Hollywood Zenith Chapter 164 [Bonus ]Talk Show-3

" Here we go, please welcome Emma and Rupert ."

They entered the stage with huge smiles on their faces. There were three seats prepared beforehand; Samuel got up and took the end seat to give the other two more limelight.

Matilda also shook their hand and said some encouraging words before they all took their seat. Emma sitting closest to the host’s seat.

" How are you guys?" Matilda asked.

Meanwhile, Rupert and Emma were giggling while looking at Samuel; it was the first time for all three. Although they did a brief interview before while unveiling the movie’s cast, the atmosphere was not this intimate.

Both of them had been listening to him from backstage; as usual, Samuel shined through the solo segment.

After the greetings, Matilda focused on Emma first.

" Hermione you little whipper-snapper, how old are you?"

Emma laughed at hearing it. She had a completely opposite personality to her character.

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" I am eleven."

" And you?" She asked Rupert.

" Twelve"

" Is this your first film?" She asked Emma.

" Um, yeah, definitely for me."

" What about you?"

" Yeah, I have just been in few school plays before this."

" So, you have never been on the big screen?"


" So, how do you get the part?"

" I was watching news rounds one day, and at that time, I was like the biggest Harry Potter fan, and I love the books. So, I was watching when they said that there was an audition. It was to send your information about yourself with a photograph.

So, I sent one in and waited weeks and weeks for a reply, but nothing happened. Um, then when I went to their website and saw that some of the kids have been sending in videotapes of themselves reading a bit of the book and I really wanted to be in this film.

I made this videotape first. I just thought to dress up as my drama teacher, who was a girl, so it was kind of scary."

The audience laughs at his ridiculous story. He had mentioned it before to Samuel and Emma, but he was being subtle about it this time.

" So, you dressed up as a woman?"

" Yeah, yeah."

" Then what happened?"

" Then I made a rap song of how much I want to be in the film after which I made this speech thing up for Ron and sent it in after which I got the call. It was just so cool." Rupert smiled at the end of it.

" You got it. So, your advice to young kids who want to act is to dress up as a woman and sent in the tape!"

Everyone laughed, hearing her take away from the story.

" What did your family think? You are the oldest of five kids right? What did you parents think?"

" Well, they were really excited. They are also the big fan of the books."

" That must have been thrilling. What about you honey? How did you get casted?"

" My stories are boring. Um, my school put me forward for an audition. Um, they kind of a couple of auditioners went around the country to all the different schools and conducted auditions.

I reckon, there were about sixteen of us all together from ten to twelve, and literally, we did it in our school suits, nothing fancy. It was exactly like a drama lesson."

" That was it? Have you done plays in school?"

" Yeah, I have done lots of school plays as pathetic as that sounds. They were only small roles."

" That’s not pathetic, that’s how you start. I was a tree in my first play, look at me now."

Matilda sensed that Emma didn’t value herself much when faced with the other two. She wanted to lighten up the mood, and it worked as laughter filled the venue.

" You know, I heard that you are quite similar to your character, is that true?"


Samuel and Rupert strongly nodded their heads.

" Look at the boys nodding their heads. Well, Hermione is smart and articulate verbose sort of young lady."

" Um, I enjoy school but I am not obsessed with school that’s kind of the difference between us."

" Were you good at school? Do you get good grades?" Matilda pressed further. She was definitely going somewhere with this.

" I am kind of average but quirky. I think."

" You bullied the boys on the set I heard." Matilda said with a straight face.

Emma looked toward the boys while reaching for Rupert, who was grinning from ear to ear. Samuel also retreated back a little anticipating something.

Sensing the danger, both of them said simultaneously.

" We didn’t say that."

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" We didn’t say that."

Emma squinted her eyes; it was a strangely coordinated reply.

" Is this true?" Matilda asked with a smile. She and the others already knew the answer from their behaviour.

" They die afterwards by the way."


" Um, maybe a little."

" Like pranks. What did you do? Is it tricks?"

" Yeah, pretty good pranks."

" Yeah, any fun ones you could tell us. Did you like to hide their stuffs or?"

" No, it’s a really fantastic story which was actually very funny at the time. Edna, who was our hair lady, has like a printout machine.

She has got so much equipment that she needs to like name it. So, um, it comes out as a sticker. So, I typed out about twenty of these pull my hair for 150, kick me, punch me and kind of stuck them on people’s back."

" Wow, that a good prank. Pretty elaborate."

" They didn’t notice for like twenty minutes which was really funny."

" Yeah, It worked on me for sure." Rupert said from the side.

" Did people kick you?"

" Yes"

" What can i say? on one of my movie the costume lady sewed my sleeves. Whenever I put them on, I had no arms. I was quite like you on sets because you get bored, you have to do something right?"

" I agree. That would be my excuse from now on."

" Rupert do you think I would have been a good mom for you? I even called director and begged for the part."

" Yeah."

" I really begged, did you know this?"

" No"

" I called him up and said I’ll do it for free. I would do anything I have to be Ron and Jenny’s mother.

He said,’ You can’t you are not british.’ I mean, what can I do about that? I couldn’t possibly choose such a thing right?

But he didn’t care.

But after seeing the clips, I could say that it works well that everybody is authentic, and Julie she is amazing. Well, all three of you are brilliant in this movie; you should be very proud of yourself."

" Thank you."

" Well, don’t thank me. You have to deal with autographs for the rest of you life I hope you are alright with that."

The interview was on for the next half an hour as they discussed more about the movie. When the three of them were leaving the stage, a few people also noticed the director picking them up backstage.

Columbus rushed them toward the exit, where they found tens of paparazzi waiting for them. It was not uncommon that news would be leaked. It was inevitable, considering thousands of employees working for this single session.

Anyone of them could have informed the media for a quick buck.

Under the constant bombardment of flashlights, four of them entered the vehicle. The driver was experienced; he left the scene and blended into the traffic shortly.

" Whew, That sure was intense." Rupert said.

" Yeah, Somehow, she also knew quite a lot about me." Emma glared at both of them.

" I seriously, didn’t say anything to anyone. Beside, isn’t it your fault in the first place." Rupert said.

" I am not a bully! How can she say that? Now everyone who watches the show would think ill of me."

" Calm down, it’s not going to be that intense. It’s all for the screen." Samuel said.

" Right, you really sold your shy persona on the stage. That was the best you acted since I met you." Columbus also joined in.

" Really? I was my normal self. You could have known if you ever paid attention." Samuel said, ignoring his remarks.

" Well, all in all it was excellent. I now have high hope for the movie." Columbus also dropped the subject.

After a few minutes of driving, Samuel got off. He would take the family car, which had been following them. He also needed to do something important today.

" Call me if you need something. I will inform you if there is any new developments." Columbus said.

" Yeah, we don’t know when we will meet again but if you feel like it. You know where to find me." Rupert also said from the backseat.

" Unlike you guys I would be busy. I was reminded again that I need more practice, so I will be attending some private classes." Emma was keen on seeing them again so soon.

" But, If something fun comes up, I will gladly join you."

" Yeah, I will be in touch."

It wasn’t going to be long before their next promotional interview, but the studio decided to give them a few weeks off. Emma and Rupert had to catch up on their studies while Samuel was practically free for the time being.

Samuel said his goodbye for the time being; he was getting late for his meeting.

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