Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest Chapter 186 42.1 - Trip

Chapter 186 Chapter 42.1 - Trip


The bell rang as the students looked at their instructor.

"I guess we don’t have much time." The instructor looked at his watch and shook his head. "I will see you on the next Sunday."

With those words, he concluded the class, prompting the students to start chatting among themselves.

In one corner, a group of students discussed the recent assignment, frustration evident on their faces.

One of them sighed, "I still couldn’t figure out the last part of the formula. This report is going to be a disaster."

Another student tried to offer reassurance, "Well, at least they postponed the deadline. We have a bit more time to work on it."

"That’s true," a third student chimed in.

"I needed that extension. I think we can manage if we focus this weekend." As the conversation continued, other groups of students shared their own experiences and strategies for tackling the challenging assignment.

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In the midst of them, I simply walked through the classroom. Since we had finished writing the report on the first day and then submitted it, we didn’t have much left to do.

’In any case, Senior Maya called us to the club today.’

Normally, our meetings would be on weekends, but today, Senior Maya called us for a meeting. It was quite unusual since she herself must have been busy with her responsibilities.

’Why did Senior Maya want to meet today?’

I mulled over the possibilities. Perhaps there were updates on upcoming events, changes in the club schedule, or additional assignments. Regardless, I decided to pass by.

’There is a chance that she will inform us about a possible trip.’

I thought, remembering the game. Even though this club was History and Art, there were times they traveled, even though it may sound odd.

Lost in thought, I felt a presence at my side, and when I turned, Sylvie was walking alongside me.


It was weird for me to not sense her presence while she was approaching. However, soon, I realized the reason Sylvie’s own aura made her blend in the crowd while making people around her comfortable with herself.

’Really, truly a broken ability.’

I thought. Her quiet demeanor and focused expression suggested she was contemplating something as well.

"Hey," seeing me noticing her, she greeted me with a small smile. "Any idea why Senior Maya called us today?"

I was going to talk about it but soon discarded the idea. It would be weird for me to know about it beforehand. So, I shook my head. "Not really. It’s unusual for her to change our meeting day. Maybe there’s something important she wants to discuss or announce."

Sylvie nodded thoughtfully. "Could be. I hope it’s not another surprise assignment. I’ve had enough of magical formulas for a while."

"I doubt it. No matter how enthusiastic she is, she won’t do such a thing."

"….I hope."

I knew Sylvie was quite afraid of Senior Maya, as she always tried to escape whenever she saw her, especially when Maya had snacks with herself.

As Sylvie and I continued our conversation, we made our way to the familiar club room. The halls were quieter now as it was the lunch break, and most students had dispersed to their respective destinations.

"We are here."

At that moment, upon reaching the club room, I felt it—a peculiar sensation, as if someone’s gaze was fixed on me. It sent a shiver down my spine.Top of Form


I unintentionally flinched as my body immediately responded to the intent directed at me. But this time, I knew who the person behind the gaze was.


I cursed inwardly as I looked out the corner of my eye. There, I could see a guy watching me from a classroom while sitting in his seat surrounded by a bunch of students.

It was Trevor Philips. He had been quiet for a while now, but I was always alert to any possible plot he could pull.

As my body tensed from the unexpected gaze, Sylvie noticed my reaction and followed my gaze to Trevor Philips. She furrowed her brows in confusion. "What’s wrong? Why are you looking like that?"

"It’s nothing. Just thought I saw someone I knew." I said since I couldn’t tell this about Sylvie, nor would she understand anyway.

"If you say so. Let’s head inside."

She said and entered the classroom. Our club didn’t have a special office for now, so Maya called us to a lecture hall.

As we entered the hall, Senior Maya was in the midst of wrapping up her conversation with the other student by the window.

"Ah, you’re here,"


Maya had been busy these days, as her assignments and many other things immediately crashed down.

Just like the first-year students, the second-year and others also had a change in their curriculum, and theirs were more severe.

However, at the very least, she still had free time to spare for her club activities. Of course, even though the history and the art might not seem related to the Hunter Academy, she wholeheartedly believed that it was important for her juniors to relax.

Though that itself was a tasking experience, as she was also helping others with when it came to practical exams.

Just when she thought she might be reaching her limit, a welcome surprise arrived in the form of a message from one of her sponsors.

"If you wish, you can take a look at the historical site we’ve reserved for research."

