Heavenly Harem Sect Chapter 199 Cloud of Mystery Sect

Chapter 199 Cloud of Mystery Sect

[: Daniel POV :]

Upon entering the Clouds of Mystery sect, the woman led me to a room where I could rest and prepare for further discussions.

She left briefly to inform her sect leader about the recent events and my presence within their sect.

As I settled into the room, I heard the sound of footsteps approaching.

The woman, accompanied by the sect leader, entered the room.

The sect leader, a wise and experienced cultivator, greeted me with a respectful nod.

"I’ve heard about your remarkable abilities and the assistance you provided to our sect today," she began.

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"We are truly grateful for your help in protecting our sacred plant."

I acknowledged her words with a humble nod.

"I was glad to be of assistance to your sect in its time of need," I replied.

The sect leader’s beauty was captivating, with her long, flowing hair that resembled the undulating waves of the ocean.

Her eyes were a brilliant shade of emerald green.

Her figure was statuesque, with curves that gracefully accentuated her femininity and power.

As she moved, her steps exuded a poise and grace that left an indelible mark on those who had the privilege of seeing her.

For a moment, I found myself momentarily entranced by her beauty, but I quickly refocused on the matter at hand.

There was much to discuss, both regarding the recent events involving the Clouds of Mystery sect and my plans for the Heavenly Harem Sect.

The woman who had initially sought my help added, "Daniel, this is our esteemed sect leader, Master Limi. She leads us with great wisdom and strength."

I extended my hand in greeting to Master Li Mei. "It’s nice to meet you, Master Limi," I said.

Master Li Mei’s eyes held a curious glint as she regarded me. "I wish to thank you with a reward, but first, I wish to invite you for dinner’’

I accepted the invitation for dinner with Master Limi and the members of the Clouds of Mystery sect.

The meal was a pleasant affair, with a variety of dishes served, each one a testament to the culinary skills of the sect.

We sat around a polished wooden table, and the atmosphere was filled with a sense of camaraderie.

As we dined, Master Limi and I engaged in conversation.

We discussed the recent events involving the sect, the significance of the sacred plant, and the challenges they had faced.

As our dinner conversation continued, Limi expressed her heartfelt gratitude once more for my assistance in safeguarding the sacred plant.

She then shared with me the deep significance of the plant to her and the Clouds of Mystery sect.

She explained that she had been stuck in the Origin Realm for dozens of years, unable to make the breakthrough to the coveted Daybreaker Realm, the realm of great power and prestige.

The 1000-year-old spiritual plant held the key to achieving this long-sought advancement in cultivation.

"If I succeed in using the plant to break through to the Daybreaker Realm," Limi confided, her eyes reflecting her resolve, "it would not only elevate me personally but also bring immense prestige to our sect’’

’’No one would dare to cross our path, and we would be safe."

Limi went on to reveal that her sect had been at odds with another powerful sect, and they had been targeting her and Clouds of Mystery.

This conflict had been a source of constant tension and danger, making her quest for the Daybreaker Realm even more crucial.

"If I can attain that level of power," she added, "they would think twice before challenging us. It would secure our sect’s position and ensure our safety."

Limi’s voice held a note of urgency as she continued, "Daniel, you have no idea how many times we’ve been on the verge of being obliterated by our rivals’’

’’They’ve pushed us to the brink, and I’ve had to make tough decisions to protect our members’’

’’This breakthrough is not just about personal power; it’s about ensuring the safety and prosperity of everyone in the Clouds of Mystery sect."

I listened intently, recognizing the gravity of her words. "I can see how much this means to you and your sect," I replied.

I took a moment to collect my thoughts, my gaze locked with Limi’s as I prepared to make my offer.

Leaning in slightly, I said, "How about I give you an offer, Limi?"

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Limi’s expression revealed a mix of confusion and curiosity as she furrowed her brows.

"An offer? What do you mean?" she asked, her interest piqued.

Before Limi could respond, I reached into my robe, producing the radiant treasure—the Immortal Peach.

The sight of it caused Limi’s eyes to widen in shock, and she couldn’t contain her exclamation, "Immortal Peach!"

The legendary fruit held incredible properties and significance in the world of cultivation, and its presence left Limi both astonished and intrigued.

It was clear that she was eager to hear more about my offer and how the Immortal Peach might be a key to our collaboration.

With the Immortal Peach resting on the table between us, I began to explain my goal to Limi in more detail.

"You see, Limi," I began, "my goal with the Heavenly Harem Sect is to create a harmonious society where female cultivators of all backgrounds can thrive’’

’’I want to provide opportunities for women and female children, empowering them to reach their full potential and contribute to the sect and me," I explained.

Limi listened intently, her eyes focused on the Immortal Peach but her attention was clearly on my words.

She nodded thoughtfully, absorbing my vision.

"But how does this Immortal Peach fit into your goal?" she asked, her curiosity still evident.

I smiled and pushed the fruit slightly toward her. "It’s a token of my sincerity in wanting you to become my disciple’’

Limi reached out and gently touched the Immortal Peach, her fingers tracing the soft skin of the fruit. "This is a generous offer," she acknowledged. "But what do you expect in return?"

I leaned in, my gaze unwavering.

"In return, I ask for your support and collaboration. Join me in the Heavenly Harem Sect’’

Limi considered my proposal carefully, and I could see the wheels turning in her mind as she weighed the potential benefits and risks.

Limi’s curiosity deepened, and she leaned forward slightly, her eyes narrowing as she posed a question, "Are you planning to recruit the female disciples from my sect, Daniel?"

I met her gaze directly and replied with a confident nod, "Yes, Limi, and that was my plan."

Limi’s brow furrowed slightly as she considered the logistics.

"But, Daniel, resources in this city are scarce. Where will you find the means to support and nurture these recruits?"

With a smirk, I leaned back in my chair and reached into my robe.

From within, I pulled out a hundred radiant Immortal Peaches, arranging them on the table for Limi to see.

The sheer number of these legendary fruits left her in stunned disbelief.

"T-This is impossible!" Limi exclaimed, her eyes wide with astonishment.

I watched her reaction with amusement before leaning in closer and asking, "Now, do you believe me, Limi?’’

With a confident smile, I assured Limi, "When it comes to resources, you won’t find any lack in the Heavenly Harem Sect."

Limi’s belief in my words deepened as she gazed upon the hundreds of Immortal Peaches before her.

These legendary fruits were incredibly rare and hard to find. Even searching the entire continent might not yield such a treasure trove.

The fact that I had produced them here in this room was a testament to the vast resources at my disposal.

Her curiosity and interest had been piqued, and at last, Limi couldn’t contain her desire. She leaned forward and asked in a determined tone, "What do I have to do to become your disciple?"

I smiled at Limi’s determination and nodded.

"It’s quite simple, Limi. All you have to do is declare your name and swear your loyalty to the Heavenly Harem Sect and to me as your master."

I went on to explain the rules and principles of the sect, emphasizing the importance of cooperation, empowerment, and the advancement of all members.

Limi listened intently, nodding in agreement as she absorbed the details.

Once she had sworn her oath, I leaned in closer to Limi and said, "But that’s not all, Limi. I have more gifts for you."

Before she could even question what these gifts might be, Limi’s body began to glow with a tremendous aura.

She could feel a surge of power coursing through her as if she had been touched by a divine force.

Her senses heightened, and she realized that she had been gifted with godly powers beyond her wildest dreams.

Limi’s eyes widened in astonishment as she experienced this transformation, and she knew that her decision to become my disciple had opened doors to unimaginable possibilities and potential.

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