How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World Chapter 246: Book 19 (1)

Chapter 246: Book 19 (1)

The contents of Volume 19 focus on the heroine Mary and the conflict between the elves and dark elves, with battles involving Lilith also being significant. From the early stages, there is mutual distrust between the two races, leading to occasional conflicts.

Dark elves look down on elves as wretches who couldnt even protect their homeland, while elves insult dark elves, calling them heretics who mutilated their ears.

However, there is a high possibility that this situation might change if the two races reconcile. As mentioned before, the differences in culture that emerged between the two races after the dark elves separated from Alfheim are a significant factor.

Especially, elves have a deeply ingrained culture related to gods in their daily lives. For example, there is a cultural belief that values elongated ears more than life itself to communicate with the gods. Considering that cutting ears is one of the worst punishments in Alfheim, the significance of ears can be understood.

On the other hand, dark elves were expelled in the past due to their fanatical devotion to gods. Witnessing the rejection and developing a strong hatred towards ears, they adopted the practice of cutting their own ears.

As a result, mutual trust was lacking between the two races. Even though elves sought refuge after Alfheim was occupied, cohabitation was uneasy, especially considering the unpredictability of conflicts due to the elves belief in being a chosen race by the gods.

The early story of Volume 19 describes the events that would unfold if the elves and dark elves were to unite for some reason.

[If different cultures blend without any preparation, such phenomena will occur.]

[Should elves and dark elves be regarded as different races, or should they be treated as one race?]

[Just as there are numerous ethnicities and cultures among humans, its evident that there are distinct elven races.]

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Due to the clear demonstration of how cultural differences can cause significant repercussions, it garnered the attention of many.

In fact, Arwen was making efforts to win over the dark elves, and although it ended in failure, her support for Rain was also based on this.

And just like Arwen, who tried to reconcile the two races, Mary in Xenons Biography was also putting in various efforts.

[If it werent for the sacrifice of their two heroes, the situation would have been much worse.]

[Are their sacrifices truly meaningless?]

As assessed above, if it werent for the sacrifice of the elven heroes who oxidized along with the World Tree through their fusion, the situation would have escalated to the worst possible outcome.

In essence, their sacrifice hinted at the possibility of the eventual merger of elves and dark elves, but no one knows when that might happen. With the current scenario of the older generation of elves and the new generation of dark elves at odds and in turmoil, reconciliation seems far-fetched, considering the ongoing civil war.

One somewhat fortunate aspect is that through this series of events, elves were gradually moving away from the strict totalitarianism they once held onto.

[Only elves are capable of casting magic through physical means.]

[Seemingly crude, but it will prove immensely effective in combat.]

[A new combat style that shatters the common notion that magic requires incantations.]

Marys combat techniques displayed during the battle with Lillith attracted a lot of interest. In this world, even the sorcerers had some biases, namely the belief that magic could only be unleashed by chanting spells.

Therefore, Marys combat techniques were seen by humans as not just innovative but almost revolutionary. However, this was a bias unique to humans; the elves, who could use magic almost effortlessly, had a slightly different perspective.

[A method capable of emitting extreme efficiency.]

[Treating ones body as a form of calculation?]

[It holds significant research value but could be risky.]

Despite the perceived risk, many attempted to replicate it. Magic originally manifests as an ability through a form of calculation. However, Mary applied that calculation to movement, which, from the perspective of an elf, was a theory intriguing enough to capture attention.

Hence, for the very basics of magic, like casting a fireball, calculations are necessary, regardless of whether one is an elf or a demon.

But to associate that formula with a specific movement, releasing a fiery fist akin to a pyrokinetic from a certain pirate manga, naturally drew interest. If this theory were further developed, it could supposedly summon lightning bolts with a flick of the finger in a clear sky or conjure up a snowstorm.

[What is the name of this theory?]

[Yggdrasil of Alvenheim. Lets designate the theorys name as Memorize. However, if Xenon comes up with a more definitive name, Ill change it accordingly.]

[Given that its a theory Xenon revealed, it should undoubtedly be achievable.]

No, I havent thought that far. What are these people trying to do again? Now there are people trying not just to imitate but to actualize the combat techniques from Xenons Biography.

Whats frightening is that these people arent human; theyre elves. Elves, the origin of magic, who boasted of a magic history longer than demons.

In other words, if they set their minds to it, it might be possible. In the book, it was just a combat technique Mary made because she was annoyed with casting, but now theyre determined to apply it in reality.

Just because theyre elves.

