Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest Chapter 333 77.10 - Mine [Interlude]

Chapter 333 77.10 - Mine [Interlude]

?In the mine, two pairs of arms rose and went down constantly. Each pair of hands controls an amount of mana to mine the stones.

Lilia, who had encountered Lucas’ group, was now in the same place as him, mining. This place was where some high-quality stones were gathered. Thus, only the strongest of the group could mine them.

Lilia and Lucas came to a tacit agreement, and they mined it together. The one who mined more would get more; it was akin to a competition.

"You seem to have grasped how to do it now," Lilia spoke while focusing on mining.

"….." Lucas didn’t say anything.

Because Lilia was better at controlling her mana, she had a head start, making her a lot faster compared to Lucas.

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Though Lucas was a high-ranking student, he was good at using swords more. That was the reason for his initial stumble. But then, he was smart, and he got his experiences from a parallel world.

It was strange, but because he had also ’experienced’ another timeline, he somehow inherited the skills and abilities that were integrated into his very being at some point. And now, he was able to go on par with Lilia because of that.

As they continued, Lilia threw a casual question over her shoulder, "What happened to you and Ethan? I haven’t seen you guys together recently. Did something happen?"

Lucas paused for a moment before responding, "I’ve been busy with something, and Ethan has been busy as well. We just didn’t have time." His answer was vague, intentionally skirting around.


Lilia hummed thoughtfully, glancing over at Lucas with a scrutinizing eye. "Ethan’s improvement was quite fast. It would be better for us to make him adapt to his newfound strength as much as we can."

Hearing this, Lucas’ body stiffened a little. It was a small reaction, something that he immediately took control of.

Lilia was known for her perceptiveness, and her ability to read between the lines often led her to insights that others missed; thus, he needed to be careful.

Lilia, still focused on the vein of stone before her, didn’t miss the slight change in Lucas’s posture. Her next words, carefully chosen, were meant to probe further, perhaps to understand more or to push Lucas in a way only she knew how.

"It’s impressive, really. Ethan’s natural talent and the speed at which he’s adapting remind me a lot of Julia. They both have this… innate ability to just understand and connect with mana on a level that few can match." Lilia paused, her tool momentarily stilling against the stone. "It’s a rare gift to see such rapid progression. Not everyone has that kind of talent. Some people are bound to illuminate the world, while others are bound to stay underneath their shadow, I suppose."

The word "shadow" struck Lucas like a physical blow, reigniting the flames of an inferiority complex he had long battled with. In his mind, the word echoed, morphing into a cacophony of doubts and self-criticism.

To Lucas, "shadow" was a chasm that separated him from Ethan and Julia, as he was someone who was never able to pass through that "shadow."

Lucas forced himself to keep mining, though his movements became slightly more mechanical.

He was well aware of his own strengths, but Lilia’s words, especially her comparison to Julia, brought forth the insecurities he had worked hard to keep at bay.

Ethan and Julia, both blessed with what seemed like effortless mastery and understanding of mana, represented everything Lucas knew he was not.

Attempting to mask his internal turmoil, Lucas replied, his voice steady but colder than he intended, "Yes, talent is a gift. It is undoubtedly true that Ethan is an abnormal one."

"That is right." Lilia nodded and turned. On her side, all of the high-ranked stones were mined, showing her insane talent.

"Though, he will never surpass me." And with a confident grin, he went past Lucas while slightly patting his shoulder. As she passed through, she threw a quick look at the high-ranking mana stones on Lucas’ side and then extended a trail of mana there.


And then, with a smooth move, she grabbed the Magic stone, putting it into her loot. It was an act akin to show how easy this was for her to do.

As Lilia departed with a confident stride, Lucas found himself slightly trembling, her figure etching a deep imprint in his mind.

The curl of her mouth, meant as a grin, morphed into something far more sinister in Lucas’s perception—an insult, a degradation of his very being.

The moment Lilia’s mana swept through the space, effortlessly claiming what he had worked hard to uncover, Lucas felt a coldness seeping into his very bones. It wasn’t just the loss of the stone that stung; it was the ease and confidence with which Lilia operated, her abilities overshadowing his.

To Lucas, her actions spoke louder than any words could; they whispered of a superiority he feared he could never challenge despite his every effort.


In the darkness, Lucas’ blue eyes were locked on the departing figure of Lilia, yet subtle darkness spread in the background.


As the group of three, including Ethan, Julia, and Emily, traversed through the underground caverns, they stumbled upon a formation of mid-rank mana stones shimmering in the dim light.

Excited at the discovery, they wasted no time in setting up their mining equipment and getting to work.

