Harem God: Leveling Up Yanderes in the Apocalypse Chapter 110 The Compromise

Leon’s eyes glazed over when he saw that the gods had announced a new special event.

The last time that had happened, he ended up with hundreds of pairs of panties after women mobbed him mercilessly.

While he agreed that the event worked out in his favor, boosting the morale of his people, building trust, and obtaining wealth, he also noted it did [nothing] to help alleviate his phobia.

If anything, it just made things worse! Now he had a box of female panties that people could remind him of at any point!

The special events were for entertainment only. Anything they claimed to do was a poor sophist justification.

After sighing in defeat, he read the description.

Event Title: Help the Craven Milksop Gain Some Minor Confidence.



1. Be in Harem City

2. Attend Leon Traxler’s Slumber Party

3. Must consent and cannot express negative or manipulative emotions toward Leon Traxler because of this unsolicited event.

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Event details: A barrier has been set up around Maple City Park, preventing anyone from leaving until midnight.

Say hello to Leon Traxler (@LeonTraxx), and hold a conversation for twenty seconds without running away, asking to leave, or for permission to stay silent.

Participants must speak honestly, positively or negatively, and not express misleading statements to hide embarrassment.

The event is triggered when a participant gets within 50 feet of Leon Traxler. At that point, the participant can move forward but no further than five feet backward unless forced. f𝗿e𝗲𝘄𝗲bn𝐨𝚟𝚎l.com


Reward: Frigg’s Essentials Leggings

Grade: Rare

Description: Black leggings that auto-size to a person’s body, bringing out their curves. Stylish, versatile, and breathable. A comfortable, neutral-colored staple for most outfits.

Savages with bad taste can take solace that the leggings double as armor.

Effects: Multiplies base-level stats. +25% STA. +15% AGL. +10% STR. 1 CHAR.

Hidden Reward: Unknown

Note: Every participant can earn the Hidden Reward.


Sponsor: Frigg’s Fantasies

Hope drained from Leon’s eyes when he read the description—everyone would participate!

Not only was the reward profoundly practical and alluring, but the 20-second requirement also ensured that all would attempt the event!

"A person would have to be insane not to participate in the event…." He groaned, closing his eyes, "So I’ll have to relive through the last five minutes over and over again…."

Cynthia had asked permission to stay silent, and Minx tried running at first glance. They were model examples of what not to do.

They would doubtlessly be the majority, as Lindy [barely] made the cut. If she was struggling, most didn’t have a chance!

"Leon!" A concerned woman screamed, bursting into the tent.

Whoooooosh! BOOM!

Leon’s worries instantly disappeared when he took an angel to the chest at 4 G’s, sending him flying into the tent’s back wall.

Everyone outside the tent watched in disbelief as his tent broke free of its stakes, shooting across the park violently as if it got blasted by hurricane winds.

It was so sudden and unceremonious that they were frozen in disbelief, watching the tent do half a dozen barrel rolls until it crashed into the small lake in the park’s center.

"LEON!" Lindy cried in fear. She followed a panicked bunny woman, who grabbed a tree, shrinking it to the size of a baseball bat to bludgeon an assailant to death if necessary.

Those that saw Tricksie running to the lake with crazed eyes shuddered in horror, seemingly seeing the biker gang bunny for the first time!

Over a hundred people surrounded the lake in three seconds, using superhuman agility to get there. The people included Manka, who immediately expanded in size to extract the tent.

"Back away, Dread Fetish!" Lindy yelled viciously, eyeing down the 40-foot dread lock-adorning snake woman, "Unless you want your Crushy Cuffs smashed by Smash Rabbit, I suggest you keep your grip strength away from my man!"

Manka turned to the woman with an indignant expression but found [Smash Rabbit] giving her a murderous glare, resting a 50-foot maple tree on her shoulder.

While it was the size of a baseball bat, it was a few feet away from becoming full-sized, flying toward her at a minimum of 10 G’s.

The snake woman scoffed, turning away. "Fine, paint me like I’m only good at crushin’—"


A massive geyser shot 200 feet in the air, radiating with a golden, glimmering light.

Everyone fell silent, watching in awe as a beautiful, radiant angel wearing a pink polka-dotted sundress shot into the sky, holding a red object against her pink bosom.

"LEON!" Caitlyn cried at full volume, rocking the airwaves as she squeezed him in brutal micro hubs, doubling as CRR.

