Headed by a Snake Chapter 68 Rise Up

"Sir Leserre!"

A shorter Staghorn archer with slightly pointed ears ran to Knight Leserre, golden leaves crisping below his feet.

"Well? Out with it, Scout. Are we under attack again?" Leserre poked Maximus playfully with a metal elbow, "Perhaps you could show the Staghorns how it’s done, my good man?"

"Yeah, don’t do that," Maximus replied in a gruff voice.

The scout stared awkwardly. Clemont interjected to save Knight Leserre from more embarrassment, "Report."

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"Y-yes, Master Wizard. The road is blocked," the scout was trembling, nervous.

Clemont adjusted his glasses and observed the man for a moment, "Is it the enemy? What of their number? ...Do they have armor units or magic casters? What weapons do they have?"

Clemont tried to prod the scout with leading questions, but the man seemed reluctant to speak, "Well, about that... There’s... just one. And she’s an archer."

Knight Leserre grabbed the scout and shook him, "Juuuust ONE?! And it’s a SHE?!?!"

Maximus spoke, his face twisted with displeasure. From the few interactions Clemont had with him, he only seemed to voice his disdain, "There are dangerous women in your Kingdom. Have you heard of The Unbreakable?"

Clemont crossed his arms. He had no issues with gender equality, but was more interested in countering the mercenary hire, "The Unbreakable’s been retired for years."

Maximus shut his eyes, crossing his arms to mirror Clemont. The light that streamed through the forest’s gold leaf canopy made the blue scales on the man’s shoulders shine. Quietly, he muttered, "You don’t get to retire in this kind of life..."

The wizard grimaced. He had no counter for such an ominous statement. Wizards in the Kingdom went from school to contracting with the government or an adventuring company or a noble house or business. Even older wizards became teachers or researchers, private or independent. There was no such thing as retirement.

Leserre growled, "The Unbreakable?! Well, that’s a fat chance to nothing out here in the Mosswood Wilds! Come, Staghorns! Let’s have a look at this terrifying woman!"


The blonde woman, Kagehisa Yumiko, stood alone.

She wore exotic black and yellow robes embroidered with thorns and flowers. In her dainty hands, she wielded a warbow of her family’s design, taller than she was. A heavy quiver hung from her side, its open flap revealing dozens of arrows.

Leserre, Clemont, and the scout strode up to the front of the company, Knight Leserre’s heavy armor clanking announcing their arrival, "A fine woman! Come to parlay, has she? We must be careful! The words of women are toxic! Poisonous! Not to be trusted!"

The scout coughed, averting his gaze, "Sir Leserre, she’s crippled 2 of our men already."

The Heavy Armor Knight’s face twisted in confusion, "Wait, what? Then why haven’t we attacked her yet? We should be ATTACKING her!!"

The scout paled, "Sir... I-- we..."

Clemont placed a hand on the scout’s shoulder, "Take a deep breath. Tell us what you know."

The scout glanced fearfully at the physically imposing Knight, but nodded to the Wizard, "Master Wizard, one of our archers tried to fire a warning shot. But the woman shot off his fingers."

Clemont’s eyes narrowed, "An expert shot, then. But that’s not impressive enough to strike fear in the hearts of Guild Staghorn."

The scout frowned, "Corthas said some... uh... choice words to the lady."

The wizard clicked his tongue. Corthas was a rude individual who often boasted about his sexual escapades and had a penchant for bawdry tales. If anyone in Guild Staghorn were to be reported for sexual harassment or worse, Corthas would be the first Clemont would suspect.

"What happened to him, then?"

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"Half a dozen arrows in seconds, Master Wizard."

Clemont raised an eyebrow, "Impressive speed. And accurate then?"

The scout visibly shivered, "Precise. Too precise, Master Wizard. Every shot hit Corthas in the jewels. Nary a man dares ta act after that display."

Leserre groaned loudly, "Bwhaaaaat? Send the WOMEN then!?"

A female archer shouted back, "But Sir! F*ck that guy!"

A wave of murmuring went through the company. Knight Leserre scowled. Clemont smiled weakly. Having Corthas in the company had always been an issue for morale, but it seemed the archer took care of the problem for them.

Clemont tapped his quarterstaff against the ground, in thought, "Nothing will be done unless someone opens a dialogue."

Knight Leserre waddled to within shouting distance of the archer, "You there! Archer! What purpose do you have attacking Guild Staghorn?!"

The blonde woman smiled-- a coy and arrogant smile that Clemont was familiar with. He had seen it often, the knowing smirk of a rich and powerful mage woman, whose status and power afforded her the world.

Clemont felt incredibly uneasy.

"You are trespassing on the lands of the Ivory Judge sect! Turn back, Outsiders!" the woman yelled in a light, but stern voice.

Leserre chuckled to himself, laughing at a joke only he found amusing, "How about you go back home and wash some dishes, woman! Your threats don’t work here!"

Leserre turned back to Clemont, grinning. Clemont was making rapid cutting motions along his neck, ’You idiot! It’s okay to insult the enemy, but don’t insult a fifth of the company along with them!’

Seeing Clemont’s reaction and the glares of every single female warrior and scout in the company, Knight Leserre coughed in embarrassment, "Anyroad, we can’t just leave, lass. We’re searching for a Dark Guild... An eeeevil guild! ...A Guild Invictus! Have ye--"

"--Guild Invictus is under the protection of the Ivory Judge sect," the archer declared.

The Knight and the Archer glared at each other in hostility. The woman hadn’t saved an onze of Leserre’s face.

The woman raised her chin haughtily. She didn’t yell, but her voice was clear, "Turn back, Outsiders. You are not welcome here."

Leserre’s face had turned bright red from anger. He dropped the visor to his full-helmet and roared, "Then I’ve only one choice!! ARCHERS!!"

Clemont put a palm onto his face. He had lost much of his confidence in the mission. There was far too much coin involved for the mission to be so straightforward.

Near three dozen men and women nocked arrows into their bows or loaded their crossbows, aiming them at the lone woman.

The massive armored Knight crossed his arms, his voice dark and echoing in his helmet, "Have ye got anything left ta say, girl?"

The girl drew an arrow with a flourish and pointed her bow to the sky.

"Rise up, sons and daughters of the Ivory Judge sect! The sect has raised you, nurtured you, protected you! And now the enemy has arrived at our gates and they seek to harm your friends, your family, your way of life!!"

Leserre began to babble, "No, wait-- that’s not what I--"

The woman fired the arrow into the air, emitting a heaven-piercing screech.

"Death to the enemies of Invictus!!" the woman screamed.

And enemies and arrows began to rain down from the trees.

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