Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest Chapter 89 21.1 - First Hunt

Chapter 89 Chapter 21.1 - First Hunt



I spilled quite a lot of blood from my mouth as I flew into the fog and landed on the ground at a rapid speed. The branches that hit me had already crushed my bones.


And the moment I landed on the ground, the pain intensified. The shock caused my ribs to damage more, as I felt every anchor of my body aching.

’That hurts.’

I was on the ground, tasting the metallic tang of blood in my mouth, as I stared up at the fog-shrouded sky.

Pain radiated through my body, every broken bone and bruise a cruel reminder of the reason why I was here and the betrayal that had just unfolded.

’That bastard for sure used his skill with full power.’

The way Boss Monster reacted was certainly stronger than in the game. Either it was because I was feeling it in real life, or it was because he was feeling more concerned.

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In any case, it didn’t matter. Those were the details that I could think about alter; for now, my attention was elsewhere.

I could see him walking farther away, thanks to small tendrils connecting him and me.


Summoning all the strength I could muster, I forced myself to sit up despite the agonizing pain that radiated from my chest. I could feel the shards of my broken ribs shifting inside me, like jagged knives threatening to puncture my lungs.


Feeling the blood rushing to my throat, the urgency of the situation pushed me forward.


With trembling hands, I reached for one of the high-grade potions I carried and brought it to my lips, swallowing it in a single gulp.

The potion worked its magic, knitting my bones back together and staunching the internal bleeding.

’There goes my two thousand Valer.’

I could only grimace at the cost, knowing that the potion was worth a small fortune. But at this moment, I’d pay any price to continue the fight.

Pushing myself upright, I willed my body to move despite the lingering pain and weakness.

My senses felt heightened, and the oppressive fog seemed to thicken around me, distorting my surroundings and making it difficult to gauge the battle raging nearby.


Even then, the tremors of the fight and the scene that was happening around me, I was able to pick all of that.


After the potion had finally taken its full effect, I could feel the strength returning to my body, and the same comfortable feeling made me relaxed.

The injuries of my body healed one by one.

My priority right now was to catch that bastard and destroy him, and to do that, I needed to act as fast as I could.

As I took a tentative step forward, the distant sounds of the battle echoed in my ears, muffled by the thick fog.

However, before I could take more than a few strides, an unsettling presence loomed behind me.


I spun around just in time to see a group of Sylvans emerging from the dense fog. Their twisted, grotesque forms make me want to throw up again.

The Sylvans, with their gnarled limbs and malevolent grins, moved with a sinister grace. Clawed fingers reached for me, their intentions clear — they were here to finish what the Putrid Embertree Spirit had started.

But, this time, I was not going to hold back. After all, the fog was already covering everyone, and Fred had started escaping.


Reaching out my gun, I felt a heavy and cold metallic feeling.

’It has been a while.’

Raising the gun, I immediately pointed it to the Sylvan’s approaching.

And pulled the trigger rapidly.


The silencer I had equipped worked as intended, suppressing the deafening noise of gunfire. Instead, the shots were replaced by dull thuds, but the impact was anything but dull.


Their bodies fell to the ground one by one as I aimed at their heads. The power of the gun was slightly lowered thanks to the silencer, but since it was a close distance, it didn’t matter too much.


Dodging swiftly and spacing properly, I basically kept my distance and left them on the hang.


With each shot, I imbued the bullets with my own mana, enhancing their firepower.


The bullets tore through the Sylvans, causing them to stumble and shriek in agony. It was a dance of death, and I was the reaper.

After firing a bunch of bullets and finishing my magazine, I made sure the monsters were all dead.

’Now it is time to hunt.’

Since I was able to use my gun, my fighting prowess was a lot higher than daggers or bows. And this proved to be a faster clearing choice.

Raising my head, I could feel the green tendrils that were connecting me to Fred getting weaker and weaker, and this alone showed he was getting away. Thanks to the small needle I had thrown, I could track him down, and this was exactly my plan.

’He will be able to leave the dungeon in just thirty minutes if he goes with his full power.

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I didn’t know the exact range limit for now, and I didn’t want to gamble it. Since my wounds were completely healed at this point, I could now go into full power as well.

Immediately using my skill [Dash], I felt the increase in my strength, and my speed was rising.