This place was, from the start, a fantasy world. There are countless things beyond the common sense of my previous life, so lets just accept and move on.

[Even Lilith ultimately was just a demon who couldnt forget her beloved. Her end was tragically fitting for a demon.]

[To live without forgetting. The truth about Lilith is finally revealed.]

[If Jin had lost Lily, he would have been no different from Lilith.]

[In reality, there are countless cases like this. Demons turned into devils, the unfortunate products of their environment.]

The fight between Mary and Lilith was just a fight, but Liliths ultimate fate deeply resonated within the readers minds.

Already drawing attention due to the setting of being a devil-turned-demon, the focus intensified as the past was vaguely revealed, earning a gaze of sympathy.

It was a clich commonly seen in my past life: This guy was also a pitiable one, vividly portrayed in Lilys case, is an example also illustrating the tragedy of the demons.

A common evaluation was that if Jin loses Lily, he would be no different from Lilith. The sympathy towards demons has also increased, as it was an occurrence often observed in reality as well.

This assessment was very satisfying as expected. Although imitating Marys combat style was a bit surprising.

[Pride, Lucifers appearance is short but simultaneously very intense. How does his conduct, fitting for arrogance, unfold?]

[Its wrong to treat comrades simply as chess pieces.]

[What kind of fate will he face?]

The appearance of Lucifer, who murdered Lilith, left a strong impact. Being an elf in addition to being part of the Seven Deadly Sins by killing a comrade, there was considerable interest.

Moreover, having mercilessly killed Lilith, who had just begun to rise with the revelation of her past, he was now receiving a torrent of curses. Wishing for him to meet a dreadful end, hoping for him to plead for mercy soon, and so on.

From the beginning, he has accumulated numerous anti-fans, and elves even made hard statements, perhaps there might be sparks flying at Alvenheim. No matter how arrogant elves may be, they are not at this level of trash.

[At the end of the fierce battle with Lilith, Mary lost one of her ears. However, it will remain as a symbol.]

[Marys actions carry a message of us, not just you and me. It is very similar to the current Alvenheim, which suffered from chaos during the mixed-race conflict.]

[Is the fusion of elves and dark elves possible in reality?]

The 19th volume can be considered successful except for the attempt to realize Marys combat techniques.

What about Lee Wae-jin? I just gave up on that. Even if I made a mess, people would cheer or even worship, but I had to give up. There is something more important now than Lee Wae-jin.

[Helium Side: We also plan to build a Moras temple in the Michelle Territory.

I was leisurely eating bread in the dormitory when I was struck by unexpected lightning. What kind of nonsense is this again?

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No matter how many times I read it, the unbelievable news about building a temple in the Michelle Territory by Helium stood out.

No. Why?

Even though I received a typewriter as a gift and promised to write a side story in return, why would they go this far? Could it be that demons understand give and take in a different way?

If it were a simple device like a teleportation facility rather than a temple, it would be understandable. However, its not an ordinary facility; its a temple.

Unlike in my past life, temples cannot be built just by people gathering together and working swiftly.

It not only unmistakably houses the sacred energy but is also the sole architecture capable of direct interaction with the gods. From the very conditions required to erect a temple, its a painstaking process.

Firstly, one must consider if the area is densely populated by people; you might call it cost-effectiveness. If it were a region inherently potent with sacred energy from the start, the story would be different. However, the Michelle Region has only just begun its surge in development.

While its close to the capital and towns, its unsuitable for temple construction, even for gratitudes sake, given the immense scale. I heard that the Luminous Church mandates a minimum number of high-ranking clergy to oversee the construction of a temple. It seems Moras Church operates similarly.

Cecily must be aware of this fact, right?

As I realized the situation was unfolding unexpectedly, I found myself scratching my head in perplexity.

Most humans venerate the Luminous, but not everyone does. Nonetheless, its incredibly challenging to find Moras shrine in human society. Moreover, the Michelle Region is externally known as the birthplace of Xenon. If Moras shrine were to be erected, naturally, there would be resistance from both the Luminous and Harte sides.

[According to the latest reports, under the supervision and management of Grand Inquisitor Kate, a Luminouss templeis under construction in the Michelle Region]

[If this happens, both the Luminous and Moras temples will stand in the Michelle Region simultaneously. Only Hartes temple remains.]

[Harte, the goddess of life and nature, unlike the twin gods, doesnt require a separate temple. Nature itself embodies Harte.]

[If a ceremony is conducted for the goddess Harte in the Michelle Region, it will truly become the fabled Temple of All Gods.]

