Genius Warlock Chapter 433

Chapter 433

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Olivers request to meet Forrest.

Instantly, Al regained his composure, returning to his usual demeanor, assuring Oliver that he would bring Forrest.

I will guide you to the office first. The boss is on the 3rd floor; could you wait a bit?

The 3rd floor Oliver gazed at the staircase leading to the 3rd floor. Unlike the interconnected 1st and 2nd floors, the 3rd floor was entirely partitioned, comprising rooms for confidential discussions.

The 3rd floor What is Mr. Forrest doing?

He is attending to guests.

Al paused briefly before responding, piquing Olivers curiosity. What sort of gathering was transpiring in the rooms on the 3rd floor?

Mr. Al?

Yes, Mr. Dave.

Would it be okay if I also went up to the 3rd floor?


Ive never been to the 3rd floor. Im curious.


Fortunately, Al acquiesced to Olivers request.

Initially perplexed, Al studied Olivers expression for a moment before agreeing to assist him. Although Oliver felt a twinge of guilt for inconveniencing Al, he had no regrets. This decision allowed him to glimpse both the 3rd floor of Forrests restaurant and Forrest himself.


Forrest, engrossed in conversation with guests in the largest room on the 3rd floor, addressed Oliver upon seeing him.

A range of emotions played across his face.

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Surprise, embarrassment, confusion, concern, and bewilderment.

Forrest was taken aback by Olivers sudden appearance, flustered by his gaunt appearance, and simultaneously wondered what had transpired and worried about his well-being.

His final puzzle was why Oliver had come directly here.

Al, looking perplexed, stood before Oliver.

Meanwhile, Oliver surveyed the rooms guests.

Most appeared to be affluent individuals within Landa, but regrettably, he recognized only one of them: Paul Carver, the Minister of the Internal affairs for the city, seated in the corner.

Despite being the youngest person present, Carver greeted Oliver calmly.

Hello, Mr. Dave.

Hello? Mr. Carver. Long time no see.

Yes, its been a while.

Carver responded leisurely and then, after glancing between Oliver and Forrest, stood up, evidently reaching a decision.

But unfortunately, since the meal is over, I think I need to leave. Isnt that right for everyone?

Carver declared, leaving an untouched meat pie in front of hima blatant falsehood.

Yet, regardless, all the guests rose from their seats. Despite being significantly older than Carver, they couldnt resist his words.

This meat pie is delicious. Ill visit again.

As Carver passed by, he greeted Oliver, and the other guests followed him like obedient followers.

Thanks to this, most of the rooms guests vanished, leaving only the restaurant owner, Forrest, his employee, Al, and the uninvited guest, Oliver.

An awkward silence settled in the room.

Al was the first to break it.

Im sorry, boss.

Oliver shook his head.

No, its my fault because I insisted on coming. I dont know what it is, but its my fault.

Then Forrest nodded.

No Its my fault for not waiting, not knowing that Dave would come.

In this warm scene of self-blame, Oliver nodded in satisfaction, Al closed his eyes tightly while watching, and Forrest shook his head, as if resigning to something.

Sigh Al, thanks for guiding Dave. You can go now.

Upon Forrests words, Al bowed politely, bid Oliver farewell, and exited the room.

Once the door closed behind Al, Forrest poured a drink into his glass and spoke.

Werent you in Galos?

I just got back.

Ive been getting real-time updates about Ravel from the information merchants there Did you return alone?

Yes, I didnt have much to do, and I heard some interesting news.

Forrest sipped from the glass he had poured.

Let me guess. Is it about the redevelopment of District X?

Oliver nodded. Straight to the point. Impressive.

Yes, I heard from Miss Jane. Im involved somehow, can I ask what it is?

Of course. But the story might be long, so please take a seat.

Following Forrests suggestion, Oliver gratefully took a seat.

If its okay with you, can I eat this food? Im hungry.

Oliver pointed to a partially eaten veal steak, abandoned by a previous guest. Observing Olivers gaunt face, Forrest hesitated but eventually relented.

