Guild Wars Chapter 1132 Rank 6 Core Members 4

Daughter of Gaia - Divine Class (Rank 6)

Rank 1: Gaia’s Blessing (Passive), Gaia’s Might (Passive), Earth Matron Form (Active), Earth Golem Summon (Active)

Rank 2: Planet Spirits (Active), Vitality (Active),

Rank 3: Gaia’s Aura (Passive), Gaia’s Love (Passive).

Rank 4: Nature’s True Army (Active), Nymph Daughters (Active)

Rank 5: Gaia’s World (Passive), Gaia’s Wish (Passive)

Rank 6: Blossom Torrent (Active), Verdant Growth (Active)

Exp gain rate: 0.1%

Rank up difficulty: 50%

Class weapons: Staff.

Class skills: Any Wood, Nature, Earth.?

?Blossom Torrent - Active skill

Effect: Unleash a torrent of energy from the heart of Gaia to obliterate your enemies. When activating this skill, you summon the essence of nature’s fury in the form of a powerful torrent of blossoms. The Blossom Torrent surges forward with incredible force, dealing 9,000% nature damage and knocking back any foes within an Area Zone.

Cooldown: 30 minutes.?

?Verdant Growth - Active skill

Effect: Channel the power of Gaia to accelerate the growth of nature around you. When activating this skill, plants, trees, and vines spring to life, entangling and trapping your enemies. Additionally, the surrounding vegetation grants you enhanced regeneration and healing for the duration, replenishing your health and revitalizing your energy by 1% per second.

Duration: 30 seconds

Cooldown: 2 minutes.?

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Draco’s eyes flashed. This Daughter of Gaia class was tyrannical from top to bottom, and he truly did not envy anyone who managed to end up as Gentle Flower’s enemy. Especially anyone who would be forced to feel the wrath of that Blossom Torrent skill, was she trying to outdo Byakuya?

?Troubadour of Madness - Divine Class (Rank 6)

Rank 1: Ambiguity of Speech (Passive), Charming Words (Passive), Toxic Speech (Active), Inspire to Defy (Active).

Rank 2: A Legendary Tale (Active), Unending Roast (Active).

Rank 3: Piercing Voice (Passive), God-tier Voice Box (Passive).

Rank 4: Profound Words (Active), The MESSAGE (Active).

Rank 5: Madness Inducing (Passive), Bard Followers (Passive)

Rank 6: Epic Rickroll (Active), Meme Mirage (Active)

Exp gain rate: 0.1%

Rank up difficulty: 50%

Class weapons: Any Instrument.

Class skills: Any Bard, Curse.?

?Epic Rickroll - Active skill

Effect: Unleash the ultimate prank upon your foes! When activating this skill, you summon the legendary power of the Rickroll. Your enemies will be momentarily stunned by the catchy tune and irresistible dance moves, leaving them vulnerable to your follow-up attacks. Beware, for some may try to resist the Rickroll, but no one can escape its infectious charm!

Duration: 215 seconds

Cooldown: 220 seconds.?

?Meme Mirage - Active skill

Effect: Turn yourself into the ultimate meme illusion! Activate this skill to create copies of yourself, confusing your enemies and making them question reality. While they’re busy trying to figure out which one is the real you, you can sneakily land devastating attacks or pull off a hilarious prank. Just remember, the meme magic fades quickly, so seize the opportunity while it lasts!

Duration: 20 seconds

Cooldown: 3 minutes.?

Draco was thoroughly speechless.

Hey, at least the memes from the second skill RamButt got weren’t the ones from I Have a Super USB drive. Otherwise, it would not be funny anymore…

?Paragon of Darkness - Divine Class (Rank 6)

Rank 1: Paragon’s Aura (Passive), Essence of Darkness (Passive), Dark Barrier (Active), Endless Night (Active).

Rank 2: Tendril Storm (Active), Darkness Devour (Active).

Rank 3: Elite Dark Guard (Passive), Noctis (Passive).

Rank 4: Elementalize (Active), Dark Plane (Active).

Rank 5: Dark World (Passive), Dark Lord (Passive)

Rank 6: Eclipse Nova (Active), Shadowbolt Barrage (Active)

Exp gain rate: 0.1%

Rank up difficulty: 50%

Class weapons: Any Magical.

Class skills: Any Darkness.?

?Eclipse Nova - Active skill

Effect: Tap into the heart of darkness and channel its raw power to create a massive black hole. This sinister vortex sucks in everything around it, causing immense damage to any unlucky enemies caught in its gravitational pull within an Area Zone. The eclipse that follows momentarily blinds and confuses those who survive the initial onslaught.

Cooldown: 30 minutes.?

?Shadowbolt Barrage - Active skill

Effect: Unleash a torrent of dark energy in the form of shadowbolts upon your enemies. These bolts sear through the darkness, homing in on multiple targets at once. Each bolt deals 30% Darkness damage and lingers in wounds, blocking healing.

