Gangster System: I Will Become The Greatest Gangster! Chapter 66 Unexpected Result

Xavier had a few minutes of rest in the infirmary room, during which that same doctor gave him some energy tablets and any other supplements he had that could help him to fight his third fight

And not long after, he was called to fight once again, but this time, the crowd was confused.

Two fights a night was rare, but still happened occasionally, but not many would take three fights in one night, especially if they were so tough and caused them so much damage.

And yet, Xavier, a new fighter in the Wild Dog Fight Club, was about to fight his third fight after just securing his position in the rankings, and his matches were pretty much back to back.

While his third opponent was also somebody on the rankings, another newcomer who, although was below him on the rankings, was definitely skilled.

It seemed as though whoever was deciding the match-ups wanted Xavier to lose very badly, putting him against tough opponents that were relatively new to the fight club, so hadn’t shown their full capabilities.

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But he didn’t mind, and those were exactly the opponents he wanted.

Fighters that are new wouldn’t have affiliated with the Wolf Gang yet, and if they are also skilled, they could be good additions to the Outlaw Gang.

And what better way than a fight to get a feel for another’s character and win them over?


Xavier’s opponent was pretty average in height and size, but from how the crowd reacted to his name and how confident he appeared, it was evident he was skilled.

Dressed in a martial arts uniform, he was the first that Xavier had seen do so in the underground fight club and just like Sam, he appeared to be most proficient in striking.

But unlike Sam, it was kicks that he used most and was known for.

While the speed and power of his kicks were nothing to scoff at, likely even greater than those of Xavier.

Training in taekwondo, which is heavily based around kicks, that was to be expected, but his skill level was top-tier and he was also quite well-versed in unofficial fights.

Stepping back as soon as the match started, having already watched two of Xavier’s fights and expecting him to strike first, he launched a spinning back kick that Xavier managed to block, but still launched him sliding back.

And from that moment, it became a battle of kicks and wits.

In the state Xavier was in, his speed and explosive power were lacking, with his limbs feeling much heavier than usual, but he was still faring surprisingly well at the start of their fight.

Having faced many who trained in taekwondo and also taken the time to study parts of it, Xavier wasn’t thrown off guard by his opponent’s fast, explosive and relentless kicks

However, what he didn’t expect was for them to continue getting quicker and more powerful.

"You were holding back from the start?"

"Yes, and I still am. Let’s see how long you can fight before your body gives in," he responded before suddenly increasing his speed and landing a clean snap kick on the side of Xavier’s head.

Everyone gasped when he did and the collision was heard even by the rowdy crowd, which fell silent and watched closely, interested to see how the fight would turn out.

The odds were against Xavier and most were betting against him, which appeared to be the most logical decision, but logic didn’t work with people like Xavier.

People that always sought to surpass their limits and all expectations.

However, it didn’t seem to be going well as he stumbled backwards, struggling to stay conscious and feeling dizzy after the powerful blow he sustained.

And the damage was starting to build up.

But giving up wasn’t an option.

Plucking up whatever strength he could, he quickly moved away from his opponent who sought to follow up their previous attack, and Xavier was surprised to see his opponent burst out into laughter.

"I am basically getting promoted on the ranking for free. Fighting you is like fighting a child in that state you’re in, and your kicks are sloppy at best. And even if you weren’t fatigued, your kicks can’t be compared to mine. So just give up."

Xavier couldn’t argue, and in truth, his kicks couldn’t compare to his, but they could and would even surpass his with the Martial Arts Talent that the system would reward him with if he won.

Which was why he wanted to win so badly.

And now he personally wanted to crush his opponent to protect his pride.

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Too much pride was bad, but after being taunted and mocked, it was hard not to feel a way about it.

While Xavier had already decided that he wasn’t fit to be in the Outlaw Gang like Sam, and although certainly had the skills, didn’t stand out to him as someone that was worthy.

So unlike with his final strike on Sam, he wasn’t planning on holding back.


In terms of kicking and technique, Xavier couldn’t deny that he had been overwhelmed, and it was something that he had never experienced before.

And he was barely conscious.

But he still went in to attack his opponent, and despite it appearing to be a desperate final bid to land a blow on his opponent, it definitely wasn’t.

Running over to his opponent as fast as his legs could carry him, he slid across the ground and slammed both his feet into the left leg of his opponent, who hadn’t expected such an unorthodox attack.

He was experienced and skilled, but his natural combat prowess and instincts couldn’t be compared to that of Xavier, who quickly sprung up and backed away.

That strike to his legs had weakened his kicks substantially just like Xavier had hoped, and the reason for that was simple.

Since his left leg was in great pain, he wouldn’t follow through with his left kicks as much, while his right kicks would be unstable as the leg he would balance on had been damaged.

And, with that, Xavier had reduced his opponent’s advantage, but even then, he was hanging on by a thread and knew that if he didn’t end it soon, he would collapse without his opponent needing to land a blow on him.

It was impressive he had gotten as far as he had already, but it would all end soon, and whether the result was one he could be pleased with, was yet to be determined.


"It’s over for you now, you crazy asshole. Now, there’s no holding back."

Bursting towards Xavier, his opponent unleashed a barrage of rapid kicks that Xavier was struggling to block, even after injuring his left leg.

Overwhelmed, Xavier was being pushed back, until he had his back against the cage.

"Now you’re done for!" his opponent yelled as he went in for a final finishing kick, but at that moment, Xavier pushed himself off the cage and hugged his opponent’s lower body.

Not expecting to be grabbed, he was lifted into the air and slammed to the ground, causing him to let out a gasp as he tried to catch his breath.

And unlike against the Juggernaut, Xavier could compete with his third opponent in terms of strength, and catching them off guard, he pinned him on the ground.

Struggling to get Xavier off him, his opponent was completely caught off guard and never expected Xavier to grab him, while he didn’t seem to know how to wrestle at all.

But if he hadn’t let down his guard slightly after Xavier was backed up against the cage, he could have backed away or stopped Xavier from pinning him on the ground.


"Now who’s done for? If you’re gonna fight in these fights, at least be prepared to grapple with an opponent," Xavier taunted as he scuffled with his opponent on the ground.

Trapping his opponent’s leg between his so that he couldn’t escape his clutches, Xavier was finding it hard to keep him on the ground and was taking many blows to his side as his opponent desperately tried to get up.

But it was to no avail and he endured, until he found an opening and managed to slip his left arm under his opponent’s chin and around their neck.

Squeezing as hard as he could, pulling his left arm back with his other, it wasn’t long before he felt his opponent stop struggling.

Not wanting to accidentally kill the man, he got up, leaving his unconscious body lying on the ground and staggered out of the cage as quickly as he could.

The crowd hurled insults at him, with many betting against him, and it was a very unexpected result, especially since Xavier had been dominated the entire match.

But Xavier was more focused on getting out of there and just wanted to rest, as he was escorted to the viewing room that Achara was in after refusing medical attention.

Fergus, the doctor, had been adamant about checking his body, amazed by the fact he had actually won, but gave up seeing that Xavier had no intentions of heading to the medical room.

And upon entering the viewing room Achara was in and closing the door behind him, he couldn’t hold it in anymore...

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