Genius Warlock Chapter 431

Chapter 431

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Forrests redevelopment project in District X was something Oliver was hearing about for the first time. Could it possibly be the completion of Maries residence?

Oliver instinctively inquired about the specifics of the matter, but Jane, too, had only recently learned of it and couldnt offer much information.

In fact, she appeared more surprised that Oliver was unaware of it. There were rumors suggesting that Oliver might be involved in it as well.

Although the stories were somewhat cryptic, that didnt mean they lacked value.

For one, simply being informed about such news held significant merit. Moreover, as an investor, she elaborated on the economic potential of the redevelopment in District X.

Of course, I dont know the details either. But Ive heard a bit from the sisterhood. Its only a possibility, but if the development can proceed without the hindrance of the Anti-Development committee, and secure stable investments, the redevelopment of District X could yield enormous profits. After all, redevelopment is such a business, and District X is one of the few undeveloped areas in Landa. Plus, its location is quite favorable as it was intended to be a decent industrial district in the early days of urban development. If developed, it could be a real goldmine.

Jane provided a comprehensive explanation, seizing the moment to elucidate.

She discussed the economic impacts of the development project itself, the unique qualities of an undeveloped area, the districts inherent potential, and the advantages linked to various political factors.

Oliver, using Janes informative discourse as a seasoning for his meal, savored each bite and, upon learning that the restaurant had exhausted its ingredients, decided it was time to depart.

Once he had completed his meal, Oliver extended his gratitude to Jane.

Typically, the Forrest redevelopment project would have merely piqued Olivers curiosity. However, now it held more significance for him than mere curiosity.

Jane, appreciative of Olivers thanks, was content to have been of assistance. She mentioned that, thanks to Oliver, she might be able to exceed Lady Mirandas expectations with the task assigned to her.

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It was an unintentional but fortunate turn of events, prompting Oliver and Jane to express their gratitude to each other before parting ways.

Just a moment, Jane called out to Oliver as he was about to leave. She then approached him, looked him squarely in the eyes, and spoke earnestly. Dont forget your promise.


After concluding his meal with Jane, Oliver promptly returned to his temporary basement workshop. Fortunately, no one had entered the basement, which was secured by various security measures and black magic spells. Oliver wasted no time in dismantling the equipment.

Lucky I pulled an all-nighter? The important tasks were finished quickly. Oliver thought as he retrieved the restored corpse dolls Duncan, Shamus, Bthory from the blood tank.

Having been damaged in the battle with Human-meat Chef, they had been expertly stitched back together with the assistance of the blood tank and Ptahs Assistant. Beyond mere physical mending, they were now seamlessly unified.

To ensure everything was in order, Oliver meticulously inspected the repaired parts of each corpse doll.

Contrary to his concerns, the restoration work had been flawless.

Bigmouth, Oliver summoned the man-sized lump of artificial flesh creature he had prepared earlier. It blinked its multiple eyes and waddled over on its short limbs, emitting a toad-like croaking sound.


Could you swallow these corpse dolls for me, please? Oliver asked politely, and Bigmouth, as usual, groaned in discomfort but complied with the request.

Using its seemingly crude arms, Bigmouth grabbed the corpse dolls Duncan, Shamus, Bthory and swallowed them whole.

Ill be taking out the bodies for packaging, so please swallow them in order. I appreciate it. Oliver said, extending a bundle of bills to Bigmouth.

Bigmouth gulped down the bills, and Oliver removed another body from a different blood tank, placed it in a body bag, and fed it to Bigmouth.

With its toad-like croaking, Bigmouth ingested the packaged bodies one by one. Oliver then prepared the embalmed bodies hanging on the drying rack and laid them on the floor for Bigmouth to consume. He neatly stacked the blood-wrapped organs in a box.

Having collected all the results of his labor, Oliver immediately began disassembling the equipment. The surgical table, body drying rack, multiple blood tanks, and auxiliary machinery installed in the basement were all carefully taken apart.


Oliver couldnt help but let out an involuntary sigh. It was somewhat regrettable, considering the effort he had invested in setting everything up in just one day.

But then again, it was thanks to this setup that I could spend my time without a break and work efficiently. Oliver thought as he utilized a pump to transfer the embalming fluid and blood solution from the blood tanks into separate containers.

The manual labor was quite strenuous, but curiously, he found himself imbued with improved strength and stamina, allowing the work to proceed smoothly.

Oliver lifted each container filled with liquid and instructed Bigmouth to consume it. He then utilized the tools stored in the workshop to disassemble the machines and tanks, arranging them for Bigmouth to swallow effortlessly.

While it had taken a full day to set everything up, the dismantling process, now carried out with some experience, was completed in just a few hours.


