Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest Chapter 226 50.2 - A quick lesson

Chapter 226 Chapter 50.2 - A quick lesson


226 Chapter 50.2 - A quick lesson

"This should be enough for today."

As time went on, Sylvie forgot how fast it passed. She felt like, in the blink of an eye, the time to train was finished, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

"Ah..." Sylvie couldn’t help but feel a tinge of regret that the training was over, yet a profound sense of relief washed over her.

It was as if, in Astron’s company, the weight of her worries had momentarily lifted. The comforting thought lingered in her mind, creating a sense of peace she hadn’t felt in a long time.

’That’s right.’

The memories that had been haunting her for the past few days weren’t there as she was focused. She knew very well that focusing on something helped, and that was the reason why she was pushing herself that hard.

But even then, fundamentally, something was different. She didn’t feel this comfortable and relaxed, just as before.

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"You did well."

As his calm voice echoed in her head, she turned to look at him. His face was as stern as ever without much change. Someone who didn’t know would probably think he was just offering empty praise. But she, who had been observing him for a while, knew for a fact that he was actually genuine.

That was even without checking his emotions with her talent. She instinctively knew.

"Thank you." She smiled and nodded her head. Her body was aching all around as Astron didn’t spare her from his rigorous training.

These last two hours, after the initial embarrassment, were actually filled with an intense workout session.

As Sylvie attempted to stand and express her gratitude, her muscles protested vehemently. Every inch of her body ached, and the fatigue from the intense training manifested in the unsteady way she rose.

"Oof..." she muttered as she stumbled, momentarily losing her balance. It was as if her legs had forgotten their usual coordination, weakened by the strenuous exercises Astron had put her through. Despite the discomfort, a sense of accomplishment tinged with soreness settled within her.

"Easy there," Astron said, steadying her with a firm grip on her arm. His touch sent a shiver through her, a peculiar mix of warmth and grounding assurance.

Sylvie managed a sheepish smile, acknowledging both the physical strain and the subtle little thing she felt with Astron. "I guess I have some more practicing to do."

"You certainly do have," Astron replied as he slowly let her adjust her balance.

Of course, when her muscles were this stressed, it was normal for her body not to adjust to that feeling.

’I won’t be able to walk at this rate.’ She thought. ’But, this is not right.’

Knowing that she needed to train more, the state of her body wasn’t acceptable. She refused to stay weak like that. Thus, she was going to train more now. And there was only one thing she could do about that.

Her eyes, filled with fierceness, were closed as she concentrated on her feelings of muscles and arms.

She was about to use her powers and mana to relieve the tension and the fatigue accumulated on her muscles, making them return to their optimal position, just as she had done before.


"Stop." The single word uttered by Astron cut through Sylvie’s concentration like a sharp blade. Startled, her eyes flew open, meeting his intense gaze. His hand rested gently on her forehead, and the sudden touch sent shivers down her spine.

"Hick-?" she began, caught off guard and a little embarrassed by the unexpected interruption. The proximity of his cold hand against her warm skin heightened her awareness of his touch.

’His hands are cold.’

She couldn’t help but think about whether he was healthy, as his skin was also pale compared to others. His body was also cold the last time as well, and that brought the memories of that time in the dungeon.

"You were about to use your powers again," Astron explained calmly, withdrawing his hand. He was looking at her with a squinting gaze, but inside, there was something she was familiar with. It was as if he knew what she was doing.

"What do-" Sylvie wanted to ask what he meant by that, but her words were intercepted.

"I appreciate your enthusiasm, Sylvie, but pushing your limits too far can have consequences."

"I am not push-"

"Look at your eyes. You are deprived of your sleep. Your focus is lacking, and your response timings are a lot lower than it was before." His words were sharp and precise, and they were right on the mark.

’He reads me like a book.’

Sylvie lowered her head, a mixture of embarrassment and realization washing over her. Astron’s sharp observations cut through her attempts to mask her fatigue and determination. It was as if he could see through her facade, exposing the vulnerabilities she tried to hide.

"I just wanted to train," she admitted, her voice slightly subdued. "I don’t want to remain weak." As she blurted what she felt, she couldn’t look him in the eye.


However, she couldn’t help but raise her head as no response came from his side. And when she raised her head, she couldn’t help but widen her eyes. Astron was looking at her with a slightly different expression.

"It must have been hard."

As if he knew how she felt.


"You couldn’t sleep because you couldn’t forget, right?" Astron’s words echoed with a somber understanding as if he had also tasted the bitter fruit of sleepless nights and haunting memories.

Sylvie’s eyes widened, a mix of surprise and vulnerability surfacing. Astron’s perception seemed to reach beyond the physical, delving into the depths of her emotional struggles. It was a revelation that left her both exposed and seen.

"You know," he continued, his voice carrying a weight of shared experience, "pushing yourself to your limits while drawing in guilt is not the way to do it."

