Headed by a Snake Chapter 948 God Of The Hunt

The magic lit up Coraline’s face. Her hair flowed in the wind.

She was... probably the prettiest girl Lone had ever seen.

...Was she the last thing he was going to see?

"Are you so scared of your girlfriend that you’re willing to blow yourself up?" She asked.

Lone felt tears brimming at the corner of his eyes. That’s not what he wanted! That’s not what he wanted, at all!

The Lone Shadowdark fights to protect those whom he loves. ?

"He does?" Asked Coraline.

He fears not defeat-- nor does he fear death. ?

"I don’t?" Asked Lone.

There was yet *another* woman’s voice echoing in his head.

"And on this sun, he will find neither," They said-- whoever they were.

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"Big Sister!!" Coraline shouted.

Big... sister?

...Did Coraline have a sister?

--and was it a younger sister or an older sister?

Lone carefully turned his head to look where his girlfriend(?) was looking.

An elf with hair made of moonlight was standing next to him.

She wore a long, flowing skirt... and a cropped top that showed her arms and stomach.

But... but those biceps and triceps-- and those forearms! They were so toned!

And those ABS! OUGGHRGHHHH!!! He could see their lines as clear as if they were chiseled out of stone!

--but most UNBELIEVABLY... her tits were double-D, AT LEAST!!!

With a wave of her hand (and a jiggle of her-- yeah,) Lone’s spell circles activated all at once. Thousands of Black Death Butterflies made of silvery mana shot towards the Tree God.

For several seconds, Lone’s field of vision turned white.

The Tree God didn’t scream.

Lone was screaming, though. He was fairly certain he was in a life-or-death situation, so being blind was one of the worst things that could happen to him.

...After a short while of him defensively punching and spin-kicking his immediate area, his vision began to return.

Miraculously, he survived.

In that short time, the landscape had changed as far as he could see. The ground had turned white. All the trees had turned into stone. All the leaves and bushes had disappeared, too.

And the Tree God? He was right-about where he was before, standing still and crossing his arms to guard his face. He had turned to stone as well... but there were cracks all over his body.

Lone looked back to who was probably the Elven goddess of br-- of beauty.

...His savior.

"Good afternoon, Lord Ranger," She waved.

"Oh. Good... afternoon?"

"I am... impressed," She smiled. "You’ve have attained the rank of master not only with the Blade Dance, but with Elven magic!"

"I have?" Lone blinked.

Coraline giggled as she hung from his arm, "He’s the first human I’ve ever seen to not just train in the Elven way, but actually succeed!"

"Wh-what did I do?" Lone asked her.

He... didn’t remember *really* training. All he’d done over the past few years was... hang out with Tres Leches and try not to die.

But then again... lately, he’d been real shite at remembering things.

Up until recently, he’d even forgotten to poop.

"Elves practice best when we’re inspired," Coraline explained-- "but since you’ve been in that Dungeon for over a thousand years, you got great at everything!"

"I was..." Lone furrowed his brows-- "a thousand... huHhH?"

The white-haired elf bowed-- graceful-like, like she was a very, very rich merchant’s daughter.

"I am the Moon Goddess, the Daughter of the Night Skies, and the Lady of Dreams..."

Lone blinked his eyes a few more times. He *thought* he felt his gaze drifting to the goddess’ perfectly-defined abdominal muscles, but then he *for-sure* felt the back of his head get smacked by Coraline.

"Mind your manners, babe."


"My name is Lone," He coughed-- "Lone Shadowdark."

The Moon Goddess covered her mouth with a silvery fan to laugh. Where she got that fan and why she felt the need to cover her mouth with it, Lone had no clue.

"Real smooth, lover-boy," Coraline groaned.

"Your battle is not yet over, Mister Shadowdark," The Moon Goddess said, "The Tree God’s reinforcements are--"

--immaterial. ?

A shadowy figure leapt down from one of the petrified trees, his shadowy cape spreading out as he landed noiselessly.

That... was definitely a dude-- so Lone got into a defensive stance. He was in the presence of two goddesses and one of which was incredibly hot. He wasn’t going to back down, no matter who showed up.

The shadowy elf whipped his hand up, flinging back a side of his cloak to reveal that he was holding a black recurve bow.

Lone put his hands in the air, "Don’t shoot."

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The elf narrowed his eyes for a moment, then stood up straight.

He was the tallest elf Lone had ever seen-- which was... incredibly weird. Elves were supposed to be short.

