Genius Warlock Chapter 246

Thud, thud, thud.

Every time Oliver and Willes moved, a brown powder fell onto the floor.

The brown powder was none other than blood.

It had been splattered on Oliver and Willes when they fell into a pool of blood.

"…We look awful."


Willes, who had barely regained his strength, spoke while looking at his appearance, and Oliver agreed. Oliver, though not picky, preferred cleanliness.

Eventually, a massive metal door appeared before the two.

It was the only entrance to the Chimera Lab, and upon closer inspection, there appeared to be a lever on the inside.

To enter, one had to touch the metal door and authenticate one’s ‘fingerprint’ and ‘mana flow’, but fortunately, it seemed that one only had to pull the lever to exit from the inside.

‘It’s a relief. We can avoid a tricky situation.’

Oliver, through his warlock eyes, surveyed the crowd of people gathered outside and thought.

Willes put his hand on the lever, "Let’s double-check before opening. Was there any problem with the World Tree?"

"No… At least when I checked."

Oliver recalled the moment he accessed the World Tree and responded.

As the female warlocks said, the secret experimental room inside the lab had been blocked off from the World Tree’s view, and measures had been taken to prevent the other floors from leaving any records.

Except for one thing.

One of the artificially created Root Nets had secretly recorded all the situations in the lab, and Oliver had erased it.

Thanks to this, there was almost no possibility of any traces remaining within the reach of Oliver’s abilities.

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"Of course, I may have missed something due to my limited abilities."

Willes paused, pondered, then responded.

"Well, that could be… The World Tree itself is a relatively recent construct, so it’s impossible to handle it perfectly. But don’t worry too much."


"I feel like you won’t miss anything."

Willes spoke not merely to comfort, but with sincerity.

There was no solid evidence for this, but he was confident, and Oliver, without realizing it, was persuaded by this confidence and nodded.

"Thank you."

"Alright, I’m opening the door. Remember the words we agreed to sync with."



As soon as he heard the answer, Willes pulled the lever, and with a heavy rumbling sound, the massive iron mass split to the sides, letting in the refreshing morning sunlight into the lab.

Also, surprised voices.

"What the hell is this..…"

? ? ? ? ? ?

In front of the Chimera Research Lab, situated within the domain of the Life School Faction, a group of approximately twenty individuals had assembled. Among them were wizards and personnel hailing from neighboring laboratories. Given their infrequent interactions, it was quite remarkable to witness their collective presence. However, the peculiar events of the previous night had compelled them all to converge at this particular location.

"Why are you here?"

"Because of the commotion last night. We are from the lab upstairs."

"Ah, I see…"

"It was like an earthquake. Didn’t you feel it?"

"We did. That’s why we’re here."

"Darn it. What’s happening in this remote place?"

"Exactly… But why isn’t there anyone from the Tower?"

"The professor? Didn’t you hear? They sent an assistant, not the professor.”

"Assistant? What the…”

Although they were not particularly close, the inhabitants of Mountain Pace had become familiar with one another due to the confines of their shared space. They all harbored a sense of being overlooked in the relentless race for advancement within the tower, which led them to intermingle and exchange their own narratives.

The prevailing topic of discussion revolved around the disturbances and tumultuous events that had unfolded the previous night. Understandably so, as it was no ordinary commotion. The tremors reminiscent of an earthquake and the deafening clamor originating from deep beneath the ground were impossible to disregard. Under normal circumstances, such an occurrence would have been difficult to overlook, but given the ongoing disappearances, the heads of each research institute reacted with heightened sensitivity.

Consequently, they dispatched the junior researchers to investigate the matter. However, it wasn’t solely junior researchers who arrived at the scene. Individuals such as Director Sophie from the Herbal Research Institute also made a personal appearance to conduct their own inspection.

“Whew..…. Mr. Driver, what brings you here?”

Sophie spoke to the truck driver who was hiding in the corner like furniture. She held a smoking pipe in one hand.

"I came at the request of Will..…. no, Zenon.”

Zenon. The employee who came as a representative of Kevin. Sophie remembered him.