His words hung in the air, resonating with a wisdom born of personal trials. Sylvie felt a connection, a subtle bridge between their experiences, even though she knew Astron’s past remained veiled in mystery.

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"I once knew a person like you," Astron continued, his voice carrying a weight of reminiscence. "Someone who overexerted themselves, pushing beyond their limits. At the end of it all, they almost lost control."

Sylvie’s eyes widened at the revelation. The connection between Astron’s words and her own struggles struck a chord within her. It was as if he was sharing a cautionary tale, a narrative that echoed the dangers of unchecked determination.

"That person," Astron continued, "they sought strength, just like you. But in their pursuit, they neglected the importance of balance and control. It almost cost them everything."

His words painted a vivid picture of the consequences of overextending oneself, a lesson that Sylvie found herself absorbing with a mix of gratitude and trepidation. The vulnerability in Astron’s voice hinted at a personal investment in the tale, a shadow of his own past.

"So, you should be careful with your own self." He mumbled, looking at the bright sun. "That person didn’t have any people to talk to."

He paused for a moment as if reflecting on the weight of isolation and the dangers it posed. Sylvie listened attentively, her own thoughts mingling with the somber tone of Astron’s words.

"Because they couldn’t talk to anyone," he continued, "they almost drowned themselves in self-loathing. It’s a path that doesn’t lead to anything good."

Astron’s confession carried a sincerity that resonated with Sylvie. She felt a sense of urgency in his words as if he were imparting a crucial lesson drawn from personal experience.

"But you are different," he said, turning his gaze back to Sylvie. "You have people around you, friends, family. You don’t need to tread such a path. There are many who would listen to you and support you. You are fine in your own way."

His words were a gentle reassurance, a reminder that seeking strength didn’t have to be a solitary journey, but at the same time, Sylvie felt something.

His tone of voice felt a little…..Shaky? The emotions she could see in his color palette were also a little different.

The normally gray and indifferent area was now-


As if something was missing.

’No. That is not the case.’

But as she looked further, she realized it wasn’t a feeling of emptiness but a feeling of longing and loneliness. Underneath his words and the mask of poker face, she could see him longing for certain someone.

She both felt a little concern seeing the human side of this guy who seemingly behaved like a robot….

’Who is it?’

And she felt something heavy inside. It was a new feeling….A feeling that she wasn’t particularly familiar with, yet she intuitively knew that feeling wasn’t something good.

She felt annoyed at the fact that she was longing for someone while she was right in front.

"Then are you included in one of those?" She asked, looking at him with her eyes filled with fierceness, contrasting her demeanor just before.


"I am just asking. Will you listen if I speak? If I tell you my worries, will you listen to me and give me comfort?"

Sylvie’s inquiry cut through the air, and a brief moment of hesitation flickered across Astron’s usually composed face.

"I have my own limitations," he began, his voice measured. "I’m not the most empathetic person, and I may not provide the comfort you seek."

Sylvie, undeterred, intensified her gaze, trying to discern the unspoken emotions behind Astron’s words. "Why? Why do you think you are not the person? What makes you unsuited for that role?"

"….." He didn’t respond, as he could only lower his head. For some reason, right now, in front of Sylvie, Astron felt like a little kid who had lost his light.

She knew his struggles. Even though it felt like it was a long time ago, in fact, it had been just three months since he had changed that much. She herself knew his struggles, so her annoyance grew at his words.

’You don’t deserve it.’

"You…." She wanted to continue, but suddenly, Astron’s demeanor changed. His color palette also changed drastically in a second, as if something had taken control of him.

"That is enough." Astron cut her off, standing from where he sat. His gaze returned to its initial coldness, the same calculating and unresponsive look.

Sylvie, though irritated by his sudden change, held back her words, sensing that something had shifted within him. Astron took a moment to compose himself before addressing her again.

"Using your healing powers on your body is not the solution," he said, his voice firm. "You need to remember how those muscles feel, even in fatigue. It’s crucial for you to activate them correctly the next time."

Sylvie, now slightly taken aback by the intensity of his tone, nodded in understanding. Astron’s words, though sharp, carried a weight of expertise, and she realized the importance of retaining the physical sensations to enhance her abilities.

"That is enough for today. See you next time."

Astron turned to leave, the air thick with a sudden tension.

However, Sylvie herself instinctively knew this opportunity would never come again, as she knew what kind of a person Astron was.

’I won’t stay still.’

Sylvie, her curiosity piqued, couldn’t let the opportunity slip away.

"Wait," she called after him, and Astron halted, glancing back at her.

"What happened to that person you were talking about?" she inquired, her eyes searching his for any glimpse of the untold story behind his cautionary tale.

For a moment, Astron’s expression wavered, caught between openness and reservation, and Sylvie had noticed it.

Yet, as quickly as it appeared, the vulnerability vanished, replaced by the familiar impassiveness.

"That person," he cryptically replied, his voice devoid of emotion, "is still searching for their own path." With those words, he resumed his departure, leaving Sylvie with unanswered questions lingering in the air.

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