Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest Chapter 295 69.4 - Aftermath

Chapter 295 Chapter 69.4 - Aftermath

–I see. So, that is what happened here?"

"Yes, that is exactly what the three students exclaimed."

Inside the now-changed office of the Phantom’s Land, Eleanor faced the hologram right in front of her face. With the removal of Phantom’s Land’s conditions, she could utilize any type of mana artifact just as she wished.

The first thing she did after getting the testimony from Irina and the others was to contact the headmaster about what they needed to do.

–Hmm….Things got a little troublesome here…"

The headmaster’s voice echoed from the artifact, seemingly troubled.

–With the involvement of a demon, we can no longer hide this case as we wish." He continued his words.

"Then, what shall we do?" Eleanor asked. She had been getting pressured by Mage Towers, the Hunter Association, and the government. Thus, she was getting a little restless as well.

All three were interested in what happened in Phantom’s Land. Mage Tower was undoubtedly interested in the phenomenon itself, while the other two were interested in what transpired exactly.

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The Phantom’s Land was something that had been bothering the government for quite a long while, as it was akin to a bomb that could explode at any moment.

In the past, countless different cases where such phenomena had caused a disaster out of nowhere without any warnings.

Thus, it was undoubtedly important for the government and its safety.

–Hmm….." The headmaster hummed, seemingly thinking about it. -

–If we go completely identical to their testament, it will be a lot harder for us to hide student Sylvie’s powers."?And he spoke.

The fact that Sylvie had been in the middle of many different incidents and her prowess was already gaining quite a bit of attention from the authorities.

Despite the fact that the headmaster was trying his best to keep the information within the walls of the academy, there were undoubtedly many personnel who weren’t completely under his control.

Different factions existed in the academy, even now, and they were likely keeping tabs on this incident.

"Then, should we reveal that she wasn’t affected by the spell?"

–We can do that…..I will handle it."


Just like that, the call was finished.


The headmaster, using the mana artifact, initiated a holographic communication with the government officials.

–Headmaster Jonathan."

From the hologram, a cold voice echoed, facing the imposing figure of the headmaster in his own room.

–We wish to know what happened inside the Phantom’s Land."

Headmaster Jonathan inclined his head respectfully as he addressed the government officials through holographic communication.

"Of course, Minister Veridian, Director Harlow, and General Thornfield. I appreciate your swift response to this matter. Allow me to provide a comprehensive overview of the events that transpired within the Phantom’s Land."

Minister Veridian, the head of the Department of Magical Affairs, scrutinized the holographic image with a stern expression. Director Harlow, responsible for Supernatural Anomaly Investigations, maintained a neutral demeanor. General Thornfield, overseeing Paranormal Defense Forces, observed the proceedings with a keen eye.

"As we delved into the Phantom’s Land, unforeseen magical anomalies occurred, resulting in a critical situation. Student Sylvie, possessing unique healing abilities, played a pivotal role in mitigating the immediate threats to her fellow students, Irina and Astron."

The headmaster proceeded to narrate the version carefully constructed to divert attention from Sylvie’s true capabilities.

"However, due to the extensive use of her powers, Sylvie experienced a temporary loss of consciousness. Rest assured, we have taken measures to ensure her well-being, and she is currently under observation by our medical staff."

Minister Veridian interjected, –Headmaster Jonathan, we understand the need to protect our ’students.’ However, the presence of a magical anomaly within the Phantom’s Land is a matter of great concern. Can you provide details on the origin and nature of this anomaly?"

The headmaster maintained his composed demeanor as he responded, "Our preliminary investigation suggests that the magical anomaly was an internal disturbance within the Phantom’s Land itself. It was not caused by external entities or influences. Our experts are conducting a thorough analysis to understand the specifics of this unique occurrence."

Headmaster Jonathan continued his narrative, addressing the government officials with a tone of candor and transparency.

"The origin of the magical anomaly within the Phantom’s Land is currently under investigation. Early assessments lead us to suspect that the manifestation of the Phantom’s Land itself may have been influenced by the presence of a demon."

He took a moment to gauge their reactions before elaborating further.

"According to the firsthand accounts of students Irina Emberheart and Astron Natusalune, after waking up within the Phantom’s Land, they sensed a powerful energy converging into a specific space. Following this energy, they encountered a demon conducting a ritual of some sort."

Minister Veridian’s expression grew more serious while Director Harlow furrowed her brow in contemplation. General Thornfield maintained his stoic demeanor, awaiting more details.

"Student Irina Emberheart engaged in a battle with the demon and successfully defeated it. The subsequent collapse of the Phantom’s Land was triggered by the defeat of the demon, resulting in the dissipation of the magical anomaly."

The headmaster chose his words carefully, emphasizing the students’ role in averting a potential catastrophe while downplaying the involvement of external entities.

As he finished his words, all three officials fell into silence for a second, and following that, Minister Veridian turned his attention to the other two, Director Harlow and General Thornfield.

–Do you have any words about this?" And he asked.

–I don’t." General Thornfield was the first one to respond. Since he had already been notified by the investigation team, he was sent to Phantom’s Land. "Just as the Headmaster recounted, our investigation team also reported the existence of the demonic energy in the cavern, where the energy was the most potent."

General Thornfield continued his explanation, addressing Minister Veridian’s inquiry with a composed demeanor.

–Traces of fire magic were found throughout the cavern, indicating a confrontation had taken place. The body of the demon was located, burnt beyond recognition."

He paused momentarily before providing further details.

–Our analysis indicated that the demon attempted to flee the scene, but it was intercepted and defeated by student Irina Emberheart. The utilization of fire magic in the confrontation aligns with the findings in the cavern. We also obtained confirmation from Matriarch Emberheart, who identified the magical signature as belonging to the Emberheart family."

