Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest Chapter 259 60.5 - Phantom’s Land

Chapter 259 Chapter 60.5 - Phantom’s Land

After the lecture, Irina and Astron had a very long talk about his own idea about the Phantom’s Land itself.

’This guy….’

And the more she listened to his idea, the more she couldn’t help but get impressed. To be able to come up with such a thing wasn’t hard. Most of the mages could easily think of the reverse-engineering process as a concept.

However, when it came to applying that in both calculations on paper and reality, they would stumble.

What Astron did was solve it just at point. The way he provided insights pointed to the source of the problem exactly. Irina herself was one of the best mages amongst her peers, and she was pretty confident in her analytic capabilities.

’If he wanted, he could easily get a job as a scholar….’

But even she had to acknowledge the fact that this guy was something else. Even right now, Astron could just focus on studying magic and would most likely become a scholar in just a year with his capabilities.

’Though, he will obviously never do that.’

Irina sat in their bungalow, surrounded by holographic diagrams and equations that Astron had prepared for her.

The concept of reverse-engineering Integrated Magical Circuits for the specific environment of Phantom’s Land lingered in her mind.

She traced the lines on the holographic display, pondering the potential applications of harnessing the land’s unique characteristics.

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Astron’s idea intrigued was certainly plausible.

Deep in thought, Irina considered the diagrams and calculations that Astron had handed over to her. He had simplified the complex theory, making it more accessible for her to grasp. The challenge now was to translate those theoretical concepts into practical magical applications.

As her fingers danced over the holographic controls, she began experimenting with the magical circuits.

Irina focused on manipulating the mist, attempting to create a spell that would allow her to control and shape the ethereal substance unique to Phantom’s Land.

’If I can do it in this way, then…..I can do it this way, too.’

But, what she had in her mind wasn’t to control the mist but rather to retrace the spell. If she could somehow retrace the spell and find a way to ’feel’ it, she was sure she could do it for any other of a similar kind.

Though she didn’t know, Astron actually knew her talent. His observant eyes were already well aware of the fact that Irina’s talent didn’t come from her speed of calculations but her innate talent to understand without even thinking.

She basically lived those magics herself.

While his approach was rooted in analytical calculations, Irina’s strength lay in her ability to intuitively grasp the essence of magic.

As Irina continued to experiment, she felt a sense of deep connection. It was as if the mist around her was an extension of herself.

With subtle manipulations, she was able to reveal the underlying magic that shaped Phantom’s Land through the holographic display.

’I see, so this works like that.’

While alone, Irina explored the complexities of the mist, carefully manipulating the holographic controls like a conductor leading a magical symphony.

Well, that was definitely an exaggeration, but she wasn’t in the mood to correct herself.

’Quantum Entanglement.’

Astron had named it in such a manner. Though she wasn’t sure why he named it ’Quantum,’ the word’ Entanglement’ was quite correct.

Drawing inspiration from her extensive knowledge of magical theory and Astron’s writings, Irina began to employ principles of quantum entanglement.

At first, it was hard.

’No, it should be like that.’


’No, again.’

She used psionics to bridge consciousness and magic in her experiments. Her thoughts blended with the magic, creating a spectrum of light on the display.

’No, again.’

But, it was still not enough. Even though she could see the spectrum, that wasn’t the desired output; she needed to see more detailed information out there.

Irina experimented with various approaches to understand the essence of the mist in Phantom’s Land.

’No, again.’

She manipulated the holographic controls and tried different combinations, but the breakthrough she craved remained elusive.

As she persisted, the mist responded to her thoughts, revealing glimpses of its magic. Frustration threatened to surface, but Irina pressed on. After all, she felt like she was at least getting closer.

Though no one was pressing on her on this matter, it felt like she needed to do her best.

Then, like a thief on the verge of unlocking a case, she felt it – a subtle sensation, a whisper in the psionic currents. It was akin to that elusive tick noise, a sound heard by a thief skilled enough to open a secured lock without any lock in the movies.


In an instant, everything aligned. The mist unraveled, revealing its mysteries, and Irina felt a transcendent connection beyond anything.

’I hear it.’

It was like she was now inside the mist itself, not physically but in terms of constructing the magic itself.

’I’ve got it.’

After all, the Phantom’s Land wasn’t here fifty years ago, and it appeared suddenly out of nowhere. That was why it was classified as a ’Phenomenon.’

Mages could only explain it as the interference of mana with the world.

Irina’s eyes widened with realization, and a triumphant smile graced her lips. The mist, once an enigma, now yielded its secrets to her mastery.

"I’ve got it!"

Irina exclaimed with unrestrained joy, feeling the rush of success coursing through her veins. Her triumphant moment echoed in the room as she reveled in her mastery over the mist’s magic.

"Ahahaha! I did it!" she continued, her laughter echoing through the chamber.

Just as she was reveling in her accomplishment, a voice from the side interrupted her jubilation. "Impressive. You finally cracked it."


Irina was caught off guard and jumped in her place with a yelp. Her heart raced as she turned to the source of the voice. It was Astron, standing there with his characteristic indifference as if he had materialized out of thin air.

"Whoa! Bastard, are you a ghost?" She even swore a little, not being able to contain her words.

Astron raised an eyebrow, acknowledging her surprise. "You looked quite immersed. I didn’t want to disturb your process."

Irina, still recovering from the shock, huffed. "Couldn’t you at least make some noise or announce yourself? Sneaking up on people is not cool, you know."

Astron shrugged, unfazed. "You seemed focused. I didn’t want to break your concentration. Congratulations, by the way. Impressive breakthrough."

