Headed by a Snake Chapter 695 Honorary Elf

Tycondrius and Krysaos took Imperia and the human girl to higher ground, setting up a defensive perimeter by the edge of a steep cliff.

Ishmael took overwatch with an enchanted crossbow, hiding in the shadows of a tall tree. Because of his vigilance, Tycon felt confident in focusing his attention on the two females.

The human was in good condition, though she remained in a catatonic state.

The Elf child, Imperia, was marked by dried blood-- some red, some an ominous black. However, upon further inspection, her wounds had closed.

The Cleric did not have access to healing magics. Either the Elven Sovereign had met with the two... or the lost girl was to credit.

A Healing Class would be a valuable asset to him... or could develop into a formidable enemy.

Tycon checked his pocket watch when Imperia began to stir. It had been nearly a bell.

The elf explained that she had encountered a particularly powerful creature, a shadow of sorts-- though one much less handsome than Mister Ishmael. She hypothesized it was one of the missing villagers, twisted beyond recognition by magic.

Yet... that was not the villagers’ Swamp Monster. Something more terrifying remained yet hidden in the marsh.

Krysaos explained that the Dark Elven Princess snored while she slept.

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After Tycon separated the bickering couple, he decided to forcibly wake Willow from her fitful sleep.

In past campaigns, he had access to Garock Heartrender’s Reality Marble, allowing him to steal away a person from their dreams.

Unfortunately, Garock was dead... and thus, Tycon had to rely on his own abilities.

"Can you help her, Maedar?" Imperia supported the child’s back, propping her up.

The gentle affectation was somewhat surprising, considering the young lady’s character.

"N... no... s-stay... away..." The child clenched her eyes tightly and turned sharp to the side. Whatever nightmare she was experiencing seemed rather unpleasant.

"I shall do my best," Tycon nodded, kneeling by Willow’s side.

He took a deep breath... and whispered into her ear.

"Child... why do you fight?"

?Desire Trigger? activating... Support ability. Targeted ally is compelled to envision an existing incentive, moderately boosting target’s ability to resist detrimental effects. ?

Willow’s mouth lolled open... then closed as she swallowed her saliva...

"To... sing..."

Tycon slowly narrowed his eyes.

"...What in the seven hells is that supposed to mean?"

"Hey, man," Krysaos frowned. "Don’t knock it. It’s a respectable profession."

"Like you would know anything about proper *art,* human," Imperia sneered.

"Oh, yeah?" Krysaos pointed his thumb at his chest, "If you get me a fiddle, I’ll blow the socks off o’ you and the LT, both."

Imperia and Tycon stared at the Captain in confusion.

"...and what in the seven hells is that supposed to mean?" Tycon inquired.

Krysaos opened his mouth as if to explain... but shook his head instead, "Nevermind."

The girl was shocked awake-- quickly rising.

Tycon narrowed his eyes and lowered his body, holding his left arm out to block an incoming strike.

"N-nnnooo!!" Willow pushed away with both arms. As Tycon would not be so easily shoved by a child half his size, she fell onto her rear but hurriedly stood back up, adopting a haphazard boxing stance.

...While Tycon was glad that his arm had healed properly he remained perplexed at the young lady’s... somewhat extreme reaction.

He took a step forward and offered his hand, "Miss Willow, we are here to--"

"Get AWAY from me!!" She screamed.

"Relaaax, Sister~" Imperia waved from where she sat on the dirt. "The Maedar is a gentleman of noble blood, much like myself... unlike a certain someone."

"That’s right," Krysaos grinned. "I’m a gentleman by deed, not by birth."

"Sister, you say?" Tycon raised an eyebrow.

"Sworn sister," Imperia smiled. "That means she’s protected by House Vulkoori. Got a problem with it?"

The value in the young elf’s noble house was... low. However, Tycon had no reason openly to discredit her in front of the girl... nor did he wish to provide Krysaos with something substantial to antagonize her over.

"Sis... you?" Willow grit her teeth and relaxed-- but only slightly, "I... But I’m a commoner..."

"Sea god’s shirt, Willow, what did I just say?" Imperia scolded. "You’re my sworn sister. That means you’re a Princess, now. Act like it."

"That easy, huh?" Krysaos remarked.

"Did you want to be a Princess too, Brother-Captain?" Tycon teased.

Imperia walked over to Willow and took her hand, "Hey-- I’m here. You’re safe, now."

Willow bit her lower lip. The way she looked towards Tycon spoke volumes of her unease.

...Why was she *so* afraid?