Duration: 10 minutes

Cooldown: 30 minutes.?

Whew, a black hole skill. Draco could also easily generate black holes using his Darkness element branch or even his Space element branch. Still, a game skill to do so would be much easier and would pay extreme dividends in clearing the Grey Rot with his Divine Law once Silent Walker ascended.

?Paragon of Water - Divine Class (Rank 6)

Rank 1: Paragon’s Aura (Passive), Essence of Water (Passive), Tsunami (Active), Behemoth Marine Summon (Active)

Rank 2: Aqua Dragon Lord (Active), Water Cannon (Active)

Rank 3 Fire Suppression (Passive), Nature’s Pardon (Passive)

Rank 4: Elementalize (Active), Rainfall (Active)

Rank 5: Aqua World (Passive), Aqua Lord (Passive)

Rank 6: Maelstrom’s Embrace (Active), Marine Minions (Active)

Exp gain rate: 0.1%

Rank up difficulty: 50%

Class weapons: Any Magical.

Class skills: Any Water.?

?Maelstrom’s Embrace - Active skill

Effect: Harness the power of a swirling maelstrom and direct it towards your enemies. This skill creates a spinning vortex of water that sucks enemies in, trapping them in a turbulent spiral. The maelstrom damages enemies while they’re trapped, dealing 50% water damage per second and leaving them disoriented.

Duration: 30 minutes.

Cooldown: 1 hour.?

?Marine Minions - Active skill

Effect: Call upon the aid of loyal marine creatures to join your battle. This skill summons a school of aquatic allies, such as fierce water elementals and playful dolphins. These minions attack enemies with watery attacks, providing distractions and dealing additional damage to your foes.

Duration: 1 hour

Cooldown: 3 hours. ?

Ehhh, not bad. Nothing to write home about, but it was still effective. Alas, compared to the more specialized Divine Classes, the Paragon of Water simply had a hard time competing.

?Paragon of Fire - Divine Class (Rank 6)

Rank 1: Paragon’s Aura (Passive), Essence of Fire (Passive), Universal Heatwave (Active), Sun Flare (Active).

Rank 2: Cremation (Active), Rain of Embers (Active)

Rank 3: Restraint of Aqua and Terra (Passive), Fire’s Cruelty (Passive)

Rank 4: Elementalize (Active), Fire Meteor (Active)

Rank 5: Plane of True Fire (Passive), Blazing Lady (Passive)

Rank 6: Phoenix Rebirth (Active), Flame Wall (Active)

Exp gain rate: 0.1%

Rank up difficulty: 50%

Class weapons: Any Magical.

Class skills: Any Fire.?

?Phoenix Rebirth - Active skill

Effect: Tap into the essence of the mythical phoenix to restore your health and rise from the ashes. When activated, this skill heals you for 90% of your maximum damage value over time and grants temporary immunity to all elemental damage, allowing you to recover.

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Upon your death, should the skill be off cooldown, you resurrect with 100% HP and no penalties.

Duration: 1 hour

Cooldown: 6 hours.?

?Flame Wall - Active skill

Effect: Summon a wall of roaring flames in front of you, creating a barrier that damages and burns enemies who come in contact with it. The Flame Wall can be used both defensively to block incoming attacks and offensively to control the battlefield.

Duration: 10 seconds

Cooldown: 20 seconds.?

Oh, a resurrection skill! How useful, but it was unfortunately only for her own self. Rina couldn’t use it to help anyone else and given her nature, she was not the type to die easily anyway.

?Fire Extreme (Jada) - Divine Class (Rank 6)

Rank 1: Law of Fire (Passive), Ice Immunity (Passive), Supreme Implosion (Active), Searing Flames (Active).

Rank 2: Flare (Active), Lava Field (Active).

Rank 3: Extreme Fire (Passive), Synergy with Ice (Passive)

Rank 4: Flame Explosion (Active), Scorch (Active)

Rank 5: Eternal Flame (Passive), Machine Gun (Passive)

Rank 6: Inferno Blast (Active), Flame Wall (Active)

Exp gain rate: 0.1%

Rank up difficulty: 50%

Class weapons: Any Magical.

Class skills: Any Fire, Explosion.?

?Inferno Blast - Active skill

Effect: Unleash a powerful blast of fire at a single target, dealing 10,000% fire damage. The intense heat also leaves the target burning, causing additional 100% fire damage over time.

Duration: 10 seconds

Cooldown: 30 seconds.?

?Eternal Inferno - Active skill

Effect: Embrace the power of the eternal flames, enveloping yourself in a blazing aura. While active, this skill enhances your fire-based attacks, increasing their damage by 600% and applying a 20% burning effect to enemies struck by your spells. Your spells also have an 80% chance to spread the flames to nearby enemies, creating a chain reaction of fiery destruction.

Duration: 1 hour

Cooldown: 3 hour.?