You do look hungry Ill bring something new.

No, this is fine. It would be a waste to throw it away.

As Oliver insisted, Forrest acquiesced, and Oliver began to cut and consume the steak with a fork and knife.

It was an intriguing sight. His eating was precise, yet there was an unmistakable air of intense hunger about him.

Like a predator in a suit, he exuded an oddly powerful presence.

I heard that a big chaos erupted in Galos Did something happen there?

Forrest inquired cautiously, and Oliver pondered for a moment whether to share his encounter with the Human-meat Chef and the ensuing conversation.

He ultimately decided it would be appropriate to discuss it. After all, Forrest was acquainted with Olivers true identity and appearance.

Oliver wanted to seek counsel regarding the unusual agitation and frustration he was experiencing.

However, he couldnt bring himself to do so, as he couldnt pinpoint the exact cause of his emotions.

Seeking advice without a clear understanding of his own condition seemed illogical.

Oliver decided to revert to the original purpose of his visit and concentrate on the reason he had come here.

Perhaps by focusing on something else, he could gain clarity or forget his troubles.

With that decision, Oliver explained that he had ended up in this condition due to being affected by disease-weakening black magic during the disturbance in Ravel.

I am hungry, but its bearable, so dont worry. Im fine.

Forrest looked skeptical upon hearing this.

Considering Olivers abilities, it was difficult to believe. Nevertheless, Forrest refrained from pressing the matter out of consideration for Oliver.

Ill get a holy item from the Parter Church. If its black magic, it should be solved with holy magic.

Oliver nodded. While it wasnt life-threatening, the persistent hunger was bothersome, especially as it reminded him of Human-meat Chef.

Thank you Its kind of funny. A warlock like me is trying to be freed from black magic using a holy item.

Well, officially youre also a wizard affiliated with the Magic Tower Did you come all the way up to the 3rd floor to talk about that?

A signal to return to the main topic. Oliver shook his head.

No, I was curious about the 3rd floor and wanted to ask about the redevelopment of District X that I mentioned earlier Were the guests here related to that?

Immediately after asking, Oliver placed the last bite of veal steak in his mouth and chewed.

He pushed the emptied plate aside and began savoring another dish. It was delightful.

Its more accurate to say they were interested rather than involved.


They are the owners of small and medium-sized construction companies in Landa who came upon hearing rumors of redevelopment. They heard I had acquired the rights to develop District X. Quite a misunderstanding.

So, you didnt start the redevelopment project, Mr. Forrest?

Its just a rumor. I havent started anything. Where would I have such rights in the first place?


Do you remember the multi-family housing in District X that you bought? Where Marie and her people stay.


And the Fighter Crew. The rumor spread just because I was repairing the house they live in, as you requested. Its understandable to be misunderstood. Anyway, because you dug into District X.


Oliver couldnt help but exclaim. It turned out that his suspicions were spot on.

Ah Im sorry, Mr. Forrest. Because of me, you got involved in a redevelopment project you had no interest in I apologize again.

No, thats not it.


I am interested in the redevelopment project itself. 𝘧𝑟𝓮𝓮𝓌𝑒𝘣𝘯ℴ𝑣𝘦𝓵.𝒸ℴ𝑚



On a dark night, a small boat sailed along the Sheam River that meandered through the sprawling city of Landa.

Standing on the boat was Oliver, clutching a quarterstaff in one hand and a bag containing meat pie and wine in the other.

Thank you for reading at

Oliver contemplated what Forrest had disclosed.

I am quite interested in the redevelopment project. It would be strange not to be interested in making money in Landa, right? And its not just me. The Fighter Crew and those who choose it feel the same.

Forrest had mentioned that the Fighter Crew and others involved shared a strong interest in the redevelopment of District X.

The primary motivator, of course, was financial gain.

Well, for Knuckle Joe, theres more than just money.

Is there another reason besides money?

