursted after so many years of waiting." Akira was well aware that Reia lacked knowledge and experience, so he knew it was going to take a while for things to progress.

"I’m sorry that you had to wait so long." Reia had felt guilty as she had lost her emotions for so long and during the academy, relationships were something that her parents had tried their best to hide from her.

"Don’t blame yourself, I was well aware of the situation and knew it would be a matter of time before I would be able to make any progress." Akira understood what it would take and he had taken the challenge, confident that one day he would finally be where he is now.

"Still, even when I was an emotionless military husk, whenever you were around, I had the slight inkling of emotions." Reia thought back to her prime as a soldier and when she had done a mission with Akira for the first time.

"Our first mission together, I seemingly kept it a priority to protect you and I wasn’t even aware of it. Only if I realised sooner, I wouldn’t have put you through that." Reia had also thought back to other times when similar situations occurred and it surprised her how long it took her to realise her feelings.

"We are here now so no use in regretting the past, let’s just enjoy the moment now while the world is falling apart aha." Akira couldn’t care less about the what-ifs and wanted to focus on the present.

"You’re right. I’m glad you waited for my emotional rollercoaster to stop." Reia started patting Akira’s head and smiled, feeling a lot more confidence in herself.

However, the door suddenly swung open and a silver-haired she-wolf walked in.

"Reia, I brought you some new clothes and where is that damn Aki-." Lou froze for a moment seeing the scene in front of her.

"ARA~!! Am I seeing things or has it finally happened after all these years." Lou had to take a step back and rub her eyes as this was a scene she thought wouldn’t be possible for at least another year or so.

Akira went to pull away, but Reia decided to take a stand and held him tighter.

"Yes, and do you have a problem with that?" Reia glared at Lou as now she had a ticket out of being teased.

"Fufu~ not at all, I will leave these here and I will let you have your fun." Lou placed a few sets of clothes on the desk and swiftly exited the room while winking.

"..." Reia had stayed silent as she was a little unsure what Lou meant, but assumed it had to do with going further with Akira.

’I will never escape the teasing.’ Reia internally sobbed as if her guess was correct, Lou would only have more things to tease her about.

"Can’t… breathe." Akira was being suffocated in Reia’s chest and because she was lost in thought, had held him even tighter.

"Oh sorry." Reia quickly let go of Akira, whose face was completely red as he never thought he would experience suffocation via someone’s chest.

"It’s okay, I should let you get changed and cook you some food." Akira figured he should probably leave the room while she changed and get some food ready in the meantime.

"Ahem yes." Reia blushed as she wasn’t quite ready for anything that intimate.

Akira nodded and quickly leaned in, kissing Reia on the forehead before exiting the room.

Reia a little surprised, put her hands where Akira kissed her and felt extremely happy.



Reia slowly got up from the bed and went over to the desk where Lou had put down sets of clothes.

’Lou seemed to have got clothes for everything.’ Reia looked through them and found clothes that were identical to her ruined ones as well as some casual wear for when they were in the bunker.

Picking out the casual wear which was a purple t-shirt with some random black patterns on it and a pair of shorts that were a little too short for her liking. However, a thought occurred to her about the shorts she was given.

’I wonder if Akira would like it?’ Realising what she had just thought, quickly shook her head out of embarrassment.

’Damn it, Lou isn’t even her and she is still teasing me just through clothes.’ Reia decided to blame it on Lou as she was the one to pick out the clothes.


Changing into the clothes anyway and placing the old ones on the desk, she had finished changing. Wanting to see what she looks like, walked over to a full-body mirror that was placed next to what seemed like a closet.

Turning around while trying to not hurt herself, looked at the new mutant tail she got.

’Hmm it doesn’t seem too bad, but I wonder why it stayed.’ Reia moved her mutant tail around once again, still curious about what it meant to have one.

’Well, at least it still matches my hair.’ Reia was glad that the tail had purple glowing lines throughout instead of the usual green mutants have.

’Now let’s hope it doesn’t become an inconvenience.’ Reia now having 2 tails was unsure how it would affect her physically and hoped it wouldn’t get in the way, as having one was already a hassle to get used to when she was younger.

Reia then sat back down, waiting for Akira to return.

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"Eh? Why are you out here? I expected to be hearing "Oh Akira!" right after I left." Lou smirked and was sitting on the couch with Kim and Kadi.

