Getting a Technology System in Modern Day Chapter 226 The Start Of A Mission

With an impressive feat of already shooting down what could be said to be all of Esparia’s new aircrafts, including the four patrolling ones, despite being quite a distance away from the original position of Eden’s aircrafts.

Their remarkable accuracy from such a considerable distance had come as a surprise to both the people on land and the pilots who were abruptly terminated, having been suddenly faced with an unexpected attack and finding themselves already ejected without any warning beforehand.

This situation got even worse if we were to include the bombers who were now being scrambled to go the opposite direction of Eden and to the Pacific Ocean to avoid being bombed if they were left inside their bunkers and mirroring the losses like what happened to their fighter jets.

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While doing that, their air defense system of Esparia now started coming online as the soldiers manning them in different cities and locations could be seen holding their breaths, praying that the incoming planes don’t come to their way and go to other cities so that they would be spared from having to face the potential devastation.


"Good luck, we have some destruction to deliver," Archangel One-One, the squadron leader, relayed to the pilot of the cargo aircraft.

"See you on land when we are done with ours too," the cargo pilot responded, bidding farewells to the squadron members before echoing their signature call.

"Archangels out,"’

The squadron members responded and swiftly pulled their aircraft yokes, each heading to a distinct trajectory, diverging from the cargo airplane, continuing alone with resolution towards its designated path.


When the dispersed Archangels squadron members started getting closer to their designated bombing destinations, the atomic printer on their hardpoint started coming to life.

Land bombs started materializing through the rapid printing process, signifying that their current mission was about bombarding land targets.

The moment the bombs were done printing, without hesitation or wasting any time, the newly printed bombs were detached by the pilots from the planes, followed by the pilots redirecting the planes’ direction, heading to different designated destinations without even waiting to confirm whether the bomb was going to hit the marked location or not.


And just like that, in an instant, a weapons depot was now out of the war and since it stored ammunition within, it started a chain reaction of explosions. The low-yield detonation of the bomb served as the catalyst, igniting the destructive sequence with exact precision, leaving no excess explosive material.

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm This same pattern of devastation was being repeated all over the country, with a minor delay of the explosions in different cities since the fighters took some time to reach their destinations, but whenever they reached, the city’s air defenses would be the first to be taken out of the equation before being closely followed by the arms depot which was soon followed by other important military infrastructures being taken out.

At the same time, this series of movements inflicted an unimaginable amount of terror on the citizens of the cities they bombed before they moved to another city to inflict the same terror without facing any obstacle in their wake.


"Soldiers, we are on the final approach. Make sure you have all the necessary equipment on you," Andrew, the special forces commander, announced from within the cargo bay of the approaching cargo plane that was nearing the capital city of Esparia.

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He strode down the center aisle, addressing the soldiers seated on either side, who were listening to him attentively.

And although their heads were covered with the headgear, obscuring their vision and not allowing them to see, Andrew could still see their faces thanks to the tech in his headgear which provided augmented visuals, a feature that was shared by all the soldiers in the cargo hold.

Upon hearing the commander’s order to check whether they had everything, none of the soldiers moved. All they had to do was simply gaze at their left, focusing on the peripheral of their left side was enough for them to assess their readiness, where there were small sentences that were marked green.

The small lines listed the equipment they had equipped and with them being green meant that they were all connected to the headgear’s computer system and were completely ready for operation.

"Thirty seconds to the drop zone," an announcement came from the pilot of the plane, informing them of their imminent arrival near the drop zone which was now safe from any anti air defenses, courtesy of the Archangels who were here a few minutes ago.

In response to the announcement, all of the soldiers stood at once revealing all the gear they were wearing completely.

Each soldier could be seen wearing an armor of some sort under their normal military-issued operational clothes which in themselves were capable of blocking a bullet from penetrating it while leaving for you to deal with the energy that would be transferred from the bullet to your body after it was stopped.

So, although you are wearing a bulletproof cloth and it will stop a bullet from penetrating you, you will still have to suffer the pain similar to being hit by a truck, depending on the bullet’s impact location on the shirt and how much of the energy was dispersed to the whole body.

The armor had a thickness that was equivalent to a person wearing three shirts, meaning it was nothing cumbersome and due to these few soldiers being the only ones who were issued these armors, and with the team consisting of only twenty people, it gave Aron enough time to be able to engrave quite a few runes on them, making the armors to never make the soldiers feel any discomfort when wearing them while still providing a hundred percent of the movement ability they had when they weren’t donning them.

With the armors on them, the soldiers were now even capable of lifting more than five times what they were able to lift after going through genetic enhancements, which by itself was quite scary, still as they say, the more the better.

Together with the armor they carried, they were issued electromagnetic-barrelled firearms and holstered pistols which were already attached to their hips while their backs carried a backpack, housing more ammunition and other necessary equipments they will be needing during their upcoming operation.

With confidence and not even an ounce of fear on their face, the soldiers started walking to the opening cargo bay door while not facing any difficulty in breathing since their armor was completely insulated and prevented any outside things from entering the inside without being filtered first, maintaining a controlled and comfortable environment.

As they neared the door, they just put the weapons on their hands parallel to their left hip as the armor automatically pulled and firmly held the gun, eliminating the need for the soldiers to hold them during their jump.

"5,4,3,2,1!" A countdown started appearing in front of them as they waited and the moment it reached zero, they started jumping into the void.

No parachute accompanied them since their backs were now occupied with the bag carrying ammo and a few other pieces of equipments.

The moment they plunged from the plane, their headgears activated, displaying to the soldiers every crucial information about the jump, including the distance they were from the ground, the speed at which they were falling and the time it would take for them to reach the ground.

At the same time, the headgears were doing something different, they were fussing the computational powers of all the twenty soldiers in the air, creating a massive scanning bubble which thanks to the fusion of power from the armors this time extended even more than the usual bubble that would normally reach only six kilometers which was now reaching twenty kilometers before it started collecting and presenting all the data within it while filtering out any irrelevant details and only showing the important bits of information that the soldiers needed to know.

Amidst enemy territory, without safety net or backup, began a mission soon to be etched in the world’s memory.

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