It might sound silly, but yes. People living in District X, including that friend, all share a common dream. To leave the harsh life in District X and move to a more livable place. Its not strange. There arent many perverts who want to live in a place where you can get shot on the street. Especially those with families to care for.

Oliver comprehended what was being conveyed. Joe, like the other residents of District X, belonged to a community with families to support.

However, relocating is realistically difficult. Financial issues are the biggest, but there are other reasons too. Becoming unwillingly adapted to District X, developing a reluctant attachment to it as home, or fear of living in a new place. So, what do they dream of?

Oliver shook his head, unable to relate or even guess, feeling an unfamiliar bitterness he wouldnt typically experience.

They want to transform their living place. They wish to make District X a better place to live Of course, its nearly impossible, so it remains a dream for most.

Oliver silently nodded, grasping the gist of the sentiment.

What about Marie then? And the people from Chosen Ones? They are outsiders.

They are here for the money. Precisely, for the operating expenses of the community. I had a conversation with them before; they lost quite a bit of their wealth due to the attacks of the paladins, and their main business of Pilgaret manufacturing had to be temporarily halted, to avoid bringing trouble to you. I think it was a wise decision. Its clever to lie low in Landa during these chaotic times. But its also a fact that their income has disappeared. Theyre barely getting by with the wealth they managed to save, but eventually, theyll hit their limit. A stagnant source will eventually dry up. Thats why they are interested in the redevelopment. To secure legal funding.

All the reasons made perfect sense. Then, Forrest extracted some documents from his coat.

It was a business plan and an application for business registration.

Heres the redevelopment business plan for District X and the application for business registration. Have a look.

The representative section is blank?

Oliver inquired while examining the business registration application. Forrests name was present, and there was an empty space beside it.

Its for you.


Yes, you. After all, for the redevelopment of District X to take off, it needs capital and manpower, but more importantly, it needs you. You were the one who negotiated with the Anti-Development committee and obtained their approval. Without you, its just a fantasy.

Forrest proceeded to explain the available initial capital and other pertinent details.

Even for Oliver, who wasnt well-versed in business, the proposal appeared quite feasible.

Numerous investors had expressed interest, and the citys business support department and banks were also willing to extend substantial support and loans.

After explaining the CEOs salary and various perks, Forrest asked, Of course, I understand this might not be particularly important to you Are you interested in giving it a try?

Oliver couldnt provide an immediate response. He had come here simply to learn about the District X redevelopment, not with any intention of pursuing such an opportunity.

The idea wasnt without merit. The compensation was attractive, and considering his current state of confusion, shifting his focus to something substantial might not be a bad idea.

On the other hand, he had reservations. Oliver was already financially comfortable, and the workload seemed more substantial than he had initially envisioned. He needed a diversion, not an overwhelming commitment.

Furthermore, there was something else that weighed on his mind

Oliver suddenly contemplated his own capricious nature.

After much contemplation, Oliver asked Forrest for some time to think it over. He explained that there were matters he needed to assess before making a decision, and Forrest readily agreed to his request.

The boat is about to arrive! Be careful!

The boats captain, Noah, who had previously ferried him to District Z, issued a warning to Oliver, who was lost in thought. Noahs demeanor and tone were notably gentler than before, leading Oliver to wonder if it was due to his expectations.


As the boat drew nearer to District Y, it swayed and gradually came to a halt.

The muddy terrain and scattered piles of refuse around the river in District Y had remained unchanged, as if time had stood still.

Are you sure its okay to go alone?

Captain Noah, with his gruff exterior, expressed concern for Oliver.

Oliver replied, Yes, its fine. I went and came back safely last time.

Just because it was okay yesterday doesnt mean its okay today

Noah, examining Olivers gaunt face, spoke with even more apprehension, as if he had something important to convey.

I think it will be okay. Thank you for your concern Do you have something you want to say?

Noah hesitated before speaking with difficulty, Well, really just Can you really develop District X?

Oliver sensed Noahs mixed emotionsdoubt and hope.

Im not sure May I ask why you ask?

No big reason.