No, Bigmouth. Youre not fighting. Its just that something came up, and we have to pack up.

Gurgle?! Gurgle

No, youll fight 2 against 1 when I return to Landa and have some time. Its just that Ive been too busy to do it.

As Bigmouth swallowed the surgical table, shelves, and work tools, it paused in its task and cast a look of betrayal and contempt towards Oliver.

Seeing this, Oliver reassured, Bigmouth please dont stop your work.

Despite its apparent displeasure, Bigmouth begrudgingly resumed its task. It was unhappy, but it had no choice; it was a request from Oliver.

After several hours of labor, Oliver changed out of his work clothes into casual attire. He offered Bigmouth another bundle of bills as a gesture of appreciation for its hard work.

I trust in Bigmouth. Having trained in combat with Child, I believe you can win even in a 2 against 1 fight.

Bigmouth, unusually silent without its typical toad-like sounds, simply shrunk down, its lingering disdain for Oliver still evidenta silent protest.

Nonetheless, Oliver genuinely expressed his gratitude to Bigmouth for its efforts. He carefully folded it and placed it in a leather case at his waist. Just as he was about to leave the basement, he encountered Lucian, who had arrived alone.

Lucian was the leader of the Mura family, one of the Galos Milieu.

Ah, Mr. Dave! You were here?! I thought you left with Miss Jane. Im glad youre still here.

I met Miss Jane earlier.

Aha Did you have a good time?

Lucian inquired, glancing around and noticing the now empty and well-organized basement.

Hm? It looks quite empty Didnt you say you were working on something?

I did. Just finished and cleaned up. The work is mostly done, and Ive got something new to start.

Ah, thats a pity. I wanted to take a look at Mr. Daves workshop.

Maybe next time, Ill show you.

Really? That would be an honor.

Lucian Mura exaggerated his response and engaged in some light-hearted banter. For some reason, he seemed particularly eager to please Oliver.

Recalling the assistance he had received from Lucian, Oliver responded with courtesy, as it was only appropriate to reciprocate kindness with kindness.

Its my honor. You helped me, after all.

Ha ha Youre amazing. The more powerful the superhuman, the harder it is for them to observe manners.

I dont have such abilities. Oliver replied genuinely. However, Lucian appeared skeptical.

Oliver contemplated asking why he was doubting him but decided to let it pass. He had other matters to attend to, and stirring up unnecessary trouble seemed unwise.

Ultimately, believing or doubting was a matter of personal choice.

Lucian spoke up, I wont take much of your time, as you seem busy. Is that okay?

Lucian, who held a prominent position within the Milieu and was the head of the Mura family, respectfully inquired of Oliver.

Oliver concurred.

As far as I know, Mr. Dave, youre associated with the Magic Tower and a renowned solver in Landa. Hard for me to understand, though.

I dont quite understand it myself.

Heh! So, youre well aware of the rules of the streets, right? Like, theres no such thing as a free lunch?

I dont know if Im well aware, but I do know theres no free lunch.

Good to hear Ah! Dont get me wrong. Im not trying to brag about lending you a basement and providing equipment for your work. After all, you helped us out, and that became the foundation for a new venture, so I feel more indebted to you.

Lucian spoke eloquently, and to some extent, he meant his words. However, he also had his eye on a new opportunity.

He seemed to grasp why Murphy, a seasoned businessman, was engaging with him.

Since weve helped each other, we can expect a friendly relationship in the future, cant we?

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Oliver nodded in agreement. It was a fair assessment. Nevertheless, he harbored his reservations.

It wasnt that he had any aversion to Lucian. It was just challenging to maintain a relationship with someone living across the sea in another country.

Oliver wasnt conducting business here in the same manner as Murphy.

When Oliver voiced his concerns, Lucian shook his head.

You never know with the ways of the world, especially with capable people. I might need to ask solver Dave for help in the future, and when that time comes, I hope youll consider it more favorably than others.

Well, that Yes. But what do you mean you might need my help in the future?

Im not sure myself, but the likelihood is high. You see, Ravel is already a chaotic place, and now its even more so In times of great turmoil, a powerful friend is desperately needed.

Ah I understand. Thank you for the high regard.

Not at all. Ill take it as a positive response then. Thank you for your time Where are you off to now?

I plan to go to Rokuri University. Theres someone I need to meet there.


True to his word, Oliver left the basement and proceeded directly to Rokuri University.

In the central part of the city, which was mostly in ruins, the relatively intact university was abuzz with a diverse assembly of individuals. Among them were students and wizards affiliated with the university, the citys affluent residents, scholars who had received permission to remain, pleasure-seekers, and journalists who had arrived to report on the citys saviors.

