Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest Chapter 200 44.2 - Investigation

Chapter 200 44.2 - Investigation

DING! While I was investigating the scene, I suddenly got a message from my smartwatch.

[Horde: Sir, the files you have requested are all ready.]

Opening it, I noticed where it came from.

’Just in time.’

I couldn’t find any more details about the place I was in, aside from some claw marks and saliva substances on the ground. None of them was enough concrete evidence to understand what kind of enemy I was facing.

Most demons had claws. If I had enough materials at my disposal, I would be able to analyze what kind of demon this was. But, sadly, I didn’t have time for that.

Cooperating with local security was possible, though I had already sent a message to Amelia about that. They will probably come here as well and will investigate after Amelia’s words.

I decided to head to a nearby coffee shop, a place where I could gather my thoughts and read through the documents sent by the Horde. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air as I entered, providing a momentary respite from the tension that clung to the night.

Choosing a quiet corner, I sat down, the smartwatch casting a soft glow on the table as I opened the files.

As I settled into the quiet corner of the coffee shop, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloping me, I began delving into the files provided by the Horde. The soft glow of my smartwatch illuminated the table, creating an isolated pocket of focus amidst the ambient noise.

The compiled information detailed a series of recent kidnappings in Western Uxbridge, shedding light on the patterns, locations, and potential suspects involved.

The reports presented a grim narrative, and as I scanned through the documents, specific details emerged:

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Missing Persons List:

1. Emily

Job: Office Worker

Last Seen Location: Maple Street

Last Seen Time: 7:45 PM

Last Seen Date: 8/11/2003

2. Daniel Johnson

Job: Store Clerk

Last Seen Location: Riverside Park

Last Seen Time: 8:20 PM

Last Seen Date: 9/11/2003

3. Olivia Harris

Job: Waitress

Last Seen Location: Old Library, Elm Avenue

Last Seen Time: 6:55 PM

Last Seen Date: 9/11/2003

4. Benjamin Rodriguez

Job: Warden

Last Seen Location: Coal Factory, Oak Street

Last Seen Time: 9:10 PM

Last Seen Date: 10/11/2003

11. Sophia Carter

Job: Graduate – Researcher

Last Seen Location: Alley Behind the Arcade, Birch Street

Last Seen Time: 8:30 PM

Last Seen Date: 14/11/2003


Serial numbers 002 to 011 represent additional names that have surfaced, indicating a concerning pattern of disappearances.

Each person’s job, last seen location, last seen time, and last seen date are detailed for a comprehensive understanding of the incidents.


Looking at the list in front of me, I noticed there had been eleven different missing people report cases.

’What is with this number?’

No matter what, the amount of people missing was too much for a small city.

’Are they waiting for orders, or is this common?’

I was not familiar with how things worked in Western Uxbridge; however, even then, looking at what was before me, it became evident that this case was something important.


This was one of the disadvantages of living in places like these. Most of the officers who view such cities as countryside will boldly assume nothing happened, and they will slack off. 𝔣𝔯𝖊𝔢𝖜𝔢𝔟𝖓𝖔𝔳𝔢𝖑.𝔠𝖔𝔪

"Well, thanks to that, I was able to have access to these files anyway."

Getting files from Arcadia City Local Awakened Security would be a lot harder and would take a longer time, so one can say this worked in my favor.

’Now, to start.’

Delving into the files, I started checking the case.

Occupational Variety:

The victims held various occupations, including an office worker, a store clerk, a waitress, a warden, and a graduate researcher. No discernible connection based on occupation could be identified.

Of course, the first thing was this. Since I initially assumed this was the work of a demon, it made sense that such a pathetic and lower creature wouldn’t be able to discern what its target’s occupation was.

Common Locations:

The last locations of the victims were diverse, ranging from warehouses to parks, libraries, and factories. There seemed to be no apparent geographical pattern.

This made things a bit harder. With no exact pattern appearing, that meant the demon could be anywhere around the city.

’Of course, it will have a hideout. But, how can I discern.’

Would it be in the middle of the city? An abandoned factory, building, house? Or was it different?

It was impossible to discern just by looking at the patterns. If they were concentrated on one part of the city, then it might have been possible.

Timing Discrepancies:

Of course, this part was not that valuable. A person’s last seen time is generally reported by the person who filed the case; thus, the error rate is a lot higher. However, even then, from the disappearance times alone and them never appearing, it can easily be discerned that the demon is working at night.

’A demon that works at night.’

Different from what one thinks in general, demons are not that much of a night creature. Most of them prefer staying on light. However, there are also many who lurk at night.

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’MistWraith is a perfect example of that.’

The demon I killed after coming to this game could be presented as an example.

’There are many others just like that.’

However, of course, knowing this fact alone, I could narrow the types of demons a lot, but still, that wouldn’t make it concrete.

Last Seen Dates:

The last seen dates spanned from the 8th to the 14th of November 2003. The disappearance cases were just recent, and other than that, the last case before them was a month ago.

’That means the demon started being active around 8th November.’

But what could be the reason for that?

Did it come to this place right at that time from outside, or was there a different reason?

Also, from the dates alone, the frequency of the disappearance cases increased. One may ask, what if the dates don’t directly represent the date they disappeared?

