Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest Chapter 56 15.1 - History and Arts Club

Chapter 56 Chapter 15.1 - History and Arts Club

Inside the forest of the Arcadia Hunter Academy on Saturday, I walked alone, making my way to the meeting place sent by the History and Arts Guild (Club).

Not many people were still present since today was the weekend, and most students had lost their drive to study after their initial excitement left them.

Looking at the leaves the signs of the approaching winter could be seen on the leaves of the forest.


As I felt the sounds of footsteps coming behind me, I slightly turned my gaze towards there only to see a certain familiar person there.


Well, since she didn’t approach me, I didn’t approach her either as I simply walked to the gathering place, and after three minutes of walk, I reached there.

After approximately three minutes of walking, I arrived at the appointed location. The clearing before me was surrounded by trees, offering a serene and natural setting.

The area was spacious enough to accommodate a group comfortably, and a makeshift arrangement of logs and rocks served as seating. The ground was covered with a carpet of fallen leaves, creating a rustling underfoot as I moved.

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Rays of sunlight pierced through the gaps in the leaves above, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor.

The ambiance was calm and tranquil, a stark contrast to the bustling energy of the Academy’s main campus. I took a moment to appreciate the serenity before me.

But just at that moment, I heard an exciting voice coming before me.

"Ah, you are here!"

Turning towards the source of the voice, I found myself facing a shade of purple-colored silky hair and excited blue eyes. Her bright and enthusiastic smile was infectious, as was her exuberant tone.

"Senior Maya," I greeted with a nod, acknowledging her presence.

She approached with a spirited skip in her step, a sense of eagerness filling the air. "You are the first one to arrive." She spoke with a small smile. "Guess what? I brought snacks! You’ve got to try them!" Her enthusiasm was hard to ignore.

Before I could react, she extended a bag of snacks toward me, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Come on, don’t be shy! You’re going to love these. Just take one."

"I don’t want to," I answered the same as before. This time the smell coming from the snacks somehow made me uncomfortable.

She didn’t wait for my refusal to sink in, her excitement not waning in the slightest. "Oh, come on! Don’t be such a stick in the mud. One won’t hurt."

"I don’t want to."

"Come on, just take it."


"Hey. Listen to this senior once. I guarantee you will love it".

Seeing that resistance was futile against her infectious energy, I gave in with a sigh and accepted the bag of snacks. "Just one, then."

A triumphant grin lit up Maya’s face. "I knew you’d give in, Mister Gloomy Edge lord! Enjoy!"

Just as I was beginning to munch on the snack, another presence caught Maya’s attention. It was a presence that was trying to hide, but Maya and I were able to feel her since she was not particularly good at it.

Her gaze shifted, and a warm smile greeted the newcomer. "Sylvie! You’re here too!" Maya’s voice practically sang with delight. Sylvie, who had just arrived, offered a small wave.


"G-good Morning, Senior Maya."

I could see Sylvie flinching behind the tree as she stuttered.

"You’re just in time! Have some snacks!" Maya’s enthusiasm didn’t waver as she extended the bag of snacks toward Sylvie. Sylvie hesitated, looking at Maya with a horrified expression, but in the end, she couldn’t do much about it.

"I-I will get one then." I didn’t know why she was behaving like that, but it was probably because of Maya’s overbearing excitement.

Seeing them like that, I made my way back to a small tree and leaned on them, grabbed the book from my bracelet, and started reading it.

I was not in the mood to talk with others, especially with Maya, who was too bright for my liking.

As I leaned against the tree, opening the book from my bracelet, a sense of calm settled over me. The rustling leaves above, and the distant sounds of the forest created a serene atmosphere. I was eager to lose myself in the world of words and knowledge, hoping to find solace in the pages before me.

However, my tranquility was abruptly shattered by Maya’s energetic presence. It was as if she materialized out of thin air, her enthusiasm palpable even before she spoke.

"Junior!" Maya’s voice rang out, full of cheer and exuberance. I reluctantly tore my gaze from the book, facing her with mild irritation.

"What?" I replied, my tone cool and detached. I wasn’t in the mood for small talk or Maya’s overwhelming energy.

Looking at back, I could see Sylvie looking at me with a squinting gaze, but she also looked relieved.

Maya plopped down next to me, her bright blue eyes wide with curiosity. "What are you reading?" She leaned in, seemingly uninterested in personal space.

"Just a book," I answered tersely, hoping she’d take the hint and move along.

She leaned in closer, undeterred by personal space. "Come on, Junior, give me something more exciting than that!"

From the way she behaved, I was getting really irritated. This woman basically always intruded on my space, making me uncomfortable.

Just as I was about to fend her off suddenly she stood up.

"Ah, Amelia is here." And left immediately, leaving me alone.

’I am saved.’ I thought. Right now, I am seriously considering my decision to join this club. But looking at the blonde girl throwing gazes at me, I once again remembered why I was there and turned my attention to the book.

