Harem of the final villain in an ERO MMO!!! I just need to survive Chapter 38 38: Offer Of Freedom [Pt2]

"M-Master, you are free to come in now. Master said that he would meet you."

Keith had a bad feeling about being invited inside but he decided to press it down. It was something he had asked for after all.

Amelia chose to accompany him inside as well. She was wearing a hoodie so she was not recognized by anyone in the room. That was why no one stopped her when she accompanied Keith to the back rooms.

"Our master is a benevolent man and someone close to the grandmaster. Since I like you people, I will give you a warning - don’t mess with him if you want to live a happy life."

The officer bragged with a happy and prideful expression. His every word dripped with admiration about the grandmaster and his boss.

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’Hoh. Look at this little officer bragging about how close his ’boss’ and the ’grandmaster’ is. But he doesn’t even recognize who I am? Who is this man kidding?’

Keith was sore about not being recognized. It felt like a personal attack on his pride and Keith tried hard to suppress his anger.

Look, he might not be proud of being a villain but he was proud to be someone important. The grandmaster could even be called the ’most important’ person in this world. Yes- even more so than the protagonist since he was the end route in every protagonist’s path.

"Don’t worry about us. I am sure we will be alright even if we came across the grandmaster."

Keith bit his lips as he forced his words out. It felt awkward to refer to himself as someone else.

"If you are sure, then go ahead. Here, go in and I hope you have a successful negotiation."

The officer gave a low bow as he gestured for the pair to enter the room. Amelia’s glare caused the man to shiver but he held his confidence up at all times.

Keith entered the room with his head held high. The room was much better than the corridor outside, almost to the point of it being a different place.

High ceiling and high windows, that was the first thing anyone noticed as soon as they stepped inside the room. Keith was surprised to see such a light and airy room in such a depressing place.

"So, ya are the people terrorizing ma people? I have ta say that ya don’t look like much."

The so-called boss sat in the middle of the room, his body lounging over the couch in the room. His eyes were glazed over because of the booze he was consuming and the room reeked with the smell of alcohol.

No wonder the room needed this much ventilation. The high windows suddenly made sense.

"Yes, I was the one who wanted to meet you. I have a very important topic to discuss with you."

The boss looked at Keith, but he did not sit up to face Keith.

Instead, the boss took a chunk of his bottle and waved for Keith to go ahead and present his demand.

"I want to buy all rights to Gladiator Amelia’s debt and contract. Don’t worry about the payment since I have a lot of money."

Keith let the boss know he had a lot of money on purpose. It would increase his chances of getting the contract to Amelia’s deeds.

Even if the boss did not want to sell Aemlia at her original rate, he would eventually cave in front of money. Or that was what was supposed to happen in Keith’s mind.

But the boss surprised him when he turned away from Keith and took another chunk of his bottle.

"Ah, I see. Another rich fella, are ya? But I am not selling Amelia’s contract to ya or anyone else. She makes me too much money."

The man finally told the truth, his inhabitation almost non-existing at this point. He was not even able to see Amelia clearly, never-the-less tell who she was. And she was the ’money-maker’ he had been talking about.

"W-What did you say? But you promised that you would set me free if I managed to pay my debt off. We had a deal, you devil."

Amelia pulled the boss by his collar, her eyes shooting deadly glares at the man in front of him. If possible, she would have bashed this man’s head into the ground.

But the boss looked unaffected. His booze-filled gaze looked at Amelia but did not recognize her. He just took another sip of his drink, his breath hitting Amelia in her face.

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"Look girly, I don’t know who ya think ya are, but I ain’t afraid of ya. I got the b-back *hic* of the grandmaster himself. If ya did not let me go then I promise ya *hic* I will call him over."

Now even Amelia was beginning to doubt this man’s ridiculous claims.

To say that you knew the grandmaster was one thing. But to say that he was at your beck and call was another.

"Y-You are lying to me. You never intended to set me free and now that I gained the means to my freedom, you want to stop me."

Amelia was justifiably pissed off. Never had she seen such a ridiculous situation before. She had been lied to and toyed with by this man for so long and she had not even realized it.

"Na, I don’t lie. Don’t ya dare call me a liar. I’ll show ya. Just give me a sec" *hic*

The man hiccuped as he took his phone out. Amelia did not trust him but she allowed him to show his hand to her.

The phone rang once and twice before going quiet. Someone picked on the other side and Amelia held her breath.

"Hello, who is it? It’s the grandmaster speaking."

Keith almost threw blood as soon as he heard the cheesy and self-assured voice speaking on the other end of the phone. It did not sound anything like him.

"Ya, grandmaster. I kinda need ya help with some *hic* punks. Ya, remember the gladiator Amelia? So that chick wants ta be free and she even brought the money."

The boss barely was able to get those words out before his face went green. Being shaken by Amelia seemed to have woken up the man a little.

"Yeah, I remember her. Don’t tell me that you are going to set her free. You cannot do that. I won’t allow it to happen. I will bring Master Shinzou with me and come visit you tomorrow. We can settle this tomorrow. Tell Amelia to be present in the ring tomorrow if she wants herself and her companion to live."

The man on the phone sounded confident but Keith was sure that it was a bluff. Most people would have backed down as soon as they heard Shinzou’s name.

But Keith was different. He had proof that Shinzou would never work for the ’fake’ grandmaster.

"Well, Ya heard the man. If you want ta live then show up tomorrow. Otherwise, we will have ta track ya down and make your life a mess." *hic*

It was a threat but it did not scare Keith. He had no intention of coming back here alone.

’I guess Shimi and Clair would have to clean up my mess this time as well. Should I call Shinzou over as well?’

Keith did think about involving Shinzou as well but ultimately decided not to in the end. Shinzou would flip if he knew his name was being used in such a situation. He was a little too devoted to the grandmaster.

"We heard your words and I assure you that we will be there tomorrow. We will make Amelia free from you and your scammy ways."

Keith assured the boss who collapsed as soon as Amelia let go of him.

*Hic* "Fine, you do you. But don’t say that I didn’t warn ya about the consequences. The grandmaster will teach ya a lesson tomorrow."

The drunkard boss finally went down but not before professing a lot of nonsense. Keith wanted to blow him a raspberry but he controlled himself. He was no longer a child after all.

Amelia had no such composure and she ended up sticking her tongue out at the drunkard. She maintained her composure for as long as she was in the building and then allowed herself to go.

Tears hit her eyes and hopelessness about her situation began to sink around her.

"K-Keith, I am so sorry I got you into this mess. You can back out now if you want to. I know facing the grandmaster is not something you want to do. I’m sure I will manage somehow."

Amelia tried to get Keith’s apology. She did not want to see him facing a hard time when he was not even sure he was in love with Amelia.

"Amelia, stop crying. I told you I would help and I intend to go through with my words. For now, you should accompany me to my next appointment. We will look for a solution after that."

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