"Oh shut up." Akira who had also hoped for the teasing to stop was realising that it was most likely going to be worse and more frequent.

"Ohh finally they were no longer being stubborn." Kadi had spoken up and was still unsure if what Lou said was true about Akira.

"Heh, I know right? I have been telling him to hurry up, but he never listened to me." Kim also joined in and Akira was now regretting even leaving Reia’s room.

Continuing to the kitchen trying to ignore the 3 annoyances in the common room, he went ahead and cooked some food. However, Lou followed as she wasn’t done teasing Akira.

"Come ooon~, tell me, what happened while I was gone." Lou wanted to know everything as Reia had been cleared of the infection and suddenly started dating Akira in such a short time.

"Well your ideas worked extremely well and I was able to get rid of it in about 15 minutes or so." Trying not to entertain her, he gave the driest responses and made sure to not say anything that could lead to him being teased.

"Geh, tell me the more interesting stuff." Lou was happy that Reia had recovered, but she was much keener on the details that happened between them.

"There isn’t much to say."

"Surely you said some cheesy line and swayed Reia’s heart and finally confessed your feelings."

"Yeah, no."

"Tsk you’re no fun." Lou sat up on the kitchen bench, getting annoyed that Akira wouldn’t say anything.

*Sigh* "If you really want to know, I carried Reia to her room and when I was about to leave she asked me to stay. Then she pulled me in for a kiss." Giving up, he explained it to Lou as it would only be a matter of time before she went to annoy Reia about it.

"Ooo~ so Reia was the one to make a move, how bold." Lou hadn’t expected Reia to take the initiative since she was an emotional mess and thought it would stop her from doing anything.

"Now go away."

"Hehehe~, I’ll leave you be for now." Lou now having some valuable information was going to save it for later.

"Good." Akira sighed and finished cooking food for Reia.

Lou had returned to the couch sitting next to Kim who was trying to listen in on the conversion.

"Good luck Akira~." Kim had a smug grin while she waved at Akira as he entered the hallway to Reia’s room.


Walking back into Reia’s room, he handed the food to her and sat down on the edge of the bed again.

hungry than expected.


"Thank you." Reia began to eat and devoured the food relatively quickly since she was a lot more hungry than expected.

"Good thing I cooked a bit extra." Akira suspected that Reia would be rather hungry after she had killed off an entire nest all by herself.

"Oops." Reia wanted to preserve as much food as she could and now felt bad for eating so much.

"Oh well, if you’re all okay now, I will head back to my room." Akira wanted to get some rest as he felt exhausted from today’s events and sleep was calling him.

"Oh okay…. H-how about moving into m-my room?" Reia felt extremely nervous asking and although she wasn’t sure if she was ready for such a thing, she wanted to feel the same warmth from when he carried her.

Akira was at a loss for words as it came out of nowhere and was something he didn’t expect to happen so soon.

"Y-you don’t have to… But I kinda liked the warmth from when you carried me." Reia quickly spoke and trailed off her voice, half hoping Akira didn’t hear.

"Uhh, Sure." Akira wasn’t going to say no and was more trying to comprehend what was happening.

"Let me go get change first then I will be back." Akira needed to change into more comforting clothes for sleeping, so he quickly went to his room to change.

’AHHH I actually asked him, what the hell am I doing.’ Reia had no idea where her newfound confidence was coming from and was surprised at herself for being so assertive.


’Just don’t think about it and everything will be fine.’ Trying to calm herself down Reia jumped a little at the sudden opening of the door.

Akira had come in with a white t-shirt and black boxer shorts.

"Are you sure you are going to be fine with all your injuries?" Akira was unsure if it would be painful for Reia if they were to sleep together.

"Don’t worry about it." Reia didn’t mind and so she moved over so Akira could get in.

"Alright." Akira hoped Reia would be okay and hopped in bed with her. Laying down Akira had taken the initiative this time and put his arm under Reia’s head. Naturally getting into position, Reia snuggled into Akira and the same feeling of warmth she felt before came back.

Closing her eyes Reia, a few minutes had passed and she quickly passed out, but Akira was having a much harder time.

’I can’t believe this is happening.’ Everything had been a blur for Akira and was finding it hard to sleep as the realisation of what was happening started to kick in.

’I hope I can get some sleep.’

Hope it wasn’t overbearing or cringe the relationship.


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