Gangster System: I Will Become The Greatest Gangster! Chapter 115 Goliath

Since Xavier stopped just as they were about to part ways to say one last thing, the 5 elite guards that served under the one-eyed demon were expecting some sort of farewell.

They weren’t particularly close and there weren’t really any lingering emotions between them. Therefore, there was no need to make it a big deal, or so they thought to themselves.

However, what Xavier ended up saying was far from what they were expecting.


"I also came up with a name for the one-eyed demon, in case he didn’t have one. Goliath. I think the name suits him well and it also fits, since small little David beats Goliath. And in this story, you can guess who’s David."

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Giving them a wink, the 5 of them were in awe of how nonchalant and random Xavier was, but they couldn’t help but admit that it was amusing.

But they had already eased up too much around Xavier and maintained blank expressions, which caused the unusual youth to pout.

"I’ll be off then," he said before starting to walk off in such a relaxed manner that they had almost forgotten that he was carrying over a million dollars of cash in a duffel bag.

"Hey! Do you not want an escort or someone to drive you back home with the money you’re carrying?" one of them asked.

Xavier honestly had no reason to refuse since they already knew who he was, so finding out where he lived if they didn’t already know wouldn’t be very difficult.

However, he wanted to walk home and use the time to collect his thoughts and clear his mind.

While it wasn’t like anyone would know that he was carrying money in the duffel bag, which looked like it was just filled with clothes or random belongings.

With that in mind, he reassured them that he’d be fine and continued walking off, leaving the 5 of them dumbfounded by how unusual he was.

And it was a bittersweet ending for them since they believed that they had saved a kid and gotten him to try to lead a better life. In the process, they prevented him from coming across their boss.

That would keep the one-eyed demon from flipping out as much since that happened mostly when he was overstimulated or reminded of things that brought back painful memories.

But at the same time, such a young enigma would no longer fight in their fight club or be able to be recruited by the one-eyed demon. There was also something about him that made one want to observe him.

However, little did they know, Xavier was planning on investing almost all the money he had won from betting into the Outlaw Gang that he had formed. And it was all in the hopes of one day taking over not only the Wolf Gang but the entirety of New York, and even the country.


Watching Xavier walk off into the distance, they saw a youth with infinite potential that had a bright future in front of him. To the 5 of them, it felt as though they were watching what they might have been like if they weren’t born into the situation that they had been born into.

Similar to the expression that the one-eyed demon had for a split second, there was a solemn look in their eyes, but they quickly snapped out of it.

Debating amongst themselves on whether or not to get somebody to tail Xavier just in case he did come across danger, they decided to just leave Xavier be and completely cut ties with him.

And as they made their way back into the fight club, they laughed among themselves for the first time in a while, and called each other by the names that Xavier had given him.

Of course, they didn’t do so in front of their subordinates and maintained their powerful and authoritative image.

They also had by no means chosen to take on those names or be called by them, but it was a funny inside joke for the 5 of them to have.

However, they immediately straightened up and returned to their previous emotionless state upon seeing the one-eyed demon across the corridor.


Approaching the 5 that were the only people that he felt as though he could trust in the cruel world, it was clear from how staggered his steps were that he was drunk.

And for a man of his size, the amount he had to drink in such a short amount of time to get that drunk was absurd.

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But they weren’t worried about that and were more anxious about what their boss might do in the drunken state he was in.

He alone could cause a massacre by going on a rampage, and if he was drunk, his emotions would be even more unstable and his instincts would take over.

However, surprisingly he was mellow and disorientated as they led him to a room he could rest in and stayed with him as he rambled on to himself.


Although he was merely spouting rubbish a lot of the time he had been drunk, there were also some things that he said that seemed to have come from the heart, and the 5 of them stood by him.

Not only to support him and listen to what he had to say but also to protect him just in case anyone was crazy enough to try to attack him or take on the Wolf Gang.

And as they did, they found themselves reminiscing about the past and the one-eyed demon’s drunken words made them feel emptier than ever.

What was their purpose in life other than taking care of their boss and his business?

While that thought bounced around their heads, the one-eyed demon was having a similar conversation with himself, and yet no matter how much the 6 of them tried, there was no way for them to change their lives.

It was too late, and no matter what they wanted to do, there was still something restricting them that they’d be unable to get rid of even if they tried. So they eventually gave in.

And even if there was nothing stopping them from living as they pleased, just like the one-eyed demon, they were too far gone to try to live like a normal person.

They had killed who knows how many people, without feeling a shred of remorse as they did so. Along with that, they were covered in scars and markings just like their boss. While it would also be difficult to sit still after living lives filled with danger their entire lives.

Nevertheless, they were all feeling a sense of dejection, and that caused them to feel so empty.


Unlike Xavier who had bright eyes that were looking towards the future, theirs were dull and waiting for the time for it all to be over.

The reason for that was that in their entire lives, they couldn’t remember the last time that they had done something because they wanted to, and they didn’t have anything other than each other.

Xavier, who had his own ambitions and things he wanted to accomplish, was excited about what was to come and was doing things for himself.

But sadly they couldn’t claim the same.

However, they were too experienced and competent to let that get to them or display it to their boss upon his awakening, which was only a few hours after he had dozed off.


With his inhuman physique, it didn’t take long for the alcohol he had consumed to be flushed out of his system. Even getting drunk was difficult, leading him to drink absurd amounts to get a few hours of rest each night.

Without doing so, getting any sleep was almost impossible for the man, who despite being so strong and powerful, suffered from extreme trauma and emotional instability.

But even with only getting a few hours of sleep, it was enough for the giant man.

And upon waking up and looking around him, he found his 5 trusted subordinates, who he hadn’t appreciated or cherished as much as he should’ve.

However, he acted the same way he usually did and didn’t bother trying to express how he felt to the 5 who sat around him.

They were already past such things, and the first thing he asked about was Xavier, with what that masked youth had said still bouncing around his head.

And what he heard from his subordinates caused him to burst out into laughter...

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