"A request?”

"Yes. I brought him here last night.”

Sophie sensed a reluctance in his words.

“You brought Zenon here?”


"But you just got here?”

"He said he left something behind and asked me to bring it. It was late, so he told me to sleep for the night and come in the morning.”

“So, Zenon stopped by here last night and sent you off.”


"Hmm..…. What did he ask you to bring?”

As the driver grappled with the mounting intensity of her inquiries, a thunderous noise reverberated through the air—a telltale sign of a colossal structure being set into motion.

In perfect synchrony, the attention of everyone present fixated on the source of the disturbance. The assembled individuals in front of the Chimera Research Institute, united by their shared curiosity, trained their collective gaze upon the unfolding scene.

The absence of any response upon pressing the call button only reinforced their suspicion that something extraordinary had occurred.

“What the, what the fuck is this..…."

Startled by the sight that greeted them as the iron doors swung open, one of the onlookers couldn’t help but express their astonishment. While it might have been considered impolite, it was somewhat forgivable given that the first glimpse beyond the doors revealed two men drenched in blood.

The researchers, filled with a mixture of curiosity and concern, began to exchange hushed whispers and cast wary glances toward the suspicious two. Among them, a few individuals started preparing their mana, ready to act if needed.

Observing their reactions, Oliver maintained a composed demeanor and spoke with utmost calmness and courtesy, parting his lips to address them.

“We are not suspicious people.”

‘Suspicious. Very suspicious.’

The prevailing sentiment among the gathered individuals aligned with that assessment.

However, just as the tension escalated and the potential for an accident loomed, Sophie, who had been engaged in conversation with the driver, stepped in to defuse the situation.

"Is it Zenon?”

Sophie, calmly puffing on her pipe, took a decisive step forward. Recognizing her authoritative presence, the crowd instinctively made way for her, allowing her to navigate through their midst. As she moved forward, a palpable sense of tension gradually dissipated, replaced by a collective sigh of relief.

Observing the shift in atmosphere, Oliver greeted her warmly.

"Ah, yes. Director Sophie. I am pleased to meet you.”

"I’m surprised. I thought you’d gone back to the village.”

“I did. I met a researcher from the Chimera Research Institute on the way and came here late at night.”

"Well, that could happen. There are many coincidences in the world…. But, being covered in blood is not something that can happen by coincidence. Can you explain? In a way we can understand?”

As Sophie posed her question, the surrounding researchers directed their gaze toward Oliver, nodding in unison to signal their agreement. The inquiry carried significance, and with Sophie being the highest-ranking individual present, she had assumed the role of spokesperson for the group.

What struck even more astonishing was the deliberate intention behind Sophie’s orchestration of this scenario, rather than it occurring as a mere coincidence. It became apparent that she had orchestrated the situation with a purpose in mind.

‘But there’s no malice in it. She’s actually trying to help.’

Oliver thought, reading Sophie’s emotions.


As Oliver pondered the motives and emotions behind Sophie’s calculated actions, he felt a gentle nudge from Willes at his back—an unmistakable signal to take action. Instantly, Oliver’s mind snapped back to the present moment, setting aside his musings, and resolved to concentrate on the pressing matters at hand.

"Um..…. It’s a long story, is that okay?”

"Of course. Judging by your appearance, time doesn’t seem to be that important…”

After Sophie provided her response, the consensus among the gathered individuals was immediate.

With the collective agreement established, Oliver took the initiative to commence his explanation.

? ? ? ? ? ?

"Insane, that’s impossible……"

A researcher spoke up par tway through Oliver’s explanation.

He showed a reaction of denial to Oliver’s words, but regardless, Oliver remained calm.

"I’m sorry, but it’s the truth.”

"Stop talking nonsense!”

Another researcher shouted.

"A magic tower facility, especially a research institute, was taken control by a single warlock? …Stop making ridiculous remarks!!"

Oliver’s words were met with sincere denial, evoking a sense of disbelief and even humiliation among the listeners. In many ways, this reaction could be considered expected.

