Ghoul King’s Harem Chapter 152 152: An Alliance.... [1]

In Qilana’s room, a small throne was filled with the most expensive quilted cushions, and Alexander sat on them.

"So there was no night raid, not even an attempt to test our guard?"

His gaze fixed on the women kneeling before them.

Venri looked at him before nodding, her face evermore respectful of him as she placed her right hand over her chest.

"Yes, it seems the woman you captured and made your slave last night was their army’s most efficient and talented tactician."

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"What do you think, Zilna?" He asked, with a deep voice, stroking the soft silky hair of the cat on his lap.

A cute little princess was currently sitting on his lap.

Qilana’s change from last night wasn’t significant; rather, she became more athletic with tighter muscles; her breasts were now bell-shaped but slightly perkier, and she had more plump buttocks but nothing significant, apart from her attitude.

She now had two tails and cat ears, but it was said their tribe and kingdom were the descendants of a powerful race of battle-hungry felines.

’Hmmm, maybe something like werecats? Or something.’ Alexander thought to himself as she looked up at him with her pretty silver eyes, likely because his hand stopped.

"It is quite likely, but we should not let our guard down because they do not know your abilities and saw you dragging her away. They might likely try to attack heavily to take some prisoners of their own so that we will trade her with them."


"So I believe we should be more defensive in the next skirmish, avoid pushing out too far and ensure they cannot capture any of our troops."

Alexander’s fingers began to slide through the smooth glossy hair of Qilana, who was also listening with a focused look; despite being overwhelmed by the pleasure of him stroking her, she looked at Zilna before replying instead of Alexander.

"Then make sure the wounded, or those still tired, are not in combat today. Instead, I will have my husband do most of the hard work; even if they capture him, they will all end up pregnant or slaves to his co..."


"Your Highness!"

The various knights in the room gasped at her language, but none denied it, as they were,e victims of this man’s charm and manhood.

"I believe that would be acceptable," Zilna replied, smiling faintly. "I will also bring some of the women who are not fully healed yet to help defend the manor from potential spies or looters..."

"Very well." Alexander nodded, giving both women a faint smile. "I will have my men stay close to the front gate, then while the Gula warriors and militia can be used for you guys to support the weaker parts of the wall."

"Of course."

Zilna nodded while Qilana continued to sit there with a smile on her lips.


And just like Alexander and Zilna thought, the enemy spent the morning sending probing attacks, nothing major as they seemed to try attacking several of the walls to find a weak point; thanks to the changes, the main place was where Alexander would be fighting, and thus the knights and most militia troops were able to get a decent meal thanks to the great rotation in place.

The same couldn’t be said about the enemy, though; their faces were bleak, some tired, as the huge tend of the Queen was visible from the walls in the distance.

Neither Alexander nor Zilna took them for granted, though. While they were weak, they did cause some damage to the wall, forcing the Gula warriors and militia to rush to reinforce the damaged areas quickly.

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At some point, the enemy stopped attacking, no longer moving their forces either; they stayed on the other side of the battlefield, probably making a camp.

They must have realized that unless they attacked the manor directly, they wouldn’t be able to break through the defences, and since the Queen was present, they wouldn’t be able to kill her either.

Alexander stood on the wall, in the distance, a huge army, countless tents that were hopelessly beyond the size of the army he had.

However, a strange horn sounded from the north, opposite the enemy army.

He quickly dashed along the wall; in seconds, he travelled from the easter-facing wall to the northern wall as the women looked at him with flushed faces and admiration before a long line of women slowly marched through the desert; it was strange.

"What’s going on? How did they get so close before we saw them?" He asked Katrin, who was guarding this wall, her hands grasping the wall and biting her lips.

"I don’t know, master; they were invisible until they started blowing their horns and letting us know they were here..."

"Who are..."

The moment he was going to ask who they were, the front-most member pulled down her black and green cloak, revealing her beautiful brown skin, more enchanting and wondrous than the desert sands, long ears and beautiful green eyes that glistened like gemstones.

"Isn’t that..."

"Ah... it’s the princess I spanked..." Alexander muttered before he jumped from the wall, raising his hand to the troops with their longbows pointed towards the large army of dark elves.

"Don’t fire; that’s an order!" He roared, waving his hand as they looked at him with widened eyes.

Alexander’s body hit the ground as he stepped forward, Eien at his waist, as the eyes of the princess began to glow brightly; he was sure they did, but chose to ignore it, walking towards them as the number of elves was 500 at least.

"Why are you here, stalker princess?" He asked with no sense of respect.

In reality, he long had a hunch, but he wanted to hear her words first and not assume and endanger the women behind him that he needed to protect; he noticed that Anna stood on the wall now with a group of many dark elves, who continued to aim their bows toward their sisters, despite his order, as if to protect their master.

"My father wanted me to meet with you." She said, not taking her eyes off him.


"Because we need a king." She replied.

Alexander looked at her with a raised eyebrow before he snorted.

"Not interested." He said bluntly as she frowned.

"We heard you defeated a nation with only 300 men! We are offering you a whole nation!" She tried again, stepping forward.

"No." He said flatly, looking at her as she growled.

"You dare refuse our offer!?" She exclaimed angrily, pointing her finger at him as he sighed.

"Look, I know what you’re doing; I’m not falling for it, okay?" He said, shaking his head as she frowned.

"You are stupid, aren’t you? I just wanted to use this excuse to become your woman! Why are you so stupid!" She yelled, blushing, as he looked at her confusedly.

"Wait, what?"

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