From Today, I’m a Player Chapter 1: Prologue Pt. 1

Chapter 1: Prologue Pt. 1

‘2020, the year everything changed.’


They were doors, connected to another dimension. In response to the sudden appearances, governments around the world moved quickly. They sent their troops into the Gates, racing to be the ones to explore the unknown world.

‘However, there were no living survivors.’

Not a single person returned from the Gates alive. A long time had passed before the first survivor returned. The survivor returned as a completely different being from what we had once called the human race.

A superhuman-like being, a ‘Hunter.’

Blessed by transcendent beings, they had gained special abilities and the power to manipulate magic power.

Upon his return, the first survivor told the world of the situation within the Gates.

There were monsters. They were never before seen creatures that could have only existed in fairy tales, clearly an enemy of humanity.

However, alongside the first survivor’s return came the ‘Gate Breaks.’

After a long period of neglect, the Gates began to crumble. Hordes of monsters with unimaginable power poured out and slaughtered innumerable people, bringing the world to its knees. While the first survivor tirelessly worked to defeat the monsters, his efforts were like a grain of sand against the endless tide. Eventually, he too lost his life against the monsters.

‘Subsequently, countless Hunters were born.’

With the world under threat, humanity on the brink, and countries overrun with monsters, came the rise of more and more Hunters. After their first appearance, these Hunters were later called the ‘First Hunters’. As their birth rate accelerated, a counterattack began. While these newly born Hunters were weak, they gradually grew stronger through battles against the monsters.


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Then came the ‘Sponsors.’ The same transcendent beings who had granted Hunters incredible power. These Hunters grew stronger through the support of the Sponsors, who gave blessings to those who committed great feats. The world, on the verge of destruction, finally began to return to normal again. The Hunters defeated monsters, reclaimed territories, and saved people. Eventually, the number of Hunters increased exponentially, quickly reducing the number of world-destroying monsters.

‘Nevertheless, the Gates continued to appear.’

So much so that even the soaring number of Hunters were unable to handle it.

The breaks occurred again, and the threat of destruction loomed in the distance. A vicious cycle of hope and despair continued, repeating without end.

Nevertheless, humanity, no, the Hunters, grew. The birth of powerful Hunters, the birth of heroes. Just as humanity finally thought that they would no longer experience despair, ‘the worst gate’ appeared.

A transcendental-grade gate appeared, completely different from any other. They called it, ‘Gehenna.’

Countless hunters challenged it, but the Gate could not be closed. Eventually, it broke open. Demons erupted from Gehenna and began to ravage the world.

Humanity found itself upon the precipice again.

“Twelve shining heroes have emerged,” I read this verse aloud, like always, with strength and conviction.

The heroes who left their mark on the world.

Although he was so powerful that he was like night and day to them, the Twelve Heroes, stronger than anyone else, defeated seemingly unassailable monsters and saved the world. After the dust settled, they declared themselves “Gods”.

The world had changed. There was no need to live in fear of the Gates or the monsters. Rather, it was Gates and the monsters that were overwhelmed.

Then, the Twelve Heroes created Eden. With it, they united all associations and stood above all governments. All the Hunters belonged to them, and they began to rule the world.

‘Although most have forgotten this history, I still remember it all.’

It had been nearly a hundred years since the creation of Eden’s rule. Within that time, Eden and the Twelve Heroes, no, the Twelve Gods, had erased the existence of that one man. The ‘Hunter’ that most people had no idea even existed.

Another hero.


‘The Demon King.’

But I knew the forgotten truth.



I quickly turned around at the dull pain in the back of my head.

“This bastard is lazing about again.”


“Did you finally realize I’m here?”

I looked at him as I rubbed my head. He was the owner of the convenience store I worked at, and a close hyung who had helped me since childhood.

Even though his shiny bald head was a little glaring, he was still handsome.

‘They say if you’re still handsome with a bald head, then you’re really handsome..’

While I was somewhat lost in my thoughts, he asked, “Were you reading that book again?” He scanned over the book I was reading.

I quickly closed the book when he mentioned it and hid it under the counter.

“Others might wonder what’s so special about this book…” the boss commented.

The book I liked to read looked just like a history book, so much so that it could have been used as a textbook. It was about the story of the Twelve Heroes that have become myths.

“Be careful. It could be dangerous if you get caught.”

My boss had been smirking previously, but his smile suddenly transformed into a serious expression.

“I know.”

While I pretended that it wasn’t a big deal, my heart was pounding on the inside. The boss was right. While the book looked like an ordinary history book on the surface, it was actually a dangerous item to have as it wrote about a different version of our history.

‘If anyone noticed the secrets of the book, they would be fated to die unconditionally.’

That it wrote of a different version of our history.

This book was the only memento of my deceased parents.

‘A book with the story of the forgotten Demon King.’

The book only revealed the hidden truth to those it permitted. To others, it was simply an old history book.

I called it, ‘The Book of the Demon King.’

While I didn’t understand why my deceased parents had given me an item of this magnitude, it was still precious to me. It had accompanied me my whole life, and I had read it repeatedly.

“You can clock out early today.”


I looked at the boss with a confused face. Looking at the clock, it was only 6. I normally got off at 12.

“Someone will be coming from Eden.”

“This far out?” I asked curiously.

“Yeah. They said something about looking for something… I don’t know the details,” said the boss.

‘They’re looking for something? What sort of item is it that Eden is sending someone themselves… No, it may not be an item.’

Whatever it was, it was not something someone of my status had to care about.