Noah replied in his customary gruff manner, but his underlying hope was unmistakable. Skeptical, yet eager to believe.

Oliver admitted, I dont really know.

You dont know?

Yes. Thats why Im going to ask.

With these words, Oliver entered District Y, while Noah, as if under a spell, watched him return to District X.

In all his decades of encounters with various individuals, Noah had never come across someone quite like Oliver

As the boat disappeared beyond the wide Sheam River, Oliver paused.

Would you please come out?

In response to Olivers request, Bartholomew, an elder from the Anti-Development committee, emerged from the shadows, blending seamlessly into the darkness without relying on black magic.

Upon revealing himself, Bartholomew executed a gentle attack with his flesh-made quarterstaff, and Oliver responded by swinging his own quarterstaff.

The sound of quarterstaffs slicing through the night air and the thunderous clash of their meeting resounded, etching deep marks into the ground with each collision.

After several exchanges of blows, Bartholomew and Oliver thrust their quarterstaffs at each other, resulting in a powerful collision.


An indescribable, deafening noise erupted, pushing both combatants back, their feet scraping against the ground.

Youve improved remarkably. A Supreme Being indeed

Is that so?

Oliver, his mind somewhat cluttered by various concerns, responded vaguely. Perhaps it was due to his close combat training in Galos and the encounter with Human-meat Chef.

Did you know I would come here?

More than knowing, I was hinted that you would come someday.

Oh Who told you?

A Supreme Being mentioned it to me.

Oliver fell into silence, still puzzled by the enigmatic conversation. Seizing the opportunity, Bartholomew spoke first.

What brings you to this place?

Oliver, suddenly recalling the purpose of his visit, set aside the myriad questions he had for Bartholomew, not wanting to further complicate matters.

I have something to ask No, I came to seek permission.

There is nothing you need to ask permission from us, Supreme Being.

Do you remember my last visit?

Yes, I remember. You came to ask if it was okay to repair a new dwelling place for the followers of the Supreme Being.

Oliver hesitated briefly. It was similar but not entirely the same.

He wanted to clarify the misunderstanding, but realizing that addressing every detail would be endless, he opted to continue the conversation.

Yes Its not certain yet, but is it okay to redevelop other buildings in District X besides the one I mentioned?

Do as you wish, Supreme Being. As I said before, whatever you decide to do, we dare not interfere.

Bartholomew replied without hesitation. Oliver had half expected a refusal It was challenging to respond to such enthusiastic acceptance.

Ah Thank you for your kindness Take this, please. It didnt seem right to come empty-handed.

Oliver handed over the bag he had brought, containing a meat pie and a bottle of wine from Forrests restaurant.

Bartholomew, typically stern in demeanor, received the bag with polite and careful movements.

Thank you for the gift.

No, thank you May I ask a question?

Oliver posed an unexpected question out of the blue. It felt natural; the question had been on his mind for some time.

Bartholomew readily agreed, and Oliver proceeded to recount his conversation with Human-meat Chef, omitting details about Chef and focusing on the content of their discussion.

Bartholomew listened attentively, and when Oliver had finished, he posed a question of his own.

Does this Supreme Being you mention is it related to this story?

An unexpected query, but Oliver felt a sense of relief, as if scratching an itch. However, Bartholomews response was not as satisfying.

Im sorry, but as I mentioned before, that is not something we mere mortals can discuss.

The same response as before, but this time it left a slight sense of disappointment, akin to an unfulfilled basic need like hunger, an itch, or sleep.

When will I be able to know?

When the sky is steeped in darkness, and the irrefutable will of a god descends, you will know. Whether you wish to or not.

Bartholomew provided another cryptic answer, resembling more of a prophecy than a direct response.

(To be Continued)

CH 424-433 (Vs Human-meat Chef Part4) $3CH 434-443 (Dave Vs 100 Druids) $3CH 444-453 (Adventure in New Continent) $3CH 454-463 (Meeting with Joanna) $3464~ $1/chapter


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