"Cough!" Leon choked and looked up at her with a weak yet amused smile, "I’m alive, sweetheart. I was only in the water for a few seconds."

Her eyes lit up in fear, realizing he was fine, but she was crushing him with death hugs.

"Oh, no!" The blonde cried in panic, "Did I hurt you!? I didn’t mean to! I came to ask if I should threaten the lives of everyone who tries joining, not threaten yours!"

The hundred people present shuddered in horror, hearing her words.

Not only did she indicate her willingness to kill them over the special event, but they also realized that she was holding their leader. That was worse!

If Leon died, Caitlyn would likely nuke the entire city if he died, so the situation was a threat to [everyone]!

"I’m fine, beautiful." Leon chuckled, looking into her eyes, "I promise."

After the panic faded in her eyes, she [saw] Leon for the first time. When she gazed at him and heard his words, her face turned beet red to the tip of her ears.

"I-I… Leon…." Caitlyn blushed, turning away with a rapidly beating heart.

He blinked twice in disbelief. "Not you, too…."

"Not me too, what!?" She cried, looking at him and turning away, "If I’m doing something against your desires, please correct me!

I’m a bit sturdy nowadays, but you can still beat me mercilessly. I carry around a crowbar you can try out…. It seems weak, but if it’s strong enough to let a clown kill a superhero, it has a chance."

Leon’s jaw fell open, seeing her murmuring to herself bashfully. He could feel her twiddling her thumbs on his side as she held him in place.

"If that’s not enough, I’m certain Lucifer would help." Caitlyn continued, "I’m also sure that the gods would create an event you can farm for prizes—"

"Woah!" He cried, "Why are you talking about me beating you!? Would I ever do that!?"

The blonde’s face turned bright red again, and she turned away, trying to hide her mortified expression. "N-No! I’m not sure why, but I feel more comfortable telling you what’s on my mind than before. That’s… intense; I should—"

"No, stay." Leon sighed, "Since we have this rare, forced openness where you’re speaking openly instead of selflessly, let’s talk about this. Is that what you want me to do deep down?"

His angel put him before herself in the most extreme ways imaginable, seeking to fulfill his every order, no matter how excessive or self-destructive.

For that reason, she rarely spoke of her desires, and he couldn’t let the forced opportunity pass him by.

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"I won’t ever abuse you, but maybe we can roleplay? I refuse to let you go unsatisfied, so I’ll find some way to compromise."

Caitlyn’s eyes twinkled unnaturally, inclined to speak selfishly. "While I’m not deserving, I’d be immeasurably grateful for roleplay!"

He smiled affectionately, feeling a spark of warmth. "So long as you don’t want me to hit you or physically force myself onto you, I’m willing to act a bit. What would that look like?"

The blonde’s eyes left to the left in thought, churning through hundreds of scenarios with a crazed expression.

"I~don’t~know." Caitlyn chimed bashfully, "I just want you to express your dissatisfaction and demand I change… you know… make it known?

I know you won’t try beating it into me or give up and just demand I get on my knees and be useful for once, but I was thinking…."

Leon’s enthusiasm for the conversation ended when he heard her extreme answer. Meeting her in the middle of Earth and the Moon would place him in lethal dead space! "Yes?"

The blonde turned away with a shy smile and slight blush, making her look unbelievably cute and charming. "Maybe neglect would do? That’s roleplaying with defined parameters, right?"

His eyes lit up with hope, thinking there might be something he could do to please her. "I suppose if it’s just for a while, it probably wouldn’t be bad. What are you thinking?"

"Not much…." Caitlyn replied with sparkling eyes, turning away bashfully, sneaking glances, "Maybe just… throw me in an empty room by my hair, tell me something you hate, and then lock the door after demanding I reflect on it in isolation."

Leon took a deep breath. It was extremely undesirable but far less than he imagined. "That doesn’t seem… like the worst thing."

"Right!?" The blonde cried excitedly, "Instead of hurting me, you could chop off all my hair and starve me as a punishment, and instead of sexually using me, you could just strip me of my dress to leave me to sleep in my underwear.

Just think about it! If you punished me during the winter, I’d have to shiver and starve for a few days!

Plus, humans need water every few days, or they’ll die. So you can forever say that you took it to the furthest possible extreme before helping me.

