Humanity’s Great Sage Chapter 363: They’ve Gone Crazy

Humanity’s Great Sage: Chapter 363: They’ve Gone Crazy

Translator: Truth

Editor: Dhael Ligerkeys

The cultivators of the Yi Ye Elimination Front were all confused to see Lu Ye fleeing like his life depended on it. Before they could turn around and give chase, they suddenly heard a buzzing noise from somewhere.

Someone asked in puzzlement, “What’s that noise?”

He had just finished asking that question when his gaze became filled with horror. It was because he saw something wriggling beneath the mist where Lu Ye had emerged from earlier. Something massive. The next second, they saw a swarm of Mutant Bees bursting out of the mist and flying straight toward them. They were the source of the buzzing noise.

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To say that the Yi Ye Elimination Front cultivators felt chilled to the bone would be an understatement. They finally understood why Lu Ye had fled without looking back. For whatever reason, the guy was currently being hunted by a massive swarm of Mutant Bees.

The Mutant Bees had incredible flight speed. One second they were still above the mist, and the next they were almost right in front of them.

The Yi Ye Elimination Front cultivators hastily channeled their Spiritual Power and descended to the ground as quickly as they could, but in the end they just weren’t fast enough. As the Mutant Bees washed over them, a number of venomous stings destroyed their protective Spiritual Power and pierced their bodies. They screamed in pain as they fell toward the ground.

It took only a couple seconds before the group of over one dozen cultivators was gone just like that.

The other cultivators rushing over to this location were shocked by what they saw. They hastily halted in their tracks and watched as the swarm, no, the cloud of Mutant Bees flew toward a certain direction.

It was only now Lu Ye had the time to pull out the venomous stings stuck in his body. Every pull caused a small burst of blood.

The stings were long and went deep into his flesh. He was lucky he hadn’t taken a hit in his vitals.

After he was done, he looked back and found that the bee swarm was still chasing after him. Worse, they were moving faster than he normally flew without imbuing his flying Spirit Artifact with Windwalk.

Thankfully, he was using Wings right now. Given enough time, he should be able to shake them off without fail.

He had just thought this when he suddenly felt something strange on his back. Then, he realized that the Spiritual Power within the tattoo wasn’t flowing quite smoothly.

Lu Ye’s expression darkened. He realized immediately that he was in trouble.

Lady Yun had personally inked the Tattoo-type Glyph into his back before he had participated in the Battle of the Legates. At the time, Lady Yun had told him that the temporary Glyph would only last a total of six hours. In other words, the tattoo would lose its function after it had exceeded this time limit.

It had been months since that day, and Lu Ye had been using Wings on and off throughout this period. As a result, the tattoo was finally nearing its limit.

He had been vaguely aware of this, which was why he rarely used it after ascending to the Eighth-Order and gaining the power to control a flying Spirit Artifact. A life-saving tool should be used sparingly after all.

Unfortunately, it was threatening to give up on him at the worst possible moment.

Left with no choice, Lu Ye brought out his Spirit Boat and switched to telekinetic flight before wings completely lost its efficacy. Then, he imbued the Spirit Boat with a Windwalk. Only barely retaining his original flight speed.

He wasn’t done though. He proceeded to swallow a couple Spirit Pills and gulped down an entire bottle of Mystic Fruit cider, regenerating his Spiritual Power quickly.

Wings cost a lot of Spiritual Power to maintain, and the same went with piloting a flying Spirit Artifact that was boosted by Windwalk. That was why he needed to ensure that he wouldn’t run out of Spiritual Power.

The pursuit lasted for two whole hours. When Lu Ye finally shook off the bee swarm behind him, he let out a long sigh of relief and descended to the ground. He then sought out a safe place to catch his breath.

While Lu Ye was resting, many Yi Ye Elimination Front cultivators had caught wind that Lu Ye was being chased by a bee swarm, and that he had already broken through their encirclement.

The news greatly angered them as a matter of course. They had chased the Vanquisher of Sects for over a week and lost hundreds of comrades in the process, but the guy still managed to escape in the end. How could they possibly accept this outcome?

Although they didn’t know why Lu Yi Ye was being hunted by the Mutant Bees, the guy had proven himself to be as tricky as he was fast. The chances that he would be able to escape to safety were pquite high.

The Yi Ye Elimination Front had lost track of Lu Ye. In other words, the hunt was over.

There were some protests, but in the end they had no choice but to accept that their operation was a failure.

The Thousand Demon Ridge cultivators flew out of the forest and over the mist. They were just about to take their leave when suddenly, someone sent out the message saying that Lu Yi Ye had come back. Not only that, he was still being chased by the bee swarm. As no one was expecting the bastard to come back, some of them dodged too late and were killed by the bee swarm. All in all, they had lost yet another dozen or so people. It was horrible to say the least.

Everyone was a bit dumbfounded by this comical turn of events. What on earth did Lu Yi Ye do to the bee swarm that they would pursue him so relentlessly?

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They considered this to be excellent news though. Before this, they were the only ones who were hunting Lu Ye. Now, a swarm of Mutant Bees had joined their ranks, relatively speaking. It delighted them to see that Lu Ye’s evil karma had finally caught up to him.

Sure, they had lost some of their comrades to these Mutant Bees, but it wasn’t like they were doing much better before. The losses were acceptable so long as they could kill Lu Ye.

A brief discussion later, the Yi Ye Elimination Front decided to stay behind. They might not be able to kill Lu Yi Ye before the Mutant Bees, but they would at least bear witness to his pitiful end!