Tsk, tsk, as usual Jada was terrifying. Her machine gun offense class still ranked in the top 5 of Umbra and the world in terms of sheer power. If it weren’t for their Eternal Classes, Jada would likely surpass even the Evil Trio!

Truly fitting for that lively fiery tsundere.

?Ice Extreme (Jade) - Divine Class (Rank 6)

Rank 1: Law of Ice (Passive), Fire Immunity (Passive), Perpetual Blizzard (Active), Absolute Zero (Active).

Rank 2: Glacier (Active), Arctic Field (Active).

Rank 3: Extreme Frost (Passive), Synergy with Fire (Passive)

Rank 4: Field of Ice (Active), Freeze (Active)

Rank 5: Eternal Frost (Passive), Great Wall (Passive)

Rank 6: Avalanche (Active), Glacier Spike (Active)

Exp gain rate: 0.1%

Rank up difficulty: 50%

Class weapons: Any Magical.

Class skills: Any Ice, Slow.?

?Avalanche - Active skill

Effect: Channel the power of the frozen mountains to trigger an Avalanche, causing cascading ice and snow to rush down upon enemies within an Area Zone. The Avalanche inflicts 500% ice damage and slows enemies within its radius, making it difficult for them to escape or pursue their targets.

Duration: 10 minutes

Cooldown: 20 minutes.?

?Glacier Spike - Active skill

Effect: Summon a massive ice spike from the ground beneath a targeted area. The Glacier Spike erupts from the ground, dealing 4,000% ice damage and freezing enemies caught in its icy grasp.

Duration: 10 seconds.

Cooldown: 40 seconds.?

Jade was surprising, her class mostly focused on defense and left the offensive side of battle fully to her twin, but it seemed like it had finally developed a bit of offensive capability. Of course, the natural CC effect of ice was still there.

?Aurora Lord - Divine Class (Rank 6)


Rank 1: Aurora Control (Passive), Essence of Creation (Passive), Aurora Blast (Active), Aurora’s Blessing (Active).

Rank 2: Aurora Shield (Active), Origin Seeking (Active)

Rank 3: Aurora Stability (Passive), Aurora Generation (Passive)

Rank 4: Aurora Summon (Active), Aurora Body (Active).

Rank 5: Law of Aurora (Passive), Legendary Source Origin (Passive)

Rank 6: Aurora Illusion (Active), Aurora Cataclysm (Active).

Exp gain rate: 0.1%

Rank up difficulty: 50%

Class weapons: All.

Class skills: Any Elemental, Energy or Magic.?

?Aurora Illusion - Active skill

Effect: Manipulate the Aurora Energy to create illusions and mirages. The Aurora Illusion can cloak allies, making them appear invisible to enemies for a brief time. The illusions serve as effective distractions, redirecting enemy attacks and drawing attention away from critical targets. It can also create phantasmal copies of the Aurora Lord to confuse opponents in combat.

Duration: 10 minutes

Cooldown: 45 minutes.?

?Aurora Cataclysm - Ultimate skill

Effect: Gather a vast amount of Aurora Energy and unleash it in a cataclysmic explosion. The Aurora Cataclysm engulfs an Area Zone, causing 30,000% aurora damage to all enemies caught within the radius. Those struck by the blast may experience a temporary loss of energy, leaving them weakened and unable to use their abilities effectively for a short period.

Duration: 5 minutes.

Cooldown: Once per battle.?

Jesus H. Christ.

This cousin of Draco was truly a monster in his own right. Essence not only had a CC skill to create illusions, but he could also directly cause 30k damage to an Area Zone with Aurora Energy, the very stuff that founded the universe.

My Brother in Christ, you could be 100% sure that shit was gonna hurt.

?Classmaster - Divine Class (Rank 6)

Rank 1: Anti-Class Domain (Passive), Class Mastery (Passive), Skill Copy (Active), Skill Delete (Active).

Rank 2: Provisional Class (Active), Class Banishment (Active)

Rank 3: Classless Skills (Passive), Class Skills (Passive)

Rank 4: Class Up (Active), Stats Absorption (Active)

Rank 5: Stats Limiter (Passive), Extra Stats (Passive)

Rank 6: Class Synergy (Active), Omnibuff (Active)

Exp gain rate: 0.1%

Rank up difficulty: 50%

Class weapons: All.

Class skills: All.?

?Class Synergy - Active skill

Effect: Combine two different class abilities to create a powerful fusion skill. The Class Synergy allows the Classmaster to blend the attributes of two chosen classes, resulting in a potent and unique ability that surpasses the individual skills’ capabilities. The effectiveness and cooldown of Class Synergy depend on the compatibility of the chosen classes.

Duration: Variable.

Cooldown: Variable.?

?Omnibuff - Active skill

Effect: Empower all allies with a universal buff that enhances their abilities across the board. The Omnibuff boosts attack power, defense, speed, and regeneration by 300% for all party members, regardless of their class.

Duration: 10 minutes

Cooldown: 30 minutes.?

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