Given that this location fell within the jurisdiction of the magic tower, even though it was a part-time establishment, the notion that it had been covertly occupied by a warlock without anyone’s knowledge seemed unfathomable and contradictory to their common understanding.

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To the gathered individuals, the concept of a warlock represented nothing more than an inferior being attempting to imitate true magic. This perspective, rooted in their common sense and emotions, made it exceedingly challenging for them to accept such a narrative.

As Oliver was looking at the excited researchers and thinking about how to calm them down, Sophie raised her hand and pacified everyone.

"Everyone, calm down… Hey, Zenon. Do you have any evidence? That a warlock secretly attacked and occupied the Chimera Research Institute?”


Oliver answered immediately.

The researchers who had been excited were all surprised at his confident answer and glared at Oliver.

"Shall I show you?”

"If you can?”

Oliver immediately took out a pocket watch-shaped device from his pocket. It was an unusual object with delicate mana.

"Is that a storage device made in the Illmarinen workshop? The one that records events around it?”

"Huh? Oh, yes. That’s correct.”

"It’s a precious item, impressive.”

Sophie asked with her eyes squinted. Oliver felt a sting from her words, but didn’t bother to respond.

Instead, he skillfully operated the device and turned on a video.

The quietly activated machine spread out the stored mana particles around it, creating a massive 3D image.

It was a device that could store the appearance of several meters to tens of meters in radius around itself.

[Ready… Attack!]

The contents revealed by the storage device corresponded precisely to the events that occurred shortly after Oliver and Willes entered the premises of the Chimera Research Institute. Just as the woman dressed in outdoor attire began to speak, a somber aura enveloped the scene, casting a foreboding shadow. In response, the bodyguards surrounding Oliver and Willes sprang into action, emitting primal screams akin to ferocious beasts.

The shocking spectacle prompted an immediate outpouring of surprise from the researchers, who called out the names of those involved.



"Louis? …Damn it, what…”

A collective sense of shock and disbelief washed over the gathered individuals, their expressions displaying unmistakable signs of astonishment. The appearances before them were undeniably abnormal, pushing the boundaries of what could be considered ordinary.

Of all the jarring moments, perhaps the most extreme was when Willes, wielding a longsword enveloped in flames, swiftly severed the arm of Lena, a female researcher. The gruesome sight left a lasting impression on everyone present. However, in a horrifying twist, Lena, undeterred by the loss of her arm, gruesomely tore at her own shoulder in an attempt to rid herself of the unquenchable flames. To everyone’s amazement and horror, she then used her own blood to fashion a new limb, defying all expectations.

The sight presented before them was far from that of a conventional wizard, challenging the perception of any observer. As if these revelations were not shocking enough, Lena openly acknowledged her true identity, further adding to the bewildering nature of the situation.

[You’re quick for a warlock. You could have been burned all over if you were a bit late.]

[You’re not an ordinary solver, are you?]

[Seeing how you regenerate your body like a lizard’s tail, it seems you’re not an ordinary warlock either… Using blood as a medium, are you from the Bathory family?]

[Do you think we’re warlocks?]

[No, I think you’re filthy warlocks who sold their souls to the demons. I’ve heard rumors, but I didn’t expect to meet you like this. Nice to meet you. Did you sneak in to steal the research data of the wizards?]

[Keke, keke. You know nothing… [Lightning Chain]]

The female researcher Lena, or rather, the warlock who had been masquerading as Lena, unequivocally confessed her true identity before the abrupt end of the video. The revelation left the gathered individuals speechless, enveloping the space in an eerie silence.

Observing the stunned expressions around him, Oliver scanned the faces of those present and asked,

"Would anyone like to see it again?”

Subsequently, Oliver concluded his account, detailing the events that transpired within the Chimera Research Institute.

However, he chose to omit sensitive subjects such as the collusion between the Life School faction and the Bathory family, as well as the clandestine experiments conducted at the institute.

Additionally, Oliver modified the narrative to portray Willes as the one who defeated Bathory, following Willes’ suggestion.

They both agreed that revealing the truth could prove to be a complicated endeavor, and this alteration allowed Oliver to seamlessly conceal his true identity without falling into any potential traps.

