Hitman x Wives Chapter 27 - 27- Fight Speed with Speed

Chapter 27: Chapter 27- Fight Speed with Speed

Chapter 27- Fight Speed with Speed

"H-Hmm…" A low, cute moan escaped Eva’s mouth as her eyes fluttered open slowly, soaking in the bright light of the morning. Her groggy mind and heavy eyelids made her frown slightly.

She couldn’t remember much from last night as she drifted into a deep sleep. This was the best sleep she had in a very long time. But, because her head didn’t function properly, she didn’t realize the presence beside her.

As she tried to move her hand, she noticed that it was wrapped around something. Finally, her eyes looked up. What welcomed her was the sight of the most handsome man she had ever seen. His face was beyond any words as if it was carved by the goddess of beauty herself.

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It was so breathtaking that no matter how many times Eva looked at it, she will always find herself lost in it. The fact that this face belonged to the person she loved the most in this world didn’t help either.

As she admired Kai’s face for a while, her mind finally realized the odd part of this situation. Why was Kai’s face so close? Wait, why is he asleep this close to her? Wait, wait, why is her hand wrapped around his back and her face buried in his chest?!

The more Eva asked the more situation started to become more and more shocking until everything finally clicked and her eyes widened to the extreme as a furious blush covered her plump cheeks.

’I-I-I-I… I slept while hugging him?!!!’ She screamed in her head. Her memories from last night flooded in, making her remember what happened. ’I lost consciousness when I was on top of him, didn’t I?! Oh no, this is so embarrassing! But… He didn’t push me away.’

Looking back at their position, Eva could only feel her heart beating louder and faster. Kai had his hand around her neck, and his other hand was on her waist while she hugged his back while burying her face in his neck and chest.

No matter how she looked at it, wasn’t this too intimate? Shouldn’t such a position only be reserved for a romantic couple? Not that Eva minded that fact. Hell, she would kill every single existence in this world if it meant Kai will fall in love with her as much as she fell in love with him.

A few minutes passed as Eva tried to calm herself down. Luckily, she was able to get herself together and keep her position the same way. Now that she understood what happened, like hell, she would get herself detached from Kai. His face, his calm breathing, his warm body, and his smell, all drove her crazy beyond words.

As she blinked slowly, she admired every part of her beloved silently. Kai’s sleeping face had a completely different charm from the usual charm he had. Normally, he was cold, expressionless, and unwavering no matter the situation however his sleeping face was oddly innocent and serene.

Both of them captivated her very soul. In her head, she wondered how Kai was able to keep making her fall deeper in love with him. She could swear that her love for him doubled in the last few days which was a scary thought in and out of itself.

Scary not because Eva didn’t want to fall any deeper in love with him but because she felt that at some point, she won’t be able to hold herself back and she will do something she knew she will regret.

"You are so unfair, Kai… Playing with my heart when yours never wavers. I hate that…" Eva murmured with a sulking expression. "Do you want to capture my whole being when I can’t do the same to yours?"

Meanwhile, her hand traveled to his face as she poked his cheek lightly. After doing that a few times to make sure he didn’t wake up, she finally landed her hand on his face. Maybe it was because her mind was still sleepy or maybe because she simply couldn’t herself back but Eva felt extremely bold at that moment.

"So unfair… Yet, I still love you." She murmured and closed her eyes again, her mind drifted back to sleep.

When Eva woke up again, the presence that was next to her was nowhere to be found. Immediately, Eva rose up and looked around frantically, searching for Kai.

"Where did he go? Wait… Don’t tell me. Was he annoyed that I slept next to him?!" Immediately, Eva’s face paled as she tried to wake up from the bed.

However, the moment she put her feet on the ground and tried to stand up, her body swayed as she felt dizzy. At that moment, a presence appeared in front of her and supported her body before she fell off.

"I said your brain is still not fully back to normal. Don’t move that recklessly." Kai’s cold voice penetrated her ears and made her look up.

Eva dazedly nodded her head as she asked. "Where did you go?"

"Food. I went and cooked something in the kitchen of the inn before we leave." He said as he pointed at the table behind them.

"Fuuuh…" Eva exhaled a breath of relief before she stood up slowly. "T-Thank you… for yesterday."


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"I know that you could’ve pushed me away but you didn’t because you were concerned about my health. Thank you."

"I didn’t do it for you," Kai replied coldly as he walked past her toward the table and sat down. "If what I’m thinking of is true, I will need your power for what is going to happen next."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Kai picked up the knife and fork and sliced through the French toast. "We aren’t being chased by anyone normal. He is annoying and on top of that… He is targeting you because of the bounty on your head in the underworld."

"I already know. But, is he stronger than me?" She asked.

"No. But, he doesn’t need to be to get your head. Hitmen aren’t supposed to be masters of direct confrontations. All he needs is one single move and… Everything is over." Kai said with a chilling tone. "That’s why, leveling up your talent is crucial if you want to survive."

’I see. So he was indeed worried about me. Fufufuf!’ A warm smile bloomed on Eva’s face as she walked to the table and sat down while still grinning like an idiot.

Then, the two had their breakfast before they left the inn and headed toward the old station near the village.

This station was created specifically for villagers who lived here a long time ago but after everyone left, this station stayed active for hikers and people who travel these mountains for hunting and other sports.

Eventually, the train arrived and the two got on it. Inside, the cabinets weren’t that crowded as people who traveled using trains weren’t as numerous as people who took a plane.

The two then took a seat near the window. The train accelerated again and the sight of the old village vanished eventually and got replaced by beautiful natural sights.

As the train moved through the mountain chains, it reached a point where it intersected with another railway that came from another side of the mountain chain and led to the same destination.

As Kai was watching the sights outside silently, his eyes caught something far away. Another train was rushing toward them at an alarmingly high speed.

It was clearly way above the speed limit of a normal train. Kai and Eva already predicted that their trip won’t be a smooth sail. It hadn’t been from the start so why would it be now?

"Sigh, this is annoying." Rubbing the back of his head. "Playing the little games won’t get you far." He said.

"That train will definitely hit us if we don’t stop it," Eva said seriously as she stood up.

"Even if we did, the trip will be canceled and we will have to find another way to reach the city which will take way longer." Kai analyzed the situation calmly before he also stood up.

He really had enough of these party tricks that their mysterious chaser was pulling off. If they allowed him to halt the trip again, it will only allow him to create more stupid pranks. Kai wanted to cut that problem from the root and reach the city as fast as possible.

"We will take another way." He added before he signaled for Eva to follow him.

"What are we going to do?"

"Simple. If that train is speeding at us, we will speed past it before it reaches us." He said as they quickly passed from one cabinet to another.

"Wait, don’t tell me…"

As the two reached the crew compartment. Although it was locked, Kai simply broke the door with a simple push before he walked inside.

"Huh?! What the fu-" Before the engineman could even utter a word, Kai made him sleep with a simple glance.

Then, he looked at the control panel and then put his hand on it. His body slowly charged up with power before he allowed it to stream to the train.

"We are going to accelerate, brace yourself."

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