Of course, it would be even better if they could coordinate with the creatures somehow.

Meanwhile, Lu Ye was beyond speechless at the bee swarm chasing after him. Perhaps he had caught some imperceptible scent when he was fighting his way out of the nest, but these Mutant Bees seemed to have a way to find him. Although he managed to shake them off a while ago, he barely caught a brief rest before they caught up to him once more.

While escaping, Lu Ye had changed his clothes and even bathed himself multiple times. However, he still wasn’t able to shake off the bee swarm completely.

Assuming that he could fly his Windwalk-empowered Spirit Boat indefinitely, then he had a chance at shaking them off permanently. Unfortunately, he was losing more Spiritual Power than he was regenerating even at his current cultivation level. Flying a Windwalk-empowered Spirit Boat cost even more Spiritual Power than Wings, and considering his energy reserves there was no way he could keep this up for long.

Since it was impossible to shake them off via brute force, Lu Ye had no choice but to turn back and use the Thousand Demon Ridge cultivators to slow them down. While he was always happy to do damage to the Thousand Demon Ridge, he was aware that it would not improve his situation one bit.

Left with no choice, Lu Ye dropped into the forest and began running between the trees. The forest would slow down the bee swarm and keep them from being able to travel at top speed.

While running, he came face to face with a group of Thousand Demon Ridge cultivators. Both sides were surprised to see one another, but Lu Ye reacted first by producing something from his Storage Bag and tossing it straight at the group. It was none other than a big bee nest.

Someone thought it was an attack and shattered the bee nest in mid-air. Pieces of the nest immediately rained from above while a sweet scent swiftly spread throughout the area. The group turned white with horror when they realized what they had just done.

By now, everyone knew that Lu Yi Ye was being pursued by a swarm of Mutant Bees. That was why the latest plan was to delay Lu Ye as much as possible if they ran into him. Once the Mutant Bees had caught up, the young man would be lucky to escape.

That was the plan, until the sonuvabitch tossed a bee nest at them…

Just a few seconds later, they heard a dreaded buzzing noise behind Lu Ye. They turned around just in time to see what looked like a black thunder cloud passing through the foliage and overwhelming everything in its path. If only it wasn’t actually a cloud…

Lu Ye had already dashed away in another direction, leaving the group behind to face the bee swarm head on…

“RUN!” Someone roared before summoning his flying Spirit Artifact and escaping into the sky. Another person attempted to run away from the bee swarm on foot.

For a moment, it was pure chaos. The bee swarm chasing after Lu Ye abruptly split into several groups. While the main group was still chasing after Lu Ye, the smaller groups were going after the escaping Thousand Demon Ridge cultivators.

It didn’t take long before the Thousand Demon Ridge cultivators were caught up and killed. Even the one who flew away on his flying Spirit Artifact could not escape his fate.

With their strength, they could handle dozens or even a hundred Mutant Bees without a scratch. But millions? Tens of millions? How was anyone supposed to survive that? Even a body tempering cultivator could be killed once their defensive Spirit Artifact and Spiritual Power were destroyed, and the venom was injected into their veins.

Lu Ye was still running when his eyes suddenly lit up with realization. He had been wondering how the Mutant Bees were able to locate him this whole time. He was wearing a new set of clothes, and his body was clean. The only way they could still detect him was if he had caught something that his human nose could not detect, something like the unique scent of bee honey…

It was inevitable that he would catch the scent of honey while he was robbing the Mutant Bees blind in their own home. It was also very difficult to remove this type of scent the normal way.

He had tossed the bee nest at the group of Thousand Demon Ridge cultivators on a whim. He had plenty of ordinary bee nests in his Storage Bags anyway, so it was hardly a big loss even if the experiment had failed.

The outcome was pleasantly surprising to say the least.

Suddenly, Lu Ye realized that being hunted by a swarm of killer bees wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. The group he ran into just now was over thirty cultivators strong, and alone his only options was to escape like hell or die. However, the bee swarm had taken care of it without any problem whatsoever.

[Hmm. I wonder how many groups there are in the forest?]

While running, Lu Ye found the time to message Ju Jia and Yi Yi and tell them to evacuate from the area. He promised he would meet up with them once he was safe.

The Mutant Bees had gone completely crazy. Ju Jia and the others would be in grave danger if they were close by.

It didn’t take long before Yi Yi replied to the message and told him to be careful.

Lu Ye went all out now that he no longer had to worry about accidentally putting Yi Yi, Ju Jia and Amber in danger. Running through the forest was a lot slower than telekinetic flight as, but he was actually doing better than when he was flying thanks to the endless amount of natural obstacles around him. Even still, he didn’t dare to slow down for even a second.

The situation in the Misty Mountains grew even more chaotic. While Lu Ye was running all over the place, he made sure to give every Thousand Demon Ridge group he encountered a bee nest to the face. Naturally, the bee swarm killed all of them. Not counting the casualties they had already incurred, it wasn’t long before they lost over a hundred people.

After all the casualties they had incurred throughout the pursuit, the Yi Ye Elimination Front finally admitted that it was a bad idea to remain in the forest. Considering the circumstances, it would only cost them unnecessary lives.

Reluctant and frustrated, the cultivators of the Yi Ye Elimination Front took to the sky and got ready to withdraw from the Misty Mountains. Lu Yi Ye could fight the bees all by himself. Logically speaking, there was no way a Heaven Seven could survive the bee swarm.

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