Furthermore, a police force had been dispatched to maintain order and provide security, making the university resemble a miniature city unto itself.

Oliver blended into the crowd and made his way to the universitys main building, where Kevin awaited him.

Hm? Ms. Yareli? Mr. Terence?

As he navigated the throng towards the main building, Oliver spotted Yareli and Terence giving an interview in a designated area outside the edifice.

Dozens of Galosian journalists, each equipped with notebooks, pens, and recording gear, encircled Terence and Yareli in a semicircular formation, diligently capturing every word, lest they miss a single detail.

Curiosity piqued, Oliver inadvertently watched, but soon found himself approached by an individual who wore a mix of annoyance and fatigue on their countenance.

Whats with this skinny guy? Hey, I dont know who you are, but this is for authorized personnel only. Please leave.

Speaking in Galosian, the man lightly nudged Olivers shoulder. Strangely, despite the gentle force applied, Oliver remained steadfast.

Just as the man began to sense that something was amiss, Oliver retrieved a temporary ID from his pocket.

It was an identification badge issued by Rokuri University to Kevin, Terence, Yareli, and Oliver, who had come to offer support from the Magic Tower.

When Oliver presented his temporary ID, the man scrutinized it and Olivers face for a moment, finally realizing his blunder and stepping back to offer an apology.

It appeared that Olivers emaciated appearance had momentarily hindered the mans recognition.

Ah Sorry about that.

No, its fine. But may I ask whats going on?

Oliver stowed away the ID and gestured towards Terence and Yareli, who found themselves encircled by journalists in the midst of an interview.

Theyre interviewing one of the heroes who quelled the recent unrest.

A trace of dissatisfaction and irritation crept across the mans countenance. After all, Terence and Yareli hailed from the Magic Tower, and their heroic treatment at Rokuri University might have felt somewhat out of place internally.

Oliver observed Yareli and Terence closely.

They responded to the journalists inquiries with logic and sensibility, as befitting members of esteemed families within the Magic Tower.

It was almost as if they had been trained for this but something felt amiss. As if someone were missing?

Oliver inquired of the man who was obstructing his path.

Why isnt Professor Kevin here?


It seems like a political issue.

Kevin remarked from his temporary office within the main university building.

He looked fatigued from excessive work, clad in a wrinkled shirt and sipping coffee while reviewing documents. On one side of his desk lay eight empty coffee cups.


Its somewhat hard for the public to accept that one of the heroes who saved the capital of Gallos has red skin.


Oliver let out a sound of understanding, though Kevin appeared unperturbed.

Why? Im not even the real hero who saved the city.

But You were active along with Mr. Terence and Miss Yareli.

No, it doesnt matter. I dont have time to pretend to be a fake hero anyway. Id rather not. Do you think those guys out there are enjoying those interviews?

Oliver recalled the expressions of Yareli and Terence during the interview.


Exactly. Theyre playing the role of heroes unwillingly due to their noble birth. Its not something to be envious of. Besides, Im busy coordinating with Rokuri University. Even if they asked, I wouldnt be interested.

Oliver glanced at the stack of documents on Kevins desk.

Coordination work?

Yes, deciding how to divide the expertise gained from defeating Human-meat Chef, the distribution rights of various extradimensional creatures and Gretels corpse, among other things. Theres a lot to do since its a big case.

Are you handling all of it, Professor Kevin?

I agreed to take care of the basic framework of the negotiations. Master is busy, Yareli is a student, and Terence is technically not from the Magic Tower but affiliated with the military.

Ah Oliver grasped the situation immediately. Without a new representative from the Magic Tower, Kevin was the most suitable candidate for this task, despite the heavy workload following the chaos.

It was a sacrifice for Oliver, but Kevin shook his head as if he didnt mind.

Its not bad. Usually, only those with real power in the Magic Tower can handle such tasks. The work is too important. Honestly, I like the current situation. If I do well, I might get more such opportunities.

Kevin radiated the ambition and determination he had initially exhibited, aiming for a far-reaching objective.

What brings you here, then?

Kevin swiftly inquired, his keen perception at play. He instantly discerned that Oliver had a specific request in mind.

Oliver was able to broach his purpose comfortably.

I came to ask for permission. It seems like the right thing to do.

While drinking coffee and reviewing documents, Kevin shifted his gaze to Oliver.


Yes, if its not a problem, may I return to Landa first?

(To be Continued)

CH 424-433 (Vs Human-meat Chef Part4) $3CH 434-443 (Dave Vs 100 Druids) $3CH 444-453 (Adventure in New Continent) $3CH 454-463 (Meeting with Joanna) $3464~ $1/chapter


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