The mana started getting sucked, and without stopping any second, I rushed forwards.


I could trace where he was, thanks to my mana, and that was enough.


The training I had been doing all this time was now proving to be helpful. My muscles and my form were clean, and thanks to that, I was able to run both fast and effectively.

My body felt lighter and more agile as if I could defy gravity itself. The mana consumption was substantial, but I had prepared for this moment. With each stride, I closed the gap between Fred and me, the distance between us shrinking with each heartbeat.

My senses were on high alert, and I could sense his presence ahead, a faint but distinct trail left by the needles I had implanted.

I followed it like a hunter tracking prey, my footsteps barely making a sound as I moved through the fog-shrouded landscape.

I was also using my second trait [Shadowborne] to erase my presence, and this made me able to go undetected by the leftover monsters that were lingering around.

Time seemed to blur as I ran, the seconds stretching into eternity. Of course, it wasn’t that, but thanks to my low endurance, my muscles burned with exertion, and my lungs ached from the strain, but I pushed on.

’You are going to die here.’

And soon after reaching the Area of stage one, I was able to see where he was thanks to the fog that disappeared.

’Keen Eye.’

Thanks to my skill [Keen Eye], I could see him laying some traps inside the forest. He was also muttering to himself, and even though I couldn’t hear what he was saying, I could read his lips.

"Killing Ethan Hartley, huh?" I whispered to myself, my lips curving into a cold smile.

The name Hartley carried weight in the world of Hunters, and it seemed Fred had his sights set on the biggest game.

’But that was not in the game. What caused the change?’ As I asked this question, I got the answer immediately.

It was me.

’Though, if you changed your mind because of me, you are gravely mistaken.’


Gulping two potions at the same time, I first renewed my stamina, and second, I renewed the mana I had used. I was not someone who was strong; thus, I needed to be in my peak condition all the time.

I crouched low, using the terrain and the shadows for cover.

Since we were inside the forest, where the light created more shadows, this was my place to hunt.

Going from shadow to shadow, I slowly decreased the distance until I deemed it enough.

’This should be fine.’

Fred hadn’t noticed my approach yet, too consumed by his murderous intent. He continued to mumble about his plans, unaware of the danger that lurked just behind him.

I steadied my gun, feeling the cold metal in my hand. It was time to strike.


With a steady hand and a calculated aim, I squeezed the trigger. The silenced pistol spat a muted thump, and the bullet flew with deadly precision, heading straight for Fred’s head.


The projectile struck true, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. A look of shock and pain crossed Fred’s face as the bullet penetrated his skull. Blood rushed from the wound.


But he didn’t collapse. Instead, something strange happened. His body convulsed, and a sickly green aura enveloped him, casting an eerie glow in the fog. It was as if the demonic energy within him was fighting to keep him alive.

Fred staggered, clutching his head, blood oozing from the wound. He seemed to teeter on the brink of death, yet the demonic energy within him refused to let go.

Fred’s body trembled with the aftermath of the gunshot wound, but his eyes blazed with a murderous intent that even sent shivers down my spine. Incredible amounts of pressure oozed from him as he used his mana.

’This is at least on the level of rank-4 or maybe rank-5?’

It was a lot higher than mine; however, compared to the rest of the party members, it was clear why he chose to betray.

But even then, the battle was going to be hard, and I knew it. But that didn’t mean I was going to let him leave like that.

He spoke through gritted teeth, his voice laced with venom.

"You dare... attack me?" His words were barely coherent, distorted by pain and rage.

He looked around wildly, his gaze sweeping the forest as he tried to locate the source of the attack. But I remained hidden, well aware of the advantage darkness and silence provided.

"You think you can kill me with a mere gunshot?" Fred hissed, his voice a sinister whisper. "You underestimate me."

However, despite his bravado, he seemed disoriented and struggled to maintain his balance.

The demonic energy that coursed through him had saved his life, but it couldn’t completely heal him. He was vulnerable, and I intended to exploit that weakness.


I fired another gunshot after changing my position.


And it landed just like it should have been.


And I could feel him coughing blood. He was covering his head with all his mana to defend himself from the bullets, but this made him more and more vulnerable to my attacks.

"Cough…..Come out, coward!" he spat, his voice laced with frustration. "Show yourself!"

This was the start of the tiring fight that I was going to drag on.

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