I Am The Game’s Villain Chapter 155 [Event] [Enigma Red Dungeon] [16] You Let Your Family Die


"It’s here, come Marcus." Professor Erwin said.

They finally reached the 47th floor where the three cameras had showed some dysfunctions.

"The first one is there…" Erwin checked a camera which was above a tree.

Meanwhile, Marcus Greenvern was fighting and driving away the mana beasts around. He was a Third Year in the Royal Eden Academy so for him the 47th floor wasn’t really difficult.

"Let’s see what-hm?" Professor Erwin didn’t finish his words as he checked the camera. He scanned every side of it and opened his eyes wide. "Marcus!" He jumped down and called out to Marcus.

"Professor?" Marcus was confused at Erwin’s panicked expression.

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"We have to leave now! The cameras are not ours! They have been tampered!" Erwin shouted and immediately took out his phone but following a ’whoosh’, Erwin’s phone was flung away from his hand before crashing into a boulder and exploding into pieces.

"Indeed, you have seen right, mister." A buzzy voice rang behind them.

Erwin and Marcus turned around and gasped.

Three people were there claded in full black. Only one thing on their clothes was in a different color. A red skull and red snake surrounding it was engraved as a trademark or emblem on their clothes.

"C-Caishen…?" Erwin couldn’t believe it. "W-What are the assassins of Caishen doing here?!"

The most renowned and dangerous assassins of the world. The Assassins of [Caishen], an organization of hitmen—contracted killers.

"You should already know it, Mister." The man in the front said. "We are here to fulfill a contract we had failed a few years ago."

"W-What? The Professor-"

"Unfortunately, it’s not a teacher but one of your students. We will leave as soon as we kill Reinhart Eginfer." He stated calmly.

"W-Wait! There are no students of that name here! You are probably misunderstand-"

"Oh, yes. He is using another name here, I forgot. What was it again?" The man stroked his chin which was hidden by a mask. "Oh, that’s it. Jayden Rayena."



"Lightning Sword!" A trail of bright blue lightning crackled around the vast field. Jayden’s figure blurred and swung his sword crackling into lightning to a giant rat.

The rat’s red eyes looked warily at the blue strike coming and jumped away, choosing safety but-

"Hexagonal Barrier!" Milleia shouted and summoned a glowing blue barrier right behind the rat.

"Krirr!" The rat didn’t see it coming and his back crashed violently on the barrier which didn’t even sustain a single crack. Without choice, the rat swung his right paw in an attempt to counter Jayden’s lightning attack.


"KRRRRIIIII!" The rat let out a groan of pain at the same time its right paw was sliced away. Unfortunately it wasn’t the end as suddenly its body crackled in blue lightning. The rat would surely look pale if it had a face but his terrified face was noticeable nonetheless.

Jayden’s lightning struck again without the latter lifting even a finger and paralyzed the rat’s sturdy body.

"Falkrona Bloodline, Second Wing!" Elona shouted and she ran at a speed equal to Jayden’s one. " Falkrona Bloodline, Third Wing!" She added and mana from the surroundings started to gather around her sword.

Most of the people of the Celesta Kingdom could use mana through their body. Their body was assimilating the mana from the environment and they were using it that way. They needed to use their body as an intermediary to throw mana-based attacks. The Third Wing of the Falkrona bloodline was not only enabling her to save mana but also use a greater amount of mana.

"Ah!" Elona swung and her blade dealt a serious injury on the rat’s stomach. Blood sputtered like fountain.

"KRIIIIII!" The rat angrily swung his left paw to kill Elona but a shimmering blue barrier immediately blocked the attack.

"Thanks Milleia!" Elona smiled.

"Move now," The friendly and united ambiance fell off when John spoke. He raised his hand and a fireball appeared. Then slowly he injected more and more mana inflating the fireball bigger and bigger.

The rat stopped squirming around and began to run away without wasting time. The fireball was two time bigger than him, who was three meter-tall.

Unfortunately, Milleia was there again. "Cubic Prison Barrier!"

-Bam! -Bam! -Bam! -Bam!