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Irina, regaining her composure, grinned. "Well, it is all thanks to you."

After all, if he hadn’t provided her with his calculations and the concept itself, she would never be able to come up with this process.

But, hearing this, he shook his head.

"Not really."


"If not for you, I wouldn’t be able to do anything. I just came up with the idea."

"That is the hard part."

"Nope. Probably only a handful of people could solve what I had written there in such a short amount of time. Coming up with the ideas is certainly important, but not all ideas are applicable, and people like you are the ones making it possible."

Irina felt an odd warmth spreading through her chest at Astron’s sincere acknowledgment. It was a rare occurrence to hear him praise her in such a way, and she couldn’t deny the genuine happiness welling up inside her. As he spoke, she sensed her cheeks turning crimson, and an unfamiliar fluttering feeling danced in her stomach.

"Hey, stop it," she mumbled, trying to downplay the emotions bubbling up within her.

"Stop what?"

"Stop praising me like that. It’s... it’s weird," Irina stammered. "This is not like you."

Astron tilted his head slightly, studying her reaction. "Weird? I was just stating the facts."

"Well, it’s making me feel weird. Just stop," Irina insisted, attempting to hide the blush on her cheeks.

"Are you possessed or something?"

"You are the one possessed, bastard! Just leave me alone!"

"You! What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you cursing me now?"

"Shut up and leave me alone."

"Tch. What a weird woman," Astron muttered, shaking his head before exiting the room.



As the door closed behind him, Irina slumped into a chair, her face buried in her knees. Despite her attempt to appear indifferent, a slight grin played on her lips.

The mix of emotions – the unexpected praise, the warmth in her chest, and the fluttering feeling – left her in a state of confusion.

"Stupid Bastard," she murmured to herself, her voice muffled by her knees.

The conflicting emotions seemed to have brought out an unusual side of her, and she couldn’t quite comprehend the intensity of her reaction.

But she herself didn’t notice that her small grin was creepy as hell…..



Beneath the ancient canopy, where moonlight fought a losing battle against the thick mist, the figure slinked through the gnarled trees with the ominous grace of a predator.

His every step seemed to whisper secrets to the forest floor, and the air was laden with a foreboding tension.

A wicked laughter, sharp and unsettling, echoed through the trees, sending shivers down the spine of every living creature in the woods. The figure’s gleaming claws traced malevolent patterns on the bark as if etching the forest’s dread into the very fabric of nature.

"Kekekeke... the child of the moon is near," the figure crooned, his voice a sinister melody that resonated with the haunting notes of the Mist.

In the midst of his journey, the figure’s senses heightened, detecting the distant heartbeat of a lone human waiting in front of his destination.


A wicked grin spread across his obscured face, and his laughter, a macabre melody, resonated through the silent woods.

"I had been hungry for a while."

After all, it had been traveling for a very long time and was now hungry.


As the human stumbled into view, the figure emerged from the shadows, his claws unsheathed and glistening with a dark intent.


The moonlit glint in the figure’s eyes reflected the imminent demise of the wandering soul. In a swift and silent motion, the figure struck, claiming the human with fatal precision.


The forest bore witness to the macabre dance of shadows as the figure’s victim succumbed to the darkness, the life force extinguished in a silent scream.


The figure dragged the lifeless form into the shadows and had a wicked feast under the ancient canopy.

Gnashing sounds punctuated the eerie silence as the figure voraciously consumed the human essence. Each gulp seemed to amplify the macabre melody that danced through the mist-

laden air. The remnants of the victim’s life force fueled the figure’s hunger, infusing him with a renewed and ghastly vigor.

"Kekekeke... a delectable morsel," he chuckled between feasts, the sinister notes weaving through the forest like a haunting lullaby.

After finishing his meal, the figure continued his journey through the eerie forest, making the trees seem to lean away from his malevolent presence.

As the figure approached the place filled with mist, anticipation hung in the air. Yet, just as the ethereal clearing came into view, his body abruptly halted. A tremor seized him, causing his form to convulse in an unnatural dance. The laughter that had echoed so triumphantly moments ago now dissolved into strained gasps.

"Kekeke... what... is this?" The figure’s voice wavered, a rare note of uncertainty tainting his macabre melody. His claws, once poised for the next hunt, now shook uncontrollably as if an unseen force had gripped him.


And just at that moment, suddenly, in front of his face stood two black eyes.

Two hollow eyes that he couldn’t look even a millisecond.

"Finally, one of our kin returns to this forsaken place," a haunting voice echoed, emanating from the void within the hollow eyes. The figure, trapped within the paralysis of fear, strained to comprehend the eerie presence before him.

The Mist, once a malevolent dance partner, seemed to recoil in the face of this unseen force. The air thickened with an otherworldly aura as the figure’s trembling form stood frozen, entrapped not by physical claws but by an intangible power that transcended the realm of the living.

"Kekeke... kin?" The figure’s voice, now laced with confusion, faltered as the hollow eyes bore into the very essence of his being. The forest, silent witness to countless horrors, held its breath as if awaiting the revelation of an ancient secret.

In the midst of the mysterious encounter, the figure felt a surge of disorienting energy coursing through him. The haunting voice continued, "Thanks to your unwitting presence, I have finally awakened from my slumber."

The words hung in the air like a chilling breeze, carrying an ancient weight that resonated through the haunted woods. The Mist, once a malevolent force, now cradled the figure in its ethereal embrace, guiding him into an unconscious abyss that held many of the souls.

To his very end.

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