No need for that! No wonder Kate didnt come to the academy but instead made her way to our territory.

It seems that there hasnt been any separate news because she went to my territory to build a temple. My parents probably didnt send me letters to avoid burdening me. Moreover, with the recent birth of Lily, they probably had even less time to pay attention to me.

Well, now it makes sense.

I nodded with a relieved expression. Actually, whether it makes sense or not, I dont know. Lets just give up understanding. As I mentioned before, it seems like Ive reached the point of where they would get excited even if I poop. Theyre building a temple without even asking for my opinion.

But thinking about it calmly, our territory would become the safest area in the world under the protection of the gods. Even with just one temple, it would become a place where devil worshippers wouldnt be able to act out. And now with Mora and Harte, its even better.

Oh, by the way, since Harte is the goddess of life and nature, you dont need to build a separate temple; you just need to perform a ritual. Harte was closely related to rituals, especially those involving magic.

Instead of a temple, all you need is an altar or something like a totem. However, since it needs to be imbued with divine power, a shaman was essential. As for inviting a shaman, well figure it out yourself. I dont know.


I let out a sigh laden with various meanings and flopped onto the bed. Now, I dont even know what I should do. The news mentioned that thanks to the gifts from the demons, my work speed had improved, but surprisingly, there was no word from the elves side.

Thats what makes it scarier. What are they planning that theyre not saying anything about? Similar to this, theres Animers. The reason Animers had been quiet for a while was due to political reasons.

Wouldnt Alvenheim be somewhat similar?

What kind of gift are the elves preparing?

Really, its not just empty words; Im genuinely excited, to the point where I might not even sleep due to anticipation.


The Council Hall was not just a place where the king met his courtiers or exchanged opinions, but since Arwens reign, it had taken on a broader range. It meant that even common folk could come if the matter was important, not just the courtiers. In other words, it allowed for a closer hearing of the voices of the people.

The situation now: a multitude of elves were respectfully kneeling and displaying proper etiquette in front of the throne where Arwen was seated.

So, do we also need to offer something?

That is our suggestion. To present an unparalleled gift, claiming we cannot be defeated by the likes of demons.

Hmm. I concur with that sentiment. So, what kind of gift do the people wish to offer?

Arwen listened to the delegations story that entered the hall to make a request. It was truly unsettling to hear the news.

Thanks to the gift delivered by the demons, there was a significant improvement in Xenons work speed, news that scratched the pride of the Elven magic users. It was more than enough to unsettle Arwen, especially considering the recent dispute with Cecily.

Just at that moment when she was contemplating what gift to give, the people acted on their own without any specific orders.

The demons have enhanced the speed of Xenons work, so I believe an appropriate gift is due.

That is only natural.

So I dare to suggest. Its something only our queen, the sole link to Xenon, can do.

What could it be that they emphasized dare with such insistence? Curiosity and anticipation froze in Arwens gray eyes.

Then, representing the masses, an elf stood tall, facing Arwen squarely, speaking confidently.

Our queen and the symbol of Alvenheim. We will present Queen Arwen to Xenon as a gift.


Did I hear it wrong? Arwen blinked her silver-gray eyes twice upon hearing his words before replying.

For a moment, she was confused whether it was a statement or a joke, but the determination in the elfs eyes as he spoke was resolute.

This only added to her confusion. Even without going far, there was the dew of the World Tree, the essence of the elixir, so why would she present herself as a gift?

It didnt make sense to Arwen at all, and she found herself unable to say anything. In the midst of her silence, the spokesperson spoke with a dignified voice.

The true entity that can be called ours is none other than the Queen herself. Presenting the Queen is no different from presenting our entire elven kind. Its a worthy gift for the benefactor who saved us from the contamination of the World Tree, incomparable to any gifts from demons.

What about my opinion? I almost asked but held it back. Initially startled, she gradually swayed in their favor.

Well, theres nothing to be done about it. Could there be a king who refuses when the people want this? Isaac might find it absurd, but he would accept it on the surface, at least.

Furthermore, through that opinion, she came to know how the people currently perceived her. Alvenheim would never abandon her, that was certain. Stories about elves that surfaced during Xenons Biography and the things Fieren shouted made an intense synergy.

Of course, she herself would never abandon Alvenheim. She was someone who wielded power for the sake of ideals rather than greed for power.

Arwen scrutinized their expressions one by one, then coughed softly and reluctantly responded in agreement.

Theres merit in it. I shall consider it.

Another remark then followed.

This isnt for me but for our elven kind.

The elvish communism seeped in steadily.

Translators note:

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