“Understood. Then we’re not opening the store today, are we?”

“Yeah. Why would we open just to have an empty store? I’m going to lock up to go home and rest," he said while waving his hand as if he was shooing me away.

“Go home quickly and get some sleep. Don’t come out, there are rumors that a fairly high-ranking official is coming.”

“A high-ranking official?” I asked.

This was the countryside. Barring a gate, this was so far out of the way even Hunters didn’t normally stop by. But a high-ranking official from Eden would be coming?

“Curiosity can kill a cat, you know. Go home.”

I nodded and left the convenience store.


As the convenience store closed with a jarring song, the boss sighed as he looked at the empty convenience store.


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The look in his eyes instantly changed. It was neither serious nor relaxed.

“It’s finally time…”

Cold and dark. That was the sort of gaze it was.


"Damn it! Damn it!"

I spat out curses.


I was going home after work as my boss had said, but it wasn’t long before I realized I had left something at the convenience store.

‘Damn it, damn it. How could I have left the book behind!’

Until now, I had never made a mistake like this before. I always had carefully carried the book in my arms.

“Figures that I leave my book behind on the day the official from Eden comes,” I muttered to myself as I ran quickly. There was a sinking feeling in my chest I couldn’t place. I could have just gone to get the book in the morning, but for some reason, I couldn’t get the Eden official’s arrival out of my head.

‘Hyung would be implicated too.’

If they ever found out the true contents of the book, my hyung who helped me, an orphaned ordinary human, could also be harmed by the fallout.

By the Eden made by the Twelve Heroes, no, Twelve Gods.

A world ruled by them.

While there was no more danger from the monsters, there was still yet a more insidious menace. A threat from the very rulers of humanity themselves, Eden. Those from Eden ignored and ostracized regular humans. They defined the Hunters as part of a new human race, looking upon the ordinary people with no powers with disdain.

They were tyrants.

If they were around….

Death, had become commonplace to kill regular humans on a whim. Therefore, the general public, including me, lived separately from the Hunters. Of course, there were still Hunters around to manage and supervise the ordinary humans in these areas, but they were a minority.

My village was one of those areas.

Hunters and ordinary humans couldn’t live together. Such was life for ordinary humans in this reality.

“Huff…. Huff…..” I gasped for air.


Finally, I arrived at the convenience store and was able to open the door quickly. I immediately ran to the counter and saw the book.

"Thank god!"

Fortunately, it was still there. I quickly grabbed the book and left the convenience store.


The surroundings were dark and quiet. Everyone must have all returned home early after hearing the news that an Eden official was coming.

I looked up at the sky, and the sun was setting.

’Let’s hurry.’

I resolved myself and hurried. It would take about fifteen minutes to get home from the convenience store if I ran quickly. If I could just endure for fifteen minutes, I could get home safely.

Tadak! Tadak!

The sound of my footsteps echoed through the quiet and desolate street. The streetlights illuminating the road all over the place seemed to indicate where I had to go.

I ran and ran even as my breath caught in my throat. It was better to end up breathless than to end up dead.


As I was running desperately toward home, I halted on the spot and slowly took a step back.

Further ahead, a man in white robes stood there illuminated by a single street lamp in the distance.

I turned around and tried to run again, but before I knew it, there were people in white standing behind me as well. It was impossible not to know who they were.

They had a brooch with an image of a bountiful tree on their right chest.


It was the symbol of Eden.

The people I was trying to avoid suddenly surrounded me. They walked slowly as if they were constricting me. I didn’t know what to do, and I looked for a way to escape.


But with one word, I was robbed of all choices. I didn’t want to stop, but something forced me to.



As soon as they finished speaking, I dropped to my knees and bowed my head. It wasn’t by choice. There really was something forcing me to.


Magic power.

The biggest thing that separated ordinary people from hunters.

The most powerful force within this changed world.

Magic power.

It was clear that magic power was forcing me.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?"

All of a sudden, they closed in on me. Since I couldn’t move, it was impossible to guess how many of them and what their genders were. I was only able to count the number of shadows shining through the lights of the street lamps.

"I asked you where you’re going in such a hurry.”

I struggled to open my mouth under the heavy pressure.

"H- home…."

My voice did not come out properly, as if I was submerged in water.

"Is there any reason to go in such a hurry?"

Her voice was elegant and solemn. It was a beautiful woman’s voice. But all I could feel at this moment was the weight of her oppression and my fear.


My whole body trembled as my sweat dripped to the ground.

"I asked you why you were heading home in such a hurry," she repeated again, seemingly patient.

But I couldn’t answer easily. I thought frantically for an answer that wouldn’t offend them.


It sounded like they were whispering something. I remained silent while still being forced to kneel, waiting for their decision.

"Be on your way."

Her permission landed heavily in the silence. As soon as she finished speaking, my body began to move. I began to run without even attempting to look at their faces or their clothes.

Liberation and salvation.

The cold voice traveled to my ears just as the realization that my life had been spared spread throughout my body.

"Wait. What is that in your arms?"

My death sentence was set.

1. Gehenna (Gehinnom) is the valley of the damned in Judeo-Christian eschatology. Originally a valley in Jerusalem where pagans would burn child sacrifices to their gods. It eventually became the origins of the “fires of hell”. The word for hell in Islam, Jahannam, stems from this word.

2. This “man” is an important one, as it specifically mentions a man, not a Superbeing (aka Hunter). The distinction will be clarified in further chapters.

3. Hyung is an informal title of address for an older brother (from a male perspective) but is often used between close friends too.

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