Something in Tycon’s instincts made his blood run hot... which his logical mind dismissed with prejudice. He imagined it something akin to... a predator wishing to pursue fleeing prey. It was grossly inappropriate, considering any of the surrounding circumstances.

Imperia turned to him with an appropriate level of confidence, "You will treat this human with respect, Snaa-- ah... Sssir. Sir Maedar. If you please."

Tycon smiled politely, sighing through his nostrils. Imperia was doing fantastically well in trying to treat him respectfully... only slipping in the presence of her new human.

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He decided to take no offense.

"I would not antagonize a Princess of the Vulkoori so easily," Tycon waved dismissively. "Just be polite. Follow the example of your sister, Imperia."

He picked up Willow’s flimsy spear and tossed it towards her... with a small amount of force. As expected, she snatched it out of the air and spun it around, so the end tucked underneath her arm.

Very briefly, she pointed the tip towards him. Quickly realizing her mistake, she tilted it downward... and nodded... "I... I will. Th... ank you."

She was an interesting girl... and not a helpless one as her younger brother might have believed.

It occurred to Tycon that the young human’s respect and fear would be appropriate... if she knew exactly who he was.

Considering her age... there was a strong possibility that such information was granted to her via an advanced bloodline.

He wondered which it was. Certain bloodlines were far more likely to ally or be subservient to him... Snake, Harpies and Hydra, Cyclopes, Minotaur...

Many would remain vigilant of him... Ancient dwarves and elves... trolls and Titanbloods... horses, (for obvious reasons)... Yuan-ti and the various Scalekin.

One... one would actively seek to harm him.

Giant, sentient, winged lizard.

As long as Willow didn’t belong to the last category, they could collaborate peacefully. As the chances of that were slim to none, he brushed away his misgivings and inclined his head to give a proper greeting.

"My name is Lieutenant Tycondrius of Charm and this is our Captain, Krysaos of the Neptune’s Revenge. We are here on behalf of your brother, Mister Rickert, to recover you..."

He gestured to Krysaos.

"--and to get to the bottom of what the seven h-- hecks is going on with your weird f--"

"Breathe, Krysaos."

"Yeah, I’m breathin’, LT," The Captain crossed his arms. "Somethin’s wrong with your village, kiddo."

Willow gulped as she tightened the grip on her weapon, "W... well... alright. Let me tell you what I know."


"To summarize," Tycon placed his hand on his chin, "The villagers of Thorne kidnapped you under the cover of night and tossed you into a pit."

"You don’t say?" Imperia nodded, a sly smirk on her lips... "I knew the humans couldn’t be trusted."

Tycon placed his hand on his chin, "You don’t say..."

"So probably the work of Elder Thorne?" Krysaos agreed with a smirk.

"Y-yeah," Willow nodded. "He was there... ordering everyone else."

"Ya don’t say..." The Captain grinned.

"Don’t echo me, human," Imperia scowled. "*You* are as equally untrustworthy as your *ilk*."

"I’ve been saying that since before y-- Oh, come onnnn! The LT said it! How come he can say it and I can’t?!"

"The Maedar is different. Obviously. And you’re disgusting."

"Then how about Willow? She’s human, isn’t she?"

Imperia placed her hands on her hips, "My sworn sister is an honorary elf. She doesn’t count, either."

Tycon gestured for Willow to continue, "Ignore them."

"I... I saw the creature in the cave," The human girl pouted. "I didn’t really get a good look at it... and-- and I don’t know why it spared me. I just know that it’s strong-- really strong."

"Is it a dragon?" Imperia asked.

"N... no," Willow shook her head.

Tycon sighed out of his nostrils. Imperia had asked about her ’dragon’ again. If he found such a creature in the swamps, he’d kill it without hesitation.

He stood up straight and stretched his back. "Very well. Miss Willow’s safety is paramount. Brother-Captain, would you and Miss Imperia escort the young lady back to the village?"

"I... I can’t go back there," Willow whispered. "They’ll... only try to sacrifice me again."

"--escort the young lady back to safety," Tycon corrected himself in a low voice.

"Nowhere is safe... not while the Swamp Monster is still around."

"--to relative safety," He glared.

His gaze lingered on the young Willow, but she kept her peace.

Clever girl.

"Yeah, I’m sick o’ this place," Krysaos yawned.

"I grow weary of these swamps," Imperia muttered.

"I wanna head back an’ take a nap." "I just want to sleep in a bed."

The human and elf looked to each other in surprise... and their faces simultaneously twisted into anger.

"Oy, really?" "How DARE you!"

Tycon sighed and shook his head.

It really shouldn’t have been so odd that they were so synchronized. They were remarkably similar in many aspects.


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