"Hey, kid. Hunting God, here." He growled. "Area’s clear. You’ll be safe for now. You’re welcome."

Lone raised his hand, "Um... what do you mean by ’for now?’’"

"So is the battle over?" Coraline asked, "Is Ophelia safe?"

"D’ahh~?" Lone raised his hand, "Who is O-fillia?"

"I can sense that my descendent is safe," The Moon Goddess nodded. "But the Tree God still lives."

The three elves turned at once, their focus on Lone... who still had his hand up.

"Um... what’s going on? Where am I, even?"

"Y’got one more fight ahead o’ you, Tiger." "Mister Shadowdark, please fight without restraint." "Tree God wants you six fulms under, kid. You one of my Rangers or are y’just prey?"

Lone saw a blur in the corner of his eye.

Even though he had zero understanding of current events, he still had the reflexes to avoid danger.

The attack was fast... a thick, pale fist moving at a speed capable of cracking his head open if it touched him.

...He could feel killing intent faster than his opponent could act.

Lone realized then... just how long he’d spent trapped in that Dungeon.

It wasn’t just a few years. He’d been in there for decades... maybe even actual centuries like the elves were saying.

Lone slammed his knee into his attacker’s gut before grounding his balance and landing a right straight onto the guy’s jaw.

That person stumbled backward, allowing Lone to see his attacker’s identity. It was a human-- naked, just like he was... but his skin was white and pale like the magic-scarred earth all around them.

Lone furrowed his brows... "Tree... God?"

"Tch," The Tree God spat. "The ?Reincarnate? Spell is not exclusive to only you, mortal."

So it was...

The Tree God... didn’t seem to be as strong as the title made him sound. And even though he changed color, that didn’t mean they were any stronger.


"Eww, grosSs~!" Coraline recoiled in disgust, "Did he just spit out a tooth?"

"He did," The Hunting God nodded as crossed his arms.

"Lone, dear," The Moon Goddess cooed. "Shall we recover your weapons for you? My husband’s swords, perhaps?"

At that, Lone’s eyes lit up. He’d rather wield Tres Leches-- but a sword or two would also be great!

The Hunting God swiped his arm down, "This is the final hunt, Sister. And don’t forget-- you’re talkin’ to the greatest mortal Ranger in the Realm."

"Is that... me?" Lone blinked.

"Yeah. It’s you."


"*Don’t*... make me repeat myself, kid."

Lone bowed his head lightly, "I’d... I’d still like... I think I’d--"

The Hunting God shook his head, the shadows of his hood wisping with darkness, "Barza Keith... think carefully, kid.

"The three of us can’t interfere in this fight... so either you win and y’live... or everything we’ve done, everything your friends have done up until now ain’t gonna matter. Think, kid... and think hard."

The swords. That should have been the answer... In the years of training Lone spent in Turrim Orientem, he had pretty much become a master of using two swords... the Elven way.

But... was that the answer the Hunting God wanted?

Lone wanted to ask for his Dark Iron Hammer... Tres Leches was his faithful companion. But... he was his own entity. So... if asking for the swords was wrong, then asking for his partner’s help would be wrong too.


Maybe magic was the answer? Lone was pretty sure his Multi-Cast ability was super-strong... and he didn’t have to worry about his body exploding as long as Coraline and the Moon Goddess were around.

No... that *couldn’t* be it.

Lone swallowed his saliva as he turned back to his opponent. The Pale God growled as he wiped the blood from his mouth.

That guy radiated so much killing intent, Lone almost forgot to breathe.

"Relax, kid~" Said the Hunting God. "I told y’to *think,* not to second-guess y’self. You got injured prey on your hands. He’s hurt-- dyin’. He’s got nothin’ left to lose... but neither do you."

The tall elf paused... and a small grin showed his eerily white teeth, "You scared?"

"Psh," Lone shrugged. "I ain’t scared."

He turned and started walking, "I’ll take care of this. You guys go save that... that other person."

He had forgotten that that person’s name was, but that fact was too embarrassing to admit.

"Lone, wait!" Coraline called out, "Y-you didn’t choose a weapon!"

"No..." The Moon Goddess whispered, "He has."

Lone stopped five paces away from the Pale God.

The Pale God had a different look in his eyes... it wasn’t killing intent anymore. It was fear.


Lone put his fists in front of his face and assumed a boxing stance... and he bared his teeth into a confident grin.

"Hey, Tree God... put YO HANDS UP!!!!"


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