General Thornfield exchanged a glance with Director Harlow, emphasizing the cohesion between their reports and the information provided by the academy.

"Everything reported by student Irina Emberheart and the other two students matches the evidence we found in the cavern. The demon’s attempt to escape and subsequent demise align with the sequence of events described by the students. It appears they played a crucial role in neutralizing the threat within the Phantom’s Land."

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Minister Veridian, though still stern, nodded in acknowledgment. "Director Harlow, do you have anything to add to this assessment?"

Director Harlow, maintaining her neutral expression, responded, "Minister Veridian, General Thornfield’s report accurately summarizes our findings. The students’ accounts and the evidence collected align, indicating a successful resolution of the situation within the Phantom’s Land. We will continue our investigations to ensure a complete understanding of the anomaly and its origins."

At that point, Minister Veridian interjected, his face turning serious. "Director Harlow, General Thornfield, I appreciate your diligence in this matter. However, effective immediately, this matter shall no longer be investigated any further. The case is to be closed."

Director Harlow appeared surprised by the abrupt decision and questioned, "Minister Veridian, may I inquire about the reason behind such a directive? The anomaly within the Phantom’s Land and the involvement of a demon raise concerns about our security protocols. Closing the investigation prematurely may leave crucial questions unanswered."

Minister Veridian’s expression remained stern, and he offered no explanation. "Director Harlow, the details of this incident, particularly the involvement of a demon, must be kept hidden. Any further investigation into this matter is to cease immediately. No questions asked. The government deems it necessary to suppress certain information for the greater good."

Director Harlow persisted, "Minister Veridian, understanding the potential risks is essential for ensuring the safety of our jurisdiction. Closing the investigation without a clear reason compromises our ability to address vulnerabilities and protect our citizens, as well as to find possible ways to fight with the demons."

Minister Veridian’s tone became more authoritative, "Director Harlow, this is not open for discussion. The government has made its decision. Cease the investigation and ensure that this information does not reach any unauthorized individuals."

He then turned his attention to the headmaster, "Headmaster Jonathan, you are to contact the three students involved in this incident immediately. They are to be informed that the details of what transpired within the Phantom’s Land must remain a closely guarded secret. Failure to comply will result in the application of Valerian Clause 29. The government will not tolerate any breach of confidentiality, and traitorous actions will be dealt with accordingly."

With that ultimatum, Minister Veridian concluded the holographic communication, leaving the headmaster on his own inside his room.

"Just as expected from them….Rotten bastards…."

The headmaster shook his head, looking at the sky. "The future of the humanity seems to be bleak…."

He couldn’t help but think to himself as his arms and legs were bound to one place and could only gain this much time.

"Let’s hope the future generations can fight whatever is to come."

With those, he changed the contact of the hologram and contacted Eleanor White.


Following the day everyone woke up, life in the ex-Phantom’s Land returned to normal immediately.

Most students were waking up like they normally used to, as their injuries were all healed. Miraculously or not, not a single life had been lost in this incident.

Even though some students were in serious condition after they had been unconscious against the phantoms, they were still in the scope of being able to be saved. Therefore, the academy had certainly gotten over a very possible disaster.

Yet, one girl wasn’t happy with what she had heard from Professor Eleanor.

"We need to keep the appearance of Demon secret? After all of the things that happened, they dared to ask that?"

She certainly had every right to be angry about it. After all, they had risked their lives to combat that demon only to keep its identity hidden.

"Tch. So annoying."

And that was the reason why she had woken up in such a bad mood. She wanted to burn something so bad at that moment, yet she remembered that she was not alone right now.

’Yeah, that guy and Sylvie are here. I shouldn’t probably do that.’

Deciding that she needed to get some fresh air, Irina stood from her bed and got out with her pajamas.

Irina stepped out of her room, and in an instant, the tantalizing aroma of a delicious meal wafted through the air, instantly diverting her thoughts.

The scent was so captivating that it cut through her annoyance, leaving her intrigued. Irina followed the inviting aroma with her eyes, only to see the ’that guy’ in front of the stove, stirring a pan with practiced ease. The enticing fragrance filled the room, and Irina found herself momentarily forgetting her earlier discontent.

’Yeah…He could cook, I forgot.’

Even though it had just been two days, she couldn’t help but feel like everything that had transpired had been longer than that.

Irina watched from the side as Astron, calm and composed, worked on the stove, the tantalizing aroma of a delicious meal enveloping the room. The rhythmic clatter of utensils against the pan seemed almost like a soothing melody. It was a surprising sight, given his typically stoic demeanor.

As she stood there, captivated by the culinary spectacle, Astron’s purple eyes met hers. Irina stiffened, momentarily caught off guard. Despite the unexpected eye contact, she managed to compose herself.

"Morning," she greeted, her voice a tad more subdued than usual.

Astron turned his attention from the stove, meeting her gaze with a nod. "Morning," he replied calmly, his tone devoid of the tension from their previous conversation. The air in the room felt different—more relaxed.

’Isn’t he angry about that? He had defeated the demon, yet they want him to keep it secret.’

Irina found herself caught in a strange mix of irritation and curiosity.

"I am not mad."

At that moment, his voice echoed.


And Irina couldn’t help but be surprised.

’Can he read minds now?’

"It is all over your face."


"Yes. You should work on your expressions."

"…..I think it is you with abnormal eyes…."

"That might be true."

"It is definitely true."

"If you say so."

Just as Irina continued to talk with him without any purpose or whatever, she couldn’t help but think.

’For which reason do I feel calmer when I am with him?’

Yet, she couldn’t find the answer to that at all, and just like that, the trip to the Phantom’s Land had ended as all the students were returned to the academy.

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