Headed by a Snake Chapter 1000 Noble Name

It was relatively easy for Tycondrius to keep Ananta’s forces alive and useful. The Shadow Snakes had their own quartermasters, supplying food and shelter... and the lower-ranked snakes and slaves were accustomed to doing as they were told.

#Slave: This is an inaccuracy, as slavery was abolished in the Eastern States two generations prior. The lower ranks of the Shadow Snake army comprise mostly of conscripts.

Bella assigned one of her flights to triage, administering treatment as needed.

Besides Ananta, most of her leadership was affected in some manner by lizard magic...

The lizard god’s Domination Mages had stark limitations. Their signature Spells were effectually suggestive as opposed to absolute. Still, a skilled Priest or Mage was necessary to cleanse the effects, but those were common enough amongst the allied forces.

And, of course, personages belonging to the Shadow Snake bloodline were effectively immune to enchantments and were suffering from lizard curses, instead. Thankfully, the numbers involved were not more than the ?Decursify? wands stocked by the Sapphire Tower.

Tycon wanted to assume that such wands were created by at least one Tower Witch that was not their leader. Surely, Bella wasn’t the only dependable caster in her organization...

--her and Coraline, anyroad.

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(Or had she changed her name to Bora-line?)

Anyroad, the anti-lizard offensive had not suffered the worst-case scenario.

Ananta had not defected to the enemy side... nor were her forces used to commit violence upon their allies.

The best the lizards could do was send her away.

...Though, admittedly, that was troublesome enough.

Tycon was relying on the Shadow Snakes to support the anti-lizard offensive’s efforts in the east.

That wasn’t to say that the eastern forces were weak or that their commanders were lacking.

The bloodline memories of Tycon and his snake kin made them invaluable allies in battles rife with lizard magic and tactics.

The humans in the east lacked that knowledge.

Even Natalya’s knowledge was limited, her history books on the topic were vague, cryptic, and more useful for propaganda than military insight.

...As a silver lining, however, Queen Nyctis’ Shadow Mages were able to assist in sieging the last few subterranean strongholds in City-State Making.

It was rather dark, down there. In some places, it was darker still, as much of the underground were or were still catacombs, filled with centuries-old corpses in the thousands.

Tycon approached the place where Ananta was convalescing, expecting much of the same.

The Sapphire Tower had taken over a large, brick-and-mortar building in one of Making’s older quarters, turning that into their main medical bay. According to the numbers he saw in reports, their losses were quite low, all considered.

Unfortunately, allied casualties still numbered in the hundreds.

It was logical for Ananta to be in a place where the Tower’s medical personnel could monitor her condition.

However, he would also understand that Ananta, as a high-ranked personage, might not appreciate being housed with so many dead and dying,

Tycon pushed open the wooden double doors, striding into the building.

...But instead of the red clay bricks he expected, he found himself surrounded by smooth, cut limestone tile.

The air was warm, with a cool breeze wafting in through open windows. The outside was green and lush, covered in foliage that implied a tropical climate.

Ananta was in her human form. She wore a few pieces of gold jewelry on her neck, a green cloth around her waist, and her scraggly hair was tied in a long ponytail. She was also on her knees, picking at what appeared to be weeds growing between cracks in the tiles.


"(Oh, Sweet Prince!)" the Princess said, hopping to her feet in excitement. "(This one was hoping you would arrive. Is that a gift?)"

Ananta pointed at the severed arm Tycon was holding.


In his other hand was a satchel containing wild, freshly boiled eggs and crispy strips of cured pork. He gave that to Ananta instead.

She seemed disappointed, but Tycon did not care.

"Ananta... where is everyone?"

"(Do you speak of the injured or of the magical children?)"

It was an odd realization; there was no word for Witch in Parseltongue.

"Both," Tycon answered.

Ananta led him to the far wall, to a circular open window, thrice as large as the others. With a wave of her hand, the window projected an alternate image, different, but no less beautiful.

"(Black Opal Valley has dozens of naturally occurring hot springs,)" the Princess explained. "(Some are enchanted to heal injuries and ailments. Others are said to strengthen one’s mana circuits or increase their libido-- there is no actual magic in those, though.)"

Tycon curiously waved his hand in front of the image, the view scrying a different group with each swipe.

"...You used your ?Dominion? to send everyone on vacation."

