Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest Chapter 214 47.5 - Her Change

Chapter 214 Chapter 47.5 - Her Change

214 Chapter 47.5 - Her Change

It had been a little while since I felt comfortable.


That word alone made me immediately feel something was different. The sensation at the back of my head was both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.

It was something that I hadn’t felt for a long time.

"You are awake."

The voice reached me, and as I opened my eyes, the sight that greeted me was one of unexpected serenity. There, looking down at me with a gentle smile, was Senior Maya.

Her delicate features were bathed in soft light, her skin radiant and gleaming. Her once-crimson eyes had reverted to their familiar shade of blue, and a sense of tranquility emanated from her presence.

It was a different atmosphere she gave compared to how she had been just before. It was like she became herself, but at the same time, she changed a little.

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I didn’t want to stand like this. I felt uncomfortable lying in this position. It was not because I remembered things I didn’t want to....Definitely.

"How long I had been asleep?" I asked while trying to stand.


However, her hand on my forehead blocked me, not letting me do as I wanted. And, for some reason, the force behind that head wasn’t something I could go against.


I also felt a little weak. No, it wasn’t that I felt weak; it was just I couldn’t feel the same strength coursing through me, probably because Sylvie’s [Blessing] had disappeared, which meant my stats must have returned to their original parameters.

"Junior, you are still tired."

Senior Maya smiled warmly as she tapped on my forehead with a gentle touch. The force she used to pin me was nowhere to be seen.

Her smile was a smile that spoke of relief, as if a burden had been lifted. Her eyes, now clear and filled with kindness, reflected the genuine concern she felt.

But I still didn’t want to stay in this position. I also didn’t feel that much tired either.

"I am no-"

"You are. Why don’t you listen to your elders?" However, my words were interrupted.


"Right. This is how you should behave?"

Seeing the smile, I was annoyed.

"…..Just a moment before, you weren’t behaving like an elder, though."

"What did you say?"

I couldn’t resist when an opportunity like this presented itself as I pointed out, "Just a moment ago, you weren’t behaving like an elder, Senior. You were acting more like a child who just got what they wanted."

Maya’s eyes widened, and a faint blush tinted her cheeks. She stammered for a moment, seemingly caught off guard. "I-I wasn’t! I was just... uh, thirsty. Yes, thirsty!"

For some reason, I wanted to tease her a little further. "Thirsty, huh? You drank my blood like a little kid enjoying a drink."

"Th-that’s not true! I was just... ugh!" Her face flushed even more, and she covered her eyes with her hands as if trying to hide herself from the world. But then, she slightly opened her fingers, revealing her clear blue eyes.

"S-sorry…." An apology was the only thing she could utter at that moment. It seemed she still couldn’t get over how she behaved.

Her innocence remained the same.

"It is fine," I mumbled. "I did it on my own accord."

"But it must have hurt, right?" Maya’s concern was evident in her voice as she continued, her gaze fixed on me. "I know your body was not in the best condition, and I must have put a strain on you. I didn’t mean to... I just couldn’t control myself."

However, as she mentioned about hurting, I remember the sensations I had felt. When she pushed her fangs into my body, rather than feeling pain, I felt a different sensation.

’It was a pleasure.’

The place she bit was filled with pleasure, and at the same time, I felt a little numb. It wasn’t simply the pain. Thus, I knew one thing for a fact.

’She is a little different from other vampires.’

I didn’t know why it was in detail, but if her evolution were interrupted at the half because of me, then she would be in an unpredictable state.

’Did she finish her own evolution?’

That seemed plausible. Even though it was probably an extremely rare case, if it was Senior Maya, it would make sense since she wouldn’t want to hurt anyone.

’Such an evolution probably resulted because of her own feelings and how she limited herself.’

It was truly a remarkable achievement. Even in the face of such an adversary, she still retained a characteristic of herself.

It was something worthy of respect, not something that needs to be apologized for.

"You shouldn’t apologize." So, I couldn’t help but utter.


"You shouldn’t apologize," I repeated, looking directly into her eyes. The surprise on her face was evident, and I felt the need to reassure her. "It didn’t hurt, Senior Maya. In fact, it felt... different."

"D-different?" Her eyes widened, and a deeper shade of pink spread across her cheeks.

I nodded, opting for honesty. "It felt good in a strange way. Not the pain I expected, but more like a peculiar sensation. It’s hard to explain."

Maya’s embarrassment escalated. She fidgeted with her fingers, her eyes avoiding mine. "U-uh, I didn’t mean to... um, well, I’m glad it didn’t hurt?"

