Genius Warlock Chapter 414

Chapter 414

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Its a giant! exclaimed the guard stationed at the main entrance of the university.

In his role as a guard at the Magic Institute, he possessed a substantial amount of mana, though not quite reaching the universitys average standard. However, in this moment, he either lacked the experience or was too overwhelmed to react swiftly, slowly retreating.

Undoubtedly, it was a natural reaction to be taken aback by the sudden appearance of a giant.


A giant, standing between 15 to 20 meters in height, emerged from the gray smoke.

While its movements were relatively sluggish, its colossal size more than compensated for it.

With just two steps, the giant not only breached the intricate fence surrounding Rokuri University but also tragically crushed the retreating guard beneath its massive foot.

Desperately, the guard attempted to conjure a magical shield, but the overwhelming mass crushed both him and the shield, akin to squashing a tomato.

This is bad. muttered Oliver to himself as he observed the unfolding spectacle through his telescope.

Meanwhile, the giant continued its relentless advance toward the university.

Just when it seemed the intruders would gain entry unopposed, nearby wizards sprang into action, gathering and merging their mana, swiftly crafting a spell.

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Strands of mana, infused with myriad intentions, converged in front of the giants face and gleamed with a brilliant blue magical radiance.

In the fleeting moment, Oliver could discern the intricacy of the spell.

Before long, the high-density magical threads unfurled like a spiders web, embroidering an intricate magical circle in the air, from which a formidable magical beam struck the giants visage.


It was a pure magical assault, straightforward in concept yet awe-inspiring in speed and potency.

All of this occurred in the span of a mere 1 or 2 seconds.

Equally astonishing, however, was the giants resilience.

Considering the potency of the magic employed, it should have equated to military-grade bombardment, yet the giant, though seared and wounded, retained the form of its face and endured the onslaught.

Even in the absence of proper defenses, it withstood the direct hit, a testament to its formidable physical prowess, mirroring its colossal stature.

As if to demonstrate its might, the giant raised its arms, channeling life force into them, ready to strike the ground.

In that crucial moment, the wizards of Rokuri University, living up to their reputation, once again gathered their magic and unleashed a second salvo, decapitating the giant.

The attack bore similarities to the first, but they concentrated the power by narrowing the strike zone, maximizing its destructive force. The giants head was torn asunder, and its body crumpled to the earth.

The colossal form of the fallen giant generated a deafening cacophony and a billowing cloud of dust, gradually disintegrating like mud.

Such a phenomenon was a characteristic unique to the minions of the Human-meat Chef.

As soon as the giant was vanquished, sporadic cheers erupted throughout the university.

Yet, it was too early to relax, for chaos still reigned outside.

Explosions reverberated throughout the city, and unfamiliar creatures embarked on a rampage.

The university appeared to be aware of this impending threat, as numerous individuals, seemingly following directives, efficiently mobilized, erecting substantial defensive barriers across the campus.

Utilizing the universitys structures as conduits, a network of blue magical energy coalesced, enveloping various edifices in a protective dome-like shield.

Observing this process, Oliver couldnt help but pose a question.

Are giants really real?

At least not here.


Drrring. Drrring. Drrring.

As Oliver and Yareli entered the main university building where Kevin and Terence awaited, a multitude of communication devices greeted them with incessant ringing.

This constituted the central information hub of the university, established with royal sponsorship. Numerous personnel, employed by the institution, diligently answered the devices and transcribed the incoming information using typewriters.

Given the chaos unfolding in the city beyond the windows, the nature of the calls was not difficult to surmise.

Oh, youre here.

Terence, occupied in the bustling corridor, warmly welcomed Oliver and Yareli.

Externally, he seemed composed, but the current circumstances had clearly rattled him.

This was especially evident to Oliver, who, as a warlock, could discern emotions.

It was as if a colossal cauldron simmered within Terence, bubbling with a tumultuous mixture of negative emotionschaos, fear, and anger.

For now, the emotions were contained, but what might transpire as time elapsed

Yareli addressed Terence directly.

Its good to see you quickly. Wheres Professor Kevin?

Im right here.

Emerging from one side of the congested corridor, Kevin adjusted his disheveled suit. Despite his outward composure, signs of weariness and anxiety radiated from within.

Given the gravity of the situation, Yareli wasted no time in getting to the point.

Did you see it just now?

The giant?

Kevin affirmed promptly.

Yes It didnt seem like a poorly made chimera or a creature created by black magic?

Oliver concurred with a nod.

Though it was his first encounter with a giant, it was undeniably unlike a chimera or any other creature. It was perplexing, for it was an authentic giant. The predicament, however, lay in the fact that genuine giants were not part of this worlds reality.

We discussed this with the professors here It seems it was summoned through space magic.

Summoning magic, a subset of spatial magic, alongside portal magic.

Similar to elemental magics within the elemental schoollightning, fire, ice, earth, air

Of course, summoning magic, like other branches of spatial magic, was a highly complex field with a short history, brimming with enigmas.

Does that make sense? Summoning magic isnt that easy, is it?

Terence voiced his skepticism, a valid concern.

Indeed, summoning magic was far from an elementary form of magic.

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It demanded a challenging initiation process, consumed vast reserves of mana, and entailed substantial ongoing maintenance costs.

To put it bluntly, even the demanding spirit magic was considered more accessible in comparison to summoning magic.