The offer seemed like a much-needed respite, a chance to escape the overwhelming demands of academia, and then decided to accept.

’We have nothing to lose anyway, and this could be a very good change of environment.’

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Not aware of the changes in the curriculum for freshmen, she thought it would be a good idea to travel to a different place. It was also in the scope of their club, so their advisors wouldn’t resist it that much either.

It was a win and win, and she decided to work with the idea. She sent a message to the club members and then called them with a smile.

"Ah, you are here." As the door opened, she saw two young freshmen entering.


She squinted her eyes, seeing the pair.

’I don’t remember the two coming together before.’

Even though she looked slightly airheaded, Maya was a girl who would observe her surroundings a lot. And that was especially the case with the people she was familiar with.


Her Junior was the first one to speak. He seemed curious about why they were called here. She could easily tell from his expression alone.

"Welcome, junior."

Deciding not to think on this matter any longer, she gestured to the two to sit down beside her.

"Please wait a second; I will begin with the announcement soon."


The two sat down, but a small silence descended on the atmosphere, which was something Maya never liked.

And whenever this happened, she herself would always consult one small act.

"Here, have some chips."

The moment those words left her mouth, she noticed the girl beside her junior stiffening for a second.

’Ah, I guess she wants them so bad.’

Noticing that, she inwardly smiled. After all, there was no way anyone would dislike it when someone offered them a snack.

Sylvie, slightly flinched by the unexpected offer, hesitated for a moment before politely declining, "Oh, no, thank you, Senior. I’m not really hungry."

’Ah, she must be shy to accept it easily. I heard some people are not comfortable accepting it this fast, thinking they will look cheap.’

She thought how cute this junior was; being someone with values was hard nowadays. She somehow felt more comfortable around this girl now.

Undeterred, she grinned and insisted, "Come on, don’t be shy. It’s just a small snack. Chips make everything better. Astron, don’t you think so?"

Both Sylvie and Maya turned their head to the young guy who was trying to conceal his presence, but it was too late.

Sylvie especially looked intently at him as if her eyes were saying, ’Save me.’

"…..Cough….They are not bad."

Maya’s eyes twinkled with amusement as she seized the opportunity. "See, Sylvie, even Astron agrees. It’s settled, then. You can’t say no to a unanimous decision." She handed the bag of chips to Sylvie with a bright smile.

As for Sylvie, she could only look at Astron with a betrayed face.

’I don’t have a choice….Even I can’t say anything against Senior Maya….’

And Astron also could only avert his gaze….


"So that was why you called us here?" one of the senior students asked, curiosity evident in her expression.

"Yes, indeed," Maya replied with a smile, a sense of excitement gleaming in her eyes.

"Wouldn’t it be better if we focused on our assignments? The deadlines are approaching, and we’re already falling behind," another student, this time a junior, voiced their concern, eyebrows furrowed with worry.

Maya leaned back, her smile unwavering. "I understand your concerns, and I appreciate your dedication to your studies. However, sometimes, a change of environment can do wonders for creativity and productivity. Besides, this trip is not just for leisure. We have a unique opportunity to visit a historical site reserved for research. It aligns perfectly with our club’s interests, and I believe it can provide a fresh perspective for our projects."

She had already explained the reason why she called everyone here.

"But, a trip is a little…."

Of course, she was well aware of what all students expected when they came into this club. Most of them probably thought they would chill while discussing the historical events, but Maya was never someone who was normal to begin with.

She disliked being normal, after all, and she also knew there would be someone agreeing with her idea as well.

"I think it is good." The voice came from Mason, one of the freshmen. His eyes sparkled with excitement, and the expression on his face seemed pleased. "I always wondered how it would feel to see a real historical site."

Seeing Mason raising his voice, the girl beside him also raised her hand, seemingly brightened, though she sent a bunch of glances to him, probably to see his reaction.

"I agree with Mason. I don’t think we can get this opportunity once again."

It was evident that she was trying to impress the guy.

Maya smiled at Mason’s enthusiasm, appreciating the fresh perspective he brought to the club. "I’m glad to hear that, Mason. This trip is indeed a unique opportunity for all of us."

With those words, she looked around the room.

"Then, it is settled. See you Saturday."

And just like that, the meeting met its end.

"Sylvie, are you free? How about we grab a drink? Others are coming as well."

After the meeting ended, Mason approached Sylvie as usual as before.

"Not interested."

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