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However, as they mined away, the monotony of the task began to weigh on them. Julia, feeling particularly restless, threw herself to the ground with an exasperated sigh. "Ugh, this is so boring! We’ve been at this for over an hour already."

Ethan, ever the pragmatist, chimed in with a practical suggestion. "Well, we don’t have anything better to do right now. We might as well use this time to improve our grades for the assignment until a rescue team comes."

But Julia, feeling mischievous, saw an opportunity for some playful teasing. With a smirk on her face, she seized Ethan from top to bottom and suddenly leaped up, wrapping him in a headlock. "Or," she teased, tightening her grip playfully, "I could just do this until the rescue team arrives."

"You! Release me!" Ethan shouted, trying to escape Julia’s grip. Yet, as if he was against a boulder, he wasn’t able to move at all.

"Hehehe…. What can you do if I don’t?" Julia smiled sheepishly, feeling the power as she pressed Ethan into her body.

"Mmmf….." Ethan growled, his mouth releasing a muffled sound, yet he felt something over his head touching.

’What is this? It feels soft?’

As he looked around, he saw a white peak covering his vision as well as a feminine scent. He now noticed where he was, as his ears, as well as his face, turned crimson with a blush.

"You can’t answer, huh?" She said, keeping him locked. Somehow, his wavy hair looked orderly, and she wanted to mess with it.

As Julia playfully ruffled Ethan’s blue hair, she felt a sudden shift in the atmosphere. Sensing someone’s gaze, she turned to see Emily staring at them, her expression strangely stiff.

Caught off guard by Emily’s unexpected gaze, Julia quickly released Ethan from the headlock, her cheeks flushing a little with embarrassment. "Cough," she coughed, trying to act nonchalant despite the awkward situation.

But Emily’s response was not what Julia had expected. Instead of returning the greeting with her usual warmth, Emily simply nodded curtly, her expression remaining impassive, her eyes somehow looking cold.

And, somewhere in Julia, an intuition made her flinch against Emily’s gaze, making them feel uncomfortable.

Yet, Julia wasn’t someone to back down, as she just smiled and faced Emily’s gaze head-on.


"We are sorry for the inconvenience," announced one of the mine managers, addressing the group of students who had gathered at the main entrance of the Mana Stone Mine.

The students, buzzing with the excitement of having completed their unique assignment, quieted down to listen to the manager’s solemn tone.

"There was an unexpected incident today. Due to an earthen spirit’s influence, a small quake struck the western wing of the mine. This resulted in some of the tunnels collapsing," he explained, his voice steady but filled with a hint of regret. "Thankfully, the situation has been resolved, and no one was harmed. However, we understand that some of you have lost progress in your work due to this incident."

A murmur of concern spread among the students, some exchanging worried glances about how this unforeseen event might affect their grades. Before the unrest could grow, Eleanor stepped forward, her presence commanding silence.

"I want to assure everyone that those affected by today’s incident will be compensated," Eleanor declared, her voice firm, reassuring the students of the fairness of their evaluation. "We will take into account the work you have already submitted, and adjustments will be made to ensure that no one is unfairly penalized for the situation that was beyond anyone’s control."

The students visibly relaxed, nodding in understanding and gratitude for the fair resolution proposed by their instructor.

"Your safety and education are our top priorities. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation," Eleanor added, her gaze sweeping over the students to ensure her message was received. With a final nod of satisfaction at their calm demeanor, she gestured towards the buses. "Now, we are to head back. The report submission deadline is today at midnight; keep that in mind."

With those words, she had walked to leave the place.

Just as Eleanor was about to leave, her gaze swept over the crowd of students one last time. Among them, standing at the back of the group, was a particular student who seemed to catch her attention.

"Astron Natusalune."

There was something about this student that sparked a flicker of recognition in Eleanor’s mind.

Despite being an incredibly annoying person, this student had always found himself at the center of various incidents and cases.

At first, her evaluation of this student was really low. Specifically, he was a student who didn’t pay attention to classes and had an arrogant demeanor.

His grades were low as well, thus making him not have a bit of a likable trait.

However, this was changing now. Though his demeanor didn’t change, this student was involved with way too many cases.

’First mid-terms and him being targeted by traitors, then Student Sylvie’s abduction attempt. Following that, Phantom’s Land and now this case of remnant-spirit. He was at the center of all these events.’

As his gaze seized him from top to bottom, Eleanor somehow felt like this whole ordeal was not a coincidence.

’In the place where strong fates gather, a place filled with wisdom….’

’Don’t tell me….’

Somehow, something inside her told her that she needed to reevaluate her decisions.

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