A blue shining wall appeared on each of the rat’s sides preventing any escape. There was only one way out and it was above but Milleia left it open for only one reason.

"Burn." John’s fireball illuminated the rat’s frightened eyes.

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The explosion seemed to have shaken the whole floor and pieces of the ground burst out of the ground.

Milleia immediately summoned several barriers in an instant and protected all of her teammates from the explosion.

Smoke rose up revealing the charred and burning ground. Not even a speck of the 5-Star Disaster-Beast was remaining there.

"It’s overkill John. You nearly injured your mates!" Elona was displeased at John’s lack of care for anything except his sister. She had known him for long so she knew how he was but fighting with him, she understood how much he cared for Layla. She wasn’t angry because of that, rather she was impressed on how much he cared for her but she was angry that he didn’t draw some lines. "No wonder you have not any friends. They will be burned to crisp with you around."

"E-Elona…" Milleia stopped Elona from speaking further.

"No, she is right Milleia," But Jayden also joined. He approached John and sighed. "Lord-No, John. We are in the same group now. I can understand that you are worried for your sister but all of us are here to pass the exam together. There is no point in thinking about others while professor Mona already told us that all the floors of the exams were secured. Nothing will happen to your sister. Please calm down and fight with us as a team should."

"..." Despite Jayden’s long and friendly speech, John didn’t show any reactions. He just stared at Jayden seemingly lost in his thoughts.

Jayden started to feel awkward to open his mouth, "I-"

"You let your family die," John replied suddenly. "I won’t do the same."


"L-Lord John?!" Milleia was shocked by John’s harsh words. She knew what happened to Jayden before as the latter told her but John also seemed to know that.

"..." Elona was speechless. She also heard about Jayden from her father. Obviously, someone like Jayden who holds the Legacy of Zeus won’t go unnoticed. Like Milleia, Jayden was also watched on by the nobles. But she couldn’t believe that John used that information to retort to Jayden.

John ignored Jayden and Milleia and left without any more words.

The atmosphere around them became stiff.

His other teammates who weren’t aware of that, could only wonder what happened.

"Jayden…" Milleia patted Jayden’s arm worriedly.

Jayden recovered and clenched his fists. He couldn’t even retort. It was the truth after all. Even though his younger brother was alive, the same couldn’t be said for his sister and parents.



Jayden’s surroundings warped and he appeared in a throne room.

Already used to such scenery, Jayden turned around.

There—sitting on a throne was a very very handsome white-haired man who seemed to be in his late twenties. He was wearing an himation, a cloth showing his absurdly well-built upper body, worn by men in ancient greece.


It was Zeus.

A smile took form on Zeus’ beardy mouth. "Still whining about your pitiful past, boy?" Zeus said and stood up. "The past has a great influence on us but even so the present time and our future."

"I’m not whining anymore, Zeus…" Jayden denied. "Right now, I just want to avoid similar events from happening again."

Zeus smiled contentedly hearing Jayden’s words. "You grew up compared to when I met you and in a really better way. As expected, you are growing faster. My eyes never lie."

Jayden chuckled remembering the first time he met Zeus. He was on the verge of tears, scared. "Why did you even choose to give your Legacy to me…there was surely some better-"

"No." Zeus cut off Jayden. "You are the one I wanted, Reinhart." He said and approached Jayden. "You have thickly inherited Eden’s genes and you will reach great heights in the coming years."

"Again that…" Jayden sighed. "I took that as a compliment from you but I don’t believe it, Zeus. Look, even my Familiar is not willing to listen to me."

"That’s because you are not treating her like she wants. You humans are calling them Familiars but they are more than that." Zeus’ beautiful eyes let out a divine glow as he said that. "The only difference between them and you humans is the way they are born."

Jayden didn’t understand the last part but he knew how his Familiar is with him. "Even though I’m doing my best…"

"Women have brittle hearts, boy." Zeus murmured. "If you want to win them over, then be truthful and caring."

"You seem to know a lot, Zeus," Jayden grinned.

"Of course, I have 3124 wives."


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