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"Thatttt ssssseems to be the cassse," Ananta smiled, "(This is the most effective usage of my Reality Marble. As long as this one still breathes, Sweet Prince, enough time in this place can nurse them back to perfect health.)"

"Then we should keep *you* breathing, my dear," Tycon replied with a polite smile.

"(I am strong enough to protect myself, Sweet Prince,)" Ananta said, chuckling quietly. "(You will tell me the location of my sister.)"

Tycon pursed his lips. It seemed that Ananta’s scrying magic had some limitations.

He wondered if they also applied to him.

Placing and holding his fingers against the image, he began to scan the magics behind it.

? "I... was told Princess Suka was not overcome by exhaustion after she was cleansed," he said absentmindedly.

"(Suka was afflicted, just as I was,)" Ananta said, her tone suddenly sharp.

"Hm. Undoubtedly."

The magics just behind the image’s surface were easy enough for Tycon to comprehend. Thus, with another swipe of his hand, he brought the youngest Shadow Snake Princess to view.

Suka was in a dark place, walking through twisting corridors, fatigued and covered in grime.

Thankfully, she had allies with her, watching the sides and rear. She appeared to have a large squad with her; Tycon noted a Witch and two Forcen mercenaries mixed in her Shadow Snake warriors.

"I’ve been told that Suka has reinforced the front lines since your forces arrived," Tycon explained. "An unknown number of enemy cells remain in Making’s underground catacombs... and their beggarly rebellion will continue until we gain access to the city’s underground leyline."

Ananta stared blankly, flicking her tongue several times.

...Tycon repeated his explanation in Parseltongue. Then, she understood.

"(You must learn the common tongue,)" Tycon chided. "(My den flourishes because the humans so value our trade.)"

"(My sister says the same!)" Ananta groaned, rolling her eyes. "(But, laid witness by the heavens, the truth is clear. She dreams of your affection; *that* is why she speaks the common tongue. That is why she fights on the front lines of your war.)"

"(It is not my war,)" Tycon frowned, "(Yet we all fight, as one, and for our dens. This is how it must be.)"

"(Yet Suka fights for you,)" Ananta insisted.

Waving both of her hands, the image in the window focused on her sister.

She swept her dark wavy hair out of her eyes as she scanned her surroundings. Her crimson gaze was not filled with fear or regret, but with determination and an unwavering will.

...Tycon respected that.

--but that did not mean he could accept her feelings.

"(...The hatchling dreams what she wishes to dream,)" he said as he turned away. "We’ve met but once, Ananta."

Ananta sidled up to Tycon, rubbing her shoulder against him.

"(Once was enough,)" she said. "(If not for you, the youngest Princess would have never chosen the sword. She would have remained at home, obedient to all of our divine mother’s whims and wishes.)"

Tycon narrowed his eyes, "Surely, ’tis a gross exaggeration."

Ananta motioned towards her sister’s image, "I sssspeak true."

He recognized the sword on Suka’s waist. It was a replica of the sword he used as a gladiator in Ezyria. 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝘦𝘸𝑒𝒷𝘯𝘰𝓿𝑒𝓁.𝒸ℴ𝑚

Tycon grit his teeth, allowing the guilt to sink into his psyche. When he heard of Suka volunteering, he appreciated the selfless gesture. However, he was busy coordinating with Bella and the other war leaders to pay her special attention.

"I... will need to thank her, personally."

"Oh, ssssweeet Princcce... would you conssssider acccccepting her marriage proposal?"

Tycon furrowed his brows. He felt there was... a deep, uncrossable crevasse between the first topic and the subsequent. How could Ananta bring up the topic of lawful marriage so easily?

"...Suka has not spoken to me of this."

"(Then the eldest daughter of Queen Nyctis makes a request,)" Ananta said, bringing her palm to her bosom, "(that the Ivory Prince take Princess Suka as his lawfully wedded wife and shalt adopt his noble name.)"

Tycon steeled his expression. As his priorities were focused on dismantling the quickly growing lizard regime, he found all discussions that involved his personal life to be tiresome.

"(You owe my sister a boon, Ivory Prince,)" Ananta added.

"I refuse," Tycon shook his head, "I will find a different way to repay Suka for her kindness."

"(Is there another you wish to marry?)" Ananta prodded, "(Does a woman exist, more qualified?)"


Tycon immediately thought of Natalya.

...It also made him realize that, concerning certain topics, he would defer to Bella’s advices in the future.


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