As the forest clearing retained its serene atmosphere, the members of the History and Arts Club began to trickle in, each adding their own presence to the gathering. The tranquil ambiance was gradually enlivened by the chatter and laughter of the arriving students.

One after another, unfamiliar faces joined the group – mostly freshmen like me, their features brimming with curiosity and excitement. Slowly, the senior members also made their appearance, adding their familiarity and experience to the mix.

And then, my gaze fell on one individual who I knew had a significant role in my presence here.

A boy, his countenance a blend of striking handsomeness and an ever-present, amiable smile, entered the scene. His presence radiated a sense of ease and approachability, qualities that undoubtedly made him a natural leader among the club members.

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His sandy-brown hair caught the sunlight, and his green eyes held a glint of mischief. There was a casual confidence about him as if he was effortlessly comfortable in his own skin. He carried himself with an air of camaraderie, moving through the gathering with a certain charm that seemed to put everyone at ease.

But beneath the surface of his easygoing demeanor, I knew that there was something more to him.

And that was for a reason.


Then, without warning, a surge of potent emotions washed over me. The sensation was overpowering, a torrent of intense anger and hatred that pierced through my being.

’What is this.’

It was as if the air had thickened, heavy with a malevolent aura that surrounded the young man in question.

Looking at the boy, he was now covered with a small black aura, as if he was different from others.

’What is happening.’


My heart started breathing fast and strong; my balance was broken. Something was affecting me.

As the unsettling emotions coursed through me, I couldn’t ignore the intensity of the sensation. It was as if a storm was raging within, fueled by an unfamiliar yet undeniable hatred and anger.

’Calm down.’

I fought to steady my breathing, my mind racing to grasp the origin of this overwhelming feeling.

Observing the young man who seemed to be at the center of this maelstrom, I began connecting the dots. The aura surrounding him wasn’t a figment of my imagination; it was real, tangible. And it was unmistakably dark, an embodiment of something sinister.

’It is because he is a demon contractor.’

I knew his identity from the game, and he would be the first reason that made me join this club.

’Mason Kent.’

It was his name. A character who had contracted a demon even at the start of the academy because his family is already working for the Villain Society in the association.

’But, where does this feeling come from?’ The moment I asked this question to myself, the answer revealed itself.

’It is because of my passive skill.’

Vengeful Bane.

’It must be because of that.’

That passive skill made me stronger against demons which also seemed to make me able to sense their hidden energy.

"This makes sense now," I mumbled and closed my eyes.

"What makes sense?"

At that moment, a voice that I wanted to avoid came before me.


"Junior? Why are you sweating? Are you hot?" Maya’s vibrant presence loomed, her blue eyes peering into mine, seemingly seeing through me.

Maya’s inquiry pulled me back to reality, and I realized that my discomfort was apparent. Attempting to regain composure, I shook my head slightly. "It’s nothing."

Unfazed by my response, Maya’s enthusiasm seemed unwavering. She reached into her bag, producing a chilled snack and offering it to me. "Here, this might help you cool down."

I really didn’t want to eat that snack, but it was a small price to fend this woman off before me. Right now, I absolutely needed to take control of my emotions.

I accepted the cold snack with a nod, appreciating the gesture despite my persistent unease. It was a simple Ice-cream that seemed to come from Maya’s spatial artifact.

’Just how many snacks she has?’ I thought as I took a bite. At that moment, a bitter and sour taste spread through my body, making me flinch.

’This is so bad.’ I wanted to spit it out, but I refrained. It would seem too rude.

"Thanks," I was able to mutter even in the midst of such a feeling.

Senior Maya beamed in response. "No problem, Junior! You should always stay refreshed and ready."

Before I could respond, the members of the club began to gather more actively, a noticeable shift in the atmosphere signaling the start of their functions. As the group assembled, Maya’s role as a senior became evident as she efficiently directed everyone’s attention.

"All right, everyone! Let’s get started. First, I want to welcome all the new members. We’re thrilled to have you here." Maya’s voice held a warm and inviting tone as she addressed the newcomers, including myself.

As Maya continued to speak, her voice filled with passion, she began to outline the club’s purpose and goals. The History and Arts Club aimed to explore and dissect the world as it existed before the Nexus Convergence – the event that transformed our world by introducing mana and magic.

The remnants of the past, both in terms of historical events and artistic expressions, held the key to understanding the roots of our present reality. This was what the club wanted to convey to the world.

"Our focus is on uncovering the layers of history, art, and culture that shaped the world before the Nexus Convergence. We believe that delving into these aspects not only enhances our knowledge but also enriches our perspective on the current world we inhabit."

However, as Maya spoke, my gaze was on the boy who was silently observing Sylvie, probably trying to find a way to get closer to her.

’First you, then your family. I will not spare those dogs that sold themselves to demons either.’


Clenching my fists, I swore to myself.

’I will erase everyone connected to demons. And I will start with you.’

Looking at the innocent smiling two-faced before me, I relaxed my breath. Now was not the time to do such a thing.


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