Neglect is absolutely perfect! I think it’d be a bonding—"

"No." Leon said in a trance, making her ecstatic facial expression crumble, "Absolutely not. You’re fucking insane, and I refuse to do something like that."

Caitlyn’s heart shattered when he ruthlessly shot down her desires. While she liked him expressing himself, she was oppressively inclined to express herself selfishly under the effects of his robe, so her reaction was equally extreme.

"Now make yourself useful, fly me to the ground, and get me a towel." He ordered coldly, "Don’t get new clothing; you can shiver in those wet clothes as punishment for suggesting something like that.

Take everything I just told you as a profound showcase of my generosity."

Caitlyn’s eyes widened after she realized what had happened, and she burst into tears of joy. She realized that he had compromised by giving her orders and punishing her!

She gave him a bright, charming smile that contrasted against her tears radiantly. "Okay!"

Leon turned to her with a depleted smile. "Is… that enough? That’s… all I’ve got."

Her eyes sparkled with tears, flashing and reflecting the light as prisms. "Thank you for graciously punishing me for suggesting phobia-stressing desires! I’ll be better, I promise."

"If you did that, you’d be perfect." He smiled affectionately, "But since you’re there, I’ll push you the last 1%."

"Okay!" Caitlyn cried, flashing stunning smiles as she blinked, trying to wipe her tears but unable to because she was holding him!

Leon wiped away her tears, sharing an emotional gaze.

While they enjoyed their cute, wholesome moment, no one else felt it was either! They saw her crying, looking at Leon with fear in their hearts!

Everyone rushed to the spot she was flying to, making way for Lindy and avoiding Tricksie, who was half inclined to hit Caitlyn out of the sky like a baseball!

During the descent, Leon’s attention got pulled to his interface.


World Announcement! Caitlyn Mira is the first to complete the event: Help the Craven Milksop Gain Some Minor Confidence.

She has been awarded the following item:

Item: Frigg’s Essentials Leggings

Grade: Rare

Description: ...


Caitlyn Mira has won the Hidden Reward.

Reward: The Compromise [Whip]

Grade: Legendary

Description: A whip for prudish squares, milksops, and phobites who adore their kinky lover but cravenly choose to appease the masses instead of pleasing them.

Effect: Slowly heals deep wounds and scars and increases emotional well-being by up to 20% per session. The passion that goes into the session increases the effectiveness.

It permanently increases the target’s self-confidence by 1% every N sessions, doubling after each session number. It starts at 1% for one session, then 1% for two sessions, 1% for four, eight, sixteen… etc.

After reading the description, Leon let out a chuckle, caustic enough to eat through steel. "Making punishment a tangibly benign action, huh? I’d have to be cruel not to use it."

As he finished reading the description, he looked up and found himself on the ground, surrounded by a sea of women.

Everyone around him was amongst the women that cared about him, as they rushed to him instead of reading the notification they got.

As a result, and when they saw him jump out of Caitlyn’s arms—


"I-I can’t!"

"Is he okay? I can’t look!"

"He’s okay! That’s all that matters right!?"

"Yeah! Look how many people there are, we can leave, right?"

Dozens of women turned bright red, looking at his abs through his open red robe, and tried to flee or hide.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

Two dozen women got notifications instantly.

You have failed the event: Help the Craven Milksop Gain Some Minor Confidence.

Reason: Failure to hold a conversation for twenty seconds without running away.

The area exploded in pandemonium, chaos, and confusion when everything started catching up to people.

People started failing, groaning, complaining, blushing, and hiding behind others in scores. Many started yelling at each other; others tried pushing forward against people running away.

Leon watched the rapidly developing riot with wide eyes. "This is not what I imagined… wait! My strategy!"

He planned to reach a high point where people could watch him from a distance, as Minx requested, and approach him individually if they wanted to be there.

However, he was now in the center of the women, surrounded and required to face them publicly. Worse—

"Wait… a robe that helps people express themselves… a compromise whip as a hidden reward for Caitlyn...." He muttered with trembling eyes, "What if the hidden reward is for people who confess…?"

An icy chill crawled down Leon’s spine when he played back Caitlyn’s egregious confession and looked at the encirclement. If people tried to speak to him, it could become a humiliating public spectacle! "I need to warn people!"

Unfortunately, for Leon Traxler, it was already too late.

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