Considering most of them had regular jobs and none of them clocked in the following day, this can be concluded.

Therefore, the increase in the disappearance cases also indicated that the demon either got more comfortable around the city over time or needed to appear more.

’The latter is more likely.’

Most predators know the risks. Therefore, they have a biological clock inside them. If, for some reason, the demon needed to capture more people, then it would do its best to satisfy this requirement. Else, it wouldn’t risk itself.

’In any case, I will need more details to find out what the guy’s motives are.’

As I mulled over these observations, I decided to seek more detailed information from the Horde.

[Omega_1: I have a critical mission for you. I need detailed information on each victim in the recent disappearance cases in Western Uxbridge. Backgrounds, habits, connections – anything that might shed light on the pattern or motive behind these incidents.]

[Horde: Understood, sir. We’ll get to work on it right away. Expect the files shortly.]

[Omega_1: Swift and thorough, as always. Make sure to dig deep; I need every possible detail.]

[Horde: Consider it done. We’ll contact you once we have the comprehensive information; it won’t take too long.]

Now that I had a bunch of things in my head and I took a small break, it was time to get to work once again.



"Thank you."

After paying for the coffee, I slowly left the place.


Once again, the cold weather hit me as I got outside. But it also acted as a reminder that I needed to be fast.

’It is getting late. At this hour, most of the people will start returning their home.’

Considering I was planning to talk with the people of the town to learn more about the local place, I needed them not to be suspicious of me.

’But it is still better to sit down and do nothing.

Even if I can’t talk with people, I could at least check the places where the missing people were last seen and try to find some possible evidence.

Opening the map on my smartwatch, I began heading towards the locations I had marked as the last seen places of the missing individuals.

The city at night wore a different ambiance, with the glow of streetlights casting long shadows on the deserted streets.

As I walked through the quiet alleys and dimly lit streets, I couldn’t help but notice the contrast between the peaceful facade of the city and the underlying tension brought by the recent series of disappearances.

SWOOSH! Then, I immediately blended into the shadows using my trait and masked my presence. Rapidly moving on the roofs and to shorten the distance, I reached the first location.

The first stop was Maple Street, where Emily, the office worker, was last seen. She had been seen entering this place, and then there weren’t any reports of her getting out.

Of course, the streets were long, and there were many houses that she could possibly be. But, if it is the work of a night demon, then it is highly likely that said demon has the ability to intercept other people’s senses.

So, I just walked around with the most caution.

As I walked along the desolate street, my eyes caught a faint glimmer on one of the walls.

Closer inspection revealed claw marks etched into the brickwork.


I closed my eyes and compared the small cuts with the ones I had seen in the recent location.

’It matches.’

As I carefully examined the claw marks on the brick wall, I noted the differences between these marks and those found at the more recent location. The width of the claws matched, indicating a similar origin, but there was a distinct variance in their depth.

"These marks are not as deep," I murmured to myself, running my fingers lightly over the grooves in the brickwork.

’And there are signs of struggle.’

Considering Emily was an office worker, then it didn’t make sense that she was able to make such an overpowered demon struggle against herself.

This further indicated that the demon responsible for Emily’s disappearance might not have been at its full strength during this particular incident.

It occurred to me that demons, like any creature, could have fluctuations in their power. If this night demon was weaker during Emily’s abduction, it could explain the shallower claw marks and the struggle she put up against it.

My mind worked to piece together the puzzle. The demon’s strength seemed to vary, and if I could understand the pattern behind these fluctuations, it might provide a crucial advantage in tracking and confronting the creature.

’I will be able to check it from other locations.’

Since this happened quite a long time ago, things like saliva couldn’t be seen.

Acknowledging the significance of the information gathered from Emily’s last seen location, I decided to move on to the next destination on the list. The realization that the strength of the demon might vary offered a potential key to understanding its vulnerabilities.

Leaving Maple Street, I traversed the quiet city, making my way to Riverside Park, the next location where a person had gone missing. Daniel Johnson, the store clerk, had last been seen in this area. As I approached the park, the atmosphere grew more ominous, a stark contrast to its daytime tranquility.

I swiftly ascended to the rooftops, using my [Shadowborne] trait to navigate the terrain without alerting anyone to my presence. Riverside Park was expansive, with several potential hiding spots. The challenge was to identify any signs that matched the pattern I had observed earlier.

As I moved along the rooftops, my eyes scanned the surroundings for any irregularities. The moonlight cast an eerie glow on the park below, emphasizing the emptiness and silence that pervaded the area. My senses remained heightened, ready to detect the slightest disturbance.

It wasn’t long before I noticed a subtle glimmer on a nearby tree. Descending with caution, I examined the trunk and found faint claw marks. Unlike the previous location, these marks appeared deeper, suggesting a stronger and more capable demon.

’So, the strength of the demon is increased after the first time.’

Either it was related to the location, or the demon got stronger with time.


Though I didn’t want to think about it, my mind was reaching an ominous conclusion.

DING! At that moment, I heard the notification coming from my watch.

[Horde: Sir, the information you requested is ready.]


At the same time, a ringing sound echoed.

[Received Call: Senior Amelia]

It was a call coming from Amelia.

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