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"You should be."

"But junior, are you really that type?"

"That type? What do you mean?"

"Well, I heard once from my friend. She was talking about her senior who loved feeling pain, and it felt pleasurable for him. So, I thought maybe you are also like that."

"Huh?" The moment I heard that, I looked at Maya with disbelief. But, it seemed my eyes gave the wrong signal to her.

"I-if you really like such a thing, I wouldn’t mi-"However, the more she continued to speak, even I started feeling embarrassed.


And I immediately stood up, not being able to sit on those thighs any longer. It was so embarrassing already, and those words hit the mark.

"Wh-" She seemed surprised at my sudden movement, but her eyes followed my every movement.

"I think you are gravely misunderstanding something," I said, looking at her clueless face. "I’m not into that. It was just a unique sensation, probably because of your... condition."

At the mention of that, she nodded her head. "Oh….I see…" She didn’t even feel embarrassed at what she just said. "I am sorry if I assumed wrong."

Even though she uttered apologies, it was more like a sorry for not understanding, not because she was embarrassed.

’Innocence is a bliss….’

I realized then that she probably didn’t mean anything sexual by enjoying pain. She probably didn’t even know much about such things.

"Seriously, you are such a mood killer." I couldn’t help but mumble.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing. Let’s just leave."


It seemed she was regretful a little, but what could I say?

It was her own fault.

’Blame your innocence….Or, blame the fact that I knew…’

Just like that, we stood up and started getting ready to leave.


The moment Astron and Maya had left those tunnels, the first thing they did was return to the hotel.

Though Astron came by himself, and Maya came later all alone.

And Amelia and Sylvie were the first two to welcome Maya.

"Maya!" Amelia exclaimed, her eyes wide with a mix of relief and worry. She rushed forward and enveloped Maya in a tight embrace, her pent-up emotions bubbling to the surface. Tears welled up in her eyes, a testament to the concern she had been harboring during Maya’s absence.

"Where were you? We were so worried!" Amelia’s voice wavered, a combination of joy at seeing Maya safe and the residual anxiety of the unknown.

Maya, too, felt the weight of the moment. She returned the hug, her own eyes moist with unspoken emotions. "I’m sorry, Amelia. It’s... it’s a little long story….."

Sylvie, standing beside them, watched the reunion with a soft smile. The tension that had gripped both her and Senior Amelia seemed to dissipate as Maya returned to them.

But her eyes turned to the person beside her. He, who was looking at the scene with his normal cold purple eyes, felt a little different.She had already called him the moment she was notified that Maya had returned.

"Are you okay?" Sylvie asked, looking at him.

"Yeah. Thanks to you."

Sylvie smiled, a genuine warmth in her eyes. "It was nothing. I’m just glad I could be of any help, and you’re both safe now."

"Yeah." He nodded his head.

’But, something feels different.’ Sylvie thought inwardly. It wasn’t just a simple vibe change. For some reason, the aura that she could sense from Astron came as different.

"Junior Sylvie." At that moment, Maya’s voice came from the sides.

Sylvie turned towards Maya, who had a genuine smile on her face. "Thank you, Sylvie. For staying with Amelia and helping out. I appreciate it."

Sylvie smiled back, feeling a warmth in her heart. "It was okay, Senior. I’m just glad everything worked out."

Maya’s eyes, however, held a subtle change. There was something otherworldly about her, something Sylvie couldn’t quite put her finger on. It was as if Maya had brought back a piece of the unknown with her.

Sylvie’s instincts tingled; it was a little eerie, but she dismissed it, attributing it to the lingering tension of the recent events.

’I am probably misunderstanding.’

She wanted to say that, but at this point, she had learned to trust her senses. The change she felt from Astron was a lot more drastic when it came to Maya.

"Now, we need to report to authorities."

However, in this group, there was someone who knew the importance. As Astron said that, Maya also nodded her head.

"You are right. I should report it."

"Let me contact the academy and the officers first," Amelia said and turned his head to Astron. "Also, while you were away, another bunch of officials came."

"Another bunch of officials?"

"Yes. They said they were from the Demonic Human Bureau. They wanted to talk to you." Hearing this, Astron turned to face Sylvie.

"Yes. They already asked me about what happened, and they also want to talk to you." Sylvie also nodded and confirmed. However, she seemed a little scared by the mention of the Demonic Human Bureau, and Astron knew why.

"Okay. I will contact them soon."

After all, they were one of the ones that betrayed the humanity….

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