While spirit magic necessitated a higher degree of caster aptitude and ensured cost-effective utility upon success, summoning magic provided no such assurances.

Even in the event of a successful summoning, there was no guarantee that the summoned entity would prove beneficial, and the caster had to expend a proportional amount of mana for any potent being they conjured.

Moreover, considerable effort was required to bind or compel the summoned entity to heed commands.

In essence, it was a form of magic where the costs often outweighed the benefits.

Thats why summoning magic is the least advanced among space magic.

But that was definitely a giant, Professor.

Could it be that it was consumed?

Oliver, his mind still fixated on the giant channeling life force into its arms before disintegrating like mud, raised a probing question.


Yes. The body of the fallen giant crumbled like the minions of Human-meat Chef I think after summoning it, killing and consuming it would save the maximum amount of resources and effort.

Wow, what a horrifying and surprising idea. Terence remarked, hinting at the possibility that Human-meat Chef summoned the giant with the intention of ultimately slaughtering and devouring it.

Summoning a giant demanded an extraordinary level of skill and resource investment, so the idea of summoning one only to annihilate and consume it was a staggering narrative.

Its an unbelievable tale. To think such a thing is possible But if its true, it would explain extinct werewolves and various monsters. Its unclear when such abilities were acquired, but Even the Magic Tower hasnt reached that level in summoning magic yet.

What about the universitys response? If all this is true, it means Human-meat Chef caused all this chaos, right? Yareli brought up a more pressing matter.

Her point was valid, and the immediate concern was the current state of affairs.

With Olivers supposition, it was evident that Human-meat Chef, one of the four fingers of the Black Hand, had turned the city into a battlefield.

Yet, there was something that didnt quite add up.

Whats the purpose of doing all this? Kevin, who had just come from a meeting, posed a pointed question.

If the goal was simply to disrupt Rokuri University, which had been applying pressure, maintaining a state of tension would have sufficed. The motivations driving these actions were difficult to fathom.

Crushing Rokuri University with brute force alone wasnt appropriate, and the attacks werent exclusively targeted at this location. It appeared more like a campaign to sow chaos without a clear endgame.

Because of that, the military and local police waiting on the outskirts of the city have been continuously requesting support, making it difficult to take any hasty action.

A riot like this is unprecedented, but is it really that bad? Isnt there some kind of city defense system?

City defense system.

A safeguard mechanism designed to uphold order in a world where superhumans capable of rivalling military might were abundant.

It entailed the installation of magical circles in key areas of the city, capable of launching precision bombardment spells in the event of emergenciessomething Oliver had once encountered in his readings at the Magic Tower library.

Although it was rarely used due to infrequent occurrences of such magnitude, it was considered a potent deterrent.

Its probably been dismantled. Yareli commented, as if a realization had dawned upon her.

As far as I know, it was used to suppress the demonstrators during the civic revolution, causing significant damage, and was dismantled after the revolution succeeded.

Thats insane. Terence exclaimed in disbelief, a sentiment shared by many, particularly given his background as a War Wizard.

Thats really foolish. To neuter the citys defense system for such a reason. Now I understand why Human-meat Chef targeted this place.

In that moment, Oliver found himself somewhat in agreement with Terences statement.

It didnt appear to be a mere coincidence. While it might have been Olivers conjecture, there seemed to be more to the situation than met the eye.

As they were about to delve deeper into this topic, the sound of a communication device interrupted them.

The ringing wasnt identical to the previous signals, but it held a familiar and distinctive tone. It emanated from the personal communication device provided by Lucian.

This device was specifically intended to receive organic updates concerning Human-meat Chef.

Terence, responsible for managing communications, promptly answered the call. The purpose of the call was somewhat expected.

With such turmoil engulfing the heart of the city, Milieu would no longer be a safe haven; in fact, it might become even more perilous.

While this might not be widely known, the Mura family had been cooperating and steadily supplying valuable information, significantly contributing to the efforts against Human-meat Chef.

But now, does it even matter?

Oliver mused as he gazed out of the window, observing the fires erupting all around.

As if to taunt the damage inflicted by Rokuri University and Oliver himself, Human-meat Chef was incinerating his own territory.

What could be driving such actions?

Nevertheless, Olivers speculation had proven accurate.

Lucian had reached out to them seeking assistance.

However, there were two unexpected elements to this request.

Firstly, they were not just facing an onslaught of rioters, giants, werewolves, or harpies, but a horrifying, inexplicable horde of monsters engaged in a coordinated attack. Secondly, the plea wasnt solely for their own rescue.

They were also beseeching aid to rescue Murphy and Jane.

Mr. Murphy and Miss Jane?

Terence affirmed and reiterated the response.

Yes. They were called to their castle for protection when the city atmosphere became ominous, but now the situation has worsened and theyre being chased by the monsters together.

It was an unforeseen twist of events, but upon reflection, it made sense.

Both Murphy and Jane had come to this city for business, and they were in association with Lucian.

Just as Oliver contemplated their course of action, Yareli stepped forward.

Go and see them, Zenon.

(To be Continued)

CH 414-423 (Vs Human-meat Chef Part3) $3CH 424-433 (Vs Human-meat Chef Part4) $3CH 434-443 (Dave Vs 100 Druids) $3444~ $1/chapter


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