The researchers who listened to the entirety of the story appeared taken aback by the accomplishments attributed to a mere solver. However, they reluctantly accepted the narrative, perhaps because they were hesitant to entertain the notion that Oliver was responsible for such feats.

The prior presentation of evidence had already played a significant role in persuading them, and this subsequent account further solidified their acceptance.

Oliver suddenly realized that convincing others was akin to a chain reaction of dominoes.

If one could instill faith in people initially, subsequent attempts, even if somewhat imperfect, had a higher likelihood of being believed to some extent. Of course, exceptions always existed.

"It’s impressive. You defeated Bathory by yourself. She must have had subordinates.”

Sophie from the Herbal Research Institute cast a peculiar gaze, seemingly directed both at Willes and Oliver.

"I was lucky.”

"It seems you’re not just lucky.”

Once again, Sophie interjected with a pointed comment, yet her words carried no hint of malice or hidden intentions, prompting her to refrain from delving further into the matter.

Similarly, the other researchers displayed a similar demeanor. However, in contrast to Sophie’s considerate approach, it seemed they did not fully grasp the true extent of Bathory’s power as a warlock, inadvertently underestimating the magnitude of the threat Bathory posed.

‘Well, it’s not that strange. Even among wizards, there are specialties. Research, combat, education, etc.’

Then, one researcher cut in.

"Excuse me, Mr. Solver.”


"Who is your broker? Or do you have an affiliation?”

"Why do you ask?”

"This is not an ordinary situation. It’s a big deal that the Life School’s Research Institute was attacked.”

Looking at his emotional state, it seemed sincere, but Willes was unimpressed.

"….The point is?”

"I want to confirm your identity, to see if you’re a trustworthy person. I mean no disrespect, but-”

“-But you are disrespecting me nonetheless.”

Willes cut him off. His intimidating presence made everyone tense up.

"To answer your question, I’m a freelancer who isn’t affiliated with any organization. I mostly work within the Northland community.”

"Do you help out only within the Northland community?”

Sophie asked cautiously.

"Yes, they need people like me. So, there’s no one who can vouch for me from your end.”

“But, then-”

“-Of course, I don’t intend to wait until someone from your end comes to meet me.”

“Why not?”

"Why? Because I’m a free man and you have no right to detain me.”

The researcher who was having a conversation with him seemed taken aback.

“But, we hired you?!”

"Not me, this man did. Dare not twist words.”

Pointing at Oliver, Willes made everyone stare at Oliver. Their gaze seemed to ask him to say something.

But Oliver’s answer was already decided.

"The job is done and the contract has expired.”

With a composed demeanor, Oliver calmly responded, implying a sense of helplessness in the face of the situation.

Observing Oliver’s reply, Willes nodded in understanding and prepared to move. What unfolded next held paramount importance.

Several researchers, driven by their own pride, attempted to impede Willes’ progress, but they faltered under the weight of his piercing gaze.

It became evident that Willes possessed the traits of a true warrior, while they were merely researchers, unaccustomed to such confrontations.

Sensing the tension and seeking guidance, some of the researchers turned their gaze towards Sophie, the esteemed head of the institute, hoping for her intervention or support.

‘Is she a considerably skilled wizard?’

Oliver also looked at Sophie, waiting for her response.

She shrugged her shoulders.

"He’s right. We have no right nor obligation to stop him. That’s his prerogative.”

Sophie pointed at Oliver.

Their obstruction was due to their bruised egos, and the researchers finally stepped aside. Willes continued to walk away.

After Willes had left, all eyes were on Oliver.

"How did you end up hiring someone like him?”

"Well, I’ll explain that when I submit my report to the Tower.”


"Yes, I’ve been considerate of everyone living here so far, but beyond this point, I have no obligation to explain.”

"You’re not wrong.”

Sophie smiled instead of getting angry.

"You’ll really have to write a thorough report.”

"Thank you for your concern.”

With the conversation concluded, Oliver bowed his head slightly in acknowledgment and